04/14/1997 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA APRIL 14, 1997 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on April 4, 1997 with the following Commission Members present: Tent' Davis, Michael Vincent, Lee Markell, John Rudolph, Daryle Petersen, George Kubik, Barbara ]ohnson and Jerry Farlee. Commission Member Guy Kohlnhofer was not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paui Olson, Parks Superintendent; C.J. Lilly, Parks Planner/Landscape Architect; Rich Brasch, Water Resources Coordinator; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; Jon Oyanagi, Recreation Supervisor and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary AGENDA Director Vraa noted that the DNR update under Other Business and Reports had been postponed. He also added items 7) Community Center Tour and 8) Dakota County Invitation under Other Business and Reports. Michael Vincent moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 17. 1997 George Kubik moved, Michael Vincent seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of March 17, 1997 as presented. VISITORS TO BE HEARD RON RASMUSSEN, PRESIDENT, EAA Ron Rasmussen was present to provide the Commission with a general overview of the Fagan Athletic Association. He noted that the organization was run by a group of very dedicated volunteers who provide sporting opportunities for youth who live in Fagan. They aspire to provide a positive experience for all the youth that participate in sports by providing high quality equipment, excellent facilities, improved training of coaches and officials, parent participation in a code of ethical behavior and attempting to balance church and youth athletic activities. Ron noted that the excellent facilities are a direct result of the care the Parks and Recreation Department provides their users. Some of the concerns facing the EAA are the growing need for equipment storage. They are looking to expand storage to approximately 4600 sq. ft for equipment storage and are also considering adding a room to accommodate meetings. They would like to see another cooperative effort with the City similar to what occurred with the current storage facility when the Association paid $15,000 for materials and the City completed the construction. Another concern for EAA is the addition of the Eastview Athletic Association and the potential for field requests from the new association. Although this association serves only a small part of Eagan that will be attending Eastview High School, it is likely they will be asking the City to allocate fields for their association. EAA feels that there may not be enough fields for this expanded use and Ron emphasized that they offer sports opportunities to all Eagan residents regardless of their school affiliation. This is different from any other athletic association since they limit their participation to specific high school boundaries or school districts. Mr. Rasmusson concluded by reviewing the participation numbers for the various sports which showed softball and baseball leveling off in 1997; in-house soccer doubling from 1995 to 1997 and track growing from 840 in 1995 to 1270 in 1997. Ron also added that there are well over 1,000 adult volunteers who make these opportunities possible for Eagan's youth. Ron also noted how lucky EAA is to have such a good working relationship with the City of Fagan. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of April 14, 1997 Meeting Page 2 DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS TREE CITY AWARD Forestry Supervisor Hove noted that on March 27 Mayor Egan received the Tree City Award for the City of Eagan adding that this is the City's 10~ year as a Tree City USA recipient. Hove then shared the award with the Commission noting that the flag will be flown at the Maintenance Facility and signs will be posted at several entrances to the City. Other Happenings highlighted by Director Vraa included the tree and gardening seminars, annual tree sale scheduled for April 26, Arbor Day celebration scheduled for May 3 at Blackhawk Park, 4-Your Parks clean-up, 249 adult slo-pitch softball teams registered for the summer season, $865 raised for Friends of the Farm by ]ensen's Supper Club, Earth Day Celebration on April 20, and evaluation of street sweeping for environmental purposes. CONSENT AGENDA Michael Vincent moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. LIPS 2nd Addition. This development shall be subject to a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. This development shall discharge all runoff from the development to existing Pond GP- 5, and no outlet shall be installed in Pond GP-5 so that runoff is contained entirely on site. 2. Tesseract School. This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication for the additional acreage acquired for the expansion of Tesseract School and shall be responsible for a cash trails dedication. The Tree Preservation Plan shall be approved as proposed with the following conditions: a) at least two Category A trees (4" dbh) shall be transplanted on site as mitigation for excessive tree removal. Water quality mitigation for this development shall be met through on-site ponding. 