03/10/1993 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MARCH 10, 1993 An orientation session of the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission was begun at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 10, 1993 with the following Commission members present: Lee Markell, Jonathan Widem, Erin Ipsen-Borgersen, David Szott, Stephen Thompson,George Kubik, Dan Mooradian and John Rudolph. Commission Members not present included Ted Billy, Deborah Johnson and Frankie Hall. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; John VonDeLinde, Parks Superintendent; Rich Brasch, Water Quality Coordinator; Paula Nowariak, Recreation Supervisor; Jon Oyanagi, Recreation Supervisor; Dan Schultz, Intern and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. Following introductions of staff and Commission members, Director Vraa reviewed the Commission's role and responsibilities. An overview of the Parks and Recreation Department along with several current projects pending helped to outline various responsibilities of staff and the Commission. COMMISSION ORGANIZATION After describing the responsibilities for each office and explaining the voting procedure which included initialing ballots, Director Vraa opened nominations for the Chairperson. Lee Markell nominated George Kubik and Jonathan Widem nominated Lee Markell. A third nomination was submitted for Ted Billy. John Rudolph moved, Jonathan Widem seconded the motion to close the nominations. Written ballots were submitted and counted naming George Kubik as Chairman. Director Vraa opened nominations for Vice-Chair. John Rudolph nominated and Jonathan Widem seconded the nomination of Lee Markell. Lee Markell nominated and Steve Thompson seconded the nomination of Ted Billy. John Rudolph moved, Erin Ipsen-Borgersen seconded the motion to close the nominations. Written ballots were submitted and counted naming Lee Markell as Vice-Chair. Director Vraa opened nominations for Secretary. Nominations for Ted Billy and Jonathan Widem were accepted and nominations were closed. Written ballots were submitted and counted naming Jonathan Widem as Secretary. Director Vraa then turned the meeting overto Chairman George Kubik for the appointment of members to the various standing sub-committees. Mr. Vraa noted that those sub-committees were Recreation, Park Naming and Water Quality/Natural Resources. Chairman Kubik asked for volunteers to serve on the Recreation sub-committee which usually meets before each quarterly newsletter. Those volunteering for this committee included George Kubik, John Rudolph and David Szott with the recommendation that Ted Billy continue to serve as well. Those members volunteering for the Water Quality/Natural Resources sub-committee included Lee Markell, Stephen Thompson, John Rudolph, Dan Mooradian and George Kubik. Regarding the Park Naming sub-committee, Dan Mooradian suggested that this remain as an ad-hoc committee to which the Commission agreed. Lee Markell moved, Jonathan Widem seconded with all members voting in favor to set the regular Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission meetings for the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. except in the summer months when the times may change to accommodate park tours prior to Commission meetings. ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 10, 1993 MEETING PAGE 2 The regular meeting of the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission was called to order at 7:50 p.m. Chairman Kubik explained the expansion of the Advisory Commission and introduced the Commission members to the audience. AGENDA Director Vraa asked that the Park Naming item under Old Business be deferred to April. Dan Mooradian moved, Lee Markell seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 4, 1993 Dan Mooradian moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favorto accept the minutes as presented. CONSENT AGENDA Director Vraa explained that there were no items under the Consent Agenda for the Commission to review. He did note that recommendations made on the Consent Agenda can be handled with one motion to cover all items. If the Commission so chooses, Mr.Vraa continued, an item can be pulled from the Consent Agenda for further review and explanation. DIFFLEY COMMONS 2ND ADDITION - THE ROTTLUND COMPANY Director Vraa introduced this item and turned it over to Project Planner Shannon Tyree, for review of the project along with the input from the Advisory Planning Commission. Shannon explained that this was an application requesting a preliminary plat of 29.3 acres of 51 lots and 26 buildings for the Diffley Commons Second Addition This addition is located north of Diffley Road and east of the current Diffley Commons 1st Addition south of Cedar Grove 7. Director Vraa added that this parcel is part of the Eagan Hills Planned Development with the parkland dedication already determined for this PUD. The Meadowlands neighborhood park is a result of that parkland dedication. This particular subdivision, Mr.Vraa continued, will be responsible for a cash dedication requirement based on the residual land equivalency and a trails dedication. Water Resources Coordinator Brasch noted that the stormsewer draining of approximately 13 acres of this development is proposed to discharge to Pond AP-4 which is designated for wildlife habitat in the City's Water Quality Management Plan. Rich continued that based on the high level of classification