690 Marie Ct - Conservation EasementReceipt:# 680334 3381101 EASE $46.00 1111111111111111111111111111111111 Return to: ' " r; n CITY OF LAKEVILLE - 20195 HOLYOKE AVE Recorded on: 7/112020 2:00 PM LAKEVILLE MN 55044— By CGK, Deputy Office of the County Recorder Dakota County, Minnesota Amy A. Koethe, County Recorder CONSERVATION EASEMENT Please record and return to the City of Eagan. This Conservation Easement ("Easement") is made this 'I I day of M- , 2020, by NBD Properties, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (hereinafter collectively the "Landowner"), and the City of Eagan, a municipal corporation, organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as the "City"). WITNESSETH: That the Landowner, in consideration of the sum of one Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant and convey unto the City, its successors and assigns, a permanent conservation easement for the purpose of preserving and protecting the natural character of the easement area, over and across the following described property, to -wit: That part of Lot 3, Block 1, Schramm Meadows, City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast Corner of said Lot 3; �... thence North 62 degrees 43 minutes 12 seconds West, along the Northeast line of said Lot 3, a distance of 292.99 feet; thence South 26 degrees 13 minutes 08 seconds West, a distance of 11.16 feet; thence South 11 degrees 55 minutes 41 seconds West, a distance of 64.46 feet; thence South 27 degrees 12 minutes 59 (� seconds East, a distance of 73.51 feet to the South line of said Lot 3; thence North 89 degrees 01 minutes 32 seconds East, along said South line, a distance of 245.07 feet to the point of beginning. C Together with: That part of Lot 4, Block 1, Schramm Meadows, City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 4; thence North 62 degrees 43 minutes 12 seconds West, along the Southerly line of said Lot 4, a distance of 292.99 feet; thence North 26 degrees 13 minutes 08 seconds East, a distance of 65.36 feet; thence North 58 degrees 03 minutes 31 seconds East, a distance of 36.17 feet; thence South 88 degrees 33 minutes 36 seconds East, a distance of 63.53 feet; thence South 68 degrees 10 minutes 02 seconds East, a distance of 34.42 feet; thence South 54 degrees 59 minutes 33 seconds East, a distance of 23.56 feet; thence South 40 degrees 07 minutes 09 seconds East, a distance of 27.10 feet; thence South 28 degrees 58 minutes 04 seconds East, a distance of 141.65 feet to the East line of said Lot 4; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 27 seconds East, along said East line, a distance of 39.49 feet to the point of beginning. See also, Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein. (hereinafter referred to as the "Easement Area.") CONSERVATION RESTRICTIONS. The Landowner, for itself, and its successors and assigns, covenants and agrees that it shall not itself perform nor shall it give permission to any third party to perform any of the following activities within the Easement Area: A. Constructing, installing, storing or maintaining anything made by man, including but not limited to, buildings, structures, fences, walkways, clothes line poles and playground equipment; B. Parking of vehicles; C. Planting of gardens, trees, shrubs, bushes or other landscaping vegetation; D. Storage of firewood; or E. Clear -cutting or removal of native vegetation or trees; except the permitted activities listed as items 1, 2 and 3 below. The Landowner, for itself and its successors and assigns, further covenants and agrees that the Easement Area shall be continued in its present condition, save and except as may be required to: 1. Control, manage and eliminate noxious weeds and prohibited invasive species. "Noxious Weeds," both "primary" and "Secondary" as defined, adopted and listed by the Dakota County Soil and Water Conservation District, shall be removed, but only in accordance with recommended and accepted control methods. Vegetation that is considered to be a nuisance (e.g., overhanging, damaged or dead limbs or vegetation protruding through fences), or presents a real or potential hazard to people or property, may be trimmed in accordance with accepted standards; 2. Allow the City to use and exercise its easement rights to that portion of the Easement Area that may be or is encumbered by a drainage and utility easement (whether platted or otherwise); or 2 3. Allow any federal, state or local government agency, other than the Landowner, which may have jurisdiction over the Easement Area to enforce any rule, ordinance, statute or regulation, with respect to the conservation easement granted by this Easement. This Easement does not convey a right to the public use of the Easement Area, nor does it convey any right of possession in the Easement Area to the public. Landowner, its successors and assigns does covenant with the City, its successors and assigns, that it is the Landowner