3. Galaxie Cliff Plaza Third Addition - Wensmann Homes. This development shall be subject to a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. There is no significant vegetation on this site and the water quality mitigation requirements shall be met through payment of a cash dedication. DEVELOPMENT AGENDA SPRINGBROOK CORPORATION -MURPHY FARM Director Vraa introduced this item stating that Springbrook Corporation has requested a Rezoning and Preliminary Subdivision on 22 acres located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Deerwood Drive and Murphy Parkway. This is the site of the Leo Murphy farm. The proposed preliminary subdivision consists of 38 lots for single family development with access to be provided by a new road off Murphy Parkway and a connection to Davenport Avenue to the west. Supervisor Hove narrated a video of the site while reviewing the tree preservation issues. He noted that the tree inventory indicated there are 213,445 sq. ft of significant woodlands on this site comprised by two separate woodlands. One of the woodlands in the southeastern portion of the site will be removed during site development. The second, located in the northeast part of the site, adjacent to the Blackhawk Park entrance road, will be preserved throughout site development. The allowable removal for this type of development is set for 40~ and this proposal will result in 40.8% removal of the significant vegetation. This mitigation calculates to three Category B trees (2 '/~" diameter deciduous trees or 6 foot coniferous Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of April 14, 1997 Meeting Page 3 trees). Hove added that mitigation for the removal of significant vegetation in excess of allowable limits would be accomplished through the installation of plant material as indicated on the submitted Preliminary Landscape Plan. Hove also noted that the grading operation in the area of the proposed Donegal Way encroaches approximately 120 feet into Blackhawk Park. This request is being made in order to have a finished product that will result in a more "natural landform" versus having to use sharp grade changes and the installation of retaining walls at the edge of park property. Gregg reviewed how the grading and restoration would occur were it allowed. An additional requirement staff is proposing is a conservation easement behind Lots 14 through 19 of Block 2 to serve as a soft buffer between the backs of the residential units on these lots and Blackhawk Park. The created conservation easement should state that no removal of vegetation (overstory and understory) can take place within conservation easement areas. Staff also recommended that the submitted landscape plan be revised to shift a portion of the proposed screen planting stock to the area behind Lots 12 through 19 of Block 2 and to change the boulevard planting locations to a more nauaral, clustered pattern. Water Resources Coordinator Brasch stated that this development will generate runoff that discharges to two different major drainage basins. The north half will evenwally drain into Blackhawk Lake and the southern half will evenwally reach Langhoven Pond in Woodhaven Park. Wet ponds have been incorporated into the development to treat runoff adequately before discharge off-site. Regarding wetlands, Brasch noted that one potential jurisdictional wetland has been identified in the far northeastern corner of the site adjacent to the Blackhawk Park entrance road. This area will need to be investigated in the field later this spring to determine its jurisdictional staves. The current grading plans shows no grading in this area. Director Vraa reviewed parks and trails dedication for this development noting that this is a proposal to develop approximately 22 acres of the Murphy property. A park dedication of 2.85 acres of land flanking the entrance road to Blackhawk Park is being proposed with a park dedication credit of 0.7 acres to be granted for a portion of land used for the park road. The total dedication of 3.55 acres satisfies the dedication requirements for the 22 acre site and the remaining 13.5 acres not proposed for development at this time. This development would also be responsible for a cash trails dedication. Howard Kyllo, representing the developer, stated that they agree with staffs recommendations as outlined. They request that the park land dedication as proposed cover not only the property being developed (22 acres) but the remaining 13.5 acres yet to be developed. The developer is also looking for direction from the Commission regarding a path through the development. They feel that the location between Lots 13 and 14 would be the best option, however are concerned if this path would dump into the park at a high elevation and then not continue to the other park amenities. Commission Member Markell opined that it is important to link residential areas to parks whenever possible and thought a trail would be doable. Member Petersen agreed but had a preference to providing access to the park with a trail. Member Markell expressed concern for the possibility of having the view from Blackhawk Park obstructed by homes that will appear on the hilltop. He asked if there was a way to protect that view by providing an even larger buffer and conservation easement. Member Rudolph asked who was responsible for enforcing a conservation easement. Director Vraa stated the City of Fagan would both sign and enforce it. Member Vincent asked if the Advisory Commission would have the opportunity to review the next phase of this development even though the parks dedication will have been completed. Director Vraa stated that the next phase would be brought back to the Commission for review. Vincent added that he did not Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of April 14, 1997 Meeting Page 4 want to see future development so close to the entrance road of Blackhawk Park. Member Davis asked if a conservation easement would be applicable when the next phase is developed. Director Vraa stated that the Commission could make that recommendation if they felt it was necessary. George Kubik moved and Teny Davis seconded a motion to recommend that the Springbrook Corporation proposal for the Murphy Farm be approved as proposed by staff. Member Petersen asked if the recommendation could include the inclusion of a trail. Members Markeii and Vincent agreed. Member Markell also asked that the recommendation include looking at the viewshed from the park and that some consideration be given to acquiring some of the lots on top of the hill so that the view from the park would not be impacted. Director Vraa asked if the Commission was considering a trail through this development and if so, where would it be located. Mr. Kyllo added that in looking at the development the most