03/17/1997 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ADVISORY PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MARCH 17, 1997 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks, Recreation and Nawral Resources Commission was called to order at 7:00 pm on March i 7, 1997 with the following Commission Members present: Guy Kohlnhofer, Terry Davis, Michael Vincent, Lee Markell, John Rudolph, Daryle Petersen, George Kubik and Jerry Farlee. Commission Member Barbara Johnson was not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; C.J. Lilly, Parks Planner/Landscape Architect; Rich Brasch, Water Resources Coordinator; Jon Oyanagi, Recreation Supervisor; Julie Farnham, Planner; and Chenyl Mesko, Secretary. AWARD OF APPRECIATION-17AID SCOTT Chairman Markell presented David Szott with a plaque and expressed the Commission's appreciation for David's four years of service to the Advisory Commission. Mr. Szott thanked the Commission for their kind words and expressed his appreciation to fellow Commission Members, Director Vraa and Parks and Recreation staff for providing the opporwnity to learn more about the City and it's process. He suggested that the current and furore Commission Members maintain a larger focus when looking at furore needs for the City and that they not get caught up in the day-to- day operation which is effectively handled by staff. Szott concluded that his experience on the Commission was very educational and enjoyable. AG El`1DA w John Rudolph moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. APPROVE I~(NUTI~S OF `REG METING'~)w LtARY ANt= Rl1Y 2~, :...... ; Michael Vincent moved, Guy Kohlnhofer seconded with ail members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the regular meetings of January 21, 1997 and February 24, 1997 as presented. V1SiTORS l'~ 13,E HEARD There were no visitors that wished to be heard under this agenda item. DEPARTIvI1rNT HAPI'NINGS Items highlighted by Director Vraa included planning of summer programs by recreation staff, registration numbers for EAA summer sports, hiring of Chadd Benson as Assistant Ice Arena Manager, 1997 North American Short Track Speedskating Championship at the Civic Arena, annual tree sale scheduled for April 26, hiring of John Fenn for forestry/park maintenance, and the "4" Your Parks cleanup scheduled for April 26. CON5~1"C AGENI;~A There were no Consent Agenda items for the Commission to review. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission Minutes of March 17, 1997 Meeting Page 2 .. DEVI»C.4PMEI~IT PRCQPC~AIS ` ® -' EAGAN BUSINESS COMMONS -RYAN CONSTRUCTION Following a brief introduction, Planner Farnham explained that Roseville Properties is requesting a Preliminary Subdivision to create 4 lots for industrial development of 26 acres located at the northwest corner of the intersection of T.H. 55 and Lone Oak Road. All the proposed lots can be developed with buildings and parking that meet setback requirements except Lot 1, Block 2 where the Code requires a 100 foot buffer yard where an 1 district is across the street from a R, A or P district. The developer is requesting a variance to allow buildings and parking within the 100 foot buffer. Farnham also noted that the site is located within Eagan Tax Increment Financing District #3. This district was created in 1996 to assist in the orderly development and redevelopment of properties with substandard conditions located on either side of T.H. 55 between Lexington Avenue and Lone Oak Road. Superintendent Olson reviewed the tree preservation issue noting that the site currently consists of 84 significant trees and 103,000 s.f. of woodlands. The developer is proposing to remove most of the existing vegetation so as to maximize developable space on the site. Staff has noted that the removal of the significant woodlands comprise 61 % of the tree mitigation. Because of the origin and quality of this woodland, staff proposed reducing the required mitigation by the same 61 ~~ which would result in a combination tree/cash mitigation or another combination the Commission may recommend. Member Kubik asked how much of the site would be impervious surface. Planner Farnham responded that building coverage is supposed to be 3596 of the site, however the buildings being proposed are under that requirement. Member Kubik noted that his concern is focused more specifically on the amount of impervious surface around the buildings once all the vegetation is removed. Water Resources Coordinator Brasch explained that the runoff from this site will flow to the north and evenwally discharge to Pond FP-1, a MnDNR protected water which is designated as a nutrient trap in the City's water quality management plan. Although the developer has incorporated on-site ponding, it meets only a portion of the total ponding requirements for full mitigation. Since there are no downstream recreational water bodies, the remaining mitigation could be met with supplemental cash dedication. Relative to wetlands, Brasch noted that there are two small areas on the site that exhibit wetlands characteristics; one at the north end of the site and the other along the northeast boundary. It appears there is no evidence of wetlands in either location prior to road construction and development activities in the area. If the wetlands were created as a result of the blockage of small drainages that resulted from grading activities for roads and other developments, they would be exempt from regulation under the Wetlands Conservation Act. Director Vraa added that this development would be subject to a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission Minutes of March 17, 1997 Meeting Page 3 Member Markell asked if all the vegetation buffering the site from Highway 55-52 would be removed. Superintendent Olson stated that it would. Member Markell suggested that some of the vegetation be kept, if possible. Member Kubik reiterated his concern for the amount of impervious surface. He opined that since the developer is considering 10096 vegetative removal coupled with significant impervious surface the City should exercise caution in reviewing the landscaping requirements for this site. After further discussion, Michael Vincent moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with ail members voting in favor to make the following recommendations relative to Fagan Business Commons: 1. This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. 