06/17/1996 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JUNE 17, 1996 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission was called to order at 7:00 p. m. on June 17, 1996 with the following Commission Members present: Randall Ahern, Tim Callister, Guy Kohlnhofer, Lee Markell, David Szott, Stephen Thompson and Michael Vincent. Commission Members not present included George Kubik, Daryle Petersen, John Rudolph and Ken Tyler. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation, Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; C.J. Lilly, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner; Rich Brasch, Water Resources Coordinator; )on Oyanagi, Recreation Supervisor and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. AGENDA Stephen Thompson moved, Michael Vincent seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. ©EPARTMENT' HAPPENINGS Items highlighted by Director Vraa included continued meetings with HRA representatives concerning potential acquisition of the Wescott Service Center. The HRA apparently wants to own the units but needs to rent them at market rate. Loudi Rivamonte was welcomed as the new Youth Development _ Coordinator with a little of her background provided for the Commission. The upcoming Yankee Doodle Arts and Crafts Festival, the beginning of the sand volleyball league, ordering of additional wind screens at the Northview Tennis Courts, recognition of over 5,100 summer recreation registrations and the impact of the recent storm were also noted. CONSENT AGENDA TENNIS COURT RESURFACING/TENNIS COURT LIGHTING Michael Vincent moved, Stephen Thompson seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend approval of the three court light plan to be constructed at Northview Athletic with the tennis court resurfacing project. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no development proposals for the Commission to review. OLD BUSINESS There were no issues under this agenda item for the Commission to review. NEW BUSINESS There were no issues under this agenda item for the Commission to review. PARKS DEVELOPMENT UPDATE Items reviewed by Parks Planner Lilly included the Eagle Scout trail clearing project at Patrick Eagan Park. The scouts working on the project did a very good job and Commission Members were encouraged to visit the site. Signs will be placed at the Wescott and Pilot Knob entrances to the Municipal Center and it is expected that the work will be completed in August. One of the signs will be a reader board. July 15 is the anticipated completion date for the Blackhawk pavilion with landscaping anticipated for this fall. The observation deck at Blackhawk is also under construction by the Tree Trust and City staff. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission Minutes of June 17, 1996 Regular Meeting Page 2 WATER RESOURCES UPDATE Water Resources Coordinator Brasch noted that the Schwanz Lake restoration has been completed with close out of the project anticipated in 30 days. The permit application for dosing application at Fish Lake has been. re-submitted. Staff will keep the Commission updated on it's progress. An intern is setting up a step by step brochure on how to set up a wetland buffer with a draft expected in 3-4 weeks for the Commission to review. Although this program will be voluntary, it is a start. Coordinator Brasch asked what potential dates the Members may be available for a joint meeting with the Advisory Planning Commission. )uly 10 and 17 were noted as possible dates. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS FRIENDS OF THE FARM UPDATE Recreation Supervisor Oyanagi provided the Commission with an update of the events and accomplishments at the Holz Farm in the recent past. He noted that the Girl Scouts held a Bat Day on April 27 where 30 bat houses were constructed. Some of the houses were sold with proceeds donated to the Farm. The Task Force not only continues to meet monthly but has provided many hours of sweat equity by painting the interior first floor walls, removing carpeting on the first floor, stripping glue from the kitchen/dining floor, prepped and painted the south side main level exterior and have begun furnishing the rooms. Dakota Electric has replaced 2 power poles and Woodcrest Church brought in some of their youth groups who started clearing the field to the north of the house. The Spring Open House was very successful with 3-400 visitors attending. Supervisor Oyanagi continued that the City is working hard to acquire the Richard Holz property in order to create better access to the farm. Once the federal tax ID number has been issued, staff will be actively soliciting grants. Commission Member Markel) added that a September event is being proposed at the farm with hopes that more people will come to visit. He also identified the need for 6-8 foot lengths of wood to be used for fence posts. It was noted that the continued interest in Holz Farm should result in even larger participation in future events. BOND REFERENDUM UPDATE Member Szott explained that the Task Force appeared at the )une 4 City Council meeting and presented a recommendation fora $4.6 million bond with $3.8 designated for acquisition and $800,000 for enhancements to currently owned park space. An August 6 referendum date was also proposed. The City Council approved the $4.6 million amount but did not necessarily agree on the breakdown of acquisition/enhancements. Szott added that the Council did not accept the August 6 date for a referendum, rather, preferred the November 5 general election. Members Vincent, Markel) and Szott will again address the Council in an attempt to have them reconsider their inclination to hold the bond referendum during the November general election. Member Callister asked what the negative reaction to the August 6 date was. Member Szott opined that it appeared to be the $30-40,000 cost of holding a separate election. Member Callister opined that there are far more advantages in separating the referendum from the general election. Member Szott continued that although there would not be much time to market a referendum for August, it still would be a good time to hold one. It was also noted that the Small Business Association and the Dakota County Chamber raised some issues at the City Council meeting. Task Force Members opined that it would have been helpful for the concerns raised at the City Council meeting to have been brought to the Task. Force during one of their many previous meetings so that it could have been addressed prior to the City Council meeting. After further discussion, it was noted that a letter would be drafted to City Administrator Hedges expressing the Task Force's concerns and asking the Council to re-consider the bond referendum coinciding with the general election. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission Minutes of June 17, 1996 Regular Meeting Page 3 ROUNDTABLE Member Szott asked if the City Council had done anything with the Dart parcel. Director Vraa explained that Dart has asked that the Preliminary Plat be extended on the north half of the property so they can then proceed to final plat. The south half will remain as is and will not be final platted until a later date. Member Thompson remembered that the Parks System Plan talked about the need for golf course(s) beyond what the City currently has and asked if the Council has put to rest the option of purchasing the Dart property. Director Vraa responded that the Council has not expressed interest in pursuing that option. Commission Members continued to express their concern that the potential opportunity to acquire the Dart Property should not slip away. There was significant discussion as to how to proceed. Members Thompson and Vincent volunteered to stay involved and follow up with this issue. In response to a question relative to future staff needs and other needs, Director Vraa suggested that the Commission review the 1997 budget with staff since the budget process is currently underway. It was suggested that this review can be done in a workshop session at the )uly meeting. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Stephen Thompson moved, Guy Kohlnhofer seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Secre Date