logical location appears to be between Lots 13 and 14. Vraa also noted that this path would bring people into an open grassy area of the park. Member Markell reiterated his concern for the obstruction of view from Blackhawk Park and asked the Commission to consider acquiring 2 or 3 lots on the hilltop to preserve that view. He also asked that this item be referred to the Acquisition/Development Subcommittee for further review and recommendation. Member Davis offered an amendment to the motion to have the developer and staff work to prepare options for a trail location that would lead to the park but that there is no plan to tie the trail into the park beyond that point at this time. Member Kubik expressed concern for placing a "skyline" trail behind homes because of potential maintenance problems. Director Vraa stated that a soft surface trail would not be maintenance intensive and would probably work the best in this location. Member Kubik expressed the need to have the surrounding neighborhood advised of this potential trail. Member Davis opined that it is necessary to have a trail from this development to the park but that there was no need to plan the trail at this time; just the access. Member Markell and Vincent felt that the trail needed to be brought to a destination and should be planned for up front. Member Davis asked if a reasonable trail could be done in this location since the neighborhood should be able to access the park easily. Director Vraa stated that some plan could be devised to provide a soft surface trail which could possibly take residents down the steep hill to the pavilion and playground area. The motion on the floor was called. Those voting Aye included George Kubik, Terry Davis, ]ohn Rudolph and Barbara ]ohnson. Those voting Nay included Jerry Farlee, Lee Markell, Michael Vincent and Daryl Peterson. The motion failed. Following brief discussion, Lee Markell moved and Michael Vincent seconded a motion to send this issue to the Acquisition/Development Subcommittee for further review. The subcommittee's review is to include looking at the potential for a trail to bring residents from this development into Blackhawk Park and also to review the feasibility of acquiring lots on the top of the hill so that the view from Blackhawk Park is less impacted. Those voting Aye included Jerry Farlee, Michael Vincent, Lee Markell, ]ohn Rudolph, Daryl Petersen and Barbara ]ohnson. Those voting Nay included George Kubik and Terry Davis. The motion passed. EAGANDALE CORPORATE CENTER NO. 2 - MAPLEWOOD ACRES, INC. Director Vraa noted that Maplewood Acres is requesting approval of a Preliminary Subdivision consisting of 12 lots on approximately 1 12 acres located east of Lexington Avenue and north of Yankee Doodle Road. Due to delays in bringing the Final Subdivision application forward, Dart requested an Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of April 14, 1997 Meeting Page 5 extension of the preliminary subdivision approval. The Council approved a one year preliminary subdivision extension for the northerly 120 acres of the 200 acre site in ]une, 1996. There is no specific development proposal associated with this subdivision request, Vraa concluded. Coordinator Brasch noted that the Commission reviewed this item in April, 1995. There are no changes in the storm water management configuration for that portion of the site within the LeMay Lake watershed, however, the developer has requested that two pre-treatment basins in the southeastern portion of the site be dropped or reduced in size. A re-evaluation of the need for the two planned detention areas indicates the same standard could be achieved by reducing the area and volume of the detention basins and excavating portions of the small (less than 1 acre) wetlands into which they discharge. As a point of clarification, Brasch noted that this wouldn't decrease the overall amount of wetlands on site. Supervisor Hove noted that during the initial development phase 147 significant trees (12.796) were removed, thus no mitigation was required. Hove then noted that originally there were 1,142 significant trees on site. With the removal of 147 during Phase 1 site development and the proposed 433 to be removed during Phase II development the total estimated removal is 580 trees, or 50.3% of the total existing significant trees. Allowable removal for this type of development is set at 47.5°x6 (548 trees) which calculates to approximately 64 Category B trees for mitigation. Hove concluded that staff will coordinate with the applicant as development proceeds to ensure that all tree preservation obligations are met. Member Kubik asked why the Commission is looking at specific tree inventory and mitigation when it is unknown what the development will be. Member Davis concurred adding that it is very difficult to make a decision on tree removal when there is no indication as to what is being proposed for the building sites. Director Vraa stated that when the Commission reviewed this item as Northwestern Mutual property there was a layout shown with buildings. The current developer wanted to prepare the site for development rather than custom grading specific lots not knowing who the owner would be or what their needs may be. Member Petersen asked if the preliminary plat was approved would this come back to the Commission for review each time a lot was to be developed. Director Vraa said that is not the case. Member Vincent opined that these lots should be custom graded once a user is identified so that trees can be preserved on a lot by lot basis. A representative of Dart commented that this is a large industrial development with large building pads and parking lots. They do have buyers for some of the lots and are trying to move forward as effectively as possible to meet everyone's needs. The tree preservation plan identified for this site creates a worse case scenario for tree removal. This way, as each lot is graded to meet the needs of the owner, tree removal can be reviewed. The