07/11/1991 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JULY 11, 1991 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission was called to order at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 11, 1991 with the following Commission Members present: Shawn Hunter, Lee Markell, George Kubik, John Griggs and Ted Billy. Commission Members Dick Carroll, Deborah Johnson and Jack Johnson were not present. Staff present Included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Stephen Sullivan, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner; Rich Brasch, Water Quality Supervisor; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; and Nancy Hammel, Secretary. AGENDA Ken Vraa suggested the Highline Trap grading Issue be held over to a future meeting. Shawn Hunter moved, John Griggs seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING JUNE 6, 1991 Under Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 6, Shawn Hunter asked that Page 10, Paragraph 4, second sentence should read "ponds tend to fill in over time, particularly whenever there is construction.. ' Instead of "ponds do fill in". John Griggs moved, Ted Billy seconded with all members voting In favor to accept the minutes as amended. CONSENT AGENDA Steve Sullivan reported there were no Consent Agenda or Development Proposals to be discussed. ST. PAUL CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Dorothy Peterson stated that at the June 18 City Council meeting, approval was granted for the City to support the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra at Eagan High School on September 12 as proposed by this Commission. At the Special Event Committee meeting prior to the Commission meeting the timeline for the event was set. Heads of committees were established with Russ Frankel of S.D. 196 in charge of concessions and ushers. Programs would be handled by City staff. Contracts with Ticketmaster and the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra will be signed and sent shortly. The evening of the program, tickets will be handled through volunteers, however, there is no volunteer at this time to concentrate on searching for a sponsor. George Kubik remarked on what a complex, new undertaking this presentation Is. He thanked John Griggs for initiating the idea and Dorothy Peterson for her administrative effort. Dorothy reiterated the need to find a business to underwrite the marketing plan. Shawn Hunter suggested the Chamber of Commerce as a point of contact. George Kubik stated that more staff time should not be taken to make contacts. George suggesed that perhaps commission members could make calls to get volunteers. WATER QUALITY REPORT Ken Vraa commented on the Water Quality report noting a 67% return rate and adding that interest in the environment in this community Is high. Rich Brasch will be further tabulating and clarifying the returns. Chairman Kubik stated that it would be appropriate to hold comments pending completion of the report He noted that 97.3% of the respondents indicated that water quality Issue was of great importance to them. Advisory Park, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission July 11, 1991 Page 2 HAPPENINGS Chairman Kubik noted that sand volleyball seems to be a great success and Dorothy Peterson added that parking problems have been an offshoot of that success. Regarding the Fourth of July celebration, Ms. Peterson reported that the Eagan Stagedoor Performers' lip sync contest went over very well. After an hour of performances, Iris Bouvier had a difficult time bringing the contest to a dose. It was noted there were 138 Eaganettes marching in the parade and they did indeed take second place. Ted Billy remarked on the 5,000 registrations and noted the incredible growth. Ken Vraa stated that, even with projected Increases, we were caught short of staff and will have to plan on more seasonal help in the future. Dorothy Peterson further added that the bulk of registrations were made up of elementary age children followed by a large number of teens in the tennis program. She further clarified that we plan similarly to EAA by proposing a 10-15% Increase every year but this year the upswing was larger than anticipated. It was noted by Mr. Kubik that the pavilions at Trapp and Thomas are booked almost every weekend and was further impressed with the report that the Teddy Bear Band drew 400 people to Summer In the Park at Trapp Farm Pavilion. Seven bags of groceries were collected for the foodshelf. Softball is going very well with a Co-rec tournament this weekend and more tournaments coming up. Ms. Peterson also noted the possibility of West Publishing wanting field space and Unisys perhaps cutting field space. Chairman Kubik noted that balifield needs always seem to be a pressing issue and should be brought up at the Planning Meeting. Chairman Kubik noted the good work being done by Maintenance Staff, especially Don Buecksler, Paul Graham and Alex Lammers. Steve Sullivan stated the playground has been installed at Ohmann and the pea gravel base has been laid. Ken Vraa added that the high capacity mower Is a welcome addition. Seventeen hundred acres of grass were mowed in June. A #580 mower was borrowed from School District 196 to keep up with the more- than-favorable growing conditions. Mr. Vraa added that crews have also been busy putting concrete pads under the bleachers at Goat Hill and Northview Park. LONG RANGE PLANNING MEETING After minimal discussion, it was decided that the Long Range Planning Meeting will be held Thursday, August 22, at 7:00 p.m. OHMANN PARK GRAND OPENING Dorothy Peterson reported that some of the Ohmann family will be on hand for the ribbon cutting at 1:30 p.m. on July 29th. There will be soccer, softball and horseshoes going on to show the various uses at Eagan's newest park. BUDGET PROCESS Director Vraaa stated that staff has been working on budget for next year. Serous constraints are taking place because of restraints placed by the State Goverment. The need for adequate staff and the generating of new revenues are items to be considered. If the Commission has questions or concerns, Mr. Vraa asked that they contact him in the near future. RECREATION FACIUTIES TASK FORCE UPDATE Ken Vraa reported that the City Council has heard the Task Force's request and had a special meeting a week ago Tuesday. Council now wants to move ahead with that Issue but has not come up with a resolution. They are considering the possibility of using windfall funds obtained through bond financing. Shawn Hunter and John Griggs noted responses in the Water Ouality Report Indicating a desire for swimming facilities in the city. Chairman Kubik noted that pod interest surfaced with the Task Force, too, and that swimming needs were a timely Rem to have included in Rich Brasch's survey. Advisory Park, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission July 11, 1991 Page 3 CAPONI ART PARK Mr. Vraa Informed the Commission that Mr. Capons retired from Macalaster College June 1 and, with the College, will help develop a proposal to finance acquisition of the an park. Proposals will be put together for people who are interested in the arts. Staff has been working on this project and has created a model of the site with a student of Macalaster assisting in the assembly. John Griggs questioned how the upgrade of County Road 30 would effect the proposal. Mr. Vraa replied that the 40/20 acre split of land would be greatly affected and there have been preliminary meetings with the county already regarding road crossings. Latest word has it that work will begin next year. Ted Billy questioned the relationship of Tony Caponi's property to the Lexington/Diffley and Patrick Egan sites to which Mr. Vraa replied the City will end up with 252 acres of land directed to various recreatlorW pursuits. Chairman Kubik stated this Is a unique opportunity to work in the development of this area. NORTHVIEW ATHLETIC PARK BUILDING Mr. Vraa stated that repair bids came in at a good price and the work would be done more expediently than first anticipated. Lee Markell questioned Mr. Vraa of the status of the 10 acre piece off Wilderness Run Road to which Mr. Vraa replied that nothing has been scheduled as yet. With no further business to conduct, Lee Markell moved, Ted Billy seconded, with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:59 p.m. 3 1 re Date