02/07/1991 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 7, 1991 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 P.M. on Thursday, February 7, 1991 with the following Commission Members present: George Kubik, John Griggs, Shawn Hunter, Ted Billy, Michael Vogel and Lee Markell. Commission Members Jack Johnson and Deborah Johnson (Alternate) were not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Stephen Sullivan, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; John VonDeUnde, Parks Superintendent; Rich Brasch, Water Quality Coordinator and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. INTRODUCTION OF NEW MEMBERS Director Vraa introduced and welcomed Michael Vogel and Lee Markell as the new three-year members of the Commission and Deborah Johnson as the new one-year alternate member of the Commission. The Commission Members then introduced themselves and provided a brief overview of their background. APPRECIATION AWARD FOR MICHELE SWANSON On behalf of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission George Kubik recognized past Commission Member Michele Swanson and presented her with a placque in appreciation for her many years of service to the Commission. Michele stated that she had thoroughly enjoyed her involvement with the Commission however her current obligations did not allow her to continue on the Commission. It was her hope that she could serve on the Commission again at a later date. AGENDA John Griggs asked that Item 3 under 'Other Business and Reports' be changed to 'Community Event Committee'. John Griggs moved, Lee Markell seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 1% 1991 Page 1, Paragraph 1, Line 4 was changed to read '...Shawn Hurter and Ted SW were root present.'. Page 6, Paragraph 1, last sentence was changed to read, '.....several other meetings with the citizens of the City regarding this subject'. Shawn Hunter moved, John Griggs seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes as amended. COMMISSION ORGANIZATION After describing the responsibilities for each office and explaining the voting procedure which included initialing ballots, Director Vraa opened nomination for the Chairperson. Ted Billy nominated and John Griggs seconded the nomination of George Kubik. George Kubik nominated and Ted Billy seconded the nomination of Shawn Hunter. Ted Billy moved and George Kubik seconded the motion to close the nominations. Written ballots were submitted naming George Kubik as Chairperson. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 7, 1991 MEETING PAGE 2 Director Vraa opened nominations for Vice-Chair. George Kubik nominated and Ted Billy seconded the nomination of John Griggs. Ted Billy nominated and Michael Vogel seconded the nomination of Shawn Hunter. Ted Billy moved and George Kubik seconded the motion to close the nominations. Written ballets were submitted naming Shawn Hunter as Vice-Chair. Director Vraa opened nominations for Secretary. George Kubik nominated and Lee Markell seconded the nomination of John Griggs. Ted Billy moved and George Kubik seconded the motion to close the nominations and cast a unanimous vote for John Griggs. The motion was carried and John Griggs was named Secretary. Director Vraa then turned the meeting over to Chairman Kubik for the appointment of members to the various standing subcommittees. Mr. Vraa noted that those subcommittees were Recreation, Development and Finance, Park Naming and Water Quality. Mr. Vraa explained that Dick Carroll, having served three consecutive three-year terms was no longer eligible to serve on the Commission according to the City Ordinance. Ken continued that because of Mr. Carroll's extensive involvement with the Commission along with his intense involvement with water quality the City Council has encouraged Mr. Carroll's involvement as an ex-officio member of the Commission. As such, he would not have voting privileges but would be able to be consulted regarding history and water quality issues along with any other issues the Commission may request. George Kubik commented that he was very pleased to be r able to have Dick's history and expertise still available to the Commission. George Kubik asked for volunteers to serve on the Recreation subcommittee. John Griggs, George Kubik, Ted Billy and Michael Vogel volunteered for this subcommittee with John Griggs serving as Chairman. Mr. Kubik asked for volunteers to serve on the Development/Finance subcommittee. Shawn Hunter, Lee Markell and George Kubik volunteered for this subcommittee with George Kubik serving as Chairman. Mr. Kubik asked for volunteers to serve on the Park Naming subcommittee. Ted Billy volunteered and Dick Carroll was appointed as Chairman. John Griggs asked if Eagan has a historical society. Ken Vraa responded that Ted Wachter is in charge of the City's History Committee but there is not an Eagan Historical Society as such. Mr. Griggs suggested that the History Committee be invited to participate on the Park Naming Committee when they meet. Mr. Kubik asked for volunteers to serve on the Water Quality subcommittee. Shawn Hunter, Lee Markell, George Kubik and Dick Carroll were appointed with Shawn Hunter serving as Chairman. The Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission meetings will continue to be hold on the first Thursday of the month with the following exceptions: July 4, 1991 meeting will be changed to July 11. 1991; November 7,1991 meeting location will change from Council Chambers to the lunchroom. The 7:00 P.M. meeting times will remain with the exception of the summer months where park tours precede the meetings. George Kubik suggested that the limitation of three, three-year terms be clearly outlined as part of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission organization outline. He also suggested that the ex- officio position be included in the outline. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 7, 1991 MEETING PAGE 3 CONSENT AGENDA It was noted that there were no Consent Agenda items for the Commission to review. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS It was noted that there were no development proposals for the Commission to review, however, Steve Sullivan explained that there would be two items at the March meeting for Commission review. One of those proposals will be Burrview Pond Addition which has been previously reviewed as Crystal Ponds. The new plan will show revised building and parking locations along with incorporating recreation elements within the development. The developer will be looking for a parks dedication credit for recreation amenities. The second proposal the Commission will review will be Cliff Lake Center 3rd Addition which is part of Eagan Hills West. Steve explained that this proposal goes beyond the typical dedication requirements and Staff will provide a comprehensive evaluation for the Commission to review. HIGHLINE CORRIDOR GRADING Ken Vraa explained that Tri-Land has hired Paul Thomas who has begun working with staff to work on alternatives to resolve this issue. At the present time Mr. Thomas has been provided with the background issues and some options have been discussed addressing both underground and above ground drainage options. Unfortunately alternatives will not be available until the March meeting for the Commission to review and respond to. George Kubik again expressed the Commission's concern that this grading issue be resolved in a timely fashion. LONG RANGE PLANNING MEETING In trying to develop some alternate dates for the Commission to consider for a long range planning meeting it was obvious that February and March would be very meeting intense months for the Commission. Director Vraa stated that staff has been working very intensely on the Blackhawk Park development issue to prepare for a community meeting on February 20 or 21. After this meeting the Commission will have it's regular meeting on March 7th followed by a special Commission meeting (suggested for March 14th) to address Blackhawk Park. After further discussion, Shawn Hunter moved, John Griggs seconded with all members voting in favor to table the scheduling of a long range planning meeting until the March 7th meeting. Shawn Hunter asked for an update of the Facility Task Force. Ken Vraa responded that the executive committee is refining the report which will eventually be presented to the City Council. It Is anticipated that the report will not be ready for the Council until late March at the earliest. Shawn Hunter noted that the Commission members should have a copy of the draft proposal before their long range planning meeting. MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT John VonDeLinde explained that staff incorporated the changes and comments received at the special meeting on October 24, 1990 as well as those of the full Commission on November 1, 1990 Into the Maintenance Management Plan. The additions and changes to the Maintenance Management Plan included adding a 'Policies chapter; broadening of the Mission Statement to reflect environmental ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 7, 1991 MEETING PAGE 4 consciousness by the Parks and Recreation Department in the selection of lawn fertilizers and pesticides; a new chapter entitled 'Department Organization'; under 'Implementation', identification of the number of personnel required to perform tasks; addition of horseshoe courts and volleyball courts under 'Maintenance Standards' and the updating of 'Park Site Facility and Use Inventoy. George Kubik stated that this is again another example of the fine work the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission has come to expect from staff. He noted he was pleased with the changes that were proposed and made and is proud of the leadership the City of Eagan Is showing in this area of maintenance management. Michael Vogel continued that he would like to compliment the Department on the very extensive and in-depth plan. After further discussion, John Griggs moved, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting in favor to approve the updated Maintenance Management Plan as presented and recommend it's adoption by the City Council. NAME CHANGE Ken Vraa reminded the Commission that they had, In the past, expressed an Interest in being involved with both water quality and natural resources issues within the City. The purpose of the question was to either reaffirm the Commission's interest in this involvement by changing their name to Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission or continue with their current name and not assume the responsibilities of water quality and natural resources. George Kubik, on behalf of the Commission, reaffirmed their interest in continuing involvement with both water quality and natural resources in the City. BLACKHAWK PARK - PUBLIC MEETING Director Vraa brought the Commission's attention to the information in the packet relative to Blackhawk Park development. This information included letters from residents, follow-up letters from the Department and newspaper articles. Ken continued that staff has had several design meetings and will soon be ready to present some options and ideas at a public meeting. The hope Is to have the public meeting on February 20 to review the proposed plan with the public, receive their input, and proceed with changes in the plan to present at a special Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission meeting scheduled for March 14. George Kubik urged Commission members to attend the meetings on both February 20th and March 14. The meeting on March 14 is scheduled for 7:00 P.M. HAPPENINGS Dorothy Peterson explained that she and Director Vraa had met with Scott Larson and Jim DeLong regarding spring sports at Dakota Middle and Eagan High schools. Because it is anticipated that the middle/high school athletic fields will not be available for use in 1991 the school has contacted the City regarding the use of athletic facilities for softball, baseball and tennis as well as phy ad programs. In addition, use requests are also coming in from EAA travel baseball, American Legion baseball team, VFW team, Eagan Blue Jays adult baseball team, EAA in-house baseball teams (approx. 1300 participants), EAA in-house softball teams (approx. 