intent is that there will be an overall tree removal loss calculated for the entire site which can be spread over the multiple sites being graded. Some lots may have less tree removal than required and some may have slightly more. Member Davis reiterated his concern for being asked to make a decision on tree removal for a site this large not knowing what is being proposed for development other than "industrial use and parking lots". Several Commission Members shared Davis' concerns for not knowing how this entire site will be developed and being asked to make a recommendation. Member Kubik expressed concern for not knowing how much impervious surface there would be since there weren't site plans to react to. Lee Markell moved and Michael Vincent seconded a motion to refer this item to the Natural Resources Subcommittee to further review the tree preservation and wetland issues. Member Davis opined that with further discussion he felt this issue could be resolved and didn't want to see the process drag out longer than necessary for the developer. To clarify a question, Director Vraa stated the developer is trying to balance the earthwork over the entire site which would be more cost effective for them. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of April 14, 1997 Meeting Page 6 The motion on the floor was called. Those voting Aye included Jerry Farlee, Barbara Johnson, Lee Markell, Daryle Petersen, John Rudolph, and Michael Vincent. Terry Davis voted Nay and George Kubik abstained. The motion passed. OLD BUSINESS COMMUNITY PARK SIGNS Director Vraa explained that the Commission reviewed this issue at their March 17 meeting and they directed staff to research other materials for sign construction beyond redwood. The specific request was to determine if another material could be more cost effective, durable and aesthetically pleasing in appearance. The options of redwood, western red cedar and southern yellow pine were reviewed. Member Farlee asked if the Blackhawk Park sign was made of redwood. Planner Lilly responded that it was. Farlee then opined that the City should be willing to spend the dollars necessary to create an "entrance" to its parks through their signs. Members Kubik, Markell, Vincent and Petersen ali agreed they did not have an objection to using redwood for park signage. Member Davis stated that his concern for using redwood was that the cutting of a limited resource seems to be contrary to the position the Commission takes in preserving environmental elements. Member Davis moved to remove the option of redwood for construction of park signs. There was no second to the motion. Daryle Petersen moved and Jerry Farlee seconded a motion to proceed with fabrication of double sided community park signs at Thomas Lake Park and Trapp Farm Park constructed out of redwood. Those voting Aye included Jerry Farlee, Barbara Johnson, George Kubik, Lee Markell, Daryle Petersen, and Michael Vincent. Those voting Nay included Terry Davis and John Rudolph. The motion passed. NEW BUSINESS There were no items under New Business for the Commission to review. PARKS DEVELOPMENT UPDATE There were no items under Parks Development Update for the Commission to review. WATER RESOURCES UPDATE FERTILIZER ORDINANCE UPDATE Director Vraa explained that the City Council voted to approve the Fertilizer Ordinance on a 3/2 vote. Currently three licenses have been issued and two are pending. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of April 14, 1997 Meeting Page 7 OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Member Rudolph noted that the Recreation Subcommittee has been made aware that Councilmember Masin is looking for feedback from Eagan youth relative to activities and options available to teens in the community. A meeting with teens will be held on May 4 to solicit further feedback from them on programming and facility ideas. Member Davis noted that the Acquisition/Development Subcommittee is beginning the process to evaluate criteria for CIP review. The full commission will be reviewing the process once it is finalized. HOLZ FARM UPDATE Supervisor Oyanagi provided an update of the Holz Farm and the various levels of work being completed at this site. He noted that $845 was donated to Friends of the Farm by ]ensen's Supper Club and $4,000 was recently donated by the Knights of Columbus. Programming is being planned for several events throughout the year along with restoration/renovation projects planned to be completed by volunteers. Oyanagi also noted that a vintage 1940 Farmall tractor had been donated to the farm. Some of the upcoming events planned are flower drying and pressing, spring festival on May 18, a day camp in August and an Old Time Festival on July 16. Interest in the farm continues to grow, Oyanagi concluded. SET WORKSHOP MEETING TO REVIIEW CIP The workshop for CIP review was scheduled for March 29 at 5:00 p.m. ARBOR DAY POSTER JUDGING The Arbor Day poster judging was scheduled to immediately follow the regular meeting. SCHEDULE SUMMER PARK TOURS It was the consensus of the Commission to rewrn to park tours prior to regularly scheduled meetings beginning with the May meeting. The tours will begin at 6:00 p.m. with the regularly scheduled meeting beginning at 7:00 p.m. COMMUNITY CENTER TOURS Sawrday dates identified for community center tours were May 31, June 14 and June 21. It was the consensus of the Commission that June 21 was the preferred date to schedule a tour. DAKOTA COUNTY INVITATION Director Vraa reminded Commission members of a May 7 meeting with Dakota County. This is an annual meeting that the Commission has been invited to to allow for an exchange of ideas between the two agencies. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of April 14, 1997 Meeting Page 8 ROUND TABLE There were no items under Round Table for Commission discussion. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, John Rudolph moved, Michael Vincent seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. Secre Date