02/12/1998 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF FEBRUARY 12, 1998 A regulaz meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on February 12, 1998 with the following Commission Members present: Terry Davis, Jerry Farlee, N. Mark Filipi, Bonnie Karson, Steven Knutson, George Kubik, Lee Marken, John Rudolph, and Michael Vincent. Commission Members Barbara Johnson and Daryle Petersen were not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; CJ Lilly, Landscape Architect/Pazks Planner; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; Rich Brasch, Water Resources Coordinator; Julie Farnham, Planner and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. ~I„ C Q Director Vraa introduced Bonnie Karson, N. Mazk Filipi, Bazbaza Johnson, Daryle Petersen and John Rudolph who were recently appointed by the City Council to the Commission. Members Filipi, Johnson, Petersen and Rudolph continue their service on the Commission by being appointed to three yeaz terms and Member Kazson was appointed to her first, one yeaz alternate term. After describing the responsibilities for each office and explaining the voting procedure that included initialing ballots, Director Vraa opened nominations for the Chairperson. John Rudolph nominated and Terry Davis seconded the nomination of Lee Mazkell. George Kubik nominated and Lee Marken seconded the nomination of John Rudolph. The nominations were closed, written ballots were submitted and counted naming Lee Marken as Chairperson. Director Vraa opened nominations for Vice-Chair. George Kubik nominated and Terry Davis seconded the nomination of John Rudolph. Jerry Fazlee nominated and Lee Marken seconded the nomination of George Kubik. Nominations were closed, written ballots were submitted and counted naming John Rudolph asVice-Chair. Director Vraa opened nominations for Secretary. Terry Davis nominated and George Kubik seconded the nomination of Michael Vincent. Michael Vincent nominated and Lee Marken seconded the nomination of Barbara Johnson. Nominations were closed, written ballots were submitted and counted naming Bazbaza Johnson as Secretary. AI?`FRUVAL OF AGENDA George Kubik moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. APPROVAL O~ 1VIINUTES OF REG~JL:A~2 MEETING OF ~ANtIARY l~ t9 John Rudolph moved, Michael Vincent seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the regulaz meeting of January 12, 1998 as presented. V~S1T~~ E,H~' ... There were no visitors that wished to be heazd under this agenda item. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of February 12, 1998 Meeting Page 2 DEPARTMENT HAPI?1~,lYtNGS~ Items highlighted by Director Vraa included the new spring/summer Discover Us! brochure, EAA registration beginning on February 21, receipt of a Mighty Kids Grant for $12,000 from the Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission, completion of the McCarthy House remodeling, 43 applications received for the Forestry/Pazk Maintenance position, Arbor Day scheduled for Apri125 at Trapp Farm Pazk, annual tree sale scheduled for May 2 at the Eagan Maintenance Facility, and the bid preparation for the construction of two service/toilet buildings at the Lexington/Diffley fields this summer. COt ~`'; A .... COMMONWEAL DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Michael Vincent moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding Commonweal Development: 1. This development would be subject to a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. 2. There aze no tree preservation issues with this development. 3. Runoff from the parcel shall be directed to Pond DP-3.3, which contains sufficient wet pond volume to meet water quality treatment requirements for this development. DrVELOPMEIY'T PROPOSALS OAKVIEW CENTER -HOLIDAY STATION STORES Following a brief introduction by Director Vraa, Coordinator Brasch noted that Holiday Station Stores is requesting approval of a Preliminary Subdivision of 19 acres and 81ots at the southeast corner of Lone Oak Road and Highway 55. The plan also includes office/clinic use, a daycaze, motel fast food restaurant and two sit down restaurants. Brasch continued that the site contains a low area along Highway 55 that has been designated for use as a stormwater management basin when the land develops. After routing to this basin, stormwater will travel through two other designated treatment basins downstream before reaching Bur Oak Pond in Bur Oak Pazk. On-site ponding will be necessary to prevent significant degradation to water quality in Bur Oak Pond through atwo-cell pond. Two wetlands have been identified on the site; a Type 2 wetland neaz the Highway 55 right-of--way, .37 acres in area and a small Type 6 wetland near the center of the site. The developer proposed to fill about 700 sq. ft. of the Type 2 wetland and all of the Type 6 wetland. Proposed replacement shows construction of a small replacement wetland adjacent to the stormwater ponding features in the southeastern portion of the site. The remainder of the mitigation would be met through construction of the first cell of the stormwater treatment basin in an upland azea. Forestry Supervisor Hove noted that the significant vegetation on this site is basically limited to two areas, in the area of the proposed north entrance road and along the east portion of the north property line. The development will result in the removal of 38 significant trees (57.6% of the total) and the removal of 15,610 square feet (100%) of significant woodlands. Hove then reviewed potential mitigation for the site. Member Marken asked if the road could be re-aligned to preserve some of the oaks west of the entrance. He also asked if there could be any more preservation on the east side of the site since it looked so cramped. Sarah Moran, representing the developer, stated that Dakota County had placed several restrictions relative to the access to the site which is why there is significant tree removal at the entrance. They continue to review the site and have identified approximately 9 more trees to be preserved. The plans are to phase the development from the west to the east. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of February 12, 1998 Meeting Page 3 Member Rudolph asked what the time line was for completion. Peter Block, PD Development stated the phasing has to do with the marketing of the site. Holiday, the fast food restaurant and hotel have been designated to date. It is anticipated that the development could be complete in 18 months if the market is favorable. Member Kubik also suggested additional buffering from the pazking areas to Lone Oak Road. Following a brief discussion, Michael Vincent moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council relative to Oakview Center: 1. This development shall be subject to a cash pazks dedication and a cash trails dedication. 2. A revised landscape and tree-mitigation plan shall be required that shows a combination of the installation of 56 Category B trees (or some equivalent of Category A or Category C trees) to serve as mitigation for significant tree removal in excess of allowable limits, (in addition to landscape requirements) and the establishment of a cash mitigation to serve as mitigation in excess of allowable limits. 3. Tree Protective measures (i.e. 4 foot polyethylene safety netting) shall be required to be installed at the Drip Line or at the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. 4. The applicant shall be required to contact the City Forestry Division at least five working days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan. 5. The developer shall meet water quality mitigation requirements through on-site ponding and the detention ponds shall meet the City standards for detention basin design. 6. The revised wetland mitigation plan received December 31, 1997 shall be approved. 7. Staff shall review the option of additional buffering from the parking azeas to Lone Oak Road as appropriate. WISPARK ADDITION - WISPARK CORPORATION Coordinator Brasch reviewed the background of this preliminary subdivision of 31.5 acres located on the south side of Blue Gentian Road and the west side of TH149. The subdivision is planned to consist of two lots and one outlot for potential construction of office buildings on the lots. In reviewing the water quality/wetland issues, Brasch noted that the site is located along the eastern shore of a 20 acre state protected water classified as a Class V nutrient trap. There is no planned public access to the pond nor are there any downstream recreation classified water bodies. On-site ponding is recommended as the primary means of meeting water quality protection requirements with a supplemental cash dedication for the shortfall in treatment associated with the reduction in pond size to minimize tree impacts. Relative to wetlands, previous grading of the site created a flat bench approximately 30 feet above the wetland with 5:1 slopes extending from the edge of the bench to the edge of the pond. All grading for the development will take place on the bench above the wetland with the exception of the detention basin in the southwest corner of the site. Staff is recommending that all disturbed areas within 50 feet of the edge of the pond be re-vegetated with native perennial grasses and fortis after grading. Forestry Supervisor Hove noted that the applicant had submitted a "last minute" revised proposal with the major changes relating to the design and placement of building one. With these revisions, tree preservation efforts have been greatly improved on the site. There aze 77 significant trees existing on site; 14 of them aze oaks measuring 20" or larger in diameter. The developer is proposing to remove only one of the large oaks while preserving the rest. The site holds the largest oak (two trees with a main trunk) a total of 51" in diameter, found within the City. This particular oak will be preserved inside an area of about 18,000 square feet. The new plan proposes the removal of 21 significant trees (27.3%) and is well within the total allowable rate (47.5%). Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of February 12, 1998 Meeting Page 4 Hove concluded by congratulating the developer for working diligently to bring the total tree removal down to a reasonable number and for their efforts in preserving some of the lazgest oaks in the city. This thoughtful planning results in no tree mitigation on site. Member Rudolph thanked the developer for their creative efforts toward tree preservation. Following a brief discussion, George Kubik moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council relative to Wispark Addition: 1. This development shall be responsible for a cash pazks dedication and a cash trails dedication. 