2. The Tree Preservation Plan shall be approved with the following conditions: • Some combination of Category A, B, or C trees to equal 70 Category B trees shall be installed in addition to any approved landscape requirements • A cash mitigation in the amount of $20,184. • A revised landscape plan shall be submitted to staff indicating the location, species and size of tree mitigation trees. • Tree Protective Measures (i.e. 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) shall be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. • The developer shall contact the City Forestry Division at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan. 3. The development shall be subject to an on-site ponding and supplemental cash dedication requirement to fully meet water quality mitigation obligations. 4. Exemptions from regulation under the Wetland Conservation Act shall be issued for the two potential wetland areas in the northern portion of the site. There were no items under Old Business for the Commission to review. NE1t+C B ___ . CHILD PROTECTION POLICY Superintendent Peterson explained that the proposed Child Protection Policy had been developed to respond to the question, "What would the City do in the event of an employee, intern or volunteer being the subject of a complaint of harassment, intimidation, verbal, phychological, physical or sexual abuse involving a child?" Peterson explained that the policy covers all employees and interns, and volunteer positions that interact with children without direct, continuous supervision by a regular employee. She then reviewed the hiring procedure, training, supervision and child protection complaint investigation policy proposed. Peterson also noted that as the Recreation Subcommittee reviewed this project they felt the City of Fagan should not be responsible for background checks or liable for actions by personnel and volunteers from independent organizations that use City facilities. Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission Minutes of March 17, 1997 Meeting Page 4 George Kubik moved and Guy Kohlnhofer seconded a motion to recommend to the City Council that the Child Protection Policy be approved. Concern was expressed about exempting personnel and volunteers from independent organizations. Superintendent Peterson noted that if the City contracted work from organizations those organizations would most likely handle the background checks. Member Vincent opined that although this may be a requirement within the company providing services to the City they should be incorporated into the policy. Member Rudolph explained that with this being a new policy it is difficult to pin down all the variables and suggested getting the policy started and making changes later if needed. Member Vincent strongly encouraged the incorporation of contractual employees into the coverage for this policy. Member Kubik agreed to amend the motion to include c) contracwal employees under the groups to be covered by the Child Protection Policy. Everyone voted in favor to approve the amended motion. QUARRY PARK REQUEST Director Vraa reminded the Commission that a request was received from )ohn Marks and Sam Remillard to pave a hockey rink at Quarry Park. The Commission referred this item to the Acquisition/Development Subcommittee for their review. When the subcommittee reviewed this request they felt it should be included for consideration and inclusion in the overall CIP review. Vraa also noted that a letter to that effect had been sent to the gentlemen making the request. Member Markeil added that the cost for paving the rink at Goat Hill was $10,000 with a portion donated by the Eagan Hockey Association. The Commission was in agreement that this item should be addressed with the overall CIP review. PARKS ®frV~l,M ~ . BATE : , :'_ ..~: ~.. _~`~~, _ .,~~ ., PARK SIGNS Director Vraa explained that in the past all park identification signs have been the same which has, at times, created confusion with the public in being able to identify larger community parks. To help resolve the confusion, staff developed new criteria for community signs which incorporated a larger sign with a design different from the neighborhood signs. Landscape Architect/Parks Planner Lilly reminded the Commission that they had reviewed potential designs and had asked staff to pursue costs for two concepwal designs. Fabricators were contacted and asked to review the criteria and develop costs based on the designs shown or create one of their own. Costs were reviewed from three fabricators with costs ranging from $4,100 - !0,450 for a single sided Concept A sign; $4,900 - 12,536 for a double sided Concept A sign; $4,600 - 9,432 for a single sided Concept B sign; and $5,400 - 11,980 for a double sided Concept B sign. Sign fabricators have indicated that redwood is the preferred product