06/16/1997 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ]LINE 16, 1997 The Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on June 16, 1997 with the following members present: Terry Davis, Jerry Farlee, Mark Filipi, Guy Kohlnhofer, Steven Knutson, Lee Markell, John Rudolph, and Michael Vincent. Members Barbara Johnson, George Kubik and Daryle Petersen were not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paui Olson, Parks Superintendent; CJ Lilly, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; Rich Brasch, Water Resources Coordinator, Lisa Freese, Senior Planner and Cherry) Mesko, Secretary. AGENDA Michael Vincent moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. m~.~~~~ TC3 BE There were no visitors who wished to be heard under this agenda item. DEP~TMENT HAPI'ENI Items highlighted by Director Vraa included 4,455 registrations processed to date, the upcoming Yankee Doodle Arts and Crafts Festival, requests for interpreters for children who are hearing impaired and requests for assistance for children with other disabilities, resignation of park maintenance worker Gregg Schindler, bumper crop of dandelions, installation of net extensions on the backstops of fields 1-4 at Northview, weed harvesting on Heine Pond, Fish Lake and Blackhawk Lake, and increasing questions regarding low pond levels this summer. d,~SENT AGE A Michael Vincent moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. Forest View - Tri-Land. • This development would be subject to a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. • Tree Protective measures (i.e. 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. • To require that the applicant contact the City Forestry Division at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan. • Individual Lot Tree Preservation Plans will be required on Lots 2, 3 and 4 at the time of building permit. • The development shall be subject to a cash dedication in lieu of on-site ponding for water quality mitigation • The developer shall meet water quality treatment requirements primarily through on-site ponding. A supplemental cash dedication should be required to meet any shortfall in on-site ponding. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 16. 1997 Page 2 DEVELOPME~IT'A~",ENDA; EAGAN SENIOR HOUSING -DAKOTA COUNTY HRA Senior Planner Freese introduced this proposal as a partnership between HRA and the City of Eagan to build, as phase one, a 65 unit independent senior housing facility on approximatety 19.5 acres. This property is located on the south side of Town Centre Drive, east of Denmark Avenue and north of O'Leary Lake. Construction on this building is anticipated in the fall of 1997. The HRA intends to build another 55 unit independent building on the proposed 6 acre Lot 1 of the subdivision on the eastern portion of the site at some future date. The HRA will work with the City of Eagan to determine how the assisted living and long-term care facility would be developed at a later time. The HRA is unsure of the fuwre market conditions of these housing types and as an option, is also proposing a small office building as an alternative to Buildings 3 and 4. Forestry Supervisor Hove noted that the inventory indicates that current significant vegetation consists of 31 significant trees located along the south and east property lines, many of them concentrated along the north shoreline of O'Leary Lake. The development as proposed will result in the removal of 3 significant trees, well within the allowable limits, Hove concluded. Water Resources Coordinator Brasch explained that the eastern portion of the site would discharge to Pond DP-20 north of the site behind the Mann Theatres, Pond DP-20 and then discharges to O'Leary Pond. A cash dedication is recommended for this portion of the site to finance modifications to Pond DP-20 to enhance overall pollutant removal efficiencies to protect O'Leary Pond. These improvements may include installation of a divider curtain to create atwo-cell basin and/or application of alum to enhance phosphorus removal. Brasch added that the original plan provided fora 30' buffer around O'Leary but have agreed to a 50` buffer. Director Vraa stated that this development was once part of the Eagan Town Centre 100 Addition that had completed its dedication for park land for commercial property. As residential property this development would be responsible for a parks dedication of $34,000 but because the city is financing a portion of this project, the Council had previously determined that there would be no park fees. After describing development surrounding this proposal, Director Vraa noted that there is residential property south of this development, which was developed, pre-1980. At the time of the development, the City obtained a 7.5 foot trail easement between two lots for the intended purpose of providing a trail connection around the edge of the pond and to connect to O'Leary Park. Staff has visited the site of this easement and questions the reality of this trail being developed given the limited space, vegetation and topography as the site exists . Vraa added that a trail placed within the 7.5 foot easement would cost approximately $15,000 and several trees would be removed. This trail would serve approximately 31 residents who also have another access to O'Leary Park. The question is whether a trail should be placed at this location or not. Member Markell asked what options there might be for a trail surface. Vraa responded that during the initial review of this trail a bituminous surface was considered the best option. Tom Bolger, 3528 Widgeon Way explained that the neighborhood doesn't want the trail to be installed. They would prefer to leave the easement as it is and not have anything developed on it. Member Vincent asked if the area residents were comfortable accessing O'Leary Park from Duckwood. Mr. Bolger responded that they were. It was also noted by a resident that they had talked about this easement at a meeting within the last year and they thought the easement had been vacated. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 16. 1997 Page 3 Member Vincent asked if the potential residenu of this HRA development would be able to access O'Leary Park. Director Vraa responded that they currently have access to the park. A representative of the HRA added that they do not have a strong feeling for this trail. They would like to maintain as much nawral buffer as possible. Member Davis asked how many trees would need to be removed if a trail were placed at this location. Parks Planner Lilly responded that approximately 15 would be removed. Guy Kohlnhofer moved, Michael Vincent seconded a motion to retain the easement but not develop a trail at this time. Member F(lipi asked if there was a risk in keeping the easement and having the public use it. Director Vraa responded that the liability was no greater without a trail than with a trail. Member Markel) suggested that the easement be pushed to the 50 foot line around the northern edge of O'Leary Lake. Member Davis opined that there is no need to do anything with the easement. He did not want to give residents a false sense that nothing would happen with this easement if at some point in the fuwre it was decided that a trail should be placed at this location. Davis opined that vacating the easement would be the only way for the residents to be insured that nothing would be placed in this 7.5 foot area. Director Vraa noted that the Commission would need to pass the issue of vacating the easement to the Council since that would require a public hearing process. Michael Vincent agreed with Member Markel) that it would be nice to preserve the option of a trail around the north side of the lake. Following the discussion, Member Kohlnhofer withdrew his motion. Member Vincent asked who owned the land. Director Vraa explained that the HRA owned this tax forfeited property. Vincent asked what would happen should the HRA not choose to build on the west side of the proposed site. Director Vraa explained that because it is an outlot, it will come back through the City process for any future development. As a point of clarification, Planner Freese noted that the waiving of fees was for the first building only. Member Markel) reiterated his opinion that a trail should be placed in this area to allow people to get to O'Leary Park. Member Kohlnhofer commented that the issue is the easement, not the trail. Member Davis opined there was no reason to consider a trail at this location given the residents' input that they don't want it. He also noted that this trail would not seem to have a destination if it did not go around the northern edge of O'Leary Lake. Member Kohlnhofer noted that there was a plan for a trail in this location in the past for a reason. Perhaps the easement should be maintained with the potential for trail development at a later date. Member Markeil suggested deferring this for sub-committee review. The resident at 3522 Widgeon Way asked if the neighborhood had an option to opt out of this nail. He strongly stated that there is no need for a trail. He also opined that the only thing this trail would do would be to bring youth on bikes from the multi-family housing area nearby into this neighborhood. Another resident commented that there are siwations that currently exist where teens ride their bikes from the nearby apartment buildings through their yards. She again reiterated the residents' request that a trail not be installed at this location. After further discussion, Terry Davis moved, Guy Kohlnhofer seconded a motion to maintain the easement that currently exists but that an easement around the north side of the lake not be pursued. An easement currently exists across O'Leary Lake should the City decide to construct a trail connection in the fuwre. Those voting Aye included Terry Davis, Jerry Farlee, Mark Filipi, Guy Kohlnhofer, and Michael Vincent. Those voting Nay included John Rudolph, Lee Markel) and Steve Knutson. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 16. 1997 Page 4 Michael Vincent moved, Steve Knutson seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. Recognizing the cash differential in the cash parks dedication, the fee shall be waived given the nature of the City's involvement with this development. 2. This development shall be responsible for the installation of a concrete sidewalk along Town Centre Drive; internal sidewalk connections are encouraged. 3. The Tree Preservation Pian should be approved as proposed with the following conditions: • To require that Tree Preservation measures (i.e. 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater,of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. • To require that the applicant contact the City Forestry Division at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Pian. 4. Runoff from the western portion of the development shall be treated via on-site ponding prior to discharge to pond DP-23. The pre-treatment basin shall have a minimum wet volume and a mean depth of .8 acre-feet and 3 feet, respectively, and shall meet the City's Standards for Detention Basin Design. 5. Runoff from the eastern portion of the site shall be directed to Pond DP-20. The City should require a cash dedication in lieu of on-site ponding for this portion of the site, the proceeds of which should be used to enhance pollutant removal efficiencies in Pond DP-20. 6. An un-graded buffer at least 50 feet in width back from the ordinary high water level of O'Leary Pond shall be preserved. This buffer should be left in an un-maintained condition after development to filter overland runoff and provide a visual buffer. 