01/10/2006 - City Council Special MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 10, 2006 5:30 P.M. EAGAN ROOM ? EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Councilmembers present: Mayor Geagan, Councilmembers Carlson, Fields, Maguire, and Tilley. City staff present: City Administrator Hedges, Assistant to the City Administrator Miller, Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke, Public Works Director Colbert, Director of Community Development Hohenstein, City Engineer Matthys, Director of Parks and Recreation Johnson, Director of Communications Garrison, Superintendent of Enterprise Operations Mesko, Superintendent of Recreation Asfahl, and Superintendent of Parks Olson. I. ROLL CALL AND AGENDA ADOPTION City Administrator Hedges noted that a request has been made by a member of the City Council to move Visitors to be Heard to the end of City Council Workshop agendas. It was the consensus of the Council to discuss this item under Other Business. City Administrator Hedges also inquired of the Council if they had any questions regarding the information included in their most recent packet regarding the proposed improvements to the Diffley/Rahn intersection. The Council had no questions. Councilmember Tilley moved; Councilmember Maguire seconded a motion to approve the agenda with the addition of Visitors to be Heard to be discussed during Other Business. Aye: 5, Nay: 0 II. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. III. REVIEW RECOMMENDATION OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION (EDC) RE: ROLE/CHARGE OF THE EDC City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that the Council and the Economic Development Commission (EDC) had discussed the Commission?s role and responsibilities a number of times in its history. Hedges also noted that in August of 2005, Mayor Geagan met with the Chair and Vice Chair of the EDC to discuss the future of the Commission. Per the recommendation of the City Council, the EDC discussed how they view their role as an advisory commission. Hedges noted that the Commission opted to suspend its meetings until such time as the City Council establishes specific, clear projects or outcomes with time tables that would support the Economic Development initiatives of the City. Community Development Director Hohenstein provided a brief overview of the history of the EDC and the recent discussions that the EDC had regarding the Commission?s role. Hohenstein introduced five members of the EDC who were present in the audience. EDC Chair Zoberi and Vice Chair Gilbert also commented on the question of whether the EDC should continue. Gilbert offered the alternative of rather than the EDC serving as a permanent advisory commission, members of the EDC could instead be used as an ad-hoc committee to consider issues before the City as needed. The Mayor and City Council discussed the recommendation of the EDC and commented on how they see the role of the Economic Development Commission. It was the consensus of the City Council to disband the EDC, and rather contact members on an as needed basis to serve as ad-hoc committee members when issues arise. The Council also noted that by disbanding the EDC at this time, the current EDC members could apply to serve on other City advisory commissions. The Mayor and City Council thanked the members of the EDC for the work and guidance they have provided to the City. Members of the EDC who were present thanked staff for their work with the Commission. The City Council directed that the formal disbanding of the EDC be added to the January 17 City Council meeting under Organizational Business. The Council also directed that a letter be sent to the members of the EDC to thank them for their service. Councilmember Maguire made a request of staff to include a uniform summary of each Commission, including its mission and purpose, in the interview packets prior to Advisory Commissioners being appointed in April. IV. STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE City Administrator Hedges noted that the proposed Storm Water Management Plan Update is the most recent update since the 1990 plan. Hedges noted that the current updated plan will continue to serve as a guide to the City in developing, operating, and maintaining its storm drainage system. Hedges also noted that the Storm Water Management Plan is a different issue than water quality/wetland mitigation. City Engineer Matthys provided an overview of the Storm Water Management Plan, which he distributed to the City Council. Matthys summarized changes in the plan that have occurred since 1990. Matthys noted that no changes to the design standards are proposed in the 2006 update; rather, many of the changes resulted from improvements made following the July 2000 super storm. The City Council discussed the proposed Storm Water Management Plan Update. City Administrator Hedges noted that the plan will be on the January 17 City Council Consent Agenda for formal consideration. V. 2006 PARKS AND RECREATION CIP Mayor Geagan welcomed members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission in attendance. City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that one of the primary responsibilities of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission (APrC) is the annual preparation and updating of the departmental Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). It was noted that the CIP serves as a blueprint and planning guide for parks? projects. Hedges noted that at the December APrC meeting, the Commission unanimously approved a CIP recommendation for 2006 for presentation to the City Council. APrC Chair Terry Davis provided an overview of the projects included in the CIP, including the preparation of a Master Plan for Patrick Eagan Park, which he stated surfaced as a high priority in the 20/20 Vision and is, therefore, brought back in the 2006 CIP. The Mayor and City Council discussed the projects proposed in the 2006 CIP and the impact of the 20/20 visioning process. The Council discussed whether there is a need to master plan Patrick Eagan Park at this time. Parks and Recreation Director Johnson noted that through a master planning process, the City would be able to determine desirable land for acquisition. The City Council also discussed the need to create a master plan for Caponi Art Park. Maguire noted he would coordinate with the Art Park Board regarding a Master Plan for the property. Councilmember Fields noted her enthusiasm for the proposed BMX bike area. Director Johnson informed the Council that the 2006 CIP would be included for formal consideration on an upcoming regular City Council meeting agenda. VI. REVIEW CASCADE BAY EXPANSION OPPORTUNITY City Administrator Hedges noted that Cascade Bay is entering its eighth year of operation and at this time has had no significant capital expansion improvements. He noted that it has been the City?s intent to keep Cascade Bay attractive through added features and enhancements, which is specifically reinforced in the 20/20 Vision. Hedges also noted that in late 2003, consideration was given to the addition of a Flow Rider; however, the preliminary feasibility study indicated that the cost could not be recovered in a reasonable period of time to make this a viable option. At that time, Hedges noted the Council challenged staff to find a new option for consideration. Parks and Recreation Director Johnson presented the concept of a miniature golf course to be added to Cascade Bay. Johnson noted that the miniature golf course fits within the constraints of the site and the limited opportunity for expansion. Johnson also noted that the concept of a miniature golf course takes advantage of an area currently underutilized and creates an expanded play opportunity, a fresh revenue source, and expands existing concession and admission revenue for the facility. Johnson added that the option being proposed not only will enhance Cascade Bay during their June to August operation, but provides an opportunity to use a portion of the park pre and post season as well as after the 8:30 p.m. closing time. The City Council discussed the miniature golf course proposal, including how the course would operate and how the fee structure would work. It was noted that the estimated cost for the miniature golf course project would be $202,500. Upon further discussion, the City Council directed staff to proceed ahead with the proposed plans for the miniature golf course at Cascade Bay, and directed that the item be included on the January 17, 2006 City Council agenda for ratification. VII. OTHER BUSINESS Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to move Visitors to be Heard to the end of all Special City Council agendas. Aye: 5, Nay: 0 Mayor Geagan reported on a meeting he had with Dakota County regarding bonding requests for 2006. City Administrator Hedges summarized the proposed bonding requests of the City and County for 2006, which include Lebanon Hills storm water drainage improvements, Cedar Grove bus rapid transit, Cedar Grove transit station, Long Meadow Lake Bridge rehabilitation, and a multi-jurisdictional communications and public safety support center in Dakota County. City Administrator Hedges provided information about the RFP that was issued for beverage and catering services at the Community Center. There was City Council consensus for the Community Center Operating Committee to meet to review the proposal submitted. City Administrator Hedges also noted that staff will be ready to conduct interviews of the full-time Fire Chief candidates in mid-February. It was suggested that the interviews be held in conjunction with the February 21, 2006 City Council meeting. The Council requested to interview 3 candidates. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Maguire moved; Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to adjourn at 7:20 p.m. Aye: 5; Nay: 0