01/07/1993 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JANUARY 7, 1993 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 7, 1993 with the following Commission members present: Erin Ipsen-Borgersen, Jonathan Widem, Ted Billy, Jack Johnson, Lee Markell, Dan Mooradian and Kevin Knight. Commission Member Deborah Johnson was not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Stephen Sullivan, Landscape Architect/Park Planner; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; John VonDeLinde, Parks Superintendent; Rich brasch, Water Quality Coordinator; Dan Schultz, Intern and Cherryl Mesko,Secretary. Superintendent of Recreation Peterson introduced Dan Schultz to the Commission noting that he would be interning with the Department for 12 weeks and would conclude his internship with a presentation to the Commission. AGENDA Director Vraa noted that Signal Point Addition was pulled from the Consent Agenda and asked that Park Naming be deferred to the February, 1993 meeting. Erin lpsen-Borgersen moved, Lee Markell seconded the motion with all members voting in favor to accept the Agenda as amended. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 3, 1992 Kevin Knight moved, Ted Billy seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of December 3, 1992 as presented. CONSENT AGENDA After review of the park and trail dedication issues by Park Planner Stephen Sullivan and review of the water quality issues by Water Resources Coordinator Rich Brasch, Ted Billy moved, Erin Ipsen-Borgersen seconded the motion to make the following recommendations to the City Council. All members voted in favor. 1. Engstrom's Deerwood Second Addition - Robert Engstrom Companies. That the proposal be subject to a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. That the developer provide staff with a tree protection plan prior to final plat which indicates the location of tree protection fencing which is to be installed and maintained during the construction time frame. the development be subject to a cash water quality dedication which is estimated at $1,940, in lieu of on-site ponding. 2. Four Oaks Estates - Rosewood Corporation. That the proposal be subject to a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. The development be subject to a cash dedication in lieu of ponding to meet water quality treatment requirements with the dedication to be adjusted to reflect the low level of development density on the site. TOWN CENTRE 70 - 15TH ADDITION Landscape Architect/Park Planner Sullivan introduced this item as a preliminary plat for a Kohl's Department Store located east of Town Centre Drive, west of Denmark Avenue and north of WalMart Department Store. Steve reviewed the parks and trails dedication issues relevant to this proposal indicating staff's recommendation for a cash parks and trails dedication. ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Minutes of January 7, 19993 Meeting Page 2 Water Resources Coordinator Brasch then reviewed the water quality issues relevant to this site. Rich noted that the Commission would need to make a recommendation regarding whether the development should be subject to a ponding requirement and/or a cash dedication requirement to meet water quality standards as set by the city in its water quality management plan. He continued that there are no wetland filling or draining issues associated with this plat application. Rich noted that the storm sewer layout for this development proposal would direct runoff to pond JP- 66.1, a nutrient basin designed to treat runoff from the WalMart site before discharge to another small sediment basin, then Fish Lake. Staff reported in May, 1991 that additional on-site ponding would be needed for the WalMart development to protect water quality in Fish Lake to meet water quality treatment standards when the remainder of the 27 acre parcel developed. Mr. Brasch continued that only by pre-treating runoff from the proposed development and substantially improving treatment of runoff from the off-site area can this development meet the requirement of preventing any further deterioration of water quality in Fish Lake as a result of development. Mr.Brasch indicated that Pond JP-66 must have a minimum surface acreage and wet pond volume at normal water level of .55 acres and 3.00 acre feet respectively, in order to meet minimum treatment requirements to protect Fish Lake. In addition, separation between pond inlets and the outlet needs to be at least 350 feet and a skimmer must be constructed on the outlet. After further discussion, Kevin Knight moved, Erin Ipsen-Borgersen seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding Town Centre 70 - 15th Addition: 1. The proposal be subject to a cash Parks Dedication. 