04/01/1993 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA APRIL 1,1993 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on April 1, 1993 with the following Commission members present: Ted Billy, Erin lpse- Borgersen, Deborah Johnson, George Kubik, Lee Markell, Dan Mooradian, John Rudolph, Stephen Thompson, Jonathan Widem and David Szott. Commission Member Frankie Hall was not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; John VonDeLinde, Parks Superintendent; Rich Brasch, Water Quality Coordinator; Tom Schuster, City Forester; Jon Oyanagi, Recreation Supervisor and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. AGENDA Dan Mooradian moved, Jonathan Widem seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. Director Vraa asked if Commission Members would participate in the selection of the Arbor Day poster finalists. He also asked that they participate in the drawing for the tree sale which is scheduled for May 1. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 10, 1993 Dan Mooradian moved, Erin Ipsen-Borgersen seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of March 10, 1993 as presented. CONSENT AGENDA Ted Billy moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. PRAISE LUTHERAN CHURCH 2ND ADDITION. This proposal would be subject to a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. This proposal would be subject to a cash dedication in lieu of on-site ponding to cover water quality obligations with the cash dedication based on the 2.2 acres of undeveloped land that will be added to the existing development. There is also a no-loss determination for the site regarding wetlands. 2. HADLER PARK PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT. This proposal would be subject to a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. This proposal has met their water quality treatment requirements and there are no wetlands issues associated with this proposal. HAWTHORNE WOODS THIRD ADDITION Director Vraa introduced this item as a PUD amendment consisting of fifteen lots and one outlot on 6.2 acres. The site is located south of Diffley Road just west of Highway 3. Project Planner Mike Ridley explained that separate applications had been submitted requesting a rezoning of approximately one acre from Agricultural to Single Family and a Preliminary Plat consisting of 15 lots and one outlot as described by Director Vraa. Mike continued that Hawthorne Woods was originally preliminary platted as 97 single family lots in February, 1992 with Hawthorne Woods North and Hawthorne Woods West being preliminary platted in June and July, 1992 respectively. As of this date, 41 lots in Hawthorne Woods and 13 lots in Hawthorne Woods West have been final platted. The 59 lots in the 2nd Addition, including the Hawthorne Woods North Preliminary Plat, received final plat approval on March 16, 1993. Mr. Ridley concluded that the Advisory Planning Commission had approved this request at their last meeting. ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISISON MINUTES OF APRIL 1, 1993 MEETING PAGE 2 Director Vraa continued that the developer, Lyman Development, has done site specific grading which has helped to preserve some of the trees on site. Lee Markell asked about the tree preservation on the north site of the property and Mr. Ridley responded that the significant tree stands will be saved. In response to a question regarding how the tree preservation would/could be monitored, Mr. Ridley explained that the grading plan requires the preserved areas to be delineated. Three separate departments also follow through with this process to see that they are appropriately marked. After further discussion, Ted Billy moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding Hawthorne Woods Third Addition: 1. That this parcel be subject to a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. 2. That the developer provide proper tree protection in those areas where trees are to be preserved. 3. That the developer pay a cash dedication in lieu of additional on-site ponding to cover water quality obligations for the additional acre of the parcel. There will be a no-loss determination for the site regarding wetlands. Director Vraa commented that there are several plats that will come before the Advisory Commission in the next few months and he suggested that Commission Members review both the written reports submitted by staff along with visiting the sites, if possible. Chairman Kubik noted that it is very valuable for Commission Members to visit and walk the sites so they have a better understanding of the implications for tree preservation, water quality needs, etc. Commission Member Rudolph indicated that he had visited the sites for this evening's meeting and felt that it would be helpful to have staff present to help orient the Commission to specific issues. It was noted that this may be an option as tours are scheduled prior to Commission meetings. WADING POOL Superintendent of Recreation Peterson reviewed the background of this issue noting that the Commission's comments regarding a wading pool have been incorporated in the research requested by the City Council. Dorothy reviewed the four issues relative to this project; 1) The statutory requirements for wading pools in terms of filtration, heating, chemical and recirculation systems are now identical to the regulations for larger swimming pools. 