01/09/1992 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JANUARY 9, 1992 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 9, 1992 with the following Commission Members present: Deborah Johnson, Jack Johnson, Dick Carroll, George Kubik, and Ted Billy. Commission Members Shawn Hunter and Lee Markell were not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Stephen Sullivan, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; John VonDeLinde, Parks Superintendent and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. AGENDA Ted Billy moved, Jack Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 5, 1991 Page 3, Paragraph 1, Item #2 should read, "....continue. The date of October 31, 1995 will be designated as the last date of the phase out." Page 4, Paragraph 4, Sentence 2 should read, "....making a decision on this issue." Ted Billy moved, Jack Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes as amended. CONSENT AGENDA/DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no consent agenda items and no development proposals for the Commission to review. PARK SERVICE AREA 36E Director Vraa re-introduced this item to the Commission noting that the recommendation made on December 5th by the Commission was that a park was needed in this park service area but instructed staff to evaluate potential park site acquisition areas within this PSA. As review, Mr. Vraa Identified the area which is located south of Cliff Road, east of Highway 3, north of the City of Rosemount and west of the City of Inver Grove Heights. He continued that the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designates the entire area for single family residential at 0-3 units per acre with an unpredictable development time frame. The primary criteria used to review each study area included, 1) Standard site analysis items such as topography, drainage, vegetation, etc.; 2) Development efficiencies and constraints; 3) Service area efficiencies and constraints; 4) Acquisition considerations and 5) Economic considerations. In looking at a joint park concept with Inver Grove Heights (Study Site #1) it was noted that Inver Grove Heights has yet to adopt their Comprehensive Parks System Plan but they felt that this site would not fit the criteria they were establishing for this area of Inver Grove Heights. After further study it was determined that Study Sites 2 and 3 were the most feasible option for the Commission to consider. ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES OF JANUARY 9, 1992 MEETING PAGE 2 Steve noted that Study Site 2 lies within the southwest corner of the proposed Weston Hills Addition and comprises 18 acres. In describing the site, Steve noted that the pond edge is encircled with slopes ranging from 4-20% and covered with overstory trees with mature oak trees ringing the northeast side of the pond. The northwest edge of the pond contains a mixed tree mass of aspen, oaks, sugar maple and willow. Steve continued that the plateau area of the site provided for minimal design flexibility. Acquisition could be done via parks dedication of 6.3 acres within the Weston Hills Development or through purchase. Steve noted that the developer prefers a cash dedication of approximately $94,000 In lieu of a land dedication. The developer tentatively considered a land dedication subject to the City providing cash credit towards the pond and adjacent steep slopes Study Site 3 lies south of Farm Road, west of the Inver Grove Heights/Eagan border and north of a 40 acre tree farm. Mr. Sullivan explained that the study area (approximately 22 acres) can effectively support a 4-7 acre park site with low to moderate development costs and good design flexibility. He added that there was no pond nor many trees that could be incorporated as a resource for this park. It was noted that acquisition would be possible via purchase from one or two land owners. It was noted that the estimated acquisition costs could range from $48,000 to $91,000. In consideration of the limited parkland opportunities within PSA 36E, the use of condemnation may be a viable acquisition methodology If the seller contests the City's pursuit for an agreeable purchase. In conclusion it was noted that Study Area 2 indicated that a 6.3 acre dedication could be made, but that there would be a significant loss of vegetation and higher development cost in order to meet typical parkland design and layout standards. Study Area 3 provides property that is developmentally cost efficient and provided design flexibility. The resource based opportunities are not available in Study Area 3, but could be provided via the design process. George Kubik expressed his concern for a park being located In such close proximity to train tracks as shown in Study Area 2. Dick Carroll commented that with an athletic facility within the park use would be generated from the west side across Hwy 3 and the train tracks. He too expressed a safety concern noting that access would need to be internal from Hwy 3. Mr. Kubik also commented on the type of soils in this study area. Mr. Carroll responded that it was primarily sand and gravel and could pose some development