12/02/1993 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA DECEMBER 2, 1993 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on December 2, 1993 with the following Commission Members present: Erin Ipsen- Borgersen, Jonathan Widem, John Rudolph, Lee Markell, Deborah Johnson, Dan Mooradian, George Kubik and Ted Billy. Commission Members Frankie Hall, Stephen Thompson and David Szott were not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; John VonDeLinde, Parks Superintendent; C.J. Lilly, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner; Shannon Tyree, Project Planner and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. AGENDA Director Vraa suggested that the Commission set a meeting time after the regular meeting to work on a mission statement. Erin Ipsen-Borgersen moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 4, 1993 MEETING Dan Mooradian moved, Jonathan Widem seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of November 4, 1993 as presented. CONSENT AGENDA Dan Mooradian moved, Erin Ipsen-Borgersen seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. Lyman Development Company - Waiver of Plat Lot Split. This lot will be subject to a cash parks dedication, cash trails dedication and water quality dedication. There are no woodland preservation issues associated with this plat. WATERVIEW ADDITION After Director Vraa introduced this item, Project Planner Tyree explained that this was an application requesting a Preliminary Plat of twenty lots on 17.84 acres. The property is located east of Dodd Road and west of State Highway 3 on the south side of Fitz Lake in the Lakeview Trail Addition. Shannon continued that the Advisory Planning Commission had approved this application at their November meeting. Director Vraa explained that this proposal would be subject to a cash parks and cash trails dedication. Superintendent of Parks VonDeLinde noted that the developer has provided a tree preservation and replacement plan for this development which results in the loss of approximately 27 of the 154 trees as a result of the initial site development. John added that the developer has done an admirable job in preserving trees within this development. Lee Markell noted that the tree loss was part of the initial development but questioned how many more will be removed after development. George Kubik asked that the trees identified to remain be protected during the initial grading so there is no further tree loss. Mr. VonDeLinde noted that the lots that have a significant number of trees on them will require future builders of those sites to prepare individual lot tree preservation plans at the time of building permit. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resouces Commission Minutes of December 2, 1993 Meeting Page 2 Relative to water quality and wetland issues, Director Vraa explained that this development is located in drainage basin L and will generate run-off that will be discharged into Pond LP-26. Staff is recommending that a treatment pond of at least .7 acre feet in wet volume, having a minimum average depth of 3 feet,be constructed according to NURP design standards along with a 10 foot wide 10:1 bench at the normal water elevation. It was noted that no filling or draining of the single wetland is planned and none will be allowed. Director Vraa added that because Pond LP-26 is identified as a general development lake in the shoreland zoning ordinance, clear cutting and intensive vegetation clearing within the shore impact zone is prohibited. The shore impact zone was identified as all land within a distance of 25 feet of the ordinary high water mark and it is being recommended that the developer install permanent monuments for each lotto identify the depth of this zone for lot owners. After further discussion, Dan Mooradian moved, Jonathan Widem seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council relative to Waterview Addition. 1. This proposal will be subject to a cash parks dedication. 2. This proposal will be subject to a cash trails dedication. 3. This proposal will be subject to the developer providing on-site ponding to meet water quality treatment requirements. This pond shall have a minimum average depth of 3 feet and a wet pond volume of at least .7 acre feet. 4. The design of the wet pond must be approved by City Water Resources staff. 5. Filling or draining of the wetland is prohibited. 6. The developer shall install permanent monuments identifying the boundary of the protected shoreland zone. 7. The Commission acknowledges that the Waterview Addition preliminary plat tree preservation plan complies with the City's Tree Preservation Guidelines and the developer will not be responsible for tree replacement provided that no more than 27 trees, as are now identified, are removed. GOLF DRIVING RANGE Director Vraa introduced Rick Kuchera who, along with his partner Ryan Helgeson, are proposing to operate a golf driving range on the Lexington/Diffley athletic site. Mr. Kuchera had requested that the Commission consider extending their contract one year since they had been unable to open the golf driving range in 1993. Ken reminded the Commission that they had deferred this item pending more information relative to the Park System Plan Update. Mr. Kuchera voiced his concern for a decision relative to the one year