06/15/2005 - City Council Special MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JUNE 15, 2005 5:30 P.M. EAGAN ROOM ? EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER Councilmembers present: Mayor Geagan, Councilmembers Carlson, Fields, Maguire and Tilley. City staff members present: City Administrator Hedges, Assistant to the City Administrator Miller, Community Development Director Hohenstein, Planner Cartney, Planner Dudziak, City Planner Ridley, Superintendent of Recreation Asfahl, Director of Communications Garrison, Parks and Recreation Administrative Coordinator Mesko, Administrative Intern Walz, and Landscape Architect Lilly. I. ROLL CALL AND AGENDA ADOPTION Acting Mayor Fields called the meeting to order and noted that Mayor Geagan would be arriving at the meeting shortly. City Administrator Hedges noted that a request has been th received from an Eagan resident regarding their desire to hold an ?old west? show during the 4 of July parade. There was City Council consensus to direct the item to Other Business. Councilmember Tilley moved; Councilmember Maguire seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye: 4, Nay: 0 (Mayor Geagan not yet present) II. VISITORS TO BE HEARD City Administrator Hedges introduced Administrative Intern Genee Walz who started with the City on Monday, June 13. Hedges noted that Ms. Walz would be working in partnership with the CDA over the next year. There were no visitors to be heard. Joint Meeting with the APC III. LOW DENSITY COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN DESIGNATION / HOUSING TYPES Councilmember Fields welcomed the members of the APC present at the meeting. Members of the APC introduced themselves. City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that issues have arisen over the past several months regarding the Comprehensive Guide Plan?s low density (0-4 units per acre) designation. Community Development Director Hohenstein and City Planner Ridley provided an overview of the issue, and noted that the APC has discussed both the LD density and mixed housing issue in workshop settings. Ridley also added that it is the Commission?s recommendation and observation that the 0-4 density range is necessary and concerns about unit type should be addressed via modifications to the text of the Comprehensive Guide Plan (i.e., identifying scenarios or conditions where attached housing and/or a density between 3 and 4 units per acre would be entertained). Mayor Geagan arrived at 5:40 p.m. Carla Heyl, Chair of the APC, provided a summary of the APC discussions thus far on the issue of low density Comprehensive Guide Plan designations. The City Council and APC discussed the housing needs across the City, including the need for ?empty nester? housing and the need to preserve flexibility in maintaining a balance and diverse housing stock. The City Council and APC also discussed demographics for the City over the next 20 years. The City Council discussed various criteria to be considered to determine whether R2 or R3 buildings would be permitted in the LD district. The Council noted that they would like the developers to address the following issues when submitting a proposal: homeowners association or other means to insure common treatment and maintenance of exteriors, adequate on-site and/or on- street parking, true clustering of units, public streets, looped streets and connected streets, open space benefits, wetland mitigation on-site, efficient use of existing infrastructure and street zoning setbacks. There was City Council consensus to compile the criteria into a City checklist to be provided to developers. The Council also directed that the checklist be reviewed by the City Attorney before being provided to developers. The City Council also directed staff to conduct additional demographic research regarding housing needs in the next 20 years. IV. NOISE ATTENUATION ORDINANCE City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that as part of the City?s update of its Comprehensive Guide Plan Aviation Section, one of the goals is to consider adoption of a noise attenuation construction ordinance to permit the City to require noise attenuation construction techniques for buildings that may require the additional improvements within the noise policy contours. Director of Community Development Hohenstein provided an overview of the issue, noting that while a larger number of land uses may be noise sensitive at the highest noise level close to the airport, noise compatibility issues in Eagan largely relate to residential uses because of the distance between the developed areas of the City and the airport because of the river valleys. Hohenstein noted that it has long been a policy of the City to minimize the establishment of noise sensitive uses in areas in which the noise impacts are the greatest. Hohenstein noted that staff has reviewed the Metropolitan Council model ordinance and the ordinance adopted by the City of Mendota Heights as baselines for a possible ordinance for Eagan. The City Council discussed the existing aviation section of the Comprehensive Guide Plan as well as the cost implications if such an ordinance was approved. The City Council also discussed the area in which the ordinance would apply. The City Council directed staff to proceed with the development of the ordinance for further review by the Advisory Planning Commission. There was Council consensus that such an ordinance should apply to the 60 DNL contour as well as the one mile buffer area around the 60 DNL contour. Joint Meeting with the APrC V. 2020 VISION (PARKS AND RECREATION) a.) 2020 Vision and Agricultural Zoning/Greenspace Preservation Options City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that meetings with the Public Stakeholders? Group and Plan Direction Committee have been ongoing since November of 2004 to provide input and information for the consultants to prepare for the completion of a 15-year strategic parks systems plan. Hedges also noted that the Council and APrC have together previously reviewed components of the draft Parks Master Plan, and since the Council?s last review, additional information has been compiled leading to some policies/recommendations for the Council to consider. Terry Davis, Chair of the APrC, and the other members of the APrC introduced themselves. Bill Beckner, Alan Sullivan and Harvey Feldman, consultants for the 2020 Vision Parks Master Plan process, also introduced themselves. APrC Chair Davis presented the draft 2020 Vision Parks Master Plan and provided an overview on the process thus far. The City Council discussed the draft plan and how a change in demographics in the community will affect the use of parks in the future. Consultant Bill Beckner summarized the key principals included in the draft plan. Beckner also commented on the concept of a parks foundation and partnership opportunities that may exist with Dakota County, particularly in naturalist services. The consultants, APrC and City Council discussed greenspace preservation options available to the City. The Council noted that the Parks Master Plan must be a long term, flexible plan. Chair Davis noted that many of the elements included in the plan would likely be included in upcoming Parks CIP documents. The Council directed that upon completion of the plan, it should be available at City Hall, county libraries, on the Eagan website and at the Eagan Community Center. They also requested that the document be provided to resident groups, such as the EAA, as well as the school districts in Eagan. The Council also requested that the APrC produce a summary of the plan for the public. The Council suggested that the APrC plan to host one or two open houses to present the final Parks Master Plan. Councilmember Fields moved; Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to schedule the public hearing for the 2020 Vision Parks Master Plan for the July 18, 2005 APrC meeting. VI. OTHER BUSINESS City Administrator Hedges summarized a request that he received from an Eagan resident th regarding their hope to conduct an old west re-enactment at the 4 of July parade. Hedges noted that the City?s code does not allow shooting of blanks. The City Council discussed the request and noted that they continue to receive complaints about how noise at the parade scares kids. There was City Council consensus not to allow the shooting of blanks during an old west re- th enactment at the 4 of July parade. City Administrator Hedges also noted that the NOISE Conference will be taking place at the Eagan Community Center on July 20 ? 22. Councilmembers Carlson, Fields, Maguire and Tilley requested that the City Administrator submit registrations for their attendance at the conference. Councilmember Carlson requested a list of active building permits in order that the Council can be kept up to date on various developments and remodeling activities going on in the City. There was City Council consensus for staff to include such a list in the weekly Additional Information Memo. VII. ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Maguire moved; Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 p.m.