08/15/1994 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA August 15, 1994 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on August 15, 1994 with the following Commission Members present: Sherie Wallace, John Rudolph, Jonathan Widem, Lee Markell, Stephen Thompson, Ken Tyler, David Szott, Michael Vincent and Ted Billy. Commission Member George Kubik was not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; John VonDeLinde, Parks Superintendent; Rich Brasch, Water Resources Coordinator; C.J. Lilly, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner; Shannon Tyree, Project Planner and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. AGENDA John Rudolph moved, Jonathan Widem seconded with all members voting in favor to approve the agenda as presented. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 18, 1994 Ted Billy moved, Jonathan Widem seconded with all members voting in favor to approve the minutes of the July 18, 1994 meeting as presented. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR AND SECRETARY Director Vraa explained that with the resignation of two Commission Members, the positions of Vice Chair and Secretary are currently vacant. After describing the duties of those two positions, Director Vraa opened nominations for the Vice Chair position. Commission Member Billy recalled that during the initial election of officers, George Kubik was tied for the position of Vice Chair but because he had served on the Commission in other elected positions, Kubik withdrew his name for consideration. Ted Billy moved, Stephen Thompson seconded the nomination for George Kubik as Vice Chair. Ted Billy moved to close the nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for George Kubik. Stephen Thompson seconded the motion with all members voting in favor. Ted Billy moved to cast a unanimous ballot for Jonathan Widem as Secretary. John Rudolph seconded the motion with all members voting in favor. DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Director Vraa reviewed several items including the fall registrations numbers for EAA youth sports and the City's efforts at continuing to provide facilities for those programs. Black Hawk Middle School has requested use of city facilities until their fields are completed; bids were received for trails and parking lot sealcoating and Recreation Supervisor Oyanagi hosted a very successful Region D softball tournament with over 140 games being played. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resouces Commission Minutes of August 15, 1994 Meeting Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA Ted Billy moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the Advisory Planning Commission and City Council relative to the following proposals: 1. Town Centre 100 Fourteenth Addition This plat would be subject to a cash dedication in lieu of on-site ponding for water quality. 2. Best Brands Second Addition This plat would be subject to a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. This plat would be responsible for a cash dedication in lieu of on-site ponding. A cash dedication will be calculated each time a building permit application for the site is being considered by the City and the cash dedication fee will be collected at the time of building permit issuance. EDGEWATER ADDITION Director Vraa introduced this item noting that it had been previously reviewed by the Commission at their July meeting. Because there were two issues that required further evaluation, the Commission deferred action on this proposal pending the Acquisition/Development sub-committee review. The issues the sub- committee were to consider included additional plant material and the proposed inclusion of a trail around a pond. Director Vraa continued that the sub-committee met with the developer who agreed to provide 50 additional tree plantings with the majority being planted along Cliff Road. It was determined that if there was not sufficient space within the development to accommodate the additional trees,those trees would be planted within public space most likely near the new elementary school #18/park site. At the sub-committee meeting on August 9, alternatives for a trailway around at least a portion of the pond were reviewed including doing nothing, having the developer provide a conservation easement with a trailway easement or acquire a parkland dedication adjacent to the pond. Mike Black of Royal Oaks Realty commented that the developer has not changed their position on the trails/parks dedication. They prefer to make a cash dedication in both cases and feel it would best serve the community as a whole. The installation of a trail around the pond, Mr. Black continued would result in the loss of lots which the developer cannot afford. The trail would serve only the 19 lot owners within this proposed development whereas a cash dedication would be more beneficial to the overall park system, Mr. Black opined. In addition, it is unknown what Inver Grove Heights would do with this proposal and the railroad bed is not anticipated to be abandoned in the foreseeable future. Mr. Black concluded they would like to see the plat approved as presented. David Szott opined that this could be an interesting opportunity in that the City could take a more aggressive stand to