2. The proposal be subject to a cash Trails Dedication. Ted Billy moved, Kevin Knight seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following additional recommendations to the City Council regarding Town Centre 70 - 15th Addition: 1. The development be subject to an on-site ponding requirement to meet water quality treatment standards to prevent any further deterioration of water quality to Fish Lake. The design of the on-site treatment pond should be subject to staff approval. WENZEL ADDITION Park Planner/Landscape Architect Steve Sullivan introduced this item indicating the Commission has reviewed this development previously, however significant changes were made to the site plan resulting in the need to bring it back before the Commission. The parcel is located south of Deerwood Middle/Elementary School and north of County Road 30. When Park Service Area #21 was reviewed previously the Commission felt that the future land use of the 80 acre undeveloped property west of the Wenzel property would determine the parkland needs for PSA #21. When the Commission reviewed this development in September, it made recommendations to the developer based on the request for a revised site plan being submitted. Those recommendations included the site plan preserving the oak stand at the northwest edge of the pond, providing for required recreational open space and that the developer examine the potential of a trail encircling the pond. ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Minutes of January 7, 1993 Meeting Page 3 Mr. Sullivan outlined parks and trails dedication issues noting that staff is recommending a cash parks dedication. Relative to trails dedication, it was noted that the Wenzel property has not provided towards the cost of an 8' bituminous trail that currently exists adjacent to the parcel on the north side of County Road 30 resulting in the requirement of a cash trails dedication. Steve continued that the proposal indicates a 25' trail easement within the northeast corner of the plat providing pedestrian linkage to Deerwood Elementary/Middle School which lies north of the parcel. The School District approves this alignment and will provide a concrete sidewalk to the trail easement with the developer being responsible for providing an 8' wide trail pad at finish grade and the City of Eagan being responsible for the installation of the concrete sidewalk. Additionally the site indicates a 30' foot outlot between Lot 5, Block 3 and Lot 1, Block 4. This outlot provides a central pedestrian corridor to Deerwood School, however the steep slopes result in this becoming a non-feasible pedestrian corridor. Staff has recommended that the developer delete the central pedestrian outlot from the plat. Steve added that if greater accessibility to the school from the westerly multi-family area is needed, a future east/west pedestrian link to the future extension of Thomas Lake Road may have merit. Relative to woodland preservation, Steve indicated that the developer has agreed to a custom development approach to Lots 4-8 of Block 5 which lies within the wooded area west and northwest of the pond. Steve continued that the need for 19,000 square feet of open space requirement would be provided for in the plan where there are several large greenspace areas west of the north/south public road. After discussion, Ted Billy moved, Dan Mooradian seconded the motion with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding Wenzel Addition; 1. The plat be subject to a cash Parks Dedication. 2. The plat be subject to a cash Trails Dedication. 3. The developer grade an 8' wide trail pad to the Deerwood School property within the easterly trailway easement. The developer coordinate the alignment, grading and sequencing with the School District. 4. The developer delete the central pedestrian outlot from the plat. 5. The developer provide a tree protection plan for City review and approval prior to final platting. 6. The developer utilize a custom development approach for Lots 4-8 of Block 5 using a grading and site planning approach which is specific to preserving the oak trees on each lot. 7. The development plan be revised to provide 19,000 square feet of recreational open space. The grading plan be modified providing flatter grades within the open space west of the proposed north/south road. The plan is to be approved by Parks and Recreation staff. 8. The development to include custom grading approach for Lots 10-16, Block 5 to preserve trees on each lot. Water Resources Coordinator Brasch reviewed the waterquality and wetland protection requirements for this development. He noted that the site contains 3 wetlands which encompass a total of about 4.72 acres. The largest of the wetlands is a Type 5 open water wetland with a Type 1 bottom-land wooded fringe. This wetland is associated with Pond BP-4 and is approximately 4.45 acres in surface area. The second wetland is .02 acres of Type 2 wet meadow located near the northeastern edge of the first wetland and the third is located in the north central portion of the site,northwest of the Deerwood Elementary parking lot and encompasses approximately .25 acres of Type 1 bottom-land forest. Rich noted that the total wetlands to be replaced would be .28 acres with a replacement option contiguous to BP-4 on the northeast part of the site. Pond BP-4 is used primarily to reduce the pollutant loading to Blackhawk Lake. The developer proposes to use the existing low area at the northeastern limits of Pond BP-4 to expand the wetland area. ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Minutes of January 7, 1993 Meeting Page 4 Rich outlined discussions that had occurred with the developer and City Staff relative to staff working with the developer to excavate and re-shape the remainder of the pond. In response to a question regarding the City's cost in this joint project, Mr. Brasch responded that the City's portion would be approximately 40- 45% of the estimated $40,000 cost. After discussion, Dan Mooradian moved, Jonathan Widem seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding Wenzel Addition: 1. The development meet its water quality obligation by creating through excavation an additional 2.4 acre-feet of storage in the southern end of Pond BP-4. The excavation plan must be approved by City staff. The developer work with the City to excavate and re-shape the remainder of the pond. Finally the proposed wetland replacement plan be approved contingent on submission of a final wetlands impact and mitigation report and compliance with the requirements of the Wetland Conservation Act. GOLF DRIVING RANGE/REQUEST AND PROPOSAL Director Vraa introduced this item as a new proposal from Rick Kuchera and Ryan Helgeson requesting use of the Lexington\Diffley parkland parcel for a golf driving range for a period in excess of three years. Ken reminded the Commission that they had reviewed a similar request in October of 1992 from Mike King. Director Vraa then introduced Rick Kuchera and Ryan Helgeson. Mr. Helgeson explained their interest in pursuing a golf driving range at this site noting the obvious void of a similar facility in Eagan. It was noted that Mr. Kuchera and Mr. Helgeson will incur all costs of development including site development/construction, seeding/sodding, installation of an irrigation system, on site storage building and any other materials, equipment or supplies required to operate the driving range. Their proposal includes using existing access and expanding parking. Mr. Helgeson expressed their desire to have the best golf driving range in the Twin Cities. In their research Mr.Helgeson continued, they found that although Eagan has two golf facilities they do not have a practice site. The projection is that the facility will generate $30,000+ in revenue in 3.5 years. It is anticipated that the property will be left in better condition than when development starts, the facility will maintain a professional image, offer top customer service and provide multiple benefits to the city. Ryan continued that once the lease term has expired the turf area that remains will be conducive to soccer play or other recreational uses. After the presentation by Mr. Helgeson and Mr. Kuchera, Commission Member Billy expressed his concern for losing a portion of the Lexington Diffley site for approximately 4 summers. Ted continued that if the City Council wanted to develop this site they would not be able to until the summer of 1997 with anticipated use in 1998. Director Vraa clarified that the site needs to be graded no matter what the time frame for development will be. Ken continued that if the site were graded in 1993 in preparation of an athletic facility, those facilities would not be available for use until fall of 1995. Mr. Billy noted that this use could certainly fill a void that currently exists and if permission is granted to proceed the City may discover that a golf driving range is the best use for this location even after the lease has expired. In response to a question regarding when this facility would like to open for operation, Mr. Helgeson responded they wanted to be opened by July 1,1993. Lee Markell asked when a decision would need to be made to which Mr. Helgeson responded February 15 in order to begin seeding by April 15,1993. Ted Billy asked if staff had any reservations regarding the timing for such a project. Director Vraa responded that in reference to softball, staff would be opposed to giving up room on the site where fields may be developed, however, at the present time the City has exceeded the standards set for soccer fields therefore, the golf driving range may ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Minutes of January 7, 1993 Meeting Page 5 be an alternative to placing soccer fields at this time. Superintendent of Recreation Peterson added that currently staff is programming golf lessons in Savage because of the lack of closer facilities that can accommodate the interest. As a result, the numbers participating in golf lessons have steadily declined. Kevin Knight expressed his support for saving costs by working with the County when County Road 30 is upgraded, however, he expressed his concern that this use fit into the overall plan for the site. After further discussion, Kevin Knight moved, Jonathan Widem seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend that staff work with Mr. Kuchera and Mr. Helgeson on the possibility of a lease to provide a golf driving range at Lexington/Diffley, that a long range site plan be done to help determine if this is an appropriate and needed use at the site, that the cost for electrical hook-up and a 2 inch water supply line be reviewed since these are the costs the City would be asked to incur and that this issue be brought back to the Commission in February. REQUEST FOR NEIGHBORHOOD SKATING RINK Director Vraa introduced this item as a request by Randal Hemmerlin to place a pleasure skating rink near Woodland School off Wescott Road. Mr. Hemmerlin noted that the neighborhoods surrounding Woodland Elementary School have many youth and adults who would benefit from such a skating rink. Mr. Vraa brought the Commission's attention to the letter responding to Mr. Hemmerlin's request in which Mr. Vraa explained that the Advisory Commission will take the request under advisement pending the updating of the Park System's Plan. Ken