7. Filling or draining of wetland areas within the development parcel shall be prohibited OLD BUSINESS There were no items under Old Business for the Commission to review. ~ $ ' ,. DONATION OF TRACTOR -FRIENDS OF THE FARM Recreation Supervisor Oyanagi explained that the acquisition of a tractor was a priority for the volunteers of the Friends of the Farm. A tractor was found in good mechanical order and in good running condition. The price was $925 including delivery. The issue of liability coverage arose with the heightened possibility of accident or injury. The most feasible plan appeared to be to donate the tractor to the City with the expectation that it would be insured as are other City vehicles. Supervisor Oyanagi noted that the Friends of the Farm wanted to ensure that the use of the tractor would be closely managed by City representatives and they also wanted to maintain some protection concerning the City's use of the tractor. Oyanagi then reviewed the conditions of the donation. Member Markell asked if the City Attorney needed to look at any of the issues. Director Vraa opined that there didn't appear to be any issues with this proposal. He stated it was unlikety that City employees would use the tractor often or at all. Member Davis suggested consulting with a risk manager to clarify the contract. Member Rudolph opined that the process and conditions of the donation were well thought out. John Rudolph moved, Michael Vincent seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend that the City of Eagan accept the donation of a Farmall H tractor from the Friends of the Fanm under the conditions as stated. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 16. 1997 Page 5 PARKS DEYEL©PMENT UPDATE Items highlighted by Parks Planner Lilly included landscaping completed at Lexington Diffley, retaining wall and planting being done by the Tree Trust at Lexington Park, the recent installation of the Trapp Farm Park sign which should be completed by the end of the week and the upcoming installation of the Thomas Lake sign within the next two weeks. WA'1"1E:R RjiS©t1k~ES lJp'1"~A'r'E Coordinator Brasch noted that recent Toro workshop had 12-14 participants. It is hoped that there will be some refinemenu to the program should Eagan choose to participate again in the future. Brasch also noted that the annual fishing clinic was very successful until the weather got bad. The event was thoroughly enjoyed by the youth and parents that participated. BLl~rli'N ANd ~~~~11RT~! SUBCOMITTEE REPORTS There were no recent subcommittee meetings to report on. FRIENDS OF THE FARM UPDATE Supervisor Oyanagi reviewed highlights including several projects that have been done at Holz Farm by the Friends of the Farm. Those projects included pruning apple trees, dismantling the barn yard fence, demolition of the hog shed, burning of the field to the southwest and north of the buildings, clearing of the north field, replacement of the front porch on the house, plowing of the field and replacement of the lower entrance to the barn. The spring festival provided many opportunities for participants to learn about 1940's farming. The next event will be the July 6 hog roast which has been a very successful event in the past. EAGAN ATHLETIC CLUB Supervisor Peterson explained that earlier this year staff met with Fred Morgan of Fagan Tennis and Fitness, Inc. who shared thoughts about renovating the facility. Mr. Morgan suggested that staff meet with the Club's program director to discuss City recreational program potential at the Club. Peterson then updated the Commission on the general discussion that occurred. Additional meetings will be planned to learn specifically that they envision and to determine whether the City should, with limited staff and resources, undertake this adventure. It was noted that this was provided for information only and that there was no action required by the Commission. SCHEDULE CIP WORKSHOP Director Vraa opined that the Commission would be able to wrap up the remaining parks in the CIP review process in a short period of time. He suggested that the Commission tackle this project following the meeting so they would be ready to move onto the next phase of the CIP review. SLATER ROAD SIDEWALK -MEETING REPORT Director Vraa explained that the issue on Slater Road was the proposed construction of a sidewalk from Wall Street to Cliff Road. The question as to which side of Slater Road the sidewalk would be installed generated much discussion from the residents in attendance. They appeared to agree that a sidewalk is needed along this heavily traveled street, however it's location was another issue. This issue will be addressed by the City Council at their July 1 meeting. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 16. 1997 Page 6 CF INDUSTRIES NATIONAL WATERSHED AWARD Director Vraa brought the Commission's attention to the application recently submitted to CF Industries for a National Watershed Award. The Water Quality Management Program was being submitted for this award with references being provided by the MN Pollution Control Agency, Dakota County and an Eagan resident. Chairman Markell complimented staff on a job well done. v~~ ~ Member Markell asked if staff looks at requests for vacating easements when they appear. Director Vraa stated that typically that is a Council issue that is coupled with a public hearing. Member Vincent asked for a clarification as to whether or not pets are allowed at the Yankee Doodle Arts Festival held at Blue Cross Blue Shield. Superintendent Peterson responded that the festival is run independent of the City of Fagan but that the organizers could be contacted for clarification. Member Davis commented on the letters written by PCA, Dakota County and Sharon Holbeck supporting the Water Quality Management Program's application for the National Watershed Award. Member Rudolph noted that Ms Holbeck had approached the Commission several years ago regarding a water quality issue and has been working cooperatively with the City to ensure its water quality goals. A suggestion was made to have each sub-committee look at the idea of potential awards for individuals who had provided a service or extended themselves for the betterment of the community through recreation, park development, forestry, water quality, etc. ~D Cf IIRN't With no further business to conduct, Michael Vincent moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. ~~ Secre Date