2) The Environmental Health rules concerning construction materials, decking and fencing likewise parallel those for swimming pools. 3) State regulations concerning toilets, showers and dressing rooms are not waived for wading pools which means that these facilities must now be included in the design. 4) The state standard for bather load for wading pools is 10 square feet of pool water surface per person. Superintendent Peterson concluded that the memo was provided as information for the Commission but she requested feedback and direction regarding this issue. Director Vraa added that it was not staff's intention to bring half a report to the Commission but as the research was being done for the City Council on this issue there were several items that needed to be addressed. Staff felt that the Commission should be made aware of the research to date and their input was solicited. Chairman Kubik asked how much time would be needed to complete the report. Superintendent Peterson noted that a large amount of the work has already been completed; finalizing the report would be about as time consuming as the process has taken to date. Deborah Johnson asked why staff was researching a wading pool. Director Vraa clarified that Councilmember Hunter had asked that a wading pool be included with the multi-purpose arena proposal and this is the research that has been done to date. ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES OF APRIL 1, 1993 MINUTES PAGE 3 Stephen Thompson's opinion was that there was no need to proceed with the report; rather, the recommendation should be made to the City Council to not proceed with a wading pool. Commission Member Mooradian echoed Mr. Thompson's comments and suggested that no more staff time be used to continue with the report if it appears a wading pool, as a "stand along"facility is not feasible. George Kubik noted that if staff completed the report, the information could be used when and if a wading pool facility would be a viable option to the expansion of the multi-use arena. David Szott suggested looking at the YMCA plans for providing a pool to see if a pool would even be an option in conjunction with the ice arena. In response to a question regarding pool attendance numbers, Superintendent Peterson responded that the only public beach area in the City, Schultz Beach, reports astounding numbers in the past several years. Director Vraa noted that in looking at what other communities offer, it is difficult to judge the need within the City of Eagan. The code requirements for bather load capacity have some bearing on how large a wading pool would need to be. Ken continued that more research would need to be done to clarify some of the questions addressed by the Advisory Commission. In response to a question of time involved to complete this research, Mr. Vraa stated an additional 8-12 hours would be needed. Mr. Kubik reiterated his opinion that the research should be completed to enable the Commission and Council to see what options are available. Ted Billy asked for clarification of the proposed budget for a wading pool. Director Vraa noted that the Council had allocated $50,000 from the CIP for a wading pool. Ken clarified that that doesn't mean that a wading pool will necessarily proceed; it means that the Council wants to consider their options. Mr. Billy asked what the costs would be for the restrooms for a wading pool. Director Vraa explained that the restrooms alone would be approximately $45-50,000. Regarding staffing,, Superintendent Peterson explained that a pool with a maximum depth of less than five feet is not required to have a lifeguard. After further discussion, Director Vraa clarified the Commission's direction to proceed with the study to it's completion and bring the issue back to the Advisory Commission. 1993 BUDGET Director Vraa explained that the 1993 budget was included in the packet as an informational item only. ARBOR DAY RESOLUTION Parks Superintendent VonDeLinde reviewed the history of Arbor Day programs in the City of Eagan since they began in 1987. John continued that the public education portion of the Arbor Day activities continues to be very successful. He noted that Tom Schuster has already been visiting the third grade classes in Eagan's public schools. More than 800 students have been involved in an Arbor Day poster drawing contest of which the Commission Members will choose grand prize winners. Also included in the Arbor Day celebration with be the annual celebration on April 24th at Captain Dodd Park followed by the sixth annual public tree sale on May 1. City Forester Schuster thanked First Bank Eagan and Frank's Nursery and Crafts for their donations to the Arbor Day celebration. Tom continued that the Arbor Day celebration will be held on April 24 and approximately 75 volunteers are expected to participate in the tree planting activity. Regarding the annual tree sale, Mr.Schuster continued that between 4-5,000 trees have been sold to Eagan residents as part of this program since it started. Chairman Kubik thanked the businesses who have generously contributed to the Arbor Day celebration and encouraged the community to attend all the activities that are planned. George Kubik moved, Erin Ipsen- Borgersen seconded with all members voting in favor to adopt the Arbor Day Resolution proclaiming Eagan Arbor Day and Eagan Arbor Month as presented. ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES OF APRIL 1, 1993 MEETING PAGE 4 ISTEA APPLICATION/NICOLS ROAD PROJECT Director Vraa introduced this item requesting Commission authorization to submit a grant application to the Minnesota Department of Transportation to secure matching federal funds for the development of a trailway connection between the Eagan trails system and the Minnesota River Valley network of trails. Parks Superintendent VonDeLinde explained the City has been actively involved with a consortium of other communities and agencies to pursue strategies for establishing trails'connections" between the communities through linkages into the Minnesota Valley Wildlife Refuge and Fort Snelling State Park. If successful this grant proposal would facilitate construction of a key pedestrian link with the Minnesota River Valley system of trails. John continued that the ISTEA Program offers a favorable 80% federal cost share against a 20% local match for all eligible costs under the project. It was noted that the application deadline was April 15, 1993 with construction completed and the trail operational by the end of 1994. These facilities must be of a permanent nature and maintained in perpetuity by the grant applicant. Mr. VonDeLinde reviewed the four major components of the application. The multi use trail would include a portion of trail on the east side of Nicols Road between Marble Lane and Rahn Park. The trailhead/depot reconstruction indicates a small depot at the junction of Nicols Road and the Chicago Northwestern railway tracks wherein the City could take advantage of a unique opportunity to recreate the depot as a contemporary and functional point of interest, serving as a formal 'entrance' to the community. Scenic beautification would include landscaping along trail corridors ,i.e. boulevard landscaping along both sides of Silver Bell and Nicols Road from Highway 13 into Fort Snelling State Park. Signage would be the final component which would include directional signage at key locations along the trail. The preliminary estimate of total cost under the City's ISTEA grant application is $364,000 with $291,000 being funded under the federal ISTEA grant program with the City's share of expenses estimated at $73,000. After further discussion. Ted Billy moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to approve an application to the Minnesota Department of Transportation for federal cost sharing of trails development and enhancements into the Minnesota River Valley under the federal ISTEA program and that approval be given to submit a similar application under the Metropolitan Council Surface Transportation Program when such funding becomes available. WINTER PROGRAM Recreation Supervisor Jon Oyanagi reviewed some of the highlights as outlined in his winter season report contained in the packet. Some of the items discussed included the introduction of a photo contest in lieu of the "Decorate Eagan' contest which was co-sponsored by the This Week newspaper. Also noted were 63 accident/injury reports filled out by winter staff with 33 of those occurring at Trapp Farm Park. It was noted that the high level of traffic at this site was part of the reason the accident reports showed an increase. Because Trapp is one of the few tubing hills in the Twin Cities it generates a great deal of interest. Jon continued that there were several requests for reserved use of Trapp Farm tubing hill and staff may consider offering this as an option next year. George Kubik stated he had heard many good comments from residents regarding the winter activities and thanked staff for another good job. ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MINUTES OF APRIL 1, 1993 MEETING PAGE 5 DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Some of the items highlighted included the fishing seminar which was attended by 70 people; weekend reservations at Trapp Farm and Thomas Lake for summer, 1993; the increased number of participants in EAA programs; the Fun Run scheduled for May 1, 1993; tree clearing efforts at Patrick Eagan Park by the maintenance staff; inspection of the City's playgrounds; and the construction and installation of new cab protectors for all maintenance vehicles. FORESTRY BROCHURE City Forester Schuster provided the Commission Members with a draft copy of the next four forestry brochures. He asked Commission Members to review the information and provide him with feedback over the next few days at which time it will be submitted for final printing. ROUND TABLE Chairman Kubik asked if the Commission would resume their park tours beginning with the May 6th meeting. It was determined that the May meeting would begin at 6:30 p.m. with a tour and the meeting to follow at 7:30 pm. With no further business to conduct, Lee Markell moved, Erin lpsen-Borgersen seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 pm. wnlE3~1993 cretary Date