06/20/1994 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA June 20, 1994 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission was called to order at 7:00 PM on June 20,1994 with the following Commission Members present: David Szott, Jonathan Widem, Ken Tyler, Stephen Thompson, Michael Vincent, Lee Markell,and Ted Billy. Commission Members George Kubik and John Rudolph were not present. Staff Present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendentof Recreation; C.J. Lilly, Landscape Arch itect/Parks Planner; Rich Brasch, Water Resources Coordinator; Shannon Tyree, Project Planner; Mike Ridley, Project Planner and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. AGENDA Stephen Thompson moved, Michael Vincent seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION Director Vraa introduced this item explaining that several City parks have been enhanced by landscaping provided by several volunteers. Forestry Supervisor Hove continued with a video of the projects recently completed by the various volunteers which included plantings around the Evergreen Park sign by Linda Ashton and Brownie Troop 1976; planting bed at Mueller Farm Park by Cheryl Daniels; planting of annuals at O'Leary Park by Jackie Grinde; plantings on the east and south side of the Northview Park building by Lutheran Brotherhood; plantings at Trapp Farm Park by Dakota Hills Middle School Sunshine Leadership Group and an annual planting bed at Country Home Park by Carol Desois. Commission Chair Markell thanked all the volunteers involved for providing such positive enhancements to the park system. Chairman Markell continued that this type of community participation played such an important part in maintaining the park system and emphasized how valuable this volunteer contribution was to the City. Supervisor Hove acknowledged Superintendent VonDeLinde for initiating this project and indicated all the work completed by these volunteers was in response to an article placed in the City's spring newsletter. Commission Member Markell commented on how nice it was to see annuals and perennials added as part of the landscape plan in several of the parks. Director Vraa added his compliments to the volunteers for the fine job they had done. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 18, 1994 Ted Billy moved, Jonathan Widem seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the April 18,1994 meeting as presented. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 16, 1994 Ted Billy moved, Jonathan Widem seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the May 16, 1994 meeting as presented. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resouces Commission Minutes of June 20, 1994 Meeting Page 2 VISITORS TO BE HEARD Brenda Brenberg, 4714 Walden Drive addressed the Commission on behalf of the Walden Heights neighborhood relative to the development of Walden Heights Park. Ms. Branberg noted that at the time their home was built they were led to believe that the land dedicated for Walden Heights Park would be developed in the near future. This neighborhood's opinion, she continued, was that the newer developments on the eastern side of the City seem to be getting priority relative to parks development. Brenda added that eleven years after living in this neighborhood there is no access to a park without crossing a major, four lane county road. Thomas Lake Park, she noted is 1-1/2 miles across Cliff Road, Ridgecliff Park is 2 miles across Johnny Cake Ridge Road and Ohmann Park is 1-1/2 miles across Pilot Knob Road. Although the neighborhood understands that future development of Walden Heights Park hinges on the acquisition of additional land west of existing parkland, they feel that some type of development could occur on the existing parkland to provide recreational opportunities to the neighborhood. If that is not an option, at the very least,they would like to see playground equipment installed and the area seeded and maintained to provide open play space. Ms Brenberg concluded that this neighborhood has been promised a park for many years and they want something done soon. Commission Member Billy asked how big the existing park was. Director Vraa responded it was approximately 4 acres in size and was dedicated as parkland in 1983-84. Ken continued that the City has been waiting to acquire an additional 7-8 acres adjacent to the existing parkland to provide for a park of approximately 12 acres. The ordinal park design provided for a soccer field, small playground and play field. Director Vraa added that several proposed developments have come through the City process for the land west of Walden Height Park, however, none of them have come to fruition. it was noted that staff could look at development options for the east half of the park with the understanding that the additional land is anticipated to be acquired. Commission Member Billy asked if the parcel was mowed regularly would that satisfy an immediate need for the neighborhood. Ms. Brenberg stated that they wanted it mowed regularly just as the rest of the City parks are maintained. Commission Chair Markell thanked Ms. Brenberg for sharing the neighborhood's concerns and asked if staff could look at the situation and communicate to Ms. Brenberg, as the representative of the neighborhood, what options were