01/11/2005 - City Council Special
JANUARY 11, 2005
5:30 P.M.
City Councilmembers present: Mayor Geagan, Councilmembers Fields, Maguire and
Tilley. Councilmember Carlson was absent.
City staff present: City Administrator Hedges, Assistant to the City Administrator Miller,
Director of Community Development Hohenstein, City Planner Ridley, Director of
Administrative Services VanOverbeke and Director of Communications Garrison.
Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Maguire seconded a motion to approve
the agenda with the addition of a brief discussion regarding a liquor license violation under Other
Business. Aye: 4; Nay: 0
There were no visitors to be heard.
City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that the City Council at their
meeting on October 4, 2004 directed staff to review City regulations with respect to liquor
operations, to include regulations used by other cities. The City Council, on October 19, 2004,
approved an ordinance effectively placing a moratorium on the issuance of off-sale liquor
licenses for a period ending October 15, 2005 or such sooner time as the City Council may
determine. Mayor Geagan framed the public policy question before the City Council, that being
whether there should be any regulation on the number of liquor licenses issued.
Owners of two liquor stores in Eagan addressed the City Council with their
recommendation for further regulation on the number of licenses issued.
Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke noted that one liquor license
application is pending for a liquor store to be located at the intersection of Diffley Road and
Johnny Cake Ridge Road.
The City Council discussed options for restrictions and/or regulations, including
restrictions based on geographic location or population.
Deputy Police Chief McDonald provided an update to the Council on the compliance
checks that are done annually at each liquor establishment.
Upon further discussion by the Council, staff was directed to contact cities that currently
have restrictions in order to prepare a list of options available to the City Council with regards to
restrictions. The Council also directed staff to communicate with current liquor license holders
regarding the various options in order to get their input. This item was directed back to a future
Council workshop.
City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that on March 16, 2004 the Eagan
City Council approved the creation of a Technology Task Force and the hiring of a Wireless
Broadband Consultant to assist the work of the Task Force in completing its charge. Hedges
noted that the Task Force includes Chamber representatives, representatives from the Economic
Development and Telecommunication Advisory Commissions, and the Chief Technology
Officers of Northwest Airlines, Thomson West and Blue Cross Blue Shield.
Communications Director Garrison introduced members of the Task Force present,
including Task Force Chair Tom Barnett, Rick King, Chief Technology Officer for Thomson
West, and Bill Coleman, the Wireless Broadband Consultant assisting the Task Force. Members
of the Task Force addressed the City Council noting the unique opportunity to serve on this
important Task Force. Bill Coleman, Task Force Consultant, provided a report on the Task
Force?s findings. He noted that large businesses in Eagan are ?fiber rich?, whereas small
businesses often have gaps in the service. Mr. Coleman also noted that Qwest has put a high
priority on the deployment of DSL services in Eagan.
Director Garrison summarized the actions for consideration. The City Council discussed
the possible actions and report, and noted the excellent work that the Task Force has done on the
issue of technology assets and infrastructure. Members of the Task Force also noted that their
recommendation included a public/private partnership to address technology needs within the
City of Eagan.
The Council directed that the Task Force meet with the Advisory Planning Commission,
Telecommunications Commission and Economic Development Commission in a joint meeting
within the next quarter in order to come back to the City Council with their joint findings and
recommendations in regard to the issue of an on-going technology advisory body, determining
whether there is a need for the City to issue a request for information to technology providers to
fill existing gaps in Eagan and possibly provide city-wide wireless coverage, and to determine
whether the Planning Commission in consultation with Engineering and Community
Development should review over the course of the next year existing City ordinances to
determine what changes, if any, might be necessary to encourage technology deployment and
approval conditions to facilitate future deployment. The Council also requested further
information on the recommendation for a public/private partnership with regards to technology.
The Council also asked for information on grant opportunities available for the Task Force and
its studies. The Council asked staff to come back with an estimate on continued consulting costs.
City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that the purpose of tonight?s
discussion is to receive a presentation by Ryland Schafer-Richardson Development Group
regarding the refined conceptual redevelopment plan and development program for the Cedar
Grove Redevelopment District, and to provide staff with further direction regarding the proposed
redevelopment plans.
Community Development Hohenstein provided additional background, noting the
activities that have taken place since November of 2004 including meetings of the Finance and
Communications Committees regarding the Cedar Grove area, the tour of development and
redevelopment projects throughout the metropolitan area, including those constructed by the
development partnership, and ongoing meetings of staff with SRF regarding the preparation of
an update of the traffic portion of the AUAR, which is underway. David Frank, of Ryland
Schafer-Richardson provided a presentation to the Council on the refined conceptual
redevelopment plan and development program for the Cedar Grove Redevelopment District.
The City Council discussed the presentation. There was consensus that streets within the
Cedar Grove Redevelopment District should be public, with the possibility of private alleys if
necessary. The City Council further discussed the vision of the redevelopment area, parking
issues, and residential development. Mayor Geagan specifically requested that staff pay
particular attention to the existing businesses in the area in order to limit disruption to them.
Councilmember Maguire noted he would like to see a mix of values within the residential
development. In response, Mr. Frank noted that he will be meeting with staff from the CDA and
representatives of MICAH in the near future to discuss issues associated with the housing. City
Administrator Hedges noted that at the January 25 workshop, CDA Director Mark Ulfers will be
present to provide an update on the strategies that could be used in the Cedar Grove Area.
Upon further discussion, there was consensus by the City Council to bring the action
items back to the City Council at the workshop on January 25 in order that all Councilmembers
will be present for the vote.
City Administrator Hedges requested direction from the City Council regarding a recent
liquor license violation at an Eagan establishment. There was consensus by the City Council to
continue with the City?s current process with regard to penalties associated with liquor license
There were City Council inquiries regarding the upcoming City Council retreat. The City
Council discussed the start and end times for the retreat and noted that the Mayor will facilitate
the retreat.
The City Council workshop adjourned at 7:43 p.m.