for sign construction. Discussion occurred regarding the value of a single sided sign versus a double sided sign. It appeared to be the Commission's consensus that a double sided would maintain consistency for community parks. Regarding a specific design, Member Markell suggested that some level of consistency be maintained. Member Kubik suggested that the signs could maintain a consistent key element but felt they should be different to reflect the differences in the community parks. Member Davis asked about the average cost of the existing park signs. Director Vraa stated they were made in-house at a cost of approximately $350-400 each. Member Davis questioned the need for using Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission Minutes of March 17, 1997 Meeting Page 5 redwood for signs and asked if there would be other alternatives that would not be as costly and might be a little more environmentally friendly. Member Kubik opined that the intention of this project was to differentiate between neighborhood and community park signs. He suggested that the Commission choose a design and leave the cost negotiations to staff after which they can give that information to the Commission. The Commission had extensive discussion as to what alternatives could and should be considered for park signage. They directed staff to investigate this issue further and asked specifically that they explore other products for sign construction along with their cost implications, look at the option of maintenance staff doing all or a portion of the work; and see what the cost break would be from the fabricators if they only did a portion of the sign. WATER RESOllRCIrS 11PI3ATE CITIZEN WETLAND MONITORING Coordinator Brasch noted the issue for the Commission is whether the City should participate in a cooperative program with Dakota County, MnPCA and the Audobon Council. Brasch then reviewed the program as well as the duties of City water resources staff in this project which is projected to run through September 1998. After a brief discussion, Daryle Petersen moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend that the City participate in a cooperative program with Dakota County, the MN Pollution Control Agency, and the Audubon Council for development of a citizen- based wetland monitoring, assessment and education program. ~}TH~R 13th 'e ~, R ~.: ',~ .. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Member Markell stated that the Acquisition/Development Subcommittee will be scheduling a meeting to continue their review of the CIP and to develop criteria for the review process. Member Davis added that all Commission Members are welcome to attend the next meeting proposed for the week of March 26~. Director Vraa stated that the entire Commission will be brought into the process at a later date when a workshop session will be scheduled. Superintendent Peterson noted that the Recreation Subcommittee is working toward a teen listening session scheduled for Sunday, April 13 at 7:00 p.m. where they will be looking at summer activities. Member Rudolph added that some of this was started through Councilmember Masin's interest in looking at teen options. WINTER RECREATION REPORT Supervisor Oyanagi reviewed the winter programs he supervised including adult basketball, broomball, boot hockey, 4-on-4 hockey, dog sled rides, Holz Farm, events for persons with disabilities, outdoor skating lessons, outdoor winter recreation sites, and special events at several park locations. ]on reviewed the results of the winter warming house survey along with the suggestions that participants had for improvements. Oyanagi also identified and reviewed several options for Advisory Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission Minutes of March 17, 1997 Meeting Page 6 recruiting and retaining winter recreation staff. He also reviewed several options for restructuring the winter program should sufficient staff not be available. Another idea ]on shared was the expanded use of Blackhawk Park for winter activities. Supervisor Nowariak reviewed the winter programs she supervised which included adult volleyball, pre-school programs, special events, trips and tours and involvement with the Youth Connection Council and BEAT. Some of the programs highlighted included Breakfast with Santa, Family Fun nights at the school gym and pool, and the ever growing and popular birthday parties. SET COMMISSION MEETING DATES 1997 Commission meeting dates were set for March 17, 1997; April 14, 1997; May 15, 1997; June 16, 1997; )uly 14, 1997; August 18, 1997; September 15, 1997; October 20, 1997; November 17, 1997; December 15, 1997; and January 15, 1998. ~,. ROLL TAi31E '' ~ " .~ .~ ' . Daryle Petersen commented on the positive workshop with the City Council noting that it was a good opportunity to discuss several important issues. He noted that it would be timely to set up a process, time frame and flow chart to bring back to the Council as they review options for a potential central community park in the city. Member Davis added that it was clear that the Council was keeping this issue close to them and that the Commission may be a part of that process. Director Vraa brought the Commission's attention to the resignation of Randall Ahenn. He also noted that he had received a call from Tim Callister indicating that he too will be resigning due to work conflicts. The Council will determine how these positions will be filled at a later date. AQ)c '~' With no further business to conduct, Michael Vincent moved, George Kubik seconded with ali members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:55 pm. Secretary Date