11/12/2002 - City Council Special
5:30 P.M.
Present: Mayor Awada, Councilmembers Bakken, Carlson, Fields, and Tilley.
Staff present: City Administrator Hedges, Director of Administrative Services
VanOverbeke, Public Works Director Colbert, Communications Director Garrison,
Director of Parks and Recreation Vraa, Superintendent of Recreation Ashfahl,
Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth, Cascade Bay Manager Hunter, and Eagan
Convention and Visitors Bureau Executive Director Carlon
Mayor Awada asked that an update on the Pat McCarthy property be added under Other
Business. Councilmember Bakken moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to
adopt the agenda as amended.
Aye: 4 Nay: 0 (Councilmember Carlson was not present for the vote)
There were no visitors to be heard.
City Administrator Hedges provided background information on the item and asked
Director Vraa and Superintendent Ashfahl to present the recommendation from the APrC
to the City Council. After presentation of the APrC Tobacco Free Initiative Policy
Recommendation, there was considerable discussion about the specific application
especially related to enforcement of an ordinance or policy, current athletic association
policies and enforcement, and local government?s role in this issue. Eagan resident and
parent Lynn Deml urged the City Council to take this opportunity to make a statement for
youth about healthy life style choices. She noted District 196 Community Education?s
support for a strong statement to be made.
Mayor Awada moved and Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to direct staff to
bring a policy modeled after the Eagan Athletic Association policy back to the City
Council and to gather additional specific information about how the City of Bloomington
has dealt with the issue in their parks and facilities.
Aye: 4 Nay: 0 (Councilmember Carlson was not present for the vote)
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Special City Council Meeting
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City Administrator Hedges provided background information on the item. Director Vraa
explained the history of the alum-dosing station that started several years ago with a grant
for implementation. He noted that there is sufficient evidence that the process works and
is effective in removing phosphorus from the storm water entering Fish Lake. He
explained that alum-dosing has been suspended until a long-term solution has been
arrived at to deal with the sediment accumulation. Mr. Vraa outlined three possible
scenarios to address the sedimentation issue including; 1) cleaning out pond JP-47; 2)
cleaning out JP-47 and deepening it to provide more storage; and 3) cleaning out JP-47
and building an alum storage basin on the Pat McCarthy property. Option 1 does not
provide an enhanced long-term solution as JP-47 will fill up again relatively quickly.
Option 2 requires approximately 1.8 acres of wetland mitigation and will basically
exhaust the City?s existing credits. Option 3 involves property that the City does not own
and is impacted by any proposed development of that site creating both timing and cost
Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth presented more details on the City?s water quality
program relating specifically to Fish Lake and the options for dealing with the alum
Councilmember Carlson arrived at 6:23 P.M.
Mr. Macbeth noted that the cleaning of JP-47 would best be completed over the winter
and excavation work could start in April. However, if it is not possible to complete the
work on this schedule, dosing would not restart.
Mayor Awada moved and Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to direct staff to
pursue option 3 to allow for a new three cell pond to be developed on the McCarthy
property, then to move on to other options, if that could not be accomplished, and to
undertake the sediment removal this winter.
Aye: 5 Nay: 0
Councilmember Bakken moved and Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to direct
staff to pursue opportunities to add additional wetland credits to the City?s wetland credit
Aye: 5 Nay: 0
Councilmember Bakken inquired about how the sediment is disposed of and Mr.
Macbeth responded that there is no predetermined plan and it would be the excavator?s
responsibility to properly dispose of the material. The excavator would be retained
through an RFP process.
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Special City Council Meeting
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Mayor Awada noted that this item would be moved up on the agenda to accommodate
those in attendance. City Administrator Hedges introduced the item and provided
background on how the budget and marketing plan was prepared and how the new
agreement has been implemented in the budgeting process. Councilmember Bakken
commented that this was the level of detail he was looking for and had no questions.
Councilmember Carlson moved and Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to
approve the ECVB budget as presented.
Aye: 5 Nay: 0
City Administrator Hedges stated that this budget will be placed on the Consent Agenda
on the November 19, 2002 City Council meeting for formal ratification so the ECVB can
move ahead with timely advertising commitments for 2003 initiatives. Mayor Awada
acknowledged Councilmember Carlson?s involvement on the ECVB Board and thanked
her for the work on the budget and implementation of the new agreement.
City Administrator Hedges distributed a draft copy of the Senior Survey for comment by
the City Council and noted the tight turn around time for review. Director Garrison
informed the City Council that a more effective method had been discovered for
distribution of the survey. The City is obtaining a distribution list of at least 3,200 names
for approximately $200. The mailing will be directed to seniors 60 years of age and over.
This list will be combined with the City?s existing mailing list for distribution of the
?Back Porch? publication. Councilmember Carlson commented that there should be
more specific questions regarding programming to determine what the Seniors want to do
and when they want to do it. Mayor Awada directed the Council to submit specific
changes to staff by Thursday.
Cascade Bay
City Administrator Hedges introduced the Cascade Bay budget and provided overall
background on the operation, calling particular attention to the public policy questions
included in the packet. The Council consensus was that there was no need to address the
cold weather policy as there is more to the business than the bottom line on any particular
day such as consistency and satisfying customer expectations. Discussion concerning a
rate increase followed with Mayor Awada noting that inflationary increases are expected
and cautioning that even though the facility will generate a 2002 profit of approximately
$140,000 there will be years when the facility will not make a profit. Councilmember
Fields expressed a concern that with increasing costs the facility may become cost
prohibitive for families. Mayor Awada again reminded the Council of the expectation
placed on staff that it will be run like a business and will pay for itself. She also noted
the $1,000,000, 20 year balloon payment due to the Community Investment Fund that is
not being directly amortized. Questions about where the annual profits go were
addressed and concerns about a natural aging of the facility were addressed. Director
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Special City Council Meeting
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Vraa confirmed that attendance has exceeded original projections each year and
explained the weather dependence of the facility commenting that the weatherman not the
weather dictates the daily crowds. A question was raised about the personal services
section of the budget and more information was requested. City Administrator Hedges
noted that no action was required at this meeting and the budget will come back on
December 17, 2002 for formal action.
Director Vraa and Cascade Bay manager Hunter updated the City Council on their very
early exploration of a wave element enhancement.
Storm Drainage, Water Quality, Water, Sanitary Sewer, and Street Lighting
City Administrator Hedges provided background information on each of these budgets
and answered City Council questions. Each budget will be brought back on December
17, 2002 for formal City Council consideration.
City Administrator Hedges explained the new LMC process for policy adoption as
approved at the recent League Conference in Rochester. Councilmembers were asked to
forward comments to the City Administrator.
Councilmember Carlson provided an update on her discussions with Pat McCarthy
resulting from a contact initiated by him about how his property can be preserved as open
space. Council consensus was that these discussions continue as a fact finding, given the
potential for development.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45 P.M.
Date ____________________ City Clerk ______________________
If you need these minutes in an alternative form such as large print, Braille, audio tapes, etc., please contact the City of
Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122, 651-681-4600, (TDD phone: 651-454-8535).
The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, services, activities,
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