available. Commission Member Widem suggested that this issue be reviewed more carefully by the parks development sub-committee and that staff work with the residents and bring this issue back to the Commission. DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Superintendent Peterson highlighted several items including registration of 1,321 children in the Summer in the Park program which began on June 15. Bridle Ridge has 176 registered, Walnut Hill has 162, Mueller Farm Park has 123; and Quarry has 16 registered participants. Also highlighted was the increase in youth teams from 468 teams in 1993 to 517 in 1994, the Hershey track meet and the Blackhawk Park open house. Water Resources Coordinator Brasch highlighted the annual MnAqua fishing clinic at Carlson Lake which was done in cooperation with the DNR. Mr. Brasch thanked all the organizations involved for their contributions to a successful event as well as Jim Storland and Dorothy Peterson for organization and scheduling. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resouces Commission Minutes of June 20, 1994 Meeting Page 3 CONSENT AGENDA Jonathan Widem moved, Michael Vincent seconded will all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the Advisory Planning Commission and City Council relative to the following proposals: 1. Verdant Acres This plat would be subject to a cash parks dedication, a cash trails dedication, and a cash water quality dedication. The developer would be required to plant 39 Category B trees as mitigation for a loss of significant woodlands and future builders would be required to prepare individual lot tree preservation plans at the time of building permit application for all four lots within the development. 2. Broman Addition. This proposal would be subject to a cash parks dedication, a cash trails dedication and a cash water quality dedication. Lot 1 and 3 would require individual tree preservation plans at the time of building permit application. 3. Bachel's Backyard. This proposal would be subject to a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. An individual lot preservation plan would be required at the time of building permit application. 4. Town Centre 70 Seventeenth Addition. This plat would be subject to a cash parks dedication, a cash trails dedication and a cash water quality dedication. The certificate of exemption authorizing filling of the wetland on this site without a replacement obligation would remain in effect. PUBLIC HEARING PARK SYSTEM PLAN UPDATE Director Vraa briefly introduced this item and then introduced Barry Warner from Barton-Aschman Associates, Donn Wiske with Resolution, Inc and John Schultz Phd, the consultants working on the Park System Plan Update. Mr. Warner provided the public with the background of the Park System Plan and reviewed the components contained within it deferring to Mr. Wiske and Dr. Schultz those chapters they have been so heavily involved with. It was noted that information is being provided so that the public has an opportunity to hear about the Park System Plan Update and provide their input. After the consultant's presentation, Director Vraa thanked them for their efforts and invited the public to call in with any comments or questions they may have. It was also noted that public review and comments would be accepted until July 1,1994. There being no calls with questions or comments, Director Vraa indicated that residents could stop at the Municipal Center to review a draft copy of the Plan. Lee Markell thanked the consultants for their excellent work and recognized the efforts by staff, Commission and Council in reviewing the numerous drafts of this document prior to this public hearing. TRAILS END - THOMAS MURRAY Director Vraa introduced this item as a request for Rezoning and a Preliminary Plat for 12 single-family lots on 5 acres located west of Trails End Road, north of the Wescott Square multi-family development. It was noted that this site contains an existing home that will remain. Director Vraa explained that this proposal is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Guide designation of D-1 single family with 0-3 units per acre. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resouces Commission Minutes of June 20, 1994 Meeting Page 4 Relative to parks and trails dedication, Director Vraa explained that the proposed subdivision is within walking distance of the new Wescott Commons park. In reviewing the site it was hoped that there would be an opportunity to provide a trail connection to the park, however because of trees and slopes it was felt that a connecting trail along the cul-de-sac was not as workable as the more circuitous walk via street access. Director Vraa also noted there was a possibility that the City may be able to acquire HRA/HUD open lots within the Wescott Square Addition which would make a trail connection more workable. Water Resources Coordinator Brasch explained that this proposed development is located in drainage basin E. Runoff from the streets, driveways and much of the pervious area will be discharged to Pond EP-2 north of Yankee Doodle Road near Gopher Smelting. Although Pond EP-2 is designated as a nutrient basin, Rich continued, the area around it may be one of the City's top priorities for future parkland acquisition. Staff has concluded that there would be a