700 participants) and travel fast-pitch softball which is anticipated to double in size. These field use requests will be in addition to the City's adult softball offerings. Dorothy continued that staff will have a creative task in front of them trying to juggle all of the activity that will need to occur on the City fields that are currently available. Ken Vraa added that 2 ball fields will be added this year however there are approximately 40 additional teams anticipated. There has been some very ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 7, 1991 MEETING PAGE 5 creative scheduling in the past and these park users have been very patient in the past. Ken continued that he wanted the Commission to be aware of the situation because this summer and next year there will be a great deal of concern over lack of facilities. Dorothy added that'all gym spaces are at capacity as well. Dorothy added that ESP will be sponsoring a workshop for youth and adults to awaken their acting interests. The Winter Week-End events including the cross-country skiing evening, snow softball tournament, snow volleyball tournament and ice fishing contest went very well. The weekend provided beautiful weather for families to be out enjoying Minnesota weather. Also highlighted were the Tiny Tots sliding party, the completion of a successful skating lesson season and the Groundpounders meeting at Trapp Farm Park which was held with south of the river communities to plan for the 1991 running series. John VonDeLinde added that the lake aeration system is running at Fish Lake. He also toted that the City had received a State of Region award from the Met Council for it's Water Quality Plan. Additionally, the City has been issued a $13,000 grant from the Dakota County Soil and Water District. These funds have not been designated for a specific use as yet, however it may be used for a Comprehensive Ground Water Management Plan for the Gun Club Lake Watershed Management Organization. COMMUNITY EVENT COMMITTEE UPDATE Dorothy Peterson stated that the Community Event Committee consisting of George Kubik, John Griggs, Lee Markell, Jack Johnson and Dorothy met on January 23 at the Eagan High School to see the layout of the high school auditorium and to do some brainstorming. They talked about some options that can be considered for future opportunities to the community. John Griggs added that the original proposal was to look at a possible community event or a series of events where there would be a charge that could begin as a basis for an annual event within the City of Eagan to try to bring a community identity to the city. He noted that his original concept was for a symphony to perform at the high school since there is such a wonderful facility in the community. After visiting the 790 seat auditorium, John noted that it may be difficult to recoup the total costs for providing an event like the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra in this facility. One of the ideas that surfaced from the brainstorming meeting was a 'battle of the bands'. Further meetings will need to occur to see If this option or another is possible, how it would be funded and manned. John stated he wants to promote the idea of community involvement. Dorothy commented that there appeared to be a positive response from the subcommittee regarding the 'battle of the bands' idea. Mr. Griggs suggested that one of the areas of investigation could be researching grant dollars that might be available for special events like the ones being discussed. John also questioned if this committee should fall under the Recreation Subcommittee umbrella. George Kubik stated that each year new exploration exists to see about expanding programs and ideas and this Commission welcomes and encourages new ideas and input. He continued that it appears this group should continue as a task force and as concepts and Ideas develop then perhaps it could be added to the subcommittee. The Community Event Committee should continue as an Ad-Hoc committee rather than a standing committee. With that in mind, George appointed John Griggs as chairman of the Community Event Committee. Other committee members will be Shawn Hunter, Lee Markell and George Kubik along with Dorothy Peterson from Parks and Recreation staff. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 7, 1991 PAGE 6 ROUND TABLE John Griggs brought up the question of promoting existing programs and events. He suggested that some type of signage at the Municipal Center to provide meeting information, for example, to residents of the City as they drive by. John suggested that a small, temporary sign, visible from Pilot Knob Road could be considered for a six month trial period to see if it would be helpful to the community. George Kubik asked if staff could investigate the possibility and costs of providing such signage at the municipal center. In response to a question regarding how Information from the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission is communicated to the City Council Ken Vraa explained that the Council receives a complete packet just as Commission members do. Additionally, Commission recommendations are forwarded to the Council via memo to the City Administrator and staff follows up with a copy of 'Department Happenings' for each Council meeting. John Griggs asked that the Commission receive copies of memos forward to the Council relating to issues discussed by the Commission so as to have follow-up information regarding specific issues. Shawn Hunter asked why the Commission agenda did not appear in the local papers. Ken responded that items submitted to the local papers are not always printed as requested. Staff will again attempt to have the agendas published. John Griggs move, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting in favor to add Visitors Heard' after the Round Table item. VISITORS TO BE HEARD Tim Lano, 1632 Hawk Place, stated that he was the chairman of 'Citizens for a Better Blackhawk' and their biggest concern is to be involved in the planning process for Blackhawk Park and their concern for overdevelopment. George Kubik responded that the Commission openly solicits and welcomes input from the community and this park will be no exception. George continued that the Commission is looking forward to the planning process along with community input to best fulfill the needs of the community. Mr Lano extended an invitation to Commission members to visit the site offering the services of residents willing to walk the park with them. With no further business to conduct, Shawn Hunter moved, Michael Vogel seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Secr ary Date