03/14/2006 - City Council Special MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 14, 2006 5:30 P.M. EAGAN ROOM ? EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Councilmembers present: Mayor Geagan, Councilmembers Carlson, Fields, and Maguire. Councilmember Tilley was out of town attending the National League of Cities Conference. City staff present: City Administrator Hedges, Assistant to the City Administrator Miller, Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke, Director of Community Development Hohenstein, Administrative Intern Walz, Public Works Director Colbert, Superintendent of Streets Struve, City Planner Ridley, Deputy Police Chief McDonald, and Director of Communications Garrison. City Attorney Mike Dougherty was also present. I. ROLL CALL AND AGENDA ADOPTION Mayor Geagan called the meeting to order. Councilmember Fields moved; Councilmember Maguire seconded a motion to adopt the agenda. Aye: 3; Nay: 0 (Councilmember Carlson not yet present.) II. SIGN CODE / WINDOW SIGNS City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that the Eagan City Code establishes standards under which signs are regulated within the City of Eagan. Hedges added that in 2005, the City Council directed the Advisory Planning Commission and staff to study possible changes in the regulation of temporary signs and additional regulation for window signage. At that time, Hedges added that information about the proposed changes were distributed by the Chamber to its members. It was noted that an article about the changes was also included the Eagan Business News newsletter, and a press release was provided to the local media to highlight the changes in the regulation of temporary signs and additional regulation for window signage. Hedges noted that the code amendment was adopted in the summer of 2005. Hedges added that since the changes to the sign code have gone into affect, the City and the Chamber have received a number of questions and concerns regarding the implementation of the new regulations for window signage and, therefore, due to these concerns, members of the City Council directed that a discussion item be placed on tonight?s agenda. Ruthie Batulis, President of the Northern Dakota County Chambers of Commerce, as well as John Curlee of Curlee State Farm, and Buzz Anderson, President of Minnesota Retailers Association, addressed the City Council with their concerns regarding the window signage changes. Ms. Batulis made a request of the City Council to consider placing a moratorium on the sign code changes in order to allow for the formation of a task force to further discuss the proposed changes to the sign code, particularly with regard to window signage. The three representatives that address the City Council also noted the excessive burden that the code changes have placed on Eagan businesses. The City Council discussed the concerns voiced by the Chamber of Commerce and business community. Mayor Geagan also recognized many business owners and representatives in the audience. Councilmember Carlson arrived at 5:40 p.m. Following Council discussion, Mayor Geagan moved; Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to enact a moratorium on the sign code amendment for a period of 60 days and establish a task force to include two Councilmembers (Councilmembers Fields and Maguire), two members of the Advisory Planning Commission, Chamber President Batulis, and four diverse business representatives within the City of Eagan. The recommendations of the task force are to be brought back within 60 days. Aye: 4; Nay: 0 The City Council recessed from 6:10 to 6:20 p.m. The City Council workshop reconvened at 6:20 p.m. III. BROADBAND OVERVIEW City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that in February 2004 the Eagan City Council gave direction to form the first Technology Task Force and began examining what Eagan?s citywide Internet connectivity goals could or should be. Hedges added that the 2006 priorities for the Technology Working Group include reporting back later this spring on recommendations for the highest and best use for an 11.5 mile conduit route that Eagan owns, determining recommendations regarding wireless needs, and determining how to attract world class Internet speeds to Eagan. Lastly, Hedges added that in November of 2005, the City Council approved hiring the consulting firm of Dynamic City to provide the City and the working group with the specific market and engineering analysis regarding best use options for the conduit and also to supply expertise about fiber options that could provide Eagan world class Internet speeds. Communications Director Garrison introduced three consultants representing Dynamic City. Keith Wilson, CEO of Dynamic City, provided a presentation to the City Council on world class broadband. Following Mr. Wilson?s presentation, the City Council discussed broadband and Internet needs within the City of Eagan. Communications Director Garrison noted that the consultants and the Technology Working Group will be coming back to the City Council with options on how the 11.5 miles of conduit can be used within the City of Eagan. Mayor Geagan thanked NDC Chamber President Ruthie Batulis for her involvement in the broadband discussions. IV. WINTER PARKING BAN ORDINANCE City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that at the Council?s Listening Session on January 17, the City Council received a request from several property owners on Eagle Crest Drive to change the City?s current winter parking ban ordinance to rectify a concern they have with a neighbor?s vehicle frequently parked in front of their home. At that time, the Council referred the matter to the Public Works Committee for further review. Hedges added that on February 13, the Public Works Committee met with the Petitioners and reviewed the substantial documentation provided by the impacted homeowners, the current City ordinances, and parking bans of several other communities. Public Works Director Colbert, Superintendent of Streets Struve, and Deputy Chief McDonald provided overviews of the various options available to the City with regard to snow removal and control of on-street parking year-round. Councilmember Maguire highlighted the discussion that the Public Works