problems. Both Mr. Kubik and Mr. Carroll expressed their preference for Study Area 3 because it provides more potential for development and has adequate space for development. Mr. Carroll added that the mix of commercial and residential southwest of the study area needs to be considered when providing accessibility to a park within PSA 36E. After further discussion, Jack Johnson moved that a park is needed to serve residents within PSA 36E and recommended that Study Area 3 be designated as the park site for PSA 36E. Deborah Johnson seconded the motion with all members voting in favor. COUNTY ROAD 30 - EAST OF DODD ROAD: TRAILS Director Vraa introduced this item to the Commission noting that as Dakota County is preparing preliminary plans for the upgrading of Diffley Road from Blueberry to Highway 3 they are looking at options regarding the steep side slopes and road grades through this section of road. The City's plans have previously identified a bike trail along this section of roadway, however the County has inquired if, rather than having off-road bike trails the City would consider providing that option only for the segment of road east of Dodd to Highway 3. ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES OF JANUARY 9, 1992 MEETING PAGE 3 Mr. Vraa continued that Diffley will be upgraded to a five (5) lane road; two lanes each direction with a fifth center lane for left hand turns. East of Dodd Road, however the County is proposing to construct a road surface 52 feet wide providing a 12 foot wide lane in each direction, a 12 foot wide center lane and two 8 feet wide trails, one on each side of the road, but within the curb. In reviewing traffic counts and the MnDOT design manual, staff looked at other options the county could consider. One alternative was to have the trails off the road, as is currently in place along the newly completed portion of Co. Rd. 30 (Diffley). With that alternative it was noted that because of the steep slopes, extensive grading, substantial loss of trees and expensive retaining walls would be required to facilitate off- road trails. Another alternative discussed would be to have a single trail on one side of the road through the steep slope portion of Diffley Road. Staff's feeling is that this may not facilitate the needs of the area due to the residential development on both sides of Diffley Road. It was envisioned that the on-road bikeways, given the good trallway classification by the MnDOT Bikeway design manual, would perhaps be more acceptable than having only one off-road trail. Stephen Sullivan stated that there has also been some concern expressed regarding the widening of County Road 30 near the Country Hollow development because of the steep slopes. Ted Billy expressed his concern for the narrowing of County Road 30 from 5 lanes to 3 lanes east of Dodd Road. He continued that an off-road trail would provide more safety and stressed the safety concern of providing on-road trails in an area that narrows from 5 lanes to 3 lanes. Unidentified resident from 580 Autumn Oaks Road expressed his displeasure with the widening of County Road 30 beyond what is absolutely necessary. He stated that the Impact to the homes in the Country Hollow development would be substantial if the road is widened to the degree the County is proposing. He continued that he would prefer that a trail be installed on the south side rather than on the north side because of the steeper grades on the north side. Dick Carroll asked if the County could widen the road only to the south with no expansion to the north. Stephen Sullivan explained that the County was trying to widen Co. Rd. 30 evenly from the existing middle point. Jack Johnson asked about the planned trail location west of Dodd Road. Ken Vraa responded that the area east of Lexington and west of Dodd did not pose a great deal of difficulty In allowing for an off-road trail to be placed on both sides. The section of Diffley Road that becomes difficult to plan trails for is the area from the Caponi property east to Lexington. George Kubik reiterated the safety concern for on-road trails In this section of Co. Rd. 30. He stated that an off-road trail on the south side would be more palatable. Ted Billy commented that if consideration Is given to an on-road trail on the north side and an off-road trail on the south side his concern is for the area where traffic narrows from 5 lanes to 3 lanes at Dodd Road. Dick Carroll shared his concern about. drivers using an on-road trail as a traffic lane at the location where the lanes narrow. Jack Johnson stated he did not think that providing only one trail would be sufficient. His preference was to have an off-road trail on each side of Co. Rd. 30 and shift the road location to the south to mitigate the problem of the steep slopes. Dick Carroll commented that it may be prohibitive for the County to consider providing an 8 foot trail on either side of the roadway considering they would also have to provide for a 4 foot boulevard and curb in addition to the street expansion. ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES OF JANUARY 9, 1992 MEETING PAGE 4 After further discussion, Ted Billy moved that the-following recommendations for the widening of County Road 30 (from Blueberry east to Highway 3), in their order of priority, be made to the County: 1. Move Diffley Road to the south and provide two off-road trails. 2. Provide one off-road trail on the south of Co. Rd. 30 and one on-road trail on the north side. 3. Provide two on-road trails as depicted by the County. George Kubik seconded the motion with all members voting in favor. Ted Billy added that he remains concerned about County Road 30 narrowing from five lanes to three lanes. He stated that this road narrowing could come back to haunt the City as development continues. He added that even though the trails are called "bike trails" they seem to be considered walking trails and that use should be strongly considered when the trail location is considered PARKS DEVELOPMENT There were no park development issues to be discussed. WATER QUALITY There were no water quality issues to be discussed. DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Some of the items discussed included the NYSCA certification of 10 ice ringette coaches which had 60+ girls participate this winter. Also discussed was the beginning of a track program through EAA, the growing number of church groups looking for available ice time for youth group activities, the successful winter registration with most of the skating lessons filled and the opening of the bandy rink at the Lexington Diffley athletic site. Dorothy explained that bandy is a cross between soccer, hockey and field hockey. The bandy rink is 3 times the size (400' long and 225' wide) of the City's regular skating rinks and required 85,000 gallons of water to build the ice. Dorothy added that with the winter activities in full swing the new Hotline phone number has been used quite extensively. Other items discussed included the snow removal that needed to be done before flooding of the rinks could occur. All work was accomplished, however, to allow for a December 20th rink opening. It was also noted that tree pruning has begun, forestry brochures are being planned and designed, the Arbor Day celebration will be conducted at Wescott Station Park in 1992, a water quality brochure is in the final planning stage with a draft copy to be provided at the February commission meeting for comment. The highlights of planned activities for the Winter Weekend planned for January 31, February 1 and 2 were reviewed with Commission members Invited to participate. ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES OF JANUARY 9, 1992 MEETING PAGE 5 ROUND TABLE George Kubik mentioned the brainstorming meeting that the Commission had expressed an interest in participating in. Ken Vraa noted that the original date identified for that purpose was January 23, however with new Commission members being appointed on January 21, perhaps a rescheduled meeting to include the new members could be accomplished on February 4th with an anticipated time frame of 1-1/2 hours. George commented that he appreciated the warmth of the meeting with other Commission members prior to jumping into his first Commission meeting. Deborah Johnson commented on how impressed she has been with staff and their preparation of agenda items, information and workshops. She stated she found this very helpful with this being her first year on the Commission. Dick Carroll explained that this was the last Commission meeting he would be attending. He continued that he had spent 13 very pleasurable years on the Commission but felt it was time to give new people an opportunity to serve. He stated he had mixed feelings about leaving but wanted the Commission members and staff to know just how much he has enjoyed participating on the Commission and his relationship with all the past members and staff. Chairman Kubik noted that there are always a few "prime movers" in every group and that Dick's expertise, wisdom and knowledge will be greatly missed. Director Vraa continued that the day Dick Carroll came to the office with his letter of resignation there were many people with a heavy heart after he left. Ken continued that over the last 13 years Dick has been a rock of stability for the Commission and a touch stone for staff. The current Water Quality Plan was completed with a lot of input and influence from Mr. Carroll. Ken stated that Dick's quiet force has kept many Issues in front of the Council as well as the Commission and he has been an integral part of some very important documents including the Park System Plan. It was noted that Dick has been a very important part of Eagan's history and helped to provide a positive environment for citizens and developers to share their opinions and ideas. Director Vraa then presented a placque of appreciation to Mr. Carroll and Invited Commission members and staff to share cake and coffee after the meeting. Dick thanked everyone for the kind words and for his pleasurable term as a member of the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission. With no further business to conduct, Dick Carroll moved, Jack Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM. ~~-/04/&/ - 1516 - ? z - Secretary Date