extension as soon as possible so that plans can proceed with the golf driving range. He added that the layout of the athletic site has changed somewhat and it appears that softball will encompass and impact more of the site. Rick continued that they would need a minimum four year commitment to proceed with this project which required extending the existing contract. George Kubik explained that information relative to the Park System Plan Update would most likely not be available prior to January/February, 1994. Mr. Kubik apologized for not having more specific information for Mr. Kuchera and asked him to be patient for just a little longer to allow staff time to evaluate potential use of that facility based on information that will be obtained from the System Plan Update. Director Vraa added that the grading plan has been completed however other city departments have not completed their review and input. C.J. Lilly noted that staff is trying to make sure that all needs are being met for this site before the budget is reviewed to see how a driving range can be incorporated. George Kubik cautioned that care should be taken to ensure that facility needs are carefully assessed before committing to a four year contract for the driving range. George continued that it would be unfair to the driving range if after 2 years the city found that athletic facilities are much needed. Conversely, if there was a significant need to increase athletic facilities and the driving range was locked into a four year contract, it may be an unfair situation for residents as well. George added that the city needs to be careful so as not to eliminate any options. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resouces Commission Minutes of December 2, 1993 Meeting Page 3 Lee Markel) asked if it was imperative that a decision be made in January. Mr. Kuchera said they would like an answer as soon as possible so that they can proceed with their plans and reiterated their need for a four year commitment. SIDEWALK REQUEST - BENT TREE LANE Director Vraa reminded the Commission of a letter distributed at the November meeting from Cheri and Andrew Fink relative to a request for a sidewalk on the west side of Bent Tree Lane to facilitate the needs of their wheelchair bound child Matthew. Director Vraa continued that sidewalks have typically been associated with transportation systems on collector streets or for providing access to significant points of destination such as schools, shopping or business locations. Mr. Vraa then reviewed the existing trail system near Bent Tree Lane for the Commission and concluded that the Commission would need to review this item and determine an appropriate policy for this request as well as subsequent requests for sidewalks. Chairman Kubik thanked the Finks for attending the meeting and asked if they had information they would like to add. Andrew Fink explained that they are primarily concerned about Matthew's need to move through the neighborhood in his electric wheelchair. Without a sidewalk on Bent Tree Lane they feel it will be very difficult for Matthew to mainstream with the neighborhood children as well as limit his mobility throughout the neighborhood. Chairman Kubik asked if a precedent had been set relative to this request. Director Vraa responded he was unaware of any at this time. In response to a question regarding the cost to install a sidewalk as requested, Director Vraa stated that based on the cost of the newly installed Crimson Leaf sidewalk section, the cost is approximately $10-12/lineal foot without homes already constructed on the lots. The cost increases if homes and driveways are installed on the lots. Lee Markell asked if there was any research supporting the safety of having sidewalks versus no sidewalks. Chairman Kubik suggested that several options should be researched as well as solicit information from other communities to see how they handle these types of requests. Jonathan Widem asked what other options could be considered to provide a safe commute for Matthew within the neighborhood. After further discussion, Chairman Kubik noted the consensus of the Commission seemed to be that further information from other communities should be obtained along with looking at funding options before making a recommendation on this issue. Lee Markell suggested checking to see if state funds were available through ADA to help with this type of request. Mrs. Fink explained that they have talked with several government agencies who suggested looking at block grants as a possible option. They have also talked to the developer responsible for their home's construction and they have indicated an interest in talking about a cost sharing option for the sidewalk which will be pursued. Chairman Kubik thanked the Finks for taking the time to address the Commission with their concerns and also for their input on how to help facilitate Matthew's transportation needs within their neighborhood. PARK DEVELOPMENT UPDATE Landscape Architect/Parks Planner Lilly reviewed the status of the Blackhawk Park sign which is being constructed by Edison Sign Company. C.J. continued that the sign would be completed per specifications and in place before Christmas. The retaining wall and landscaping around the sign will be completed by department staff. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resouces Commission Minutes of December 2,1993 Meeting Page 4 MINNESOTA STATE COMPREHENSIVE OUTDOOR RECREATION PLAN Superintendent of Parks VonDeLinde introduced this item noting that during the past 12 months the DNR has been preparing a new 1995-1999 state comprehensive outdoor recreation plan. This major re-write is required every 5 years to make the state eligible to receive Land and Water Conservation funding through the National Park Service. The Plan will serve as a valuable tool for state and local decision makers in the formulation of outdoor recreation acquisition and development plans as well as initiating legislative and local policies and funding requests related to the provision of outdoor recreation opportunities. Superintendent VonDeLinde has served on the 15 member Outdoor Recreation Planning Advisory Commission forthe past 12 months to help with this process. Superintendent VonDeLinde added that staff felt it would be a value to the Commission to have an early draft of the document in light of the current Eagan park master planning process currently underway. A review of the issues, strategies, and objectives contained in the plan may help to assist the commission as it reviews and refines long-range parks, recreation and natural resources planning issues in the City. DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Some of the Department Happenings highlighted included preparing for the winter activities by hiring staff for the twelve sites and preparing the rinks and tubing hill. The co-sponsored appearance by the Teddy Bear Bank with I.S.D. 196, seniors attending the Old Log Theatre, influenza clinic for 208 people and the deliver of the winter Discover Us! were also highlighted. Maintenance items highlighted included preparation of park facilities for the winter activities, full-time park maintenance employees participated in a drivers training and evaluation program, removal of aspen stands in Thomas Lake Park prairie in preparation for the spring burn, and the completion of the fall landscaping projects. ROUND TABLE Director Vraa explained that the department heads have been meeting to review the development process as it currently exists and are investigating options that will make the process easier. One of the options discussed was having the development proposals reviewed by the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission prior to review by the Advisory Planning Commission. This would allow parks, trails, water qua[ ity/wetlands and tree preservation issuesto be incorporated in the Planning Commission review prior to being submitted to the City Council. Mr. Vraa continued that by changing the order of the development review process the date of the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission could change. It was noted that the purpose of bringing this information to the Commission at this time was to solicit input as to potential meeting dates. Director Vraa explained that the meeting should be no earlier than the second Thursday of the month to allow information to be incorporated within the Advisory Planning Commission packet. Dan Mooradian and Ted Billy noted their preference for setting a meeting date based on how everything should fall into place ratherthan individual's day/date preference. After further discussion Chairman Kubik noted the consensus of the Commission was that the date should be set based on how the APRNRC review best fits into the development review process. Director Vraa clarified that the Commission may receive less information than they have previously but there will be sufficient information to understand the impact of the plat. George Kubik asked if a flow chart could be provided to show the process once a new date has been decided upon. Mr. Vraa reminded the Commission of the community participation in the Park System Plan Update process which is scheduled for Wednesday, December 15. All Commission members have been invited to attend, however the Commission's and staff's function will be to observe and answer questions if needed. This format it to solicit input from community representatives to help define long term needs and priorities of the Park System Plan. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resouces Commission Minutes of December 2, 1993 Meeting Page 5 George Kubik asked if staff could provide some information and a briefing on ADA and the impact it has on existing parks and future park design. Deborah Johnson offered to help find a resource for this information. Mr. Kubik asked if the briefing could also include the philosophy of ADA Director Vraa noted that the Dakota County Advisory Commission would like to meet with the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission some time in January to share some of the issues the county will be facing. They would also like an opportunity to brainstorm with the Commission on future projects and/or ideas. Lee Markell asked if staff could take a look at the packet to see what portions could be eliminated without impacting information necessary to the Commission. Jonathan Widem reiterated an earlier request to see photos or video rather than the maps as shown in the planning packets. With no further business to conduct, Ted Billy moved, Lee Markell seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. S retary Date