07/07/2005 - City Council Special
JULY 7, 2005
7:30 P.M.
City Councilmembers present: Mayor Geagan, Councilmembers Carlson, Fields,
Maguire and Tilley.
City staff members present: City Administrator Hedges, Assistant to the City
Administrator Miller, Community Development Director Hohenstein, City Planner Ridley,
Director of Communications Garrison and Public Works Director Colbert. Also present were
members of the Northeast Eagan Study Committee, including APC Chair Carla Heyl and ARC
Chair Chuck Thorkildson.
Mayor Geagan called the meeting to order. City Administrator Hedges noted that
National Night Out is scheduled on the same night as the first City Council meeting in August
and, therefore, asked the Council whether they wished to change the August 2 City Council
meeting date. There was City Council consensus to hold the first meeting in August on Monday,
August 1. Hedges noted that the item would be included on the July 19 City Council agenda for
formal consideration.
Councilmember Fields moved; Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to adopt the
agenda as presented. Aye: 5, Nay: 0
There were no visitors to be heard.
City Administrator Hedges introduced the item noting that at the July 6, 2004 City
Council meeting, the Council implemented a moratorium through March of 2005 for purposes of
studying alternative land use scenarios for a one square mile section in northeast Eagan to
determine whether justification exists to change the City?s comprehensive land use guide plan
designation for properties in that area. Hedges added that at the August 17, 2004 City Council
meeting, Council authorized staff to retain Rusty Fifield of Hoisington Koegler Group to perform
the land use study and, on September 7, 2004, the Council approved the study scope and contract
for the study. At that time, Hedges added, the Council also appointed the study advisory group,
which consisted of representatives of the Planning, Parks, Economic Development and Airport
Relations Commission. It was noted that the study advisory group began meeting in October of
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July 7, 2005
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2004 through January of 2005, at which time the Council gave direction to suspend committee
work while a comprehensive traffic study covering a broader scope was completed. Hedges
noted that the additional traffic study was completed in April and the committee reconvened in
May of 2005 and approved the final draft of the report in June of 2005.
Community Development Director Hohenstein summarized the process taken by the
Northeast Eagan Land Use Study Group and introduced the consulting team, which included
representatives from SRF, Ehlers & Associates, and Hoisington Koegler Group.
Mr. Fifield summarized the findings of the Northeast Eagan Land Use Study. Mr. Fifield
noted that the factors that were considered as part of the study included: relationship to existing
uses and plans of existing businesses, adequacy of commercial land supply, airport noise,
revenue and service cost impacts, parks needs, economic development policies, mixed-use
options, transportation needs and impacts, and environmental impacts. Fifield noted that the
Northeast Eagan Study Committee concluded that the Comprehensive Guide Plan in northeast
Eagan should be retained as commercial/industrial. He added that the committee saw no clear
and compelling reason to change the designation; and rather saw a compelling reason to retain
the area for commercial and industrial development. Mr. Fifield summarized the findings in
regard to the specific components studied by the committee and noted that market research was
not part of the study.
Northeast Eagan Land Use Study Committee Chair Carla Heyl and fellow committee
member Chuck Thorkildson provided a summary of the work of the committee.
Peter Coyle, representing Lone Oak Development and the Laukka-Beck partnership,
addressed the City Council regarding the findings of the Northeast Eagan Land Use Study. Mr.
Coyle critiqued the premise of the study and the information that was provided to the task force.
Mr. Coyle stated his frustration that the developers did not have the opportunity to present to the
task force. Mr. Coyle highlighted his concerns with the Land Use Study findings with regard to
land use compatibility, transportation, airport noise and tax impacts. Mr. Coyle also stated that
the fact that a market study was not completed was a significant omission of the study.
Steve Salto, partner in the Lone Oak Partnership, addressed the City Council and
commented on the committee?s process and lack of opportunity to present their case.
Mayor Geagan invited City Council discussion on the findings of the study. Mayor
Geagan thanked the Commission for their work over the past several months. Mayor Geagan
commented on the various components of the study including airport noise in northeast Eagan
and the concerns of the existing residents in northeast Eagan regarding additional residential use
in the area. Geagan noted that the traffic issues identified through the study will need to be
addressed. Councilmember Carlson commented on the longstanding policy decision of Eagan to
support the Eagan/Mendota Heights Corridor. She also noted that northeast Eagan is one of the
last business campus opportunities in the community. Carlson concurred with Mayor Geagan
that the traffic issues need to be addressed. She also added that when the Comprehensive Guide
Plan was last updated in 2000, the decision was made to keep northeast Eagan as a
commercial/industrial area. Councilmember Fields voiced her desire to work with the City of
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July 7, 2005
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Inver Grove Heights to discuss developments along the cities? borders. Councilmember Maguire
commented that he disagreed with the findings regarding airport noise. He also noted his
concerns that the study did not address what the best use of northeast Eagan could be. He noted
that the data will be helpful when the Comprehensive Guide Plan is next updated.
Councilmember Tilley voiced her concurrence that traffic in northeast Eagan will be an issue to
be addressed and she requested additional input from the City of Inver Grove Heights.
Community Development Director Hohenstein noted that the City of Inver Grove
Heights just completed an AUAR for the area adjacent to northeast Eagan, and comments to the
AUAR would be prepared for Council consideration at the August 1, 2005 City Council meeting.
Northeast Eagan Land Use Study Committee Chair Heyl and fellow committee member
Thorkildson commented on the ongoing input that Inver Grove Heights provided throughout the
study process.
There was City Council consensus to host a public open house when the land use
designation in northeast Eagan is reviewed as part of the next Comprehensive Guide Plan update.
City Administrator Hedges noted that on the July 19 City Council meeting, there will be a
formal agenda item to accept the Northeast Eagan Land Use Study Report. Hedges also noted
that at the July 19 City Council meeting, the Council will be provided with potential plans
regarding how to proceed on a master transportation plan for the northeast Eagan area. Hedges
added that he spoke to the City Administrator of Inver Grove Heights regarding a joint meeting
of the Eagan and Inver Grove Heights City Councils. Inver Grove Heights has shown an interest
in a joint meeting this fall.
There was no other business.
Councilmember Tilley moved; Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to adjourn at
8:55 p.m. Aye: 5, Nay: 0