07/12/1993 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF RESCHEDULED MEETING OF ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JULY 12,1993 A re-scheduled meeting of the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on July 12, 1993 with the following Commission Members present: Erin Ipsen- Borgersen, John Rudolph, Ted Billy, George Kubik, Deborah Johnson, David Szott, Stephen Thompson, Frankie Hall and Lee Markell. Commission Members Dan Mooradian and Jonathan Widem were not present. Staff present incl uded Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; C. J. Lilly, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner; Rich Brasch, Water Resources Coordinator; Shannon Tyree, Project Planner and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. AGENDA Erin lpsen-Borgersen moved, Stephen Thompson seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 3, 1993 Erin lpsen-Borgersen moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of June 3, 1993 as presented. CONSENT AGENDA Erin lpsen-Borgersen moved, Stephen Thompson seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. Prettyman Heights 2nd Addition. Lot 2 would be subject to a cash trails dedication. 2. Thorpe Woodland Gardens Addition. Lot 2 would be subject to a cash parks and trails dedication. The development would be subject to a cash dedication for water quality and the dedication would be based only on Lot 1. In addition, filling and draining of wetlands on the site shall be prohibited. 3. Wuthering Heights Addition. The newly created lot would be subject to a cash parks and trails dedication. The cash dedication for water quality would be based only on the two undeveloped lots. 4. Stonebridge Ponds Addition. This proposal would be subject to a cash parks and trails dedication. On-site ponding to treat all impervious area runoff from the site would be required to meet water quality treatment requirements and the pond design would need to e approved by City staff. Also, no filling or draining of any wetlands on the site is permitted. 5. Johnston Addition. This proposal would be subject to a cash parks and trails dedication. On- site ponding to treat all impervious area runoff from the site would be required to meet water quality treatment requirements and the pond design would need to be approved by City water resources staff. If the configuration of the pond fails to meet staff criteria, only partial credit will be allowed and the remaining obligation will be made up with a cash dedication. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural ResourcesCommission Minutes of July 12, 1993 Meeting Page 2 6. Park Center 4th Addition. Lots 1 and 2 would be subject to a cash parks dedication. This proposal would be subject to the cost of the trail along Cliff Road based on the lot frontage. Lot 1 would be subject to a trails dedication fee based on 185 frontage feet at $12.05 per foot. Lot 2 would be subject to a trails dedication fee based on 165 frontage feet at $12.05 per foot. The dedication fees shall be paid at the time of the building permit application. No additional water quality treatment requirements are necessary for this development. GARDENWOOD PONDS OF EAGAN Shannon Tyree, Project Planner introduced this proposal as an application requesting a rezoning of approximately 91 A (Agricultural) acres to an R-1 (Single Family) zoning district, a Preliminary Plat of 126 lots and a variance to allow a 20' private street without concrete curb. Shannon continued that this proposed plat is located south of Wescott Road, west of The Oaks of Bridgewater 2nd Addition, north of Northview Park Road and east of Lexington Square 4th, 6th and 7th Additions. Shannon described the site as moderately hilly and sloping terrain, pocketed with wetlands in the low areas. A tree survey has been done revealing approximately 1145 trees of which many are mature oaks averaging 18' in size. This item was presented before the Advisory Planning Commission on June 22 at which time they amended Condition #21 to minimize grading. Landscape Architect/Parks Planner Lilly reviewed the parks/trails issues as well as tree preservation issues. He noted that more land from Lot 24 was being requested, the property line for park dedication along Northview Park Road is to be moved further west, trail dedication along the west side of Gardenwood Drive from Wescott Road south to Northview Park Road, an 8 foot wide bituminous trail 8 feet back of the curb is requested as well as a cash park and trail dedication for the difference in value between the developer's 1993 park and trail dedication obligation and the actual value of land and trail dedications. The developer is also being requested to provide tree protection to those areas where trees are to be preserved. Water Resources Coordinator Brasch explained that the Commission will need to make a recommendation regarding whether the