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2255 Clark Ct - Zoning Permits & Plans
EAGAN OT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 65122.1810 •56851 TM) (651) 454-8536 j FAX (651) 675-5694 nciLlltoItvolep an.corn For Moe unit. U3151 Dot. Racolved C4 Staff Zt? 2020 ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION p Please Identify improvements on a scaled site plan drawing that shows lot lines, structures and existing conditions. Property Information Property lines to be verified by contractor/owner. Revised Plans Approved: I Engineering Approved 1 Denied Notes: Revised Pans t Approved Comments Yes INo Yes I No Date: e N Address Appiicarit Signature, '� Date. Phone: Email address! 0 Retaining Wet u feet 0 Patio 0 Siidewalk ji(Dr vs*sy ❑ Spoil Court ❑ Fence 0 Other + ("ft>JO e.ref . + r Setbacks, hard surface coverlrge, stioreland zon ng, bluff zone/setbacks, etc. Data: bStaft 64- cS Sulow.:11t'C) tcx�VVy Staff drainage, iA1lty easements, wetlands erns on Date: Staff: Date: CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Cad Gopher State One Cali at ($5I) 4040002 for &Action spans undocgrcurd damage- Cal intend to dip to receive orates of :uderwoued Witten ywSw.aooherstetrtfteltradgs You may subscribe to receive an atctronac notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the Clty's wsbsitoe at wwe.citvoleapan.somisubsuibt. 0 TyT:vnn Blacktoppot LLC. Mad (os a ct and 30by prpoaa t©. 2:45! Vsltay Fame Rd r:.lko, MN 15020 into. 4032-649-ttO0 Scan & Email to deslreellittytannblacktopping Proposal For Tr ct,, $ act l street a' '= C 1 a v v.. Or - Daytime Phone # E-Mail 'Remove Exis;` , Asphalt 'Remove Dirt & As needed 'Check for proper Base thickness (4-61 Use your base plus additional as needed 'Re -Grade as necessary for drainage 'Fill foundation holes where necessary Holes filled with class 5 and compacted 'Compact Base, let sit as needed "Install new'44' Hot Mix Asphalt Asphalt installed at aprox Compacted to to aprox. 2 tW-3' C 'Instal `Tear Out: or if more 00) 00) y over 3' Property lines to be verified by contractor/owner, /q�/ Eststimattrl 8y: I Merk Utilities Date i(a-�i �'t� State 8 Zip JLJ) All Measurements are approximate and may vary up to 4' due to grass overgrowth, tree roots, Iandscapins or final grade. V 1/C i V e W cy t c� I�. t3i- . e � �' Customers Garage Code Is mandatory to complete contract and schedule work. Code I have read, understand and agree with the 2 pages of this contract The prices, apedflc ions. and cortdl' . contract are satisfactory and are hereby accepted. Customer Signature / Date \ \ \