Committee had on the issue. Deputy Chief McDonald provided an overview of how other cities enforce winter parking ordinances. The City Council discussed the concerns of the residents on Eagle Crest Drive as well as the City?s overall enforcement of the winter parking ban ordinance. An Eagan resident addressed the City Council regarding the issues that he and his wife have with regard to cars parking in their neighborhood during the winter. Upon further Council discussion, Councilmember Fields moved; Councilmember Maguire made a motion to deny a request to change the City?s winter parking ban ordinance and noted that if the residents on Eagle Crest Drive approach the City with solidarity on a parking proposal via a petition process, then the City Council will consider such a petition. Aye: 4; Nay: 0 V. ADOPT-A-STREET PROGRAM City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that the City of Eagan currently does not have a formal program that allows citizens or business groups to provide litter control and general community cleanup in an organized fashion along our local streets. Director of Public Works Colbert provided a proposal to the Council for their consideration of adopting such an ?Adopt-A-Street? Program for the City of Eagan. The City Council discussed the proposed program and the cost associated with implementing it. Councilmember Fields moved; Councilmember Maguire seconded a motion to implement the Adopt-A-Street Program in the City of Eagan, provided that signs placed on the adopted streets be optional and, if it is the desire of the group and/or individual to have their name added to a sign; the sign must be purchased by the group and/or individual. Aye: 4; Nay: 0 The City Council briefly discussed the most recent snow removal process following over 10 inches of snow that fell this week. Mayor Geagan complemented the City staff for their prompt work on snow removal. VI. 2006 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that in keeping with the City Council?s past practice, a list of 2006 legislative priorities has been developed for the Council?s consideration. Hedges noted that the priorities included a list of items in which the Council has taken a formal position. Hedges also added that the priorities presented do not duplicate the efforts made by the three lobbying organizations to which the City of Eagan belongs. The City Council discussed the legislative priorities, including proposed legislation regarding eminent domain. Mayor Geagan thanked Councilmember Carlson for testifying last week with concerns regarding the eminent domain bill. Hedges noted the potential contractual implications within existing TIF districts should such legislation move forward. The Council noted that included in the priorities should be a request that a grandfather clause be added for TIF districts already established through the State Auditors Office. The City Council directed that a letter be sent to the City?s legislative delegation with the 2006 legislative priorities. The Council also directed that in future years, a meeting be established with the legislative delegation in advance of the session beginning. The Council also requested that the legislative priorities be copied to the media. VII. JOINT MEETING WITH THE AIRPORT RELATIONS COMMISSION City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that it is the City Council?s practice to meet with its Advisory Commissions at least once a year. City Administrator Hedges introduced ARC Chair Chuck Thorkildson, who summarized the proposed 2006/2007 goals and work plan for the ARC. The City Council and the ARC discussed the proposed work plan items, including a realtor/resident survey to gauge the impact of airport noise on the community. The City Council took a short recess from 7:35 to 7:45 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:45 p.m. The City Council and the ARC discussed the current representation the City of Eagan receives on the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC). The City Council and members of the ARC noted the impact the airport has on Eagan and thus the need for additional representation on the MAC. The Council and ARC discussed the merits of the City of Eagan receiving a seat on the MAC, as well as the possibility of Eagan joining with other communities within the 65 DNL noise contours to lobby for one of the at-large seats on the MAC that is currently assigned to an out-state representative. The City Council concurred with sending correspondence to the City?s legislative delegation regarding representation on the MAC, and suggested that it be noted that the MAC districts need to be explored for possible redistricting in the near future to better represent population distribution and impact of MSP Airport. Councilmember Carlson suggested that a survey be included in the Eagan Welcome Packet regarding how airport noise impacted a resident?s decision to purchase a home. Mayor Geagan thanked the Airport Relations Commission for their work this past year in preparation of the opening of the new runway. VIII. OTHER BUSINESS The City Council and City Administrator Hedges briefly discussed the need to schedule a workshop and Advisory Commission applicant interviews in the month of April. The City Council agreed that Commission interviews will take place on April 25, with appointments being made on May 2, 2006. At the request of Councilmember Carlson, the City Council agreed that a letter should be sent to all businesses that are present at the workshop tonight regarding their concerns with the changes to the sign code. It was noted that the letter should include a brief summary of the communications process that was in place when the ordinance was drafted as well as a summary of the moratorium and task force that was established at tonight?s meeting. The Council also suggested that when the task force members are appointed, that their names be included on the City?s website. The City Council also requested that the list of communities surveyed with regard to window signage ordinances be expanded and also that Eagan be included on the survey. IX. ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Fields moved; Councilmember Maguire seconded a motion to adjourn at 8:25 p.m. Aye: 4; Nay: 0