proposed development should be subject to a cash and/or ponding dedication to meet water quality requirements. It was also noted that compliance with the 1991 Wetlands Conservation Act is required in addressing wetland impact issues on this site. Rich noted that all runoff from the development will eventually reach Fish Lake. Also, because the wetlands associated with Ponds JP-20 and JP-20.4 have been heavily impacted by an accumulation of nutrient-rich horse manure, these ponds need to be excavated before being connected to Bald Lake with storm sewer. Rich concluded that the Commission has reviewed this site thoroughly at an earlier workshop. The developer, DNR and Corp of Engineers have reviewed the wetland issues. and the developer has worked closely with staff to resolve any remaining issues regarding this site. In response to a point of clarification, Shannon Tyree explained that the proposal is for 126 lots, not 139 as is indicated on one report. Director Vraa explained that the outlots on the southern portion of the plat were hoped to be obtainable by the City, however, Sienna has decided to develop the lots. Therefore, staff will try to match existing outlots to provide movement via trail to the east to Bald Lake and on to the east. Ken continued that the trail will be installed at the time of street installation and the developer has asked about concrete ratherthan asphalt for the trail. A trail currently exists to the north on Wescott and staff is looking at a trail from Braddock so that traffic does not occur at a 'T' intersection. Commission Member Kubik asked what the timing would be if the developer put in a concrete trail. Director Vraa responded that it would be done at the same time as street installation. George suggested that bituminous vs. soft surface would be a good item for review for the Park System Plan trailway review. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural ResourcesCommission Minutes of July 12, 1993 Meeting Page 3 After further discussion, Ted Billy moved, Erin Ipsen-Borgersen seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding Gardenwood Ponds of Eagan: 1. A parks dedication for Lot 24 must be revised so the lot line intersects with the shore of Bald Lake. More land from Lot 24 is requested. 2. The property line for park dedication along Nothview Park Road is to be moved further west. 3. Trail dedication along the west side of Gardenwood Drive from Wescott Road south to Northview Park Road. An 8 foot wide bituminous trail 8 feet back of the curb is requested. 4. A cash park and trail dedication will be required for the difference in value between the developer's 1993 park and trail dedication obligation and the actual value of land and trail dedications. 5. A tree survey counted a total of 1,145 trees of which many are oak trees averaging 18' in size. The developer must provide tree protection in those areas where trees are to be preserved. Stephen Thompson moved, Lee Markell seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding Gardenwood Ponds of Eagan: 1. Ponding shall be required to treat all water draining to Bald Lake from impervious surfaces. The ponds shall meet the minimum size and design standards specified by staff. 2. Excavation of Ponds JP-20.3 and JP-20.4 shall occur before the ponds are connected to Bald Lake with storm sewer. 3. Special erosion control measures developed by staff shall be followed by the developer to protect Bald Lake from sedimentation. These shall include, but may not be limited to, installation of a floating silt curtain around the storm sewer outlet to Bald Lake and immediate seeding and installation of a wood fiber blanket along the storm sewer line between JP-20.4 and Bald Lake. 4. A cash dedication will be accepted for that portion of the development draining to JP-20. 1. 5. No discharge of untreated stormwater from impervious surfaces to JP-58 shall be allowed. Also, Pond JP-58 should not be connected to Pond JP-19. 6. Proposed Pond JP-30.1 shall be created to provide treatment for at least 10 acres of the development. The pond shall meet the minimum size and design standards specified by staff. 7. A cash dedication will be accepted for drainage of 8.8 acres to the Wescott Road storm sewer line. 8. The developer is allowed to fill up to .7 acres of wetland on the site and shall meet replacement requirements as per the replacement plan submitted to City staff dated June 22, 1993. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural ResourcesCommission Minutes of July 12, 1993 Meeting Page 4 THE WOODLANDS 4TH ADDITION Project Planner Shannon Tyree introduced this application for rezoning of approximately 15 acres from AG (Agricultural) to R-1(Single Family) and a Preliminary Plat consisting of 34 lots and one Outlot on approximately 24 acres located north of The Woodlands 1st Addition and Suncrest Addition and south of Great Oaks Addition. Shannon continued that this item was approved by the Advisory Planning Commission on June 22 and will appear before the City Council on July 20. Water Resources Coordinator Brasch explained that this development is located in drainage basin J and will generate runoff that will eventually reach Fish Lake. A small portion of the site, about 2.7 acres, will drain to the west into Pond JP-61, a sediment basin located off-site to the west of the development. The remainder of the site's impervious areas will drain to an existing storm sewer along Woodland Trail. This branch will discharge to Pond JP-1 4 which is served by a lift station that discharges stormwater to pond JP-31 which is the nearest down drainage recreational water body located in Mueller Farm Park. Without additional treatment, phosphorus concentrations in JP-31 would increase by about 4%. Rich continued that since on-site ponding doesn't appear to be an option, there are other options that could be considered. It appears possible to increase the wet volume of Pond JP-1 4 by raising the water level, provided an expanded flood easement can be secured. This can be accomplished by reconstructing a portion of the inlet to the lift station. Regarding wetlands, Mr. Brasch explained that the developer maintains that the development will not result in the filling or draining of the two identified wetlands on site. Director Vraa added that staff is recommending a cash parks and trails dedication for this parcel. Ken brought the Commission's attention to a letter received by Mr.Howard Kyllo of Robert Engstrom Companies requesting trail dedication credit for a trail connection being proposed within The Woodlands 4th Addition. Howard Kyllo representing Robert Engstrom Companies addressed the Commission stating that they had come up with the idea to complete a trail from Woodlands 4th through Sunrise Hills and back. It was felt that this was a good opportunity to connect these neighborhoods. Mr. Kyllo continued that the developer is asking that the trails dedication fee be waived for this development in lieu of a 4' bituminous path along the route indicated. The credit is calculated for 500 feet of trail at $7.00/foot or approximately $3,500. Mr. Kyllo concluded that Robert Engstrom Companies has paid in excess of $285,000 in park and trails fees and feel they have paid their fair share. Director Vraa asked who would own the trail and Mr. Kyllo responded that it would be owned by the Homeowner's Association and they would provide maintenance for the trail. Lee Markell asked why a 4' wide trail was being suggested rather than the City's standard 8' wide trail. Director Vraa noted that the 4 foot width does not fit City standards for bikeways, however there are some older trails that are 5 feet in width. Mr. Kyllo responded that they felt an 8 foot width was excessive and reiterated the developer's request for a trails credit for this proposed trail link. Chairman Kubik explained the options the Commission could consider; full trails dedication credit, partial trails dedication credit or no trails dedication credit. George opined that if any credit was being considered perhaps a percentage credit would be most appropriate. Mr. Kyllo interjected for Commission consideration that the trailway could go to the north to serve future neighborhoods if so desired, thus becoming an important connection for these neighborhoods. Deborah Johnson asked what the anticipated trail dedication fee would be. Director Vraa explained it would be approximately $3,400. Ms. Johnson asked if this trail would make the development more attractive for the developer. Mr. Kyllo responded that the trail would allow for more interaction within these neighborhoods. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural ResourcesCommission Minutes of July 12, 1993 Meeting Page 5 Ted Billy expressed his concern for the maintenance and ownership of this trail. Director Vraa clarified that it would be part of the Homeowner Association's common property and as such would be their responsibility for perpetual maintenance. Lee Markell asked if there would be a risk of losing the trail in the future. Mr. Kyllo responded that an easement could be created to the Homeowners Association in perpetuity so that the trail remains. Mr. Billy reiterated his concern for a public trail linking to a private trail. Director Vraa explained that this is an issue that can be kept clear if the Commission chooses to proceed with a trails dedication credit. Mr. Kyllo explained that a northbound trail would provide an excellent trail option fortraffic, however, they do not own that parcel of land to allow for that traffic flow. Chairman Kubik explained that the Commission has been very conservative in the past in allowing park or trail dedication credit. John Rudolph asked if the Commission would be setting a precedent in allowing a 4' wide trail when a minimum