05/20/1996 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MAY 20, 1996 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m, on May 20, 1996 with the following Commission Members presets: Tim Callister, Guy Kohlnhofer, George Kubik, Daryle Petersen, John Rudolph, Stephen Thompson and Michael Vincent. Commission Members not present included Randal) Ahem, Lee Markell, David Scott and Ken Tyler. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent, C) Lilly, Landscape Architect; and Cherry) Mesko, Secretary. Acting Chairman Thompson welcomed Jonathan Widem and presented him with an award of appreciation for his four years of involvement with the Advisory Commission. Mr. Widem thanked the Commission for their kind words and thanked the Commission for their continued excellence in working toward the best interests of the citizens of Eagan. He also thanked staff for their excellent work effort in keeping the Commission informed on all the issues they need to deal with. John Rudolph moved, Michael Vincent seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. George Kubik moved, Michael Vincent seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of April 15, 1996 as presented. Items highlighted by Director Vraa included the coordinated clean-up effort underway following the recent storm, grand opening of the wading pool, conclusion of an experimental alum application to the eastern end of Blackhawk Lake, the large volume of summer registrations, and the successful Arts and Crafts event at the Civic Center followed by the Home, Garden and Recreation show which is anticipated to grow next year. Member Thompson commented on the significance of the Ciry being nominated for consideration as a possible recipient of a national Environmental Protection Agency award. Member Callister commented on the great job City crews did with the post-storm clean-up. ~' Michael Vincent moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. Honey Tree First Addition -Honey Tree Ltd. would be subject to a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication, the landscape plan shall be revised to allow for sufficient space for the proposed spruce trees, involving either moving the trees to another location or creating parking lot islands in the vicinity of the trees. Spacing of the trees should be no closer than 10 to 12 feet of each other. This development shall be responsible for a cash dedication to meet water quality mitigation requirements. Should a portion of the existing trail be relocated on City property, this development shall be required to provide an easement over the remainder to allow for public use of the trail. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission Minutes of May 20, 1996 Meeting Page 2 2. Johnson Controls -Cunningham Limp. The application for this development was incomplete, therefore, no action could be taken on this proposal until a grading plan, tree inventory, tree preservation plan and wetland survey have been submitted. ~::~`. WESCOTT SERVICE CENTER APARTMENT UPDATE Director Vraa noted that the Department has been pursuing the purchase of the Wescott Service Center apartment in conjunction with the Dakota County HRA as a potential purchase partner for 3 additional apartments in the building. An inspection commissioned by the Dakota County HRA detailed an estimate of $70,600 in rehabilitation/repair costs required within the next five years. In addition, the management company has stated that the City should also be responsible for $913 in increased property taxes caused by loss of homestead. Since the lease for the apartment expires June 30, Director Vraa continued, it would be appropriate for the Commission to review what options are available and make a recommendation to the City Council for their consideration. The option reviewed included pursuing joint purchase of the building with HRA; continue to rent the apartment seeking grant assistance to cover 50% of the rent; abandon the apartment on June 30 or program all year round in one of the Department trailers located in the park. Member Kubik asked what the cost would be to purchase the apartment. Director Vraa responded that the cost would be one-quarter of $160,000 plus the $17,650 of rehabilitation costs which would be spread over 5 years. Although the HRA is open to purchasing the other three units, they may not be open to absorbing the other $52,950 in rehabilitation costs. Member Kubik opined that the $160,000 asking price seemed high and asked if there were negotiation options. Director Vraa responded that the owner is asking for the amount of the outstanding mortgage only. Member Kubik commented that it appears reasonable to have the City negotiate the purchase of the apartment. Member Vincent added that having the HRA as a partner in this endeavor would be beneficial. Member Thompson added that the Commission continues to be committed to a facility at this site. Member Callister concurred that this apartment would be used far more than a temporary trailer facility. Member Kubik reiterated that staff should continue to