10/14/1996 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA OCTOBER 14, 1996 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission was called to order at 7:00 p. m. on October 14, 1996 with the following Commission Members present: Daryle Petersen, Stephen Thompson,Tim Callister, George Kubik, Michael Vincent and Guy Kohtnhofer. Members John Rudolph, David Szott, Lee Markell, and Randall Ahern were not present. Staff present included Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; C.J. Lilly, Landscape ArchitecUParks Planner; Rich Brasch, Water Resources Coordinator; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; Jon Oyanagi, Recreation Supervisor; and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. AGENDA Central Area Park Task Force was added as Item 2 under New Business. George Kubik moved, Michael Vincent seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. MINUTES. OF SEPTEM$ER 16,"1996 Michael Vincent moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of September 16, 1996 as presented. DEPARTMENT- HAPPENINGS Items highlighted in the Department Happenings included the installation of a new play structure at Thomas Lake Elementary School, shaving cream vandalism on newly resurfaced tennis courts at Northview Athletic, successful sale of wood mulch, newly paved hockey rink at Goat Hill Park, Wescott Youth Development program being the successful recipient of a MRPA Lawful Gaming Grant, and the increased use of the Civic Arena will winter activities approaching. Supervisor Oyanagi shared a video of the recent Hotz Farm Fall Festival where over 600 people attended. CONSENT AGENDA There were no items under Consent Agenda for the Commission to review. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS ACORN POND ADDITION -DAVID K. PETERS Following a brief introduction by Superintendent Peterson, Forestry Supervisor Hove noted that individual lot tree preservation plans will be required for Lots 1 and 3 at the time of building permit application. Water Resources Coordinator Brasch stated that over one-third of this parcel lies within the shoreland zone of Holland Lake and is subject to regulation under the City's shoreland zoning regulations. In unsewered areas such as this one, the City Code requires a minimum 10 acre lot size. The developer will be required to apply for a variance from these regulations in order for the development to proceed as proposed. Brasch concluded that staff has reviewed this request and believes a variance is appropriate in this case. Following brief discussion, Michael Vincent moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council relative to Acorn Pond Addition: 1. This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication for Lots 1 and 3. 2. This development shall be responsible for a cash trails dedication for Lots 1 and 3. 3. Individual Lot Tree Preservation Plans will be required for both Lot 1 and Lot 3 at the time of building permit application. 4. No grading within 30 feet of the NWL for Pond LP-36 shall be allowed. 5. No water quality mitigation shall be required. 6. A variance for the 10 acre minimum lot size under the shoreland zoning regulations shall be granted. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission Minutes of October 14, 1996 Meeting Page 2 OLD BUSINESS There were not items under Old Business for the Commission to review. NE1N BUSINESS 1996/97 OUTDOOR SKATING SEASON Supervisor Oyanagi presented a report relative to the upcoming winter recreation sites. He noted that in the past the City has had difficulty recruiting staff to work at the various skating sites and felt it important to have a plan in place in the event the 1996/97 season ends up being short staffed. Oyanagi reviewed the hours of operation at the various sites last year, attendance at each of those sites and staff's recommendations should there not be sufficient staff to open all sites as was done in the past. Advantages and disadvantages of each recommendation were also reviewed. Commission Member Kubik commented that the report was very well thought out and the recommendations in the event of insufficient staffing seemed appropriate. Of great concern to Commission Members was the importance of communicating this information to the public in a timely fashion. After a brief discussion by the Commission, George Kubik moved, Tim Callister seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations relative to the 1996/97 outdoor skating season: To adjust the hours of operation for the warming shelters during the winter recreation season as is necessary. To add Blackhawk Park as a staffed winter recreation site on weekends and school vacation days only. 3. To recommend the priority system for staffing sites should a shortage occur as follows: a. Class C sites would be eliminated or have reduced hours based on non-program attendance from previous years. Sites affected include Lexington, Pilot Knob and