negligible predicted increase in loading to Pond EP-2 as a result of this development and due to the small size of the site, on-site ponding would not be suitable. Mr. Brasch also indicated there were no wetlands issues for this development. Relative to tree preservation, Director Vraa explained that of the 88 total significant trees on site, initial site development will result in the loss of 20 significant trees (22.7% of the total). Since the allowable removal for this type of development is 25%, it is within the Tree Preservation Guidelines. After brief discussion, Ted Billy moved, Michael Vincent seconded, with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the Advisory Planning Commission and City Council relative to the Trails End development: 1. This development would be subject to a cash trails dedication. 2. This development would be subject to a cash parks dedication. 3. This development would be subject to a cash water quality dedication. 4. Lots 1 through 8 and 10 through 12 would require individual tree preservation plans at the time of the building permit application. ISD 196 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL #18 After a brief introduction by Director Vraa, Project Planner Tyree explained that ISD 196 has submitted an application for the construction of Elementary School No. 18 located east of Highway 3 near Weston Hills Road. Planner Tyree continued that this request for a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment and Preliminary Plat would appear on the June 28 Advisory Planning Commission. It was noted that this elementary school will have the same building design as the last elementary school with an anticipated opening of fall, 1995. Director Vraa added that the planning process for the park adjacent to the elementary school is consistent with other joint City/school projects. Ken continued that the City will receive approximately 2.5 acres from Pines Edge Addition to the east through parks dedication. By agreement between the City and School District, it would be the school district's responsibility to grade and develop the site for 2 soccerfields,2 play fields, a hardcourt and playground. The City would be responsible for providing long-term maintenance of the site except those areas immediately adjacent to the building pads Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resouces Commission Minutes of June 20, 1994 Meeting Page 5 Director Vraa noted that the City will be constructing a new road which will run east and west and connect Highway 3 with Weston Hills Road. This road construction will also allow for a sidewalk on the south side with the park being accessible through the neighborhood development via a trailway to the east. Water Resources Coordinator Brasch explained the proposed development wi l l generate runoff thatwill be directed to the north and discharge to Pond LP-27 and then through three indirect contact recreation water bodies including Manor Lake and Hay Lake before reaching Schwanz Lake. Pond LP-27 is a state-designated protected water classified for wildlife habitat and to minimize the "bounce" in this pond as well as maintaining the quality of downstream lakes and ponds, stormwater ponding should be provided on site. Mr. Brasch continued that a two-cell pond was being proposed along the east edge of the property that will also be used to fulfill water quality ponding requirements for the Pines Edge residential development. Relative to wetlands, Mr. Brasch stated that no filling or draining of the Type 1/3 approximate .3 acre wetland on the east edge of the property is proposed, however, most of it will be excavated to create the first cell of the two-cell detention basin. In response to a question, Director Vraa confirmed that a 6' sidewalk would be installed on the south side of Red Pine Lane. Ken also noted that the property to the west of the school site is commercial and may change whereas there is residential to the east and north. Commission Member Markell suggested that since bike traffic has increased steadily in the recent past,perhaps thought should be given to replacing the 6' sidewalk with an 8' bituminous trail. Commission Member Markell asked if the sediment pond on the western portion of the site cold be reconfigured to provide a more natural outline rather than have the geometric shape of the pond as shown in the drawings. Coordinator Brasch stated that staff would look at providing a more natural look for the wetlands. Eric Lineer of Wold Architects explained that the size of the pond would be the most critical component and if it could appear to be more natural while providing the functionality required they would try to do so. Ken Tyler asked the depth of the pond since it was in such close proximity to an elementary school. Mr. Brasch responded that the maximum depth would be approximately 5-6 feet but there would be a 10:1 safety bench and vegetative growth around the edges would be encouraged to discourage access to the pond. Mr. Lineer stated that the school district would prefer having no pond on site but understand the need for providing one. Commission Member Szott asked if the retention basin was large enough to facilitate growth in the area to the west and north and expressed his concern for run-off which would be generated from this light industrial area. Mr. Brasch