08/06/1992 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA AUGUST 6, 1992 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 6, 1992 with the following Commission Members present: Ted Billy, Jonathan Widem, Dan Mooradian and Kevin Knight. Commission Members Lee Markell, Jack Johnson, Deborah Johnson and Erin Ipsen were not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Stephen Sullivan, Landscape Architect/Park Planner; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; John VonDeLinde, Parks Superintendent; Rich Brasch, Water Resources Coordinator and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. AGENDA Dan Mooradian moved, Kevin Knight seconded the motion with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 2, 1992 Dan Mooradian was added as being present at the July 2, 1992 meeting. Jonathan Widem moved, Dan Mooradian seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the July 2, 1992 minutes as amended. MINUTES OF RESCHEDULED MEETING OF JULY 16, 1992 Page 4, Paragraph 2, last sentence should read, '....approximately $1,000 - $1,400 and it...'. Dan Mooradian moved, Kevin Knight seconded the motion with all members voting in favor to accept the July 16, 1992 meeting as amended. CONSENT AGENDA After review of the park and trail dedication issues by Park Planner Stephen Sullivan and review of the water quality issues by Water Resources Coordinator Rich Brasch, Kevin Knight moved, Jonathan Widem seconded the motion to make the following recommendations to the City Council. All members voted in favor. 1. Bur Oak Hills 3rd Addition - Shamrock Development. This plat is to be subject to a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. This plat will also be subject to a cash dedication, estiamted at $522, to meet water quality requirements. 2. Wilson Addition - Mary Ann Wilson. Lots 2, 3 and 4 will be subject to a cash parks dedication and cash trails dedication. The development shall be subject to a cash water quality dedication, estimated at $1,036, to meet water quality requirements. 3. St. Thomas Becket Addition - St. Thomas Becket Church. This plat is subject to a cash trails dedication. This parcel would be subject to a cash parks dedication with any future change in zoning worth than Public Facilities. The development would be subject to a ponding requirement to treat all run-off from impervious areas prior to discharge of site. The ponding configuration must be approved by staff. The wetland fringe along Hay Lake must be delineated according to Wetlands Conservation Act criteria and avoided during construction and post-construction activities. The developer's replacement plan for filling of a portion of the small wetland in the southeast portion of the construction site should be approved if it meets or exceeds the acre-for-acre replacement criteria under the Wetlands Conservation Act. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of August 6, 1992 Page 2 AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) UPDATE ON THE CITY'S TRANSITION PLAN Recreation Superintendent Peterson introduced this item as a follow-up to the Commission on the work that City staff has accomplished since this legislation took effect on January 26, 1992. Staff's efforts since January have been directed toward the first compliance requirement. By July 26, 1992 the City must provide a transition plan which 1) evaluates the accessibility of all City facilities; 2) identifies structural barriers to accessibility; and 3) outlines what structural changes can reasonably be made. By January26, 1993 all barriers to program accessibility must be identified and a plan to remove barriers to participation in City programs must be in place. Superintendent Peterson continued that the Department is fortunate in that most of the park facilities have been constructed since 1984 and meet the accessibility standards that were required at that time. Steve Sullivan explained that many of the existing facilities have been constructed using federal funds which required strict accessibility standards. Superintendent Peterson noted that the Department has been cognizant of the need to provide accessibility within the park system and had done a fine job in ensuring that was provided during the planning stages. Staff and a volunteer who uses a wheelchair spent time testing the accessibility of various park sites. Trapp Farm Park had some minor barriers which included the drinking fountain adjacent to the pavilion which could not be routinely accessed by wheelchair along with the concrete approach to the exterior door to the women's restroom that can be difficult to access by wheelchair. Access from the shelter, however, is readily available. The shelter building with the most significant barriers (Rahn shelter building) was built in 1976 and the City's self assessment, conducted in 1984, rated the entrance to this building as 57% accessible and the interior as 71%accessible. The restrooms are not wheelchair accessible at all. Dorothy indicated that although there are some accessibility issues, the park facilities, as a whole, provide accessibility. The second phase of the ADA study, Dorothy continued, will assess accessibility program by program. This would mean that each recreation program would need to be accessed. The feasibility of auxiliary aids, the directive that modifications that fundamentally alterthe nature of a program are not required and the ability to offer an alternate site will enable staff to provide a comprehensive plan by January of 1993. Superintendent Peterson concluded that there is no action required by the Commission on this issue but staff wanted to keep them updated on any items that will impact the Department within the time frames the ADA legislature has mandated. She noted that according to the ADA time line structural changes identified in the transition plan are required to be completed by January of 1995. This, along with providing auxiliary aids for recreation programs may have a significant impact on the budget. Commission Member Billy thanked staff for their comprehensive report and also for keeping the Commission abreast of new development regarding ADA legislation. UPDATE ON BLACKHAWK PARK Park Planner/Landscape Architect Sullivan noted that the plans and specifications are being prepared in anticipation that they will be distributed to bidders on or about August 10 with bids due on August 21, 1992. Steve continued that he will update the Commission at the September meeting on the status of this contract. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of August 6, 1992 Page 3 DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Dorothy Peterson recapped the success of the summer programs that have recently concluded and noted that staff is almost ready to begin the planning for fall activities. Parks Superintendent VonDelinde highlighted the completion of Trapp Farm Park playground recognizing the leadership of Steve Hadden and Paul Szurek and the help by the Twin Cities Tree Trust Organization on this project. John also recognized Alex Lammers and Don Buecksler for their excellent work in completing the new playground at Wescott Station Park. Again, the Twin Cities Tree Trust assisted in the completion of this project. An additional item that Mr. VonDeLinde presented was that the City will receive an America the Beautiful Grant for the completion of the Forestry brochure series. John indicated that staff hopes to have a draft of the brochures for the Commission in September with the final product hopefully completed by October. Ted Billy commented that on the Commission's pre-meeting tour of parks he noted how well maintained all the facilities are but specifically wanted to recognize the excellent job staff has done at Sky Hill Park. With no further business to conduct, Kevin Knight moved, Dan Mooradian seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. /,Z~ r Secr ary Date