08/18/1997 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 18, 1997 The Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on August 18, 1997 with the following members present: Terry Davis, Jerry Farlee, N. Mark Filipi, Barbara Johnson, Steven Knutson, George Kubik, Lee Markell, Daryle Petersen, and Michael Vincent. Commission Member Rudolph was not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; CJ Liily, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; Rich Brasch, Water Resources Coordinator, and Cherry) Mesko, Secretary. -Ci~NDA George Kubik moved, Barbara Johnson seconded a motion to accept the agenda as presented. VISIT~tS TO There were no visitors who wished to be heard under this agenda item. APPROVAL O~ MIN ES OF-REGULAR 1ETIG OF JULY 14, #9 Terry Davis moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the Juty 14, 1997 regular minutes as presented. _. ~ HAP' Items highlighted by Director Vraa included preparation of soccer fields for the Eagan Athletic Association and Dakota Hills Middle School fall programs; successful Men's D Region tournament held at Northview Athletic; preparations for fall activities; preparation of construction documenu for the Lexington/Diffley parking lot; exit interviews for summer playground staff; high water levels in several park water bodies; weekend and evening mowing to keep up with growth and 88 adult teams registered for fall leagues. There were no Consent Agenda items for the Commission to review. 1. ~T PROPOSALS There were no development proposals for the Commission to review. ocD i~uslNESs INVENTORY MAPPING -GPS RECORDER PRESENTATION Forestry Supervisor Hove noted that the Commission had asked for an update on the GPS recording process used for the tree inventory. Andrew Hoglund has been working on this project which uses electronics for completing tree inventories which were manually tagged in the past. The process began in 1995 when 16,000 boulevard trees were inventoried without the GPS system. In 1996 5,000 trees and 85 miles of trails were inventoried by an intern with GPS. Other components within parks have been inventoried this year which can eventually be incorporated into the City's GIS system. Mr Hoglund explained how the equipment is used to collect data sets through points, i.e. light posts, benches, etc. and lines, i.e. mowing lines. He reiterated that this will be a great planning tool for the City. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of August 18, 1997 Page 2 Supervisor Hove thanked Andrew for all the work that was done with this project. Hove added that this information will provide a way to track tree disease, can be used for maintenance and planning needs and wilt be helpful in responding to specific projects. Several Commission members commented on the value of this type of information, specifically as it applies to the CIP review. They thanked Greg and Andrew for the information and their efforts. There were no items under New Business for the Commission to review. PARKS DEVELCI~htENT tDAI Parks Planner/Landscape Architect C) Lilly noted that plans are beginning for the recruitment of subcontractors and bidding for the Lexington Diffiey parking lot project in the northwest corner of the park. It is anticipated that the work can be completed by October 31. Member Kubik noted that he had received several positive comments on the new park signage throughout the City. WA7 RCVS l1PDA' Water Resources Coordinator Brasch updated the Commission on several projects currently underway. He commented on the successful $15,000 Thomas Lake water quality management project and the extended project to test the feasibility of fabric curtains in 2 cell ponds. There will also be a sedimentation swdy to determine how often it needs to be cleaned out. Brasch noted that the wetland assessment project is grinding to a halt. A meeting on August 22 will synthesize the data and the data can be brought to the Commission in October, if they desire. Brasch concluded that the Fish Lake dosing station permit has come through. The design will be done by September 1, construction will occur this fall with full operation in the spring of 1998. Member Johnson asked if there were plans to dredge when sedimentation was being measured. Brasch said it is unknown at this time. aT~c susl<x~ss Axv. III;IsP4RT3~ KIOSK/SIGN SURVEY AND REPORT -CRAIG WALTER Recreation Superintendent Dorothy Peterson introduced Craig Walter who was completing his internship with the City of Fagan. Part of his assignment was to research and write a report on the establishment of a kiosk signage system throughout the City. Intern Walter noted that the presentation to the Commission was the last part of his internship with the City. He explained that he started his research by reviewing the Park System Plan. Craig noted that he conducted a survey at 5 sites where his main objective was to see if people knew what other trails existed throughout the City. After reviewing each of the 5 sites, Walter noted that the Highline Corridor appears to be an important aspect of the trail program. Walter then reviewed various kiosk and sign designs currently erected in the Twin Cities. Some of the signs showed trails, facilities, and directions to other trails and/or general information. Various types of sign construction were also reviewed for the Commission. In looking at sign construction, Walter noted that the concern for vandalism always needs to be considered. He also added that Hennepin County is moving toward a more detailed map system for their signage program. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of August 18, 1997 Page 3 Member Markel) asked how much emphasis other communities are placing on hand-out maps. Walter responded there was very little. Member Farlee asked if anyone had found a way to make kiosks vandal proof. Craig responded that Hennepin County is looking at ways to improve their signage but no one has been able to make them vandal proof. Member Kubik asked if there were options to work with other communities/agencies to cooperate with signage programs. Craig stated that Dakota County has dollars available for signs along county roads but was unaware of any other opportunities. Member Kubik asked what Craig would have done differently if he did this research again. Craig responded that he would re-do the survey and interview more people than he did. He would also look at other companies that have done signage to get a larger perspective. Walter then thanked the City for the opportunity to do his internship with them. Member Markel) thanked Craig for the information and then suggested that the Recreation Subcommittee look further into the option of providing kiosks throughout the City. SET MEETING FOR DEVELOPMENT SLIB-COMMITTEE A meeting was set for September 8, 1997 at 5:00 p.m. to review the CIP and Wandering Walk Park issues. ND TA131 Recreation Supervisor Oyanagi talked about some of the successful events that have taken place at Holz Farm over the last several months including the Fun on the Farm Day Camps, 4~ of July parade and the July 6 hog roast that hosted over 300 people. Oyanagi continued that there are several projects underway to refurbish the farm and touched on several upcoming events in September. Member Markel) also noted that the Friends of the Farm are always looking for volunteers to help at the farm. Member Petersen asked if there was any information on a municipal pool. Director Vraa responded that preliminary site work was being done at this time and the Council plans to review some preliminary information at their August 19 workshop. With no further business to conduct, George Kubik moved, Jerry Farley seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. V Secreta Date