put land in trust for future opportunities in conjunction with working jointly with the City of Inver Grove Heights in an attempt to preserve natural resources. Member Szott felt that Option 2 or 3 would provide the best long term option. In response to the intent of a trail around this water body in the Park System Plan, Chairman Markell responded that the plan shows a potential loop trail around this basin. Member Markell suggested that there is a need to preserve the land around the wetlands and although it appears that this trail could only serve 19 lot owners, there will be further development in this area with residents who may use this trail. Member Wallace asked what Inver Grove Height's interest was in this endeavor. Director Vraa responded they are not interested in a joint venture. Member Vincent opined that every piece of land acquired today is a better value in the long run and supported land dedication. Member Tyler indicated he was looking at Options 2 and 3 and asked Mr. Black which one the developer would prefer. Mr. Black responded that neither is acceptable. Member Thompson asked if this acquisition would be consistent with the intent and language in the Park System Plan for conservation of trailways. Chairman Markell responded that the plan identifies a loop trail around this pond and felt the land dedication/trail easement would be consistent with the Park System Plan's intent. Member Billy asked if Options 2 or 3 would diminish the number of lots. Mike Black responded that Option 3 would most likely decrease the number of lots, but that may also be a possibility with Option 2. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resouces Commission Minutes of August 15, 1994 Meeting Page 3 After further discussion, Michael Vincent moved, Stephen Thompson seconded a motion to make the following recommendations to the Advisory Planning Commission and the City Council relative to Edgewater Addition: 1. On-site ponding would be used to satisfy water quality requirements. The pond should be a two-cell design with a minimum wet volume of .75 acre-feet and minimum average depth of 2.6 feet. 2. The pond design would be approved by City water resources staff. 3. No filling or draining of wetlands on the site would be allowed. 4. A buffer of natural vegetation extending 30 feet back from the OH of Pond LP-30 would be maintained. Where this is not possible due to construction of the detention basin, the maximum possible natural buffer should be maintained between the detention basin and Pond LP-30. 5. The developer would be responsible for fulling the Tree Preservation Policy conditions as follows: The Tree Preservation Plan dated July 1994 would be accepted with 50 additional trees being included along Cliff Road. Those not planted on site would be planted elsewhere on public property. 6. Acknowledge that because of the presence of replacement and/or transplanted trees on every lot within the development, future builders of these lots will be required to submit tree preservation plans for each lot, ensuring the protection and survival of all trees on each lot. 7. Acquire a parks land dedication adjacent to other pond. This alternative would require approximately 10% of the area of the plat to be dedicated for parks purposes. This plat is approximately 13 acres in size, hence 1.3 acres of dedication. A portion of this dedication could be a portion of the pond by current dedication requirements. Approximately 3/4 to 1 acre of the 1.3 acre dedication would be land above the N.O.H.W. of the pond while the remainder could be "pond". Those voting Aye included Sherie Wallace, John Rudolph, Lee Markell, Stephen Thompson, Ken Tyler, David Szott, and Michael Vincent. Those voting Nay included Jonathan Widem and Ted Billy. The motion passed. PARK SYSTEM PLAN UPDATE Director Vraa thanked Commission Members for their thorough review and input of the Park System Plan Update document. Ken continued that a joint meeting has been scheduled between the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission and the Advisory Planning Commission for September 8. The focus of this meeting will be to review the Park System Plan and talk about it's impact to land use issues. After the next draft of the Plan is completed, the APRNR Commission would review it with the City Council on September 20. Director Vraa explained that the consultant is waiting for comments from the Commission and Council in order to prepare the final document. BORCHERT/INGERSOLL PROPERTY Director Vraa introduced this item which the Commission has reviewed previously but stated the issue of consideration is whether the City should proceed with the necessary legislation to gain control of this tax forfeited property. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resouces Commission Minutes of August 15, 1994 Meeting Page 4 Park Superintendent VonDeLinde continued that the land referenced is a 70.59 acre tax forfeited parcel previously owned by Borchert Ingersoll Company located north of Yankee Doodle Road and east of Mike Collins Drive which contains a 14 acre DNR protected wetland as a central feature of the site. After providing a thorough site analysis, Superintendent VonDeLinde added that the Park System Plan identified the need for a community park in the northern portion of the City and the Natural Resources sub-committee has looked at this site for that potential use. The DNR has completed an internal review and support the use of this site as a City park. There had been some concern for potential environmental impacts since there is surface waste on the site, VonDeLinde continued, however after further investigation by the EPA and PCA, it appears there has been no known disposal on site and the City would not be responsible for further sub-soil testing, etc. Landscape Architect/Parks Planner Lilly reviewed the site further and presented a conceptual plan for the development of this site as a community park. The plan showed access to the site, parking, open play space, picnic pavilion and 12 acres for athletic facilities along with areas for informal picnicking within the wooded area to the south. Chairman Markell complimented staff on their review of this site and added that this parcel of land offers some excellent opportunities for the City's long term park needs. Member MarkelI asked if the wooded area south of this parcel could be maintained as a buffer to Yankee Doodle Road. It was thought that this could be considered. Superintendent VonDeLinde explained that the reviews and approvals would need to be done at the City, County and State levels so staff is looking for direction from the Commission in order to make recommendations to the Advisory Planning Commission and City Council. Member Billy commented that this parcel is as close to a gift as the City may ever see and suggested moving forward. After several other positive comments from Commission Members regarding acquisition, Michael Vincent moved, Jonathan Widem seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend to the City Council the acquisition of the tax forfeited Borchert Ingersoll site as a future component of the Eagan Park and Open Space System; and to request that the City Council adopt a resolution requesting the Dakota County Board of Commissioners to authorize the introduction of special legislation during the 1995 legislative session transferring the tax forfeited property to the City of Eagan for parks and recreation purposes. CIVIC ARENA PROJECT UPDATE Director Vraa updated the Commission on the status of the Civic Arena project since several phone calls have been received now that the police facility is under construction. Ken shared the site plan layout for the municipal campus showing the existing Municipal Center and police facility along with the road through the campus from Pilot Knob to Wescott and connecting to the library which will have a new parking lot expansion. Director Vraa then identified the area south of the Municipal Center where the proposed Civic Arena would be located. It was noted that the Civic Arena Fund Raising Committee had met with the City Council and stated they had in excess of $400,000 in cash and pledges and have in-kind dollars to bring the total contributions to date to $500,00+. The committee is anticipating they will achieve their $600,000 goal by the December 31 deadline. If everything falls into place, Director Vraa continued, it is anticipated the contract can be awarded in March, 1995 with an anticipated opening of fall, 1995. Commission Member Rudolph questioned if the intersection at Pilot Knob and Wescott will be controlled before the arena would be built. Director Vraa responded that the City is hopeful that signalization will be completed within the next 60-90 days. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resouces Commission Minutes of August 15, 1994 Meeting Page 5 Commission Member Thompson asked if a wading pool is still a part of the proposed plan since the Commission had expressed their concerns that it wouldn't be prudent or cost effective to have one. Director Vraa responded that the City Council has allocated $100,000 for a wading pool, however, the issue is still being researched at the direction of the Council. Commission Member Markel) asked if the Council is still anticipating providing a wading pool as part of this project after the Commission suggested that it not be included. Director Vraa explained that the wading pool has been a component of the Civic Arena proposal from the beginning and reiterated that the Council is still researching this option. Member Markell suggested that nothing be done on a pool until a full size pool can be provided. Member Vincent commented that a separate wading pool would not be a cost effective project. Commission Member Tyler commented that since he was not part of previous discussions held by the Commission relative to this issue, he did not have a clear understanding of what had gone into all of the decisions relating to it. Member Widem noted that the Commission had very clearly communicated to the City Council previously that a wading pool not be included in this proposal. Director Vraa clarified that the Council had received the comments from the APRNRC, however,they felt there was merit in proceeding with the inclusion of a wading pool in the Civic Arena proposal. After significant discussion relative to this item, Stephen Thompson moved, Jonathan Widem seconded a motion to send a message to the City Council that a wading pool not associated with a full scale pool would not be appropriate for the City to