width of 5' is standard. Director Vraa explained that an 8' wide trail, which is what the City most commonly installs, provides vehicular access in case of accidents, maintenance, etc. Ken continued that the maintenance of the trail would be dependent upon what the Commission decides. He noted that staff would prefer that the homeowners association keep and maintain the trail if it was going to be 5' wide. At a 5' width,this trail will be a neighborhood trail rather than a community used trail. Commission Member Johnson indicated her support for a 100% trails dedication credit based on the benefit this trail link will provide for the neighborhood. Lee Markell expressed his support of a 100% credit as long as the trail link is a 5' wide sidewalk. Chairman Kubik expressed his hesitance in granting a full trails credit. He suggested that if this trail link connected to the overall trail system plan and would provide a link for the entire community than a credit may be appropriate. This trail link, although beneficial to the neighborhood, does not serve the community as a connection to the existing system and therefore should be considered as such. George suggested that if the Commission was considering a credit.that his preference would be for a 1/4 or 1/3 trails dedication credit. Lee Markell and Deborah Johnson asked if the full credit wasn't given would the developer still install the trail link. Mr. Kyllo responded that the idea of this trail was motivated by other means rather than monetary. Stephen Thompson responded that the Commission should be thinking about the importance of enhancing neighborhoods whenever possible and felt this was a good example of enhancing these neighborhoods. Chairman Kubik noted that Mr.Thompson's point was well made but suggested that the Commission support and encourage developers to provide some of these enhancements as part of their developments rather than provide 100% credit for an enhancement that serves a specific neighborhood(s) only. Commission Member Billy agreed with Mr. Kubik's comments and added that the trails dedication fund is to provide the most use to the greatest number of people in the City, therefore he was hesitant to grant a 100% credit. Mr. Kyl to clarified that this proposed trail will benefit 2-300 fami l ies and can provide a pleasant walking experience for many more as this area is developed. After further discussion Erin lpsen-Borgersen moved, Stephen Thompson seconded the motion to grant a 65% trails dedication credit based on a 5 foot wide trail approximately 500 feet long as identified by the developer. In response to a question relative to the dollar amount being discussed, Director Vraa explained that the trails dedication fee would be approximately $3,400; therefore the 65% credit would equate to approximately $2,200. Mr. Kubik reiterated his concern for the amount of credit being proposed and asked if the motion could be amended to provide a $2,000 credit rather than a percentage credit. Both Erin Ipsen- Borgersen and Stephen Thompson agreed to the amendment. The motion was carried. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural ResourcesCommission Minutes of July 12, 1993 Minutes Page 6 Chairman Kubik clarified that this trails dedication credit in no way establishes a precedent for future developments. Erin lpsen Borgersen moved, Lee Markell seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend a cash parks dedication for the Woodlands 4th Addition. Stephen Thompson moved, Lee Markell seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following water quality recommendations for the Woodlands 4th Addition: 1. A cash dedication in lieu of ponding be accepted to meet water quality treatment requirements for this development. Staff shall have the latitude to adjust the cash dedication for any additional easements that are obtained from the developer to create additional wet volume in Pond JP-14, since the developer owns this land also. The estimated cash dedication is $11,635. 2. Staff pursue the modification of the outlets and possibly other features of Ponds JP-14 and JP- 33 to improve their treatment efficiency and reduce pollutant loadings to Pond JP-31. 3. Filling or draining or wetlands on the site would be prohibited. Lee Markell moved, Erin Ipsen-Borgersen seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding Woodlands 4th Addition: 1. The proposed woodland trail runs east and west along a ridge through the center of the site. All the existing trees located along this ridge would be removed during grading for streets and houses. Existing trees located in backyard areas are shown to be saved. The developer must provide protection for those trees to be saved according to the Tree Preservation Policy. With no further business to conduct, Erin Ipsen-Borgersen moved, Lee Markell seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. 9-9-93 Se etary Date