01/15/1998 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY 15, 1998 A regular meeting of the Advisory Pazks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on January 15, 1998 with the following Commission Members present: Terry Davis, Jerry Farlee, N. Mark Filipi, Barbara Johnson, George Kubik, Lee Mazkell, Daryle Petersen, John Rudolph, and Michael Vincent. Commission Members Steven Knutson and Michael Zwiefel were not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Pazks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Pazks Superintendent; CJ Lilly, Landscape Architect/Pazks Planner; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; Rich Brasch, Water Resources Coordinator; Shannon Tyree, Planner, Julie Farnham, Planner and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. A PI~RU VAIN4R: AC~ENIIA Michael Vincent moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. AP~'ROVAL OF'1NtfJ`~ OF REGULA~t MEETING OF;U1C ° ~~, "Ia.~ John Rudolph moved, Bazbaza Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the regulaz meeting of December 15, 1998 as presented. vlsl~ol~~ ro sl=y 1A1~D There were no visitors that wished to be heazd under this agenda item. DI~F.ARTMI~NT HAl?PL~I~F~~ Items highlighted by Director Vraa included the delay in flooding rinks due to unseasonably warm weather, modifications to the McCarthy house have been completed by maintenance staff, request for proposals have been sent to 3 playground equipment suppliers for replacement at Evergreen, Highview, River Hills and Woodland Pazks, there aze not enough staff to open all of the warming shelter sites, work has begun on the Holz Farm house accessible ramp, reinforcement of the upper barn floor at Holz Farm has been completed by staff and volunteers, a $1,000 grant was awarded for a drug, alcohol and tobacco prevention project, summer and spring activities are being planned together for the upcoming brochure, staff will meet with Coca Cola concerning the use of a concession trailer at the wading pool, Supervisors Oyanagi and Nowariak received MRPF grants for professional development education opportunities, Water Technology was selected as the consultant for the proposed water facility and work continues on the Civic Arena expansion. A?~~N~3A TRANSPORT AMERICA ADDITION -TRANSPORT AMERICA Michael Vincent moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regazding Transport America Addition: This development would be responsible for a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of January 15, 1998 Meeting Page 2 2. The Tree Preservation Plan should be approved with the following conditions: • The applicant shall install an additional thirty (30) Category C trees (or an equivalent combination of Category A or Category B trees) as mitigation for significant tree removal in excess of allowable limits. A revised landscape/tree mitigation plan shall be submitted for staff review prior to final plat approval. • 'The applicant shall be required to install 130 Category C trees (or an equivalent combination of Category A or Category B trees) as fulfillment of tree preservation mitigation at the time of future development on Lot 6. 3. On-site ponding shall be required to meet water quality mitigation. The pond design should meet the City's standards for detention basin design. DEVELfJI'MENT PRC?POSAI~S OAKVIEW CENTER -HOLIDAY STATION STORES, INC. This item was continued at the developer's request. C3Lil"~ .. _, PRAIIZIE OAKS -PRAIRIE OAKS PARTNERSHIP Director Vraa introduced this item noting that it had been reviewed by the Advisory Commission in December but was denied based on unresolved tree preservation issues. Forestry Supervisor Hove noted that a revised plan was prepared and is being presented. The inventory shows 83 significant trees most of which are located in the southern half of the property. He continued that site preparation for this development will result in the overall removal of 40 significant trees. According to the Tree Preservation Ordinance, allowable removal is set at 37.5% of the existing significant vegetation. With a significant tree removal percentage (48.2%) more than allowable limit (47.5%) tree preservation mitigation will be required if the plan is approved as proposed. Hove noted that according to the submitted revised application, tree removal has been reduced through the use of retaining walls, parking lot islands and road realignment. Although the revised plan reduces the amount of trees to be lost, Hove added that many of the larger diameter trees on the southern portion of the site will still be removed. The applicant has indicated his willingness to shift specific placement of structures and grading limits in an effort to preserve significant vegetation. Hove concluded with staffs recommendations for approval of the Tree Preservation Plan. Member Davis recalled the neighbor south of this proposal expressing concern for the trees that buffer his property from this proposed development. Member Kubik expressed his concern for the impact that grading will have on the root zone of the trees that are proposed to be preserved. Water Resources Coordinator Brasch explained that this development is located in Drainage Basin A and that there is already a detention basin in the northern portion of the site constructed only to meet water quality and flood control for the Oak Cliff 6'~ Addition west of Slaters Road. He noted that the pond is not large enough to fully satisfy the water quality treatment requirements of the Prairie Oaks subdivision. Options available for ponding on the site include excavation and use of a natural wetland to treat runoff from the southern third of the site and routing stormwater from all, or a portion, of the site to existing Pond AP-l0a for at least partial treatment. If on-site ponding is still inadequate, a supplemental cash dedication would be required, Brasch added. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of January 15, 1998 Meeting Page 3 Relative to wetlands, there is an inland fresh meadow (Type II wetland) of approximately .4 acres located along the southwest border of the site. The site proposes to fill about 1,700 sq. ft. and state law allows up to 2,000 sq. ft of Type 1, 2 and 6 wetlands to be filled without mitigation. The representative of Prairie Oaks Partnership was present to respond to questions. He noted that the site had been a very challenging one but felt that they had come to some good compromises for the site. Member Marken asked if the buildings would be phased in or built at the same time. The developer responded that there are no tenants as yet but they aze proposing high end office buildings that will be built to specific tenants' needs. They aze hopeful that the first building can be started in April, the second in August and the third some time in 1999. He did note that the grading for the first two buildings will be done at the same time. The developer stressed his desire to try to maintain the "neighborhood" feel of the area. After further brief discussion, Michael Vincent moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with-all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council relative to the Prairie Oaks development: 1. This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. 2. The applicant shall be required to insta112 Category A trees or 4 Category B trees or 8 Category C trees as mitigation for significant tree removal in excess of allowable limits. 3. Tree Protective measures (i.e. 4 foot polyethylene safety netting) shall be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. 4. The applicant shall contact the City Forestry Division at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan. 5. City Staff shall review with the applicant, or his representative, prior to the final plat approval of Lots 2 and 3, the placement of buildings, roads and parking lots to ensure optimal tree preservation efforts. 6. On-site ponding shall be the primary means of meeting water quality treatment requirements. To the extent that on-site ponding is inadequate to fully meet water quality mitigation requirements, a supplemental cash dedication will be required. 7. Per the requirements of the Wetland Conservation Act, an exemption from mitigation shall be granted for up to 2,000 square feet of wetland fill for the project. Lee Marken moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to further discuss the option to purchase all or a portion of Lot 3 for preservation. ~~~~E COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN REVIEW/PARKS AND RECREATION Superintendent Peterson explained that staff has worked with Planner Julie Farnham relative to Pazks and Recreation's goals and policies as they relate to the Comprehensive Plan Update. Planner Farnham noted that the each area's goals and policies are one component in the overall review of the Comprehensive Guide Plan and is separate from the Master Pazks Plan. After review with the sub- committee the only change suggested by Farnham was the order of the components within the update. She suggested Land Acquisition, Recreation, Natural Resources, and Trail System. Following a brief discussion, Michael Vincent moved, George Kubik seconded the motion with all members voting in favor to recommend that draft goals and policies for Land Acquisition, Facility Development and Maintenance/Recreation/Natural Resources/Trail System be recommended for adoption. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of January 15, 1998 Meeting Page 4 BARKS D~VEE~1~~N`~` 'b~'>`L Director Vraa explained that staff would be providing an update of a proposed development plan for the park at Walden Heights. He noted that the developer had revised his plans between the Commission's last review and the City Council meeting on the following evening. The changes approved by the City Council included moving the parking lot to the northwest portion of the pazk land and providing pedestrian access from the south. Parks Planner Lilly reviewed the proposed pazk layout which included a ballfield, playground, soccer fields, pazking lot signage on Pine Tree Curve, a sliding hill and a hard court surface. Member Markell asked if there would be a follow-up meeting with the neighborhood. Director Vraa responded that the Council has already taken action on the pazk land and proposal. In responding to a question regarding when the park would be built, Director Vraa noted that staff would meet with the developer to coordinate the grading. Member Farlee asked if the fields would be programmed for use by EAA. Vraa responded that their younger. age groups would most likely use them. ~VAT11R=R1SOURCF~ LI1?13A`'1J Coordinator Brasch explained that the Citizen Wetland Volunteer program will be starting soon. Recruitment will begin in the March newsletter with volunteers scheduled to help during the months of June, July and August. Brasch also noted that the lake oxygen levels aze good this year so the need for aerators has been minimal. ITNI:R B[JSINESS AND REPt)RTS` SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Member Markell noted that the Acquisition/Development subcommittee met to review the Comprehensive Guide Plan prior to it's presentation to the Commission. Member Rudolph noted that he met with Director Vraa and representatives of Skyline Display regarding their proposal to provide a playground on their site in lieu of cash parks dedication for their development. He added that they aze planning a very contemporary and appealing building surrounded by passive areas. There is some concern for the control of the parcel should a public playground be placed on their site, however. Director Vraa added that it is still eazly in the development, but the owners are proposing that the approximate $100,000 in parks dedication be used to build a playground on the site. They would then provide the land and labor. One of the questions the Commission will need to address is whether this is the best place to spend dedication dollars. Skyline Displays is expecting to break ground in Mazch/April at which time the parks dedication would be due. Director Vraa suggested that it may be appropriate for the Commission to defer a decision on parks dedication until there is more time to review a proposal. SET MEETING FOR ACQUISITION/DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMNIITTEE The Acquisition/Development subcommittee scheduled a meeting for January 28, 1998 at 5:15 p.m. to discuss the use of Tree Preservation funds. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of January 15, 1998 Meeting Page 5 ... L> Member Markell suggested that the Commission send a letter to the City Council supporting the proposed aquatic facility and offering their help. The Commission unanimously agreed to send the letter. AUJ(.3U RNM1/ Imo' With no further business to conduct, Michael Vincent moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. 20~ yqb~ Secretary Da~~