07/15/1996 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JULY 15, 1996 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on July 15, 1996 with the following Commission Members present: Tim Callister, Guy Kohlnhofer, George Kubik, Lee Markell, Daryle Petersen, John Rudolph, David Szott, Stephen Thompson and Michael Vincent. Commission Member Randall Ahern was not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation, Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; C.). Lilly, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner; Rich Brasch, Water Resources Coordinator; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; Julie Farnham, Project Planner; Pam Dudziak, Project Planner and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. AGENDA Under Other Business and Reports, Dart Property was added as item 4 and the Review of Open Space Sites was added as item 1 under Old Business. John Rudolph moved, Michael Vincent seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. DEPARTMENT :HAPPENINGS Items highlighted by Director Vraa included winding down of youth summer sports, beginning of the Wescott basketball leagues, plans for a community festival at Wescott, success of the Yankee Doodle Festival and the Little Doodlers' Arts and Crafts Tent, update on the increasing number of summer registrations, upcoming installation of play structures at Northview and Thomas Lake Elementary Schools, completion of wooden storage bins at Lexington Diffley by a county youth work crew, continuing work on the observation deck at Blackhawk Park, increase in vandalism and graffiti in the parks, upcoming Men's Region IV tournament at Northview Athletic and the overwhelming success of the Holz Farm pig roast. CONSENT. AGENDA There were no issues to be discussed under this agenda item. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS EAGAN PROMENADE 2ND ADDITION - HEALEY RAMME CO. Project Planner Dudziak explained that the Preliminary Planned Development included both commercial and residential components and that this proposal deals only with the residential portion of the development. The proposal currently consists of 282 multifamily dwelling units in six buildings. Although the open space in the Preliminary Planned Development was approved to be private, the developer was required to install a private trail around the pond located on the adjacent lot to the west. The developer is proposing a 6 foot aggregate trail to take advantage of the pond amenity and to provide a pedestrian connection between the residential and commercial portions of the development. Coordinator Brasch noted that the two issues relative to water quality had been resolved by past action to provide for on-site ponding to mitigate downstream impacts on LeMay Lake to minimize future restoration costs for the lake. Brasch continued that although he is comfortable with the recommendation for mitigation, in-lake mitigation will be needed for LeMay Lake at some time in the future. Supervisor Hove noted that changes to the July 3, 1996 submitted proposed development plan have resulted in a difference in the amount of trees being removed largely because of revised grade limits and a redesign of building locations. The developer will be required to mitigate the net impact of design changes which calculate to the installation of 9 Category A trees of 18 Category B trees of 36 Category C trees. This additional mitigation is in addition to any landscape required and Hove noted that a revised landscape plan should be submitted indicating the species and location of this additional mitigation. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission Minutes of July 15, 1996 Regular Meeting Page 2 Member Thompson questioned the need for a fire lane on the south side of the largest building pad. If one was to be required, the impact to the trees and wetlands would be significant he opined. Member Kubik added that a 14 foot road with retaining wall in this location would result in a minimum 50 foot disturbance area. It was suggested that 37 significant trees would be lost and until the actual engineering would be done for this type of roadway, it would not be known how much of the slope and wetland would be impacted. Member Callister asked if this road was required to meet fire code. Planner Dudziak responded that access is necessary per fire code and that the roadway was decreased from 20' wide to 14'. Member Vincent asked why this issue had not been addressed earlier. Planner Dudziak responded that the developer had just submitted revised plans. A representative of Healy Ramme concurred with the Commission's concern for additional tree loss. He indicated that there are several other options that could be considered by the Fire Marshall to facilitate coverage of the building that would not result in the installation of a road to the south of the building. It is the developer's hope that the wooded view to the south can be maintained as an amenity to the building. There are several options that have been used in developments in other communities to satisfy fire protection, he added, such as stand pipes or Siamese points so that the entire building is accessible with a limited amount of hose. Member Vincent asked if some of the sidewalks shown interior to the site could be reinforced to support fire vehicles if necessary. The developer stated that that is a possibility and they are hopeful that a solution can be reached so that no trees will be lost in that area. In response to a question by Member Kubik, the developer pointed out the public trails versus private trails on the site. Responding to a question by Member Markell, the developer stated that they hope for construction to start on August 7, 1996 with occupancy to begin in March of 1997. Member Thompson stated that he felt strongly that the trees not be removed on the south side of the building and that if some type of road is necessary for fire access that the developer be required to redesign the site so as to minimize the impact to the trees and water quality of the pond. After several Commission Members reiterated Member Thompson's concerns, Michael Vincent moved, Stephen Thompson seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council relative to Eagan Promenade 2nd Addition: 1. The Tree Preservation Plan should be accepted as proposed with the following conditions: • The developer shall submit a revised landscape plan indicating the species and location of required mitigation for significant tree removal in excess of that amount previously approved during preliminary plat approval. This mitigation amounts to 9 Category A trees or 18 Category B trees of 36 Category C trees. • Tree Protective Measures shall be required (i.e. 