of the premises aforesaid and ha good right to grant and convey the Easement to the City. IN TESTIN40NY WHEREOF, the Landowner has caused this Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first above written. (Signaturepages to follow) 3 Conservation Easement Schramm Meadows (Signature Page for Landowner) NBD Properties, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company r By: 9, b— B'rian L. Thorson Its: President STATE OF MINNESOTA ) SS COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 4l s� day of FIAT , 2020, by Brian L. Thorson, the President of NBD Properties, LLC, a Minneso imited liability company, on behalf of the limited liability company. AAA KRISTEN B. REWALT Notary Public State of Minnesota k W-4 My Commission Expires January 31, 2025 4 Notary Public Conservation Easement Schramm Meadows (City's Approval Page) APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney's Office Dated: --57 t Iz_ o APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: a=::�2 ,, I)& �� Public Works DeVartment Dated: �A.m2,z THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: DOUGHERTY, MOLENDA, SOLFEST, HILLS & BAUER P.A. 14985 Glazier Avenue, Suite 525 Apple Valley, MN 55124 (952) 953-8847 (RBB: 206-41235/Easement No. 1353) DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY EXISTING ZONING: AC PROPOSED ZONING: R-1, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE DISTRICT EXISTING %ETLAND - 33.018 SF 0.76 ACRES PROPOSED CONSERVATION EASEMENT - 45,982 SF 1.06 ACRES PROPOSED LOTS - 7 PROPOSED OULOTS - 0 PROPOSED R.O.W. - 36,523 SF GROSS AREA - 221,623 SF 5.08 ACRES GROSS UNIT DENSITY - 1.4 GOTS/ACRE PROPOSED LOT DIMFNSONS . MINIMUM LOT AREA 12,000 SF MINIMUM LOT WIDTH 70 Fr FRONT YARD SETBACK 30 FT DODD ROAD SETBACK 40 Fr (MINOR COLLECTOR) SIDE YARD SETBACK 3 do 10 Fr REAR YARD SETBACK 15 FT WETLAND BUFFER 20 FT WETLAND BUFFER SETBACK 25 FT MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE 20% DXwN AWAND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THt18: -+-e _ +- L T HEINo 10 FEET DN WIDTH A+DAOJOINING STREET LINO AND RFAR LOT LINES LUT553 OTHERWISE INDICATED AND 5FEETINV MHAN OADMININOSIDE Lar LINES UNIMS OTHERWISE INDICATED. a 40 BD 12a (IN FEET ) N �J GID O t � O o� 1 ca I rx L -LJ tL I V e -'%IAr i-\VTrnAr% -j VV r -1V 1 l �o 1 T `, 1 LlL�A r� \! y4 A 1LT1��V! 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YM CUSOV H 40 DBQRMN 07MQVb= 09 Sb1MNDSBAST,ADTSTAMNOF 27.10.FES7, 7MWCE 32SUWAWBASTALONI3SAMSOVTHLB99ALOTA2�RNQF2/.!E071MT707RE.PO OFB W S0=28DEGRH&SS8MIVZrM9 OV SBG1 AWSBAST,ADL9TAAZU0F 14116FBBT 7071BBASTLBWOFSAMLOT4 TBENCBSiOIJT WDEGRB&S 00110VVUTBS27SBCOAMISEASP,ALONOSAWEASTLf1VE,ADBTAMN0F3k49FMT7t?TH FCRffOFBBGBWVIlVO. FPREPARED PREPARED FOR - - Bohlen 1JA5a�Yrerrs�r7MTVW tslf VM 4-24-20 TJO ADDED CONS ESMT PID:10-02500-30-042 100 PROPERTES er ff4?1WMNYM= ing & Associates ' arrPIe111aAa1u1o77wr�,w�our� L�mtrvn GROSS AREA = 221,623 SF 5.09 ACRES J ._ LLQ' S:)PmjeCta\Ea9=\8r1-mm mcadow6ldwgloana eam A-73-20Awg 423/2020 6:11:15 PM CST BENCHMARK MNDOT MONUMENT 198YAX NEAR THE INTERSECTION OF BEECHER DRIVE AND BLACKHAWK ROAD = 945.31 NAVD88 re -000.00 DENOTES PROPOSED FLOOR ELEVATIONS DENOTES RETAINING WALL — DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT —»+►— — EXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR _-)L EXISTING WATERMAIN & HYDRANT EXISTING SANITARY SEWER & MH --->3-�� EXISTING STORM SEWER & CB — — . — — DENOTES SILT FENCE CAW- DENOTES UNDERGROUND CABLE —Tm -Mu--TED— DENOTES UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE —MMMEX= M= DENOTES UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC Q2� PROPOSED ELEVATION 000.0 DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONS DENOTES PROPOSED DRAINAGE tp* DENOTES LIGHT POLE 0" DENOTES GUYWIRE pgDENOTES POWER POLE DENOTES CATCH BASIN pq DENOTES WATER VALVE C DENOTES FIRE HYD SANMH DENOTES SANMARY MANHOLE DENOTES BITUMINOUS SURFACE 7 DENOTES CONCRETE SURFACE DENOTES SETBACK UNE LOCATION MAP bEC. Zd,TW!'.TT, RQf27 -natrtsrGeow------- �IF I I I I NWIM I srm II 14 NS1H 11� /t 1------------------�-I 1 I SWIM 1 I SW4 I I ------- �— I crarx0ow -------L—J re -000.00 DENOTES PROPOSED FLOOR ELEVATIONS DENOTES RETAINING WALL — DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT —»+►— — EXISTING CONTOUR PROPOSED CONTOUR _-)L EXISTING WATERMAIN & HYDRANT EXISTING SANITARY SEWER & MH --->3-�� EXISTING STORM SEWER & CB — — . — — DENOTES SILT FENCE CAW- DENOTES UNDERGROUND CABLE —Tm -Mu--TED— DENOTES UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE —MMMEX= M= DENOTES UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC Q2� PROPOSED ELEVATION 000.0 DENOTES EXISTING SPOT ELEVATIONS DENOTES PROPOSED DRAINAGE tp* DENOTES LIGHT POLE 0" DENOTES GUYWIRE pgDENOTES POWER POLE DENOTES CATCH BASIN pq DENOTES WATER VALVE C DENOTES FIRE HYD SANMH DENOTES SANMARY MANHOLE DENOTES BITUMINOUS SURFACE 7 DENOTES CONCRETE SURFACE DENOTES SETBACK UNE