for this water body, on-site treatment to prevent degradation of water quality in AP-4 should be required along with a detention basin to treat water from the drainage prior to discharge. It was noted that runoff from approximately 8.5 acres of the proposed development is treated by ponds lying within the Diffley Commons 1st Addition to the west. An additional approximate 4.8 acres of the 2nd Addition is occupied by a pond and woodland area which will not be graded by the developer. Relative to wetland issues, Mr. Brasch noted that the only wetland identified on the site is the one associated with Pond AP-4. It was noted that the developer does not anticipate filling or draining the wetland as part of the development however, Eagan Public Works Department will require that an outlet be constructed for Pond AP-4. It does appear feasible to construct the outlet to maintain a normal water elevation of 889. ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 10, 1993 MEETING PAGE 3 In response to a question by Commission Member Markell, Don Jenson, representing Rottlund, noted that the setback from the delineated wetland was 50 feet. Rich Brasch added that this information will be more clear once a grading permit has been obtained at which time this will be reviewed with Public Works. Lee Markell asked if the oaks east of Beaver Dam Road and north of Diffley could be preserved. Mr. Jenson responded that a retaining wall may be necessary to save the trees but the developer will look at trying to preserve them. Mr. Kubik asked about the trees surrounding the pond and the need to preserve those as well. Mr. Jenson responded that there will most likely be tree damage and loss along the east of the property due to the required looped water line. Mr. Kubik asked that staff monitor that condition very carefully. After further discussion, Dan Mooradian moved, Erin Ipsen-Borgersen seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding Diffley Commons Second Addition: 1. That this plat be subject to a cash parks dedication. 2. That this plat be subject to a cash trails dedication. 3. On-site ponding to be used to adequately treat runoff from the proposed development prior to discharge to Pond AP-4. To the extent that runoff will not be treated by ponding, a cash dedication will be required. In addition, filling or draining of the wetland associated with Pond AP-4 should be completely avoided in order to maintain it's current size, function and value. GALAXIE-CLIFF PLAZA THIRD ADDITION - LIFETIME FITNESS Director Vraa introduced this item and then turned it overto Project Planner Mike Ridley who reviewed the project along with input received from the Advisory Planning Commission. Mr. Ridley explained that this was an application requesting a Planned Development Amendment to allow a health club, a Preliminary Plat of Outlot A,Galaxie Cliff Plaza 2nd Addition, and Outlot E,Galaxie Cliff Plaza, consisting of three lots on 14 acres located within the Galaxie Cliff Planned Development. Mr. Ridley continued that this item had appeared before the Advisory Planning Commission and was continued to March 23, pending the results of a neighborhood meeting. Mike noted that the neighborhood meeting has occurred resulting in the neighborhood rejecting the idea of a health club at this location. After Director Vraa reviewed the parks and trails dedication issues Mr. Brasch reviewed water quality issues. Rich noted that about 5.4 acres of the site will be developed to accommodate a health club and parking lot, while the remaining outlot, which includes Pond AP-14, will not be developed at this time. Since it is unclear what use, if any, will be made of the 8.5 acre outlot (which has a pond on-site), it was felt that a cash dedication be required based only on the portion of the total parcel that will be developed and then handling water quality requirements for the outlot when it is replatted for development. Rich clarified that the cash dedication would include only the muck excavation component of the cash dedication costs. After further discussion, Dan Mooradian moved, Erin Ipsen-Borgersen seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. That this plat be subject to a cash parks dedication. 2. That this plat be subject to a cash trails dedication. 3. That this development be subject to a cash dedication in lieu of ponding to meet water quality treatment requirements. The cash dedication should be based on the excavation component of the cash dedication costs and should utilize a unit cost of $5/cubic yard. ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 10, 1993 MEETING PAGE 4 FOUR CROWN, INC.;dba. WENDY'S Director Vraa clarified that this item was an amendment to a PUD and not a preliminary plat as indicated in staff's memo. Project Planner Shannon Tyree explained that this application was to allow a Class II restaurant on Lot 1, Block 2 of Duckwood Crossings. The site is located west along Pilot Knob Road, south of Crestridge Lane and the Chili's restaurant now under construction. Director Vraa explained that there are no requirements for parkland within this park service area therefore staff is recommending a cash parks and trails dedication. Water Resources Coordinator Brasch noted that staff has requested that the developer route all stormwater runoff from paved areas of the site to the western-most discharge point to Pond JP-3 and to excavate sumps where stormsewers that serve the development discharge to JP-3. Rich continued that no filling or draining of wetlands will take place on this site. It was also noted that this site was platted prior to the initiation of water quality fees being assessed. After further discussion, Erin Ipsen-Borgersen moved, Dan Mooradian seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding Four Crown, Inc.; dba. Wendy's: 1. That this development be subject to a cash parks dedication. 