responded that the pond should be sufficient to facilitate the run-off. Commission Member Billy asked if it was the City's responsibility to provide long term maintenance for this site. Director Vraa responded that the joint agreement will cover fertilizing, mowing and weed spraying for the majority of the site and is consistent with other agreements the City has with the school district. Commission Member Vincent asked if the parcel of land south of the pond could be acquired to allow for pond expansion and to provide an opportunity for environmental education on the school site. Mr. Lineer responded that the school district had looked at acquiring that parcel, however it had already been purchased and a new business will be placed in that location. Mr. Lineer opined that the pond on the east would provide a better environmental opportunity but that pond is being done through the Pines Edge Addition. Coordinator Brasch indicated that he would talk to Engineering to see what could be worked out. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resouces Commission Minutes of June 20, 1994 Meeting Page 6 After furtherdiscussion, Stephen Thompson moved, Michael Vincent seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the Advisory Planning Commission and City Council relative to ISD 196 Elementary School No. 18: 1. This development would be subject to a cash trails dedication 2. This development would be subject to an onsite ponding requirement which will treat all runoff leaving the site. The design of the treatment pond systems must be acceptable to City water resources staff. 3. No filling or draining of the wetland on the site is to be allowed. VANTAGE POINT Director Vraa reminded the Commission that they had reviewed this proposed development at their May 16 meeting. The Commission's recommendations were then sent to the Advisory Planning Commission for their meeting. Ken continued that the Advisory Planning Commission is asking for more input from the APRNRC relative to the impact of this development on the Lexington/Diffley athletic site as well as the impact of the athletic site to the residential development. The Advisory Planning Commission is asking for a response from the APRNRC prior to their July meeting. Commission Chair Markell suggested that this item be reviewed by the Acquisition/Development sub- committee but asked what some of the Planning Commission's concerns were. Director Vraa responded that some members felt the zoning of the Vantage Point development may be too dense and were concerned about providing public access to a development through a park. Jonathan Widem concurred that this issue should be addressed by the Acquisition/Development sub-committee with a follow-up to the Commission at their next meeting. NEW BUSINESS There were no items under New Business for Commission review. PARKS DEVELOPMENT UPDATE Director Vraa commented that the construction of the Lexington/Diffley athletic site is moving along well. He noted that the rough grading is almost complete, the retaining wall in and curbing and rocking will be done soon. The electrical service will be brought in shortly and City staff will be bringing in the lines for irrigation as soon as they are able to schedule the work on site. Wescott Commons, Ken continued, is nearing completion in anticipation for the playground equipment. Bids for playground equipment at Blackhawk Park and Wescott Commons will be opened on June 21 so that they can be ordered as soon as possible. FISH LAKE STEERING COMMITTEE Water Resources Coordinator Brasch provided a brief summary of the June 2 Fish Lake steering committee meeting. Commission Member Widem noted that the five members in attendance at the meeting provided guidance in setting management goals relative to current/future uses of Fish Lake; the proposed approach for evaluating remedial measures; approach for evaluating lawn care regulatory program and aquatic vegetation management plan-progress report. One of the conclusions drawn from the meeting was to focus on the idea of eliminating swimming as a public feature at this lake. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resouces Commission Minutes of June 20, 1994 Meeting Page 7 After reviewing the Fish Lake Management Project Mission and Goal Statement, Jonathan Widem moved, Ted Billy seconded with all members voting in favor to adopt the mission and goal statement for the Fish Lake management project as presented. Mr. Brasch noted that a tentative meeting is scheduled for Thursday, June 30 at the Central Maintenance Facility so that the Natural Resources Subcommittee can review the feasibility analysis for this project. Following this meeting, there will be a public information meeting scheduled for July 12 at the municipal center. MISSION STATEMENT Chairman Markell submitted a draft mission statement and asked that Commission Members provide their input as well so it could be incorporated into the Park System Plan Update document. DAKOTA COUNTY PICNIC REMINDER Director Vraa reminded Commission Members of the upcoming Dakota County picnic and asked that they respond to the County if they were able to attend. ROUND TABLE With no further business to conduct, Stephen Thompson moved, Jonathan Widem seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 PM. seo1- /9 / 99V Secretary Date