11/26/2002 - City Council Special MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2002 COMMUNITY ROOM 5:30 P.M. Present: Mayor Awada, Councilmembers Bakken, Carlson, Fields and Tilley, City Administrator Hedges, Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke, Assistant to the Administrator Lord, Assistant City Administrator Verbrugge, Public Works Director Colbert, Parks and Recreation Director Vraa, Senior Planner Ridley, Communications Director Garrison, and Cable Administrator Hodgekiss ROLL CALL & AGENDA ADOPTION Councilmember Carlson moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to approve the agenda and add a discussion on North Fields Road Improvements. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. REDEVELOPMENT UPDATE FOR CEDAR GROVE Keystone Proposal Ehlers Consultant, Jim Prosser, along with Assistant City Administrator Verbrugge presented a preliminary proposal for Keystone Communities, which was selected this past summer by the City Council as the preferred redeveloper for the Langhoven Addition at Silver Bell Road and Cedar Grove Parkway in the Cedar Grove Redevelopment Area (CGRA). Prosser presented Keystone?s proposal for a 4-story, 126-unit mixed-service senior housing community. The City Council discussed the proposal, competing markets, as well as design standards for the development. Christy Olson, Keystone developer, and Greg Tusho, project architect, were also present to answer specific questions about the proposed development. Eagan resident Doris Dahline addressed the Council with questions and concerns about the development, including concerns over density, parking, zoning requirements, and tree preservation. Ms. Dahline presented a list of her concerns to Assistant City Administrator Verbrugge. Mayor Awada noted that the CGRA is a special area, meaning it has its own zoning standards. Awada also added that the City is currently translating the village plan concept into zoning language. Upon completion, the zoning requirements for the CGRA will go to the Planning Commission and will then come before the City Council. The City Council was in consensus with the Keystone proposal. Verbrugge noted that a final redevelopment agreement would be before the Council on December 17, 2002. Special City Council Minutes November 26, 2002 Page 2 AMCON Proposal Assistant City Administrator Verbrugge presented the site plan and layout for AMCON Construction?s development, a single-story, 25,000 square foot commercial-retail development at the west corner of Silver Bell Road and Cedar Grove Parkway. Verbrugge inquired with the City Council about the streetscaping elements that are scheduled to be installed prior to the development being built. The City Council directed that AMCON incorporate the City?s streetscaping elements into their design and work around the scheduled streetscaping. Additionally, Verbrugge noted that AMCON intends on using materials from the streetscaping plan in their landscaping scheme. Verbrugge informed the Council that terms of the development agreement with AMCON would be brought before the City Council in December. Councilmember Carlson requested that the CGRA design standards be moved forward in order to approve them as soon as possible. Due to design standards falling under Chapter 11 in City Code, City Administrator Hedges noted that the design standards must got to the Planning Commission prior to coming before the City Council. The Council directed that the draft of the design standards be presented to the City Council at the December 10 Special Council Workshop (to be held at 4:30 PM), prior to the Planning Commission meeting on December 19. Council also directed that a Special City Council meeting be held on December 23 at 6 PM to discuss the design standards after the Planning Commission has made their recommendation. Councilmember Carlson requested that draft copy of the CGRA design standards be included in the Council?s December 6 packet. ALL OTHER PROPOSED BUDGETS?CASCADE BAY, BECTV, COMMUNITY CENTER/CENTRAL PARK, AND CIVIC ARENA Cascade Bay City Administrator Hedges introduced the Cascade Bay budget, noting that at the Special City Council meeting held on November 12, 2002, questions were raised regarding personnel services. Hedges explained that the Salaries line item increased between 2000 and 2001 actuals and 2002 and 2003 budgets were due to position vacancies. The Council discussed the need for a rate increase in order to address increasing operating costs and deteriorating equipment. The City Council discussed the rates. Councilmember Carlson moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to raise the rate of the Cascade Bay season pass by $2 and raise the daily admission rate by $.25. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Burnsville Eagan Cable Television (BECT) Tom Garrison presented the draft budget for BECT, and noted that final action on the budget would be taken at the December 17 City Council meeting. Garrison address declining PEG fees and aging cable equipment. The Council discussed fundraising opportunities and advertising capabilities on the local access channels. Garrison told the Council the cable staff is looking into revenue-generating possibilities. Mayor Awada Special City Council Minutes November 26, 2002 Page 3 suggested leasing space in the cable facility to other municipalities, and also encouraged staff to be entrepreneurial. Community Center/Central Park Staff informed the Council that they are having considerable discussion on the Community Center/Central Park budget, and that the budget will be presented at the December 10 Special City Council Workshop. Mayor Awada inquired about the progress in installing the pond liner. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa addressed the issue, noting that water is continually being pumped from the pond; however, there is too much moisture at this time to lay the liner. Pumping will continue and Vraa will continue discussing options with the contractor. Civic Arena City Administrator Hedges presented a revised budget per the requests of the Council at the July 16, 2002 Council workshop. The Council was in agreement with the revised budget, as presented. The Council also gave direction for Civic Arena Manager Vaughn to research revenue generating improvements to the upper level of the West arena. JULY 4TH CELELBRATION Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke introduced the item, explaining that th the City Council requested an update regarding the location of the 4 of July celebration. th Parks and Recreation Director Vraa stated that the 4 of July celebration can be held at Central Park next year; however, he noted that while grading and seeding will be complete, there will not by long, lush grass in the festival area, as some people may th expect. The Council recognized that grass may not be ready in time for the 4 of July. Councilmember Carlson inquired about electricity to the festival site. Councilmember Bakken noted that electricity to the festival site was never part of the plan; rather, generators will be used. Councilmember Carlson moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to hold the th 2003 4 of July celebration at Central Park. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM MODIFICATION/UPGRADES TO PILOT KNOB & LONE OAK ROAD Public Works Director Colbert addressed the Council regarding County Road improvements on Lone Oak Road and Pilot Knob Road scheduled in the 2003-2008 CIP. Colbert noted that due to the Gift of Mary development in the summer of 2004, the extension of a trunk watermain is necessary. The extension of the watermain is within the future road improvement area of the Lone Oak Road upgrade. Colbert noted that it would be more cost efficient to have this watermain constructed during the early stages and as part of the County Road improvement to avoid patching an existing roadbed and reconstructing the new watermain within the following year to meet the design changes Special City Council Minutes November 26, 2002 Page 4 in road elevations. Colbert explained that the County does not have the resources to accelerate the Lone Oak Road improvement. The CIP estimate for the improvement is $1,300,000. Colbert also noted that Pilot Knob Road was programmed for its proposed improvement in 2004 to signalize the intersections at Central Parkway and Towerview Road. Dakota County has indicated that if the road improvements on this section of Pilot Knob were delayed one year, they would be amenable to installing a temporary signal, if the warrants and priorities were met prior to a scheduled improvement. The CIP estimate for this improvement is $1,500,000. The Council recognized the need to begin right of way acquisition along Lone Oak Road early in 2003 to have the easements available for an early 2004 contract letting; therefore, the City and County would have to enter into an agreement early in 2003, before the next CIP (2004-2008) is prepared for Council consideration. The Council provided direction to proceed with the above amendment (to switch the two program years). There was Council consensus to install the first traffic signal at Central Parkway, which Colbert noted makes sense from a traffic lane configuration standpoint. COACHMAN WATER TREATMENT EXPANSION/MODIFICATION UPDATE Public Works Director Colbert provided an update to the Council on the plans for the expansion of the City?s North Water Treatment Plant. Colbert and Steve Nelson, project manager from SEH, presented a preliminary design report on the expansion. The City Council discussed land acquisition and specific expansion plans. Colbert noted that no new staff would be needed as a result of the expansion. The expansion will increase the capacity of the treatment plant from 12 million gallons per day to 22 million gallon per day, which will meet the demand of forecasted City growth. Additionally, the expansion includes the construction of Administrative and Operational office and vehicle storage space for the Utility Maintenance Division. Mayor Awada suggested the City?s cable staff do a documentary on the water treatment expansion process, as well as the water treatment process. Colbert noted that expansion is scheduled to be complete by the Summer of 2005. Director of Administrative Services Vanoverbeke presented possible funding scenarios and explained that funding has been saved over the years for this expansion, meaning that no additional bonding would be needed and there would not be a need to increase water fees. The existing bonds and the treatment plant are scheduled to be paid off in 9 years. Mayor Awada commended staff and previous Councils for prudent fiscal planning. Councilmember Bakken moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to adopt the Preliminary Design Report. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Special City Council Minutes November 26, 2002 Page 5 NORTH FIELD ROAD IMROVEMENTS Director of Administrative Services VanOverbeke introduced the item. The Council requested an update on the road improvements for Borchert Lane and plans for North Fields. Councilmember Carlson voiced her concerns that North Fields be left strictly as flat land to be used for athletic fields for the time being. Carlson added that she wants no permanent structures on the land, as the property is intended to be a land bank for any future public needs. The City Council discussed uses for the land, as well as the need for utilities and road improvements. Councilmember Carlson distributed a written document to the City Council that outlined what she thought was the original Council intent for the use of North Fields. The Council discussed irrigation needs for the fields. Vraa noted that all major athletic fields in the City have underground irrigation. There was Council consensus to include irrigation as an add alternative in the bidding process. Mayor Awada requested that staff bring back options for irrigation. Mayor Awada moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to include the document provided by Councilmember Carlson in the Parks System Plan. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Mayor Awada moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion that an agenda item be placed on Old Business at the December 2 City Council meeting to wave the normal development standards for the Borchert Lane project. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Carlson requested that staff include in the cover memo an explanation that the athletic fields at North Fields are intended as an interim use for the property. OTHER BUSINESS Mayor Awada moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to change the time of the Special City Council Meeting on December 10 to 4:30 PM and set a Special City Council meeting for Monday, December 23 at 6 PM to address Cedar Grove design standards and hear any other items that need Council attention. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M. _____________________________ ____________________________________ Date City Clerk If you need these minutes in an alternative form such as large print, Braille, audio tapes, etc., please contact the City of Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122, 651-681-4600, (TDD phone: 651-454-8535). The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status or status with regard to public assistance.