2. That this development be subject to a cash trails dedication. 3. That the developer route all storm sewer serving paved areas of the property to the property's western-most discharge point into Pond JP-3. In addition, the developer should excavate a sump immediately in front of the flared end of the storm sewer. SCOPE OF SERVICES-PARK SYSTEM PLAN UPDATE-INTERVIEWS Director Vraa asked that two members of the Advisory Commission serve on the interview committee to select a consultant for the Park System Plan update. He noted that the interview will take place either late afternoon or evening with members of the Commission, Council and staff participating. Members that volunteered were Erin Ipsen-Borgersen, Lee Markell and George Kubik. Director Vraa indicated that he would update the Commission on the time frame for interviews. SUMMER PLAYGROUND PROGRAM UPDATE Superintendent of Recreation Peterson introduced this informational item noting that summer, 1992 was the first year in which fees were charged for the Summer in the Park program. This was as a result of the City Council requesting that the program attempt to recoup some of the expense in offering the program. Recreation Supervisor Nowariak indicated that there was a slight decrease in the number of participants once the fee was initiated in 1992, however daily attendance at the parks was up. Paula continued that the $10 fee only scratched the surface for funding this program therefore the fee will be increased to $15 per participant for the 1993 summer program. Paula stated that the scholarship program will continue for individuals who are unable to afford program participation for their children. As has been the case in the past, there are no stringent rules on eligibility so families can feel comfortable approaching staff for scholarship dollars. In response to a question from Stephen Thompson inquiring about the Summer in the Park program, Superintendent of Recreation Peterson explained that it was a program that occurs in 13 neighborhood parks that allows children, ages 5-12, to participate in organized activities for seven weeks during the summer. The program typically runs from 1-4 p.m., Monday through Wednesday with optional trips occurring on Thursday. Fridays are scheduled for additional trips for youth, but not part of the Summer in the Park program. ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 10, 1993 MEETING PAGE 5 Dan Mooradian commented that $15 was a very reasonable fee for a program that offered seven weeks of programmed activities for children during the summer. WADING POOL Dorothy Peterson explained that a wading pool had been tied into the multi-purpose arena proposal and staff was doing some research into the possibilities of this option. Staff wanted to keep the Commission updated on information found to date. George Kubik suggested that thought be given to the insurance liability for a wading pool in looking at what the costs may be for this type of facility. Dorothy clarified that the maximum depth allowed for a wading pool is 24" and that these type of facilities are generally "stand alone" or tied closely in with another water element. Ms. Peterson concluded that the information provided to the Commission was informational only and staff will continue to update as more information is obtained. UPDATE ON DOG RUNS Director Vraa reminded the Commission that the report on dog runs provided in the packet was in response to the Commission's request to obtain more information on the feasibility of such a facility. The report indicated that not many communities provide this facility. Director Vraa asked if the Commission would like to pursue this matter to any degree. George Kubik asked how many requests had been received for a dog run. Ken responded that one had been received to date, however, that may not be reflective of the interest in the community. George suggested that this would bean item for discussion during the updating of the Park System Plan. Erin lpsen-Borgersen expressed her interest in pursuing this item. TRAIL REQUEST PETITION Director Vraa indicated this was an informational item for the Commission. The request was for a trailway to be extended on both sides of Dodd Road extending north from Cliff to Diffley Road. Ken suggested that this would be another consideration for the Park System Plan update. PERIDOT PATH PARK Ken Vraa explained that this park is located in Park Service Section 19 serviced by Woodhaven and Carnelian neighborhood parks. Peridot Path Park is primarily open space with a small playground area on the north end of the park. The park is dominated by a drainage swale which runs laterally through the park and is part of the city storm sewer plan. Improvements to this area include increasing the storm water retention area for 100 year storm frequencies. The storm sewer inlet is currently deteriorated and this section of pipe will be improved. Removal of the volunteer growth will be done to create more of a pond on the south end of the park. The park is primarily used as an open play area and sledding hill. Ken continued that some of the neighbors are concerned about the removal of the vegetation. John Rudolph asked if it was possible for children to remove the safety grates on the storm sewer inlet. Ken responded that they were welded in place and it would be very difficult for them to be removed. George asked if there were any other safety concerns regarding this park. Director Vraa indicated there were not but wanted to keep the Commission current on this project. George encouraged staff to continue obtaining a great deal of public input. ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 10, 1993 MEETING PAGE 6 LEXINGTON DIFFLEY NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING UPDATE Director Vraa noted that 60 notices were sent out to neighboring residents and 12-14 homes were represented at the meeting. The biggest issues raised by those present included athletic field lighting, noise from the parking lots and screening from the residential neighborhood. Ken continued that the plan is being updated based on the results of that neighborhood meeting and follow-up with staff. POND BP-4 CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Rich Brash noted that Pond BP-4 was within the Wenzel Addition plat and is a drainage basin of Blackhawk Lake. The projected cost for the enhancement of this pond was $40,000 with the actual cost coming in at $25,000. Rich concluded that the work has been completed on this project and the developer will now be responsible for the disposal of the excavated material. WORKSHOP MEETING DATES Director Vraa noted that a workshop date needs to be set to provide an update on water qual ity issues the Commission should review. Because of the delay in appointing Commission members there is the need to set the meeting date soon. After checking everyone's schedule, Wednesday, March 24, 6:30 p.m. was selected for the meeting date and time. Rich Brasch indicated he would send out a reminder and agenda for the meeting and anticipated it's length at 2-1/2 hours. DEMOGRAPHIC UPDATE - DAN SCHULTZ Director Vraa explained that the Department requires interns to spend time in both recreation and maintenance with the internship culminating in an assigned research project which is to be presented to the Commission. Ken then introduced Dan Schultz to the Commission. Dan explained that the last demographics and distribution update was done in the summer of 1989 which was a detailed review of the standards established by the City of Eagan forfive major athletic/recreational facilities: tennis courts, softball fields, hockey rinks, soccer fields and baseball fields and applying those standards to what was the current population and a projected population. In his research Dan indicated the projected population for the year 2000, based on the existing Park System Plan, was to be 50,000. At the present time, the population is already at 53,000 and climbing. Dan then reviewed the population by age range and projections into 1997. Also included in his presentation was a breakdown of ages within park districts. These statistics were used to look at the standards for facilities that were calculated during the initial Park System Plan and how the population impacts facilities currently. Dan provided a very thorough and comprehensive report and responded to several questions by the Commission. Chairman Kubik noted that this will be a valuable tool as the Commission continues their task of updating the Park System Plan. George thanked Dan for his excellent report and presentation to the Commission. LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT/PARKS PLANNER UPDATE Director Vraa noted that approximately 60 applications had been received for this position and staff was in the process of narrowing down the field of candidates. It is hoped that the final interviews can occur next week. ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES OF MARCH 10, 1993 MEETING PAGE 7 MINNESOTA VALLEY TRAIL UPDATE Superintendent of Recreation Peterson indicated that she, John VonDeLinde and Ken Vraa have all been participating in the meetings for the proposed Minnesota Valley Trail. She continued that the reconstruction of the Mendota Bridge offers the opportunity of connecting the trail system. It was noted that a Soo Line rail bed may be part of the regional trail system as well. Dorothy indicated there has been a great deal of work accomplished on the planning of this project to date and she was impressed with the cooperation shown between Minneapolis, St. Paul and the DNR in working through the process. HAPPENINGS Some ofthe Happenings highlighted included adult softball registrations with newteams beginning their registration on March 15; the attendance of over 400 people at the Teddy Bear Band; the Seniors project with Northview Elementary students; NYSCA coaches training to begin in March and April for summer sports; the fabrication and installation of cab protectors for the rear windows of all city pick up trucks; fabrication and replacement of hockey goals; John VonDeLinde's participation in a focus group at Dakota Technical College for establishing a parks maintenance education and training program for local governments and the continuance of the development of a "tree preservation and replacement policy" for the City. With no further business to conduct, Lee Markell moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Secretary Date