negotiate in the best interest of the City and that there be a continued long term commitment and involvement in this area of the City. There were no items to be addressed by the Commission under this Agenda item. Items reviewed by Parks Planner Lilly included the clearing of a trail at Patrick Eagan Park near Amber Leaf. This project will involve approximately 12 scouts clearing the trail to create a natural walkway. In response to a question relative to a buffer area from the trail to the residential homes, Planner Lilly responded that staff would work with the property owners adjacent to the trail to create a buffer. Director Vraa explained that the costs have raised significantly relative to the dosing station at Fish Lake and staff is now re-examining the program. It is expected that this issue will be reviewed at a workshop session with the City Council hopefully on )une 4. Director Vraa suggested that the Natural Resources Subcommittee meet prior to that workshop so that updated information can be provided. Member Kubik noted that Water Resources Coordinator Brasch's explanation of this project was very clear including the experimental nature of the project. A Natural Resources Subcommittee meeting will be scheduled for the near future. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission Minutes of May 20, 1996 Meeting Page 3 FRIENDS OF THE FARM UPDATE Director Vraa stated that staff has received approval from the State and is currently seeking Federal 501 K status for the Friends of the Farm. Administrative Intem lablonsky has been working on grant applications and seeking out foundations for funding. Vraa also noted that the Richard Holz property is for sale for $130,000. The City Council is currently reviewing this issue for potential acquisition. If the City is successful in acquiring this property it would be acquired using Park Site Funds which would then be reimbursed if the Bond Referendum is successful. TRAILS CLEARING UPDATE Director Vraa noted that Parks Superintendent Olson has been working with Supervisor Erhart to provide the Council with preliminary information relative to trails clearing. Based on the Council's input and direction, further information can be obtained and submitted to the Council for further consideration. Superintendent Olson added that the report submitted to the Council summarizes what other communities are doing relative to trails clearing and what the cost implications are. Director Vraa stated that the information provided to the Council indicated that the cost to clear trails would be approximately $1600/year/mile based on existing figures used by the City of Apple Valley. BOND REFERENDUM UPDATE Director Vraa stated that the Task Force has met six times and the group has come to a fairly solid idea of what they would like to propose for a referendum. Approximately 23 sites (500 acres) have been identified for potential acquisition of approximately 95-125 acres through acquisition or conservation easement. $3.5 million for acquisition + $800,000 for enhancements to open space has been identified as the dollar amount. It is hoped that the Task Force will expand in size as the group markets the referendum as well as help to narrow the exact sites for acquisition. Member Thompson responded that the proposal sounded like a practical and positive one and thanked the Task Force for a job well done. ROYAL OAKS LAND ACQUISITION UPDATE Director Vraa indicated that the City Council had approved the acquisition, by a 3-2 vote, of the property north of Royal Oaks previously identified for acquisition by the Commission. By acquiring this parcel, the City will lose approximately $112,000 in assessments. The Council has directed that this parcel is to be kept simple and their only concern would be for erosion control. ~flO Member Thompson suggested that the Commission set up a workshop session, perhaps later in the year, to take a look at how the group addresses decision making. It was also suggested that perhaps the Commission bring in an outside organization to help with idea sharing on how to best function as an advisory commission. Member Rudolph concurred that a retreat would be in order and suggested that some hypothetical situations could be presented to the group to see how they would work through the issues. In a discussion as to how to clarify staff's and commission's roles, it was suggested that it might be helpful to have 2-3 other communities join in with Eagan and have each staff throw out different ideas on how to do things better. This way it won't be known which City staff has presented the ideas, but all cities could respond to the ideas. It would be a good way of sharing different ideas. It was the consensus of the Commission that this brainstorming session should be discussed once the work for the referendum has been completed. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission Minutes of May 20, 1996 Meeting Page 4 ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Michael Vincent moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Secre ~ ~ >~ ~r 9 ~ Date cm