explained that he had thanked Mr. Hemmerlin for his letter and directed him and his neighbors to enjoy the skating facilities at Bridle Ridge Park which is the closest skating facility. Ted Billy concurred with the response to Mr.Hemmerlin as did other Commission members. Kevin Knight reiterated the importance of proceeding in a timely fashion to update the Park System's Plan. Mr. Vraa responded that he hoped to have a draft of the Scope of Services for the Commission to review at their February meeting. WETLANDS - COMMENTS ON PERMANENT RULES Water Resources Coordinator Brasch reviewed with the Commission the letter sent on behalf of both the City of Eagan and The Gun Club Lake Watershed Management Organization relative to the proposed permanent rules to implement the Wetland Conservation Act of 1991. Rich reviewed the five comments that were shared and outlined in the packet indicating he would have more information for the Commission in February. Kevin Knight asked if the comments expressed in the letter of December 23 were echoed by other cities. Mr. Brasch indicated that the coalition had submitted responses based on 14 issues and they were anxious to hear feedback on those issues. Jack Johnson thanked Rich for the extensive amount of work that has gone into getting this work done and also complemented Rich on his receipt of an Environmental Education Award. Mr. Johnson expressed the Commission's appreciation for Rich's excellent work and the reputation he has earned in being a leader in this field. OAK WILT Superintendent of Parks VonDeLinde updated the Commission on the joint Council/Commission workshop of November 10 where the issue of oak wilt was discussed. John continued that the primary questions were relative to how a program such as this could be funded. John reviewed the potential sources of funds within the proposed 1993 Forestry operating budget that might be shifted to start this program but he also reviewed the impact to the forestry operations if that were to happen. It did provide, however, an option to consider if the Council chose to proceed with this issue. After reviewing the costs involved John indicated that the Commission could recommend that nothing be done at this time, suggest that a portion of the Forestry budget be used to begin the process by providing a more accurate picture of damage through aerial photography, or the Commission could ask that the City Council look for other means to support this project. ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Minutes of January 7, 1993 Meeting Page 6 Lee Markell expressed his concern that this is an issue that isn't going to get better and that time was of the essence. Mr. VonDeLinde responded that once there is some baseline information, which could be provided through aerial photographs, the City will be better able to look at what needs to be done. John added that we are currently losing 1200-1500 trees a year. Jack Johnson added that the aerial mapping and education would be a good place to start. He suggested approaching the City Council to see if funding can be allocated to at least start identifying and resolving the problems that exist on public property. John VonDeLinde reminded the Commission that this is a disease that requires technical expertise specifically as it relates to diagnosis and treatment. In order to do a good job on this, staff time is needed to get it up and running. After further discussion, Jack Johnson moved, Jonathan Widem seconded with all members voting in favor to approach the City Council to examine the option of supplemental funding for oak wilt abatement for 1993 with the suggestion that the initial funding be used to provide an aerial inventory of the extent of the disease. 1993 BUDGET UPDATE Director Vraa introduced this item explaining that staff typically updates the Commission on the status of the budget. Ken noted that there was a shift of funds from contractual to salary to allow for the change in status of employees who were previously treated as contractual employees. Ken added that there is a need to cut approximately $20,000 out of the temporary/seasonal budget as well. DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Superintendent of Recreation Peterson outlined several items including the numbers of skatersthat have been using the rinks, all Tiny Tots classes are filled for the winter session, church youth groups are requesting ice times for their organized use and Eagan Hockey Association ice time has increased due to increased numbers of registrations. Dorothy reiterated the need to balance open skating with the requests for organized use. Parks Superintendent VonDeLinde reviewed the ongoing process of updating the Landscape Ordinance which will be brought before the Commission in February, the mulching of trees and clearing of the native prairie in Thomas Lake Park, lake aeration systems were put in place at Schwanz and Fish Lake and base flooding which began in early December was curtailed due to warm weather but was able to resume to allow for good skating conditions. by late December. Dorothy Peterson concluded by inviting Commission Members to participate in the Winter Weekend events scheduled for January 29, 30 and 31st. With no further business to conduct, Lee Markell moved, Erin lpsen-Borgersen seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. 5/le-, /ate Secretary Date