consider at this time. Those voting Aye were Sherie Wallace, John Rudolph, Ted Billy, Jonathan Widem, Lee Markell, Stephen Thompson, David Szott and Michael Vincent. Ken Tyler voted Nay. The motion passed. PARKS DEVELOPMENT UPDATE Parks Planner/Landscape Architect Lilly reviewed the status of the Blackhawk Park playground stating that it is anticipated the playground equipment will be received mid to late September. Parks Superintendent VonDeLinde highlighted the observation deck installed at Sky Hill Park which was completed by the Tree Trust. The observation deck is located north of the Sky Hill shelter building, is handicapped accessible and provides some beautiful views. WATER QUALITY UPDATE Water Resources Coordinator Brasch reviewed some of the proposed capitol improvement projects for 1995 which include the JP-5 bypass between Blackhawk and Fish Lake, Pond JP-14 where it is hoped to raise the level of the pond to get more acre feet of volume and excavation of the south bay of Schwanz Lake to better treat run-off. Rich continued that there are no final costs as yet but will come back to the Commission in October with those numbers. Residents Request for Assistance Coordinator Brasch explained that staff receives numerous calls every year from residents requesting assistance from the City in resolving water quality problems in backyard stormwater ponds. There were two requests submitted by residents recently who are willing to devote theirown time and energy to a neighborhood project to improve the subject ponds. The request from Sharon Holbeck was included in the packet for Commission review. Commission Member Rudolph indicated that he had visited with Sharon Holbeck on site and noted that the pond she was talking about was almost completely covered with vegetation and asked if grading had affected water run-off into this pond. Member Rudolph indicated that Ms. Holbeck was merely looking for guidance on this issue and thought that the Natural Resources Sub-committee could address this issue. John suggested that a partnership program be looked into whereby residents fund a certain portion of the costs and the City would provide guidance or education to help the residents improve "their" water body. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resouces Commission Minutes of August 15, 1994 Meeting Page 6 Coordinator Brash noted that he had met with Ms. Holbeck last spring and suggested that the Natural Resources Sub-committee give careful consideration to the degree the City will get involved with these specific requests from residents. Rich continued that the sub-committee and the Commission will need to establish parameters for this type of assistance. It was the consensus of the Commission that this matter be deferred to the Natural Resources sub-committee for policy review and then be brought back to the Commission for recommendation. Fish Lake Implementation Plan Coordinator Brasch noted that this issue has been reviewed several times by the Commission and Natural Resources sub-committee; two public information meetings have been held and the Commission had the opportunity to tour the site earlier in the evening. Rich concluded that the cost of the project is approximately $308,000 and staff is requesting that the Commission endorse this implementation plan. Commission Member Widem applauded staff's efforts toward this implementation plan stating that it will provide great benefits. Member Widem moved, Stephen Thompson seconded with all members voting in favor to endorse the implementation plan elements as recommended by the Fish Lake Steering Committee. JOINT COMMISSION MEETING WITH ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION Director Vraa reminded the Commission that a joint meeting between the APRNRC and the Advisory Planning Commission has been scheduled for September 8, 1994 at 7:00 pm. The purpose of this meeting is to review some of the highlights of the Parks System Plan Update and any other issues the Commission has as time permits. Stephen Thompson suggested that parking stall size be one of the items for discussion. ROUND TABLE Director Vraa stated that Councilmember Hunter was asking for the Commission's perspective on how effective the implementation of the Tree Preservation Policy has been and Councilmember Masin would like to know the number of trees lost/saved as a result of the Tree Preservation Policy. Member Tyler asked if the Tree Preservation Policy is being followed as it was intended; he specifically asked about the Cliff Lake townhouse project. Director Vraa explained that there have been some occasions when Forestry Supervisor Hove has not had the opportunity to review the site plan before grading to ensure tree preservation has occurred, however, that issue has been resolved so that future reviews can be made in a timely fashion. John Rudolph commented that developers are being held responsible forfollowing the Tree Preservation Policy and it has and will continue to benefit the City greatly. Director Vraa thanked Commission Members for their input and stated he would follow up with City Councilmembers Hunter and Masin. With no further business to conduct,John Rudolph moved, Jonathan Widem seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. 9- * kv .r 0,/. /7. /9SJ/ cretary Date 101 V