02/12/2008 - City Council Special MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2008 5:30 P.M. EAGAN ROOM ? EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Council members present: Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Carlson, Fields and Tilley. Councilmember Bakken was absent. City staff present: City Administrator Hedges, Assistant to the City Administrator Miller, Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke, Community Development Director Hohenstein, Public Works Director Colbert, Fire Chief Scott, and Police Chief McDonald. I. ROLL CALL AND AGENDA ADOPTION Mayor Maguire called the meeting to order. City Administrator Hedges requested that the Council consider adding two items under Other Business, those being a possible Finance Committee meeting to address Civic Arena concepts, as well as a status update on the USPS relocation. Councilmember Fields moved; Councilmember Carlson seconded a motion to approve the agenda as amended. Aye: 3, Nay: 0 (Councilmember Tilley not present for the vote.) II. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. III. CITY-WIDE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) REVIEW City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that as one of the Council?s 2007- 2008 goals, the Council directed the preparation of an analysis of the City?s planned developments (PD) to form the basis for a review to determine whether any of the PD?s had exceeded their terms should be extended, modified or terminated. Community Development Director Hohenstein noted that while PD?s have terms, they do not expire at the conclusion of the term. Rather, they remain in place unless or until they are extended, modified or terminated by an action of the City Council. The City Council discussed the 17 PD?s in the City that are considered incomplete. The Council voiced their consensus that the process to review the incomplete PD?s be simple and the property owners should be contacted to determine their wishes. Special City Council Minutes February 12, 2008 Page 2 The City Council directed that letters be sent to the property owners of the 17 incomplete PD?s to inquire as to their plans and/or wishes for the planned development on their property (i.e., does the property owner want an extension? How long of an extension would be appropriate? Do they envision any changes to usage of the land?) The Council directed staff to come back to the City Council at a workshop when responses from the property owners have been received and to suggest a detailed criterion for review once seeing those responses. The Council also suggested that a photo of each respective PD be included in the letters sent to the property owners. IV. DISCUSS STATUS OF NORTHWOOD OVERPASS PROJECT City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that the ring-road improvement is identified as one of the top projects in the Council?s transportation goal. Hedges added that a special classification was created in the 5-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for overpasses and interchanges. Hedges also noted that the Northwood Overpass is currently programmed for construction in 2009 within the 5-year CIP and $1 million of federal earmarked funding was received in 2007. Hedges informed the Council that should the Council be ready for the project to proceed ahead, the City could bid the project and begin construction of the overpass in 2008 rather than waiting until 2009. Public Works Director Colbert provided a status update of the project. Colbert noted that approximately $400,000 has been spent to-date for preparation of bid-ready documents, and MnDOT approval of detailed plans and specifications is imminent . Final approval is waiting only on the establishment of a formal bid date by the City. Director Colbert also noted that the major street fund was increased by $1 million in the 2008 General Budget Levy to facilitate funding for these types of major transportation improvements. The City Council voiced their consensus for optimizing the bid market in 2008 rather than waiting to begin the project in 2009. Council asked staff to prepare a detailed financial package as to how the project could be funded. It was further noted that the Northwood Overpass project is part of the 2008 bonding bill for the ring road project. The Council directed that the authorization of bids be included on the February 19, 2008 regular City Council agenda, and the bid process be dual tracked with the Finance Committee?s review of the financial package being prepared. The City Council recessed at 6:40 p.m. The City Council resumed their meeting at 6:47 p.m. V. UPDATE STUDY RESULTS FOR CONSIDERATION OF LAND ACQUISITION FOR NEW FIRE STATION City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that at the September 25, 2007 Council retreat, the Council discussed the Fire Department?s long term planning efforts, which Special City Council Minutes February 12, 2008 Page 3 included discussions regarding volunteer staffing, apparatus replacement and station coverage. Also discussed at the retreat were the needs associated with Fire Station No. 2. Hedges added that the priority for tonight?s discussion is to discuss possible land purchase for a future fire station to replace Station No. 2. Fire Chief Mike Scott introduced Quinn Hutson of CNH Architects, who presented the needs analysis study commissioned by the City. The City Council discussed the needs analysis. The Executive Director of the Community Development Agency (CDA), Mark Ulfers, addressed the City Council regarding the CDA?s possible interest in a portion of the proposed site at Lexington Avenue and Northwood Drive for the potential of workforce housing. The City Council discussed how such a land purchase would be funded. Fire Chief Scott summarized the various options that were reviewed for the site, at the direction of the City Council. The City Council also discussed previous partnerships between the City and the CDA. At 7:48 p.m., the City Council adjourned to Closed Session for the purpose of discussing property acquisition for a future fire station. The City Council reconvened at 8:10 p.m. Councilmember Carlson moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to direct the item to the Finance Committee, who upon review would make a recommendation to the City Council on a funding mechanism for the purchase of the land. Aye: 4; Nay: 0 VI. OTHER BUSINESS City Administrator Hedges noted that new concepts for the Civic Arena have been proposed for the Council?s consideration. Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to direct consideration of future concepts for the Civic Arena to the Finance Committee. Aye: 4, Nay: 0 City Administrator Hedges and Public Works Director Colbert provided an update to the City Council on the proposed relocation of the United States Postal Service facility. Director Colbert shared with the City Council a proposal by Dakota County for a change in the signalization on Lexington Avenue. Colbert also noted the proposed new local road connection in the concept plan. Special City Council Minutes February 12, 2008 Page 4 The City Council voiced their consensus that additional analysis (corridor access study) is needed on the proposed concept and that public information meetings must be held by the USPS to get feedback from stakeholders would be necessary. The Council also voiced their consensus that they would not support funding the proposed local road connection; as that would be the responsibility of the USPS. VII. ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Aye: 4, Nay: 0