12/05/1991 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA DECEMBER 5, 1991 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 5, 1991 with the following Commission Members present: Lee Markell, Jack Johnson, George Kubik, John Griggs, Shawn Hunter, and Dick Carroll. Commission members Deborah Johnson and Ted Billy were not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Stephen Sullivan, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; John VonDeLinde, Parks Superintendent; Rich Brasch, Water Quality Coordinator and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. AGENDA John Griggs moved, Jack Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7, 1991 Page 4, last paragraph, first sentence should read, ".....selling park property without compromising the park. He suggested that a land swap or a monetary gain could be negotiated between the Vatterotts and the City." EASY EATERY - CROWN CO CO INC. Jack Johnson moved, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting In favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. That this plat be subject to a cash parks dedication. 2. That this plat be subject to a cash trailway dedication. HADLER PARK - SEMPER HOLDINGS INC. Jack Johnson moved, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. That this plat be subject to a cash parks dedication. 2. That this plat be subject to a cash trailway dedication. EAA SOCCER TOURNAMENT PROPOSAL Dorothy Peterson explained that the EAA soccer program has been looking forward to the opportunity to host a soccer tournament similar to those held in neighboring communities. She then introduced Jim Wilson, Director of EAA's travel soccer program and Lyle Toliefsrud who is co-chairing this proposed Memorial weekend tournament. Jim Wilson explained that he has been an active part of the EAA soccer program for many years, has participated in several In-state and out-of-state soccer tournaments both as a coach and as a parent of players. He continued that he has also played an active planning role for many years in the USA Cup ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 5, 1991 MEETING _ PAGE 2 which is the fourth largest soccer tournament in the world. This tournament is held annually In Blaine with teams from all over the world. Mr. Wilson continued that Eagan's First Invitational tournament is being planned for May 22, 23 and 24, 1992. It is anticipated that there will be approximately 180 teams from several states with would calculate to approximately 3200 players. With families, coaches and friends accompanying these players there is the potential for up to 10,000 people in Eagan for this event. There have been several meetings held to set up the network of volunteers needed to facilitate this tournament. Jim concluded by stating that he hoped the Commission would support this endeavor and they hope to have this become the best tournament in Minnesota. Shawn Hunter asked how many fields would be needed to accommodate this event. Jim Wilson responded that after meeting with department staff it was determined that 21 field would be needed for this event. George Kubik asked If staff would be able to handle the maintenance requirements for this to which both Dorothy Peterson and John VonDeLinde responded affirmatively. George commented that it would be quite an honor to host such an event. Dick Carroll asked if there was any fundraising necessary for this tournament and Mr. Wilson responded that the entry fee will cover the actual tournament fees but there will be concession sales and T-shirt sales that will help fund some of the extra expenses. It is anticipated that the first year will result in a break-even situation. In response to a question regarding insurance, Jim Wilson responded that the insurance will be provided by MYSA (Minnesota Youth Soccer Association). Director Vraa added that the planned Memorial weekend works very well in that it will have the least impact on displacing other sports and their scheduled activities. George Kubik concluded that this looks like an excellent opportunity that will benefit a lot of youth. John Griggs suggested that the soccer organization visit with the Economic Development Committee as well as the Chamber of Commerce to see if they can offer any assistance If facilitating this event. After further discussion, Shawn Hunter moved that the Commission wholeheartedly endorse Eagan's 1st Invitational soccer tournament on Memorial weekend with the EAA working cooperatively with City staff to ensure that this is a successful event. George Kubik seconded the motion with all members voting In favor. CONCESSIONS UPDATE Superintendent of Recreation Peterson followed up on a request by the Commission from a previous meeting regarding the status of the use of the concession room. The inquiry related to the practice of allowing teams in the Department's leagues to operate concessions for league sponsored special events. The most specific question concerned how long this practice should continue. As background, Dorothy explained that the League Leadership Committee which represents the recreational leagues within the City's leagues decided to keep the treasuries from the leagues until such time that a specific identifiable use could be determined. Some of the dollars were spent to pay for half of the outfield fence for fields 1 through 4 at Northview, $2,658.64 was donated to purchase a refrigerator, freezer, hot dog roller grill and popcorn popper. Regarding the concession room, the practice of allowing access to league teams is an open-ended, informal understanding. Dorothy continued that licensing the facility does place constraints on its use an on the food items that can be served. Dorothy then reviewed staffs proposals to making adjustments to the practice of league teams operating concessions from the concession room for league events. ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 5, 1991 MEETING PAGE 3 After further discussion John Griggs moved, Shawn Hunter seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following adjustments to the practice of league teams operating concessions from the concession room for league events: 1. The proposed 50/50 division of net proceeds between the team and the park site fund be activated in 1992. 2. The long term plan would be to end the current practice. However, as long as original teams participate in the league and original managers serve on the league leadership committee, the practice should be allowed to continue. The date of October 31, 1995 will be designated as the last date of the phase out. 3. The League Leadership Committee shall be an equal partner In planning the phase out. PARK SERVICE AREA 36E Director Vraa Introduced this item and noted that typically the Commission would not see this plan until it was in a more refined state. This is an early review of this issue due to the impact of some possible Issues the Commission will need to be aware of. The study phase of this issue has been separated Into two parts; the first study phase is the Commission's determination whether a park Is needed within PSA 36E which will be discussed at this meeting and the second phase will identify a specific site or sites for parkiand acquisition If the Commission determines the need. The second phase will be reviewed at the January 9, 1992 meeting. Ken continued that he has talked with the Director of Parks and Recreation from Inver Grove Heights as they too will be reviewing this issue since it will impact the Eagan, Inver Grove Heights border area. Steve Sullivan continued that the Comprehensive Parks Systems Plan does not specifically recommend a parkland acquisition with Park Service Area #36E but mentions the potential of a joint development park between the cities of Eagan and Inver Grove Heights. Steve stated that this report will focus on the classifications and standards in regard tot he need for either a mini-park or neighborhood park. He then outlined the differences between the two types of park, i.e. use, service area, site, site attributes and site location. Steve continued that the PSA is comprised of interim type land uses. The current population of PSA #36 Is estimated at approximately 30-50 residents with a buildout population of 1287 based on 100% development to D-1 residential. PSA 36E is approximately 1 mile In length In a north/south orientation and varies from 1 /8 mile to 1 /2 mile In width along the east west axis. The geometric configuration does not accommodate the service standards of a 1 /4 mile radius for a mini-park. The 1 /2 mile radius standard for a neighborhood park serves a majority of the Park Service Area when located centrally. In conclusion Steve stated that the buildout population of PSA 36E exceeds minimum standards of a mini-park classification. Existing PSA of similar demographics to PSA 36E are served by parks ranging in classification from mini-parks to neighborhood parks. Steve suggested the following recommendations for the Commission to consider: ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 5, 1991 MEETING PAGE 4 1. A park is needed within PSA 36E. Staff should begin Identifying potential park sites. 2. No park is needed within PSA 36E. Park needs can be adequately met with an enhanced park In #36W. 3. The City should rely on Inver Grove Heights to provide any needed park amenities. 4. The City should work toward a joint Eagan/Inver Grove Heights community park If feasible. Water Resources Coordinator Rich Brasch then addressed some potential water quality Issues for the Commission to consider. He noted that the Weston Hills development within this PSA Is a 64 acre, 132 unit residential development located south and east of the intersection of Cliff Road and Highway 3 in the NE 1/4 of section 36 in southeast Eagan. The storm water drainage from approximately 60 acres of<the developed site will discharge to Pond LP-27, a 3.2 acre pond classified for wildlife habitat in the City's water quality management plan. LP-27 will discharge to LP-26, currently classified to support indirect contact recreation. Other downstream waters potentially affected by the proposed development include Manor Lake (LP-28), Hay Lake (LP-31) and Schwanz Lake (LP-32) classified as indirect contact, indirect contact and direct contact respectively. Based on preliminary analysis, two ponds will be needed to meet the requisite treatment standards. One pond of about .6 acres in surface area and 2 acre-feet in wet volume will be created by deepening a small semi-permanently flooded wetland In the northwest comer of the site along Highway 3 to treat runoff from about 20 acres. Another two-cell pond with a surface area of approximately.8 acres and a wet volume of 3-3.5 acre feet will be necessary to adequately treat the runoff from the remainder of the site before it is discharged to Pond JP-27. Rich continued that if the Commission concurs with the rationale to require ponding instead of a cash dedication for this development, the issue of placing the two-cell pond in the area between LP-27 and Highway 3 could pose a problem with losing a pocket of high value mixed hardwood and softwood trees. The Commission will need to weigh the option of losing trees versus water quality at this location. Dick Carroll commented that the east side of the pond is very steep and suggested that the City discuss with Inver Grove Heights If they want storm water in the pond to the north and east of the site. George Kubik expressed the need for staff to meet with the Inver Grove Heights staff, to explore options and to spend more time before making a decision on this issue. Director Vraa stated that Eagan's Planning staff has sent a letter to Inver Grove Heights to see what options and opportunities exist. Ken asked the Commission to clarify for staff their perception of the highest priority in dealing with the Weston Hills proposed plat. Does the Commission want to place a higher priority on water quality or the preservation of trees in this particular issue. After further discussion, George Kubik commented that the consensus appeared to be the preservation of water quality as the higher priority in this particular case. After further discussion, John Griggs moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting In favor that Park Service Area 36E should have some recreational park facility however the particulars would be worked out at a later date. PARKS DEVELOPMENT UPDATE Stephen Sullivan stated that contracts from the fall will be carried over into the spring. At the present time he is actively back on the drafting board doing design work. ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 5, 1991 MEETING PAGE 5 George Kubik complimented Rich Brasch and John VonDeUnde on the very extensive and informative water quality workshop the Commission recently attended. DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Some of the items discussed Included the Senior's Christmas lunch, winter registration wW be held on December 14th from 9 am -1 pm, Santa Calling will take place on December 11 and 12 and Commission members are invited to participate, the skating rinks are being cleared of snow so that flooding can be done in anticipation of a December 20th opening; Trapp Farm Park tubing hill opened early due to the early snow cover and Brad Regan Tire donated 80 tubes for use at the hill. John Griggs commented on how nice it was to see decorations at Trapp. It was also noted that Clearwater Park will be open this year. George Kubik commented on the level of staff participation at the MRPA conference. Ken Vraa added that he was also pleased with their participation noting that John VonDeUnde, Dorothy Peterson, Paula Nowariak and Jon Oyanagi all had an integral part of making the conference as successful as it was. DRAFT OF FORESTRY BROCHURE John VonDeUnde explained that through a cooperative effort with Tom Schuster, Ken Vraa and John a series of brochures are being planned to help the public with some basic Information. This is seen as a means to more quickly respond to resident's questions on forestry, landscaping, etc. It Is anticipated that 2 drafts will be keylined by the end of December so that this can again be brought back to the Commission for review and comment. John Griggs suggested that one item that may be added to the content of the brochures would be the best time to plant trees and the benefits of pruning trees that are transplanted. John VonDeUnde asked the Commission members to contact him during the week of December 9th with any further ideas or comments in the brochure. ROUND TABLE George Kubik asked if it would be possible to recap 1991's events at the January, 1992 Commission meeting. He stated it would be an opportunity to highlight some of the high points as well as to look back on some historical data that could be kept for future information. Shawn Hunter continued that he would like to see some historical perspective established and perhaps have a short presentation in February when new commission members are beginning their term. Shawn felt some history on the 1984 bond referendum and how those monies had been spent would also give commission members some good historical background. George Kubik agreed that February would be a more appropriate time for this information to be presented to the commission. Shawn Hunter expressed his concern for a proposed three-phased referendum. He felt that there is no consensus at this point as to what would be more valuable; an ice arena or a pool. Ken Vraa explained that the Council has not yet made a decision on the 3 -tier concept. John Griggs added that this issue is not new to the Commission; it has always been concerned about linking a pool to an ice arena. Shawn added that it is important that the Commission makes their opinion and concerns known to the Council. George Kubik noted that it is important that the Commission make their opinions known, but didn't think a motion to formalize that opinion was necessary. John Griggs stated that a motion Is only a recommendation and felt it was important that the Council know exactly what position the Commission is ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES OF DECEMBER 5, 1991 MEETING PAGE 6 taking. Jack Johnson expressed his concern for overriding the work that the Task Force, after having met for one year, had done and felt it was inappropriate for the Commission to interfere with the recommendation made to the Council. Jack did agree that the Commission's opinions should be provided to the Council, however, not in the form of a motion. Chairman Kubik stated he understood the strong feelings expressed regarding this Issue. John Griggs asked that this item be added as a formal agenda item In January. Jack Johnson suggested that an invitation be sent to Gary Fuchs to attend the January meeting If this was going to be an agenda Item. Shawn Hunter, recognizing that this was John Griggs last Commission meeting, thanked John for his service on the Commission. George Kubik added that John has given the group some good thoughts on several issues and thanked John for all the effort he had put forth. Lee Markell asked for clarification of the Inter-relationship between this Commission and the Advisory Planning Commission. After some discussion on this issue, George Kubik suggested that this Item come back to the Commission in February during the time when new members are being Introduced to and becoming familiar with the Commission. Ken Vraa added that at a previous Council workshop the Council had asked that a fee be charged for the summer playground program. Staff will be reviewing this issue to see what options are available and what format will be proposed. Mr. Vraa suggested that updating the Capital Improvements Program from 1992-1996 be placed on the February agenda for the Commission to review. In reference to the proposed brainstorming meeting In December/January, it was decided that January 23, 1992 would be the date for that meeting with the location to be determined later. With no further business to conduct, John Griggs moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:25 P.M. 11~6 3LJ~~ secretary Date