2. On-site ponding shall be the primary means of meeting water quality treatment requirements and a supplemental cash dedication shall be required to make up for any shortfalls in meeting the full treatment requirement. 3. Filling of the wetland associated with Pond FP-1 is prohibited. 4. Any graded areas within 50 feet of the edge of Pond FP-1 shall be planted with native perennial grass and fortis to act as a wetland buffer. 5. The Tree Preservation Plan shall be approved with the following conditions: • Tree Protective measures (i.e. 4-foot polyethylene safety netting) shall be installed at the Drip Line or at the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of the significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. • The applicant shall contact the City Forestry Division at least five working days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan. GLD B1~SINE~S ,, There were no issues under this agenda item for the Commission to review. PARK NAMING -WALDEN HEIGHTS PARK PARCEL Director Vraa introduced this item explaining that in discussing the park adjacent to the Walden Heights development it has always been referred to as Walden Heights Park. Because access to the pazk is proposed from Pine Tree Lane, the Commission may wish to consider another name for the park. Member Rudolph commented that there currently are other pazks that have names not associated with the street that accesses them and suggested that the name remain as Walden Heights Park. After a brief discussion, John Rudolph moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend to the City Council that the pazk adjacent to the Walden Heights development be officially named Walden Heights Pazk. LIGHTING AT LITTLE GOAT HILL FIELD - EAA REQUEST Director Vraa explained that the City had been approached by Eagan Travel Baseball for consideration of funding from the "Opportunity Fund" to provide facility improvements to Little Goat baseball field. Their request is put lights on the little Goat Hill field where the 10-15 yeaz olds typically play. They feel that the lights would allow 2 games per night on a field and will help with field availability. Their proposal suggests their willingness to shaze the cost. Vraa concluded that staff is looking for direction on how the Commission wishes to proceed. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of February 12, 1998 Meeting Page 5 Member Mazkell noted that the Commission has discussed how best to take advantage of opportunities like this that present themselves. Member Vincent asked if the Commission should set up criteria on how those funds should be allocated before considering a request for funding. Member Mazkell asked what time frame EAA baseball was looking for. Dan Dorgan, representing EAA baseball, stated that they would like to proceed as soon as possible but would like to have the lights up for the 1999 season. Member Kubik noted that this should be reviewed at a sub- committee level so that criteria can be established for this and future funding requests. After further discussion, Terry Davis moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to send this issue to the Acquisition/Development sub-committee for review and establishment of criteria for funding from the Opportunity Funds portion of the CIP. Member Rudolph suggested that the Recreation sub-committee be involved in the review of this issue as well. It was noted that once the meeting is scheduled, all members will be welcome to attend. PARKS llEVIlL[~PMF.NT UPlla-TE There were no projects pending to update the Commission on. Water Resources Coordinator Brasch noted that the aerators are out at Thomas Lake, Blackhawk Lake and Fish Lake and warned the public to stay off the ice because of its volatile state. He also talked about the upcoming fertilizer sale run by the EHS Football Booster Club and how staff will coordinate information to the public during that process. OTHER BT3SUVESS ANA f3 4 r~ SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS It was noted that the Acquisition/Development sub-committee. met on January 28 to look at the use of tree mitigation funds. An overview will be provided to the Commission once the review is completed. ROUND TA BL~ A meeting was scheduled for Monday, February 23 at 5:30 p.m. for the Acquisition/Development sub- committee to discuss the Opportunity Funds of the CIP and continue review of the tree preservation funds. Director Vraa noted that Water Technology Inc. will be presenting a public information meeting on Wednesday, Mazch 4 followed by a staff presented information meeting on Mazch 10 regazding the family aquatic facility. Member Davis expressed some concern for wording that had been changed during the joint City Council, Advisory Planning Commission and Advisory Parks Commission workshop relative to the Comprehensive Guide Plan review of Parks and Recreation. There appeared to be an interpretation that open space referred to public land only when, in fact, it should include all areas, Davis added. Michael Vincent moved, Lee Mazkell seconded with all members voting in favor to send a letter to the City Council relative to this issue. This will be brought back to the Advisory Commission at their Mazch meeting as well. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of February 12, 1998 Meeting Page 6 ~ . With no further business to conduct, Michael Vincent moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. ~ ~~ Secretary D