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. • The developer shall contact the City Forestry Division at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan. 2. This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication. 3. The trails dedication will be fulfilled through installation of public sidewalks and trails by the developer in the entire Eagan Promenade development. 4. Pond DP-5.1 is required to have a minimum wet volume and mean depth at normal water level of 1 acre-foot and 3 feet respectively. 5. The wetland replacement plan should be revised to show a total wetland impact of .52 acres associated with the project. The wetland area to be created for mitigation purposes will remain at 1.08 acres as per the original approved wetland replacement plan. 6. The developer shall exhaust all alternatives before placing a road to meet fire access on the south side of the building. If the project is required to have a fire access road in that location, this project shall appear before the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission again for review of tree preservation and water quality/wetland issues. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission Minutes of July 15, 1996 Regular Meeting Page 3 ULD BUSINESS Director Vraa noted that the City Council wanted to make sure the Advisory Commission reviewed the potential acquisition sites for the Bond Referendum to see if these are still the priority sites. After a brief review of the sites, Michael Vincent moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the list of 20 sites identified for potential acquisition. NEW SUSINE5S SCENIC ENTERPRISES -COMP GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT Project Planner Farnham introduced this item noting that the developer is requesting approval of a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment to change the central area land use plan to allow a mix of residential, commercial and park uses on approximately 80 acres located north of Yankee Doodle Road, west of Pilot Knob Road in the SE 1/4 of Section 9. She continued that the developer is seeking input from the Commission on whether a proposed park should be considered for a central park/community center at this site. Member Vincent asked who would be building the park. Planner Farnham stated that part of the idea is that a portion of the site would be park development which would be approximately 12-14 acres, however, additional land would need to be acquired. Member Markel) asked what the time frame for this issue was. Planner Farnham responded that the developer wants this to appear at the APC meeting next week and then on to the next City Council meeting for land change. Member Markel) suggested that this be reviewed by the Land Acquisition Subcommittee. Several questions raised by the Commission included connecting trails between two parks, what the use of this site is visioned to be, should this be "the" central park, will there be significant cots to placing a park in this location, and what amenities are envisioned for a central park. The issue of the ring road was also brought up as a concern. Member Szott opined that in this situation the cart is before the horse since the Commission isn't able to respond to what specific needs they feel should be incorporated in a request such as this. He also noted that a good portion of this site is slopes with woodlands and wetlands and didn't know how feasible it would be for a community "central park". After further discussion, the Land Acquisition Subcommittee was directed to review this proposal keeping in mind the questions and concerns that had been raised by the Commission Members. Planner Farnham stated she would coordinate a meeting with the sub-committee to answer questions they may have relative to the development. PARKS DEVELOPMENT UPDATE Items reviewed by Parks Planner Lilly included the color coating and lighting of tennis courts and Lexington/Diffley, the continued progress of the Blackhawk pavilion and observation deck and the finalization of landscaping and signage at the Municipal Center. WATER' RESOURCES UPDATE Water Resources Coordinator Brasch noted that the Natural Resources Subcommittee will have a joint meeting with the Advisory Planning Commission at 6:00 pm on July 22. Coordinator Brasch also shared an Eagle Scout project for the wetlands at Walnut Hill park and west of the entrance to Trapp Farm Park. The Scout will be responsible for designing and installing signs for the wetland buffer as well as site restoration and seeding. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORT BOND REFERENDUM UPDATE Director Vraa noted that this issue will be discussed by the City Council at their July 16, 1996 meeting when a decision will be made on the referendum date. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission Minutes of July 15, 1996 Regular Meeting Page 4 BUDGET REVIEW Director Vraa noted that review and discussion of the 1997 budget will occur following the meeting. It was also noted that the Commission will have an opportunity to discuss interest in the Dart property at that time as well. ROUNQ TABLE Member Thompson stated that the City should be considering the space needs for the July 4 celebration that can accommodate fire works and provide a place for people to gather both inside and outside.. There was significant conversation relative to the long term need fora "gathering place" or recreation facility to provide the needs that currently are not being met in the community. Member Kubik commented on the request for extended hours for the wading pool. Director Vraa noted that a survey is currently underway to determine whether or not that is a common request and to see how users are feeling about the wading pool. It appears that the pool is getting larger bather loads than what was originally planned. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Michael Vincent moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. cj- ~ l~ , ~ q~ ~o Secrets Date