Woodhaven. b. Class B sites would be the next after Class C sites. c. Class A sites would be last to change hours or close. CENTRAL AREA PARKlTASK FORCE Member Vincent noted that with the discussion in the recent past relative to a "central park" it may be appropriate for a group of individuals to look at criteria that could be used when the Council looks at specific parcels of land. This criteria, Vincent continued, would provide some potential guidelines to help assess whether or not a parcel of land would be appropriate fora "central park". Member Calister added that this would be a good vehicle to get various interest groups within the City to participate. After brief discussion, the Commission Members supported the idea that the criteria fora "central park" be more clearly researched by various members of the City, including the APRNRC, so that information will be available at the time the issue of a "central park" arises with a specific parcel of land. Member Vincent will follow up with Administrator Hedges regarding this issue. PARKS DEVELOPMENT UPDATE Parks Planner Lilly noted that the new aluminum sign is up at Lexington/Diffley Athletic Fields and landscaping will occur around it soon. Work .has begun for programming the building(s) at this park as well. Planner Lilly reminded the Commission that they had reviewed preliminary plans for the buildings and staff is looking for direction from the Commission on how to proceed. Commenting that the Commission has never been disappointed with the plans that have been done for park buildings in the past, Member Kubik made a motion that staff move forward on this project at Lexington/Diffley Athletic Fields. Member Vincent seconded the motion with all members voting in favor. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission Minutes of October 14, 1996 Meeting Page 3 WATER>: RESOURCES UPDATE STORMWATER POLLUTION CONTROL PROGRAM -NATIONAL AWARD Coordinator Brasch explained that the City was selected to receive the EPA's 1996 national first place award for an outstanding Storm Water Management Control Program in the municipal category. The MN Pollution Control Agency recommended the City's program for nomination. Brasch thanked the Commission for their guidance in planning and securing resources to move forward to make this award possible. Member Thompson expressed the Commission's pride in having been a part of this project and process and commented on the great strides the City has made, under the direction of Rich Brasch and Ken Vraa, to receive this prestigious award. Member Petersen echoed Thompson's remarks stating that it makes the Commission's job much easier when they're working with such a talented staff. Coordinator Brasch also noted that he has received a number of requests from private land owners on water bodies that don't have public access, regarding what level of City funding should be provided to improve their water quality. It was suggested that a workshop session be scheduled with the Natural Resources Sub-committee to further review this issue. OTHER ~USlNESS AND RfPURTS OAK WILT -DUTCH ELM UPDATE Supervisor Hove noted that last year was very stressful for plant life with the cold winter and very dry summer. The Forestry Department has created an educational video which is available to the public relative to Oak Wilt so they can have as many tools as possible to deal with this problem. Tree Inspector Mark Rehder then provided a very in-depth report on the 1996 Shade Tree Disease Program including the extent of both Dutch Elm and Oak Wilt diseases in the City. Mark continued to describe in detail the method by which Oak Wilt and Dutch Elm are identified and handled to diminish the spread of the diseases. Following a brief discussion by the Commission, they thanked Tree Inspector Rehder and Forestry Supervisor Hove for their extensive report and diligent efforts to address this issue in the City. ROUND TABLE Member Thompson made note of letters in the packet relative to a request for backboards at Woodhaven Park along with "no rollerblading" signs and the thank you letter to Mr. and Mrs. Bob McLean regarding the land they donated to create an extension to Mueller Farm Park. Member Thompson also addressed the letter in the packet relative to his resignation from the Advisory Commission. He highlighted some memorable achievements while on the Commission including acquisition of Holz Farm, North Park, innovative and effective recreation programming, continued excellence by the Water Qualitylfree Preservation/Parks Planning areas and the continued dedication to excellence by the maintenance staff. Thompson thanked Director Vraa for holding everything together and allowing staff to do the quality work they are well known for. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, Michael Vincent moved, Guy Kohlnhofer seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. ~ ` a ~ ~ 1cl°t~ Secretary ~ _ Date