04/20/1998 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 20,1998 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:OOp.m. on Apri120,1998 with the following Commission Members present; Terry Davis, Jerry Farlee, N. Mark Filipi, Barbara Johnson, Bonnie Karson, George Kubik, Lee Markell Daryle Petersen, John Rudolph and Michael Vincent. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; CJ Lilly, Landscape Architect/Parks Planner; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; Rich Brasch, Water Resources Coordinator and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. CITI~N LAKE MONTI'ORING P~OG~AM- 5 YEAR ~ y- Water Resources Coordinator Brasch provided background for the program noting that the ability to have volunteers remain for an extended period of time allows for more consistency. He thanked RobbyCashman for volunteering for his volunteer efforts over the past five years in monitoring O'Leary Lake. Chairman Markell presented Mr. Cashman with a plaque commemorating his participation. Mr. Cashman commended staff and the City for their pro- active efforts in maintaining water quality. ~A.PI'ROVALOF AGNI3A Setting a date to meet with Skyline Displays was added as Item 5 under Other Business and Reports. George Kubik moved, Barbara Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. APPROVAL OF M11~lUTFS fJF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 15; ~: George Kubik moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of March 16,1998 as presented. VISI'i'O ~ .f. , Robby Cashman addressed the Commission noting that in the past a referendum for open space had failed. He opined that the City should consider the possibility of extending a trail around Hurley Lake with a continuation to Patrick Eagan Park. He added that lineal parks appear to be very popular and used by residents. He asked the Commission to consider a future trail connection before that entire area is developed. Chairman Markell responded that theCommission will be looking at some of those issues over the next few months. p~I~AR~I~IEI~~=~ . ~ .. Items highlighted by Director Vraa included the establishment of a scholarship fund set up by Aagard Sanitation, MnDot approval of kiosk locations at Silver Bell & Highway 13 and 494 and Pilot Knob, field space provided foramen's church softball league, planned improvements to the Rahn tennis courts, "4 Your Parks" scheduled for Apri125, Spring Festival at Holz Farm scheduled for May 17, park mowing began on Apri113, one of the earliest dates in recent years and the maintenance agreement with Dakota Hills Middle School will continue this year. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of Apri120,1998 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA, Michael Vincent moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. LCMR Grant. The Commission endorses the letter of support and commitment from the LCMR grant submitted by Dakota County. 2. Deer Rest Pond Addition -Ron Roth & Tames Schmitt. This development shall be subject to a cash parks dedication and cash trails dedication. Individual lot tree preservation plans shall be required at the time of building permit application for Lots 3 and 4. This development shall be subject to a cash dedication for water quality. Grading within the drainage and utility easement associated with the stormwater pond that Lies partiaIIy on the property is prohibited. DEVPLOPMENT PIZOPtJSS There were no development items for the Commission to review. TREE PRESERVATION FUND Forestry Supervisor Hove provided background to this issue noting that discussion has occurred with the Acquisition/Development Sub-committee. The policy being proposed includes an effort to preserve significant trees that would otherwise be adversely affected by development, an effort to perform community reforestation and an effort to research potential areas where long-term conservation easements could be applied. Hove then reviewed each component including the Innovative Tree Preservation Technique Grant Program, Community Reforestation Program and Conservation Easement Research Program and asked the Commission for their comments and feedback. Member Johnson commented that Hove had done an excellent job recapping the work from the sub-committee meeting. She asked if all the proposed grants are matching. Hove responded yes. Member Petersen asked for a clarification of a "specimen" tree. Hove responded that refers to conifers 50' or taller or deciduous trees 30" in diameter or larger. Member Markell opined that it may be difficult to administer the Innovative Tree Preservation Grant Program since it may make it too easy for developers to not provide tree preservation on their own. Hove responded that there were limited dollars and that when they are gone, for whatever reason, they're gone. There will still be the benefit of tree preservation. Member Rudolph asked if the programs are a pioneer approach or modeled after other existing programs. Hove stated they are fairly new concepts of existing formats. Member Kubik favored keeping all three options and since it is a pilot program, monitor to see how each is progressing. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 20,1998 Page 3 Member Filipi commented that using the Innovative Technique Grant program, more focus should be placed on "innovative" rather than educational. Member Petersen suggested that criteria for need be established. Member Davis added that this has been a thoughtful approach and opined that this process could move ahead to the City Council without the specific criteria being established. Following further brief discussion, George Kubik moved, Michael Vincent seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend that the proposed recommendations for use of tree mitigation funds be approved and recommended to the City Council for adoption. OPPORTUNITY FUND REQUEST Director Vraa provided background for this item noting that the Commission had directed staff to draft criteria relative to requests for funding from the Opportunity Fund. The Commission adopted the criteria at their March 16 meeting and is now being asked to respond to a request from EAA travel baseball. The three requests received included the lighting of "Little Goat" baseball field at a cost of $53,102-59,418; dugout improvements at a cost of $2,500 and an additional batting cage at a cost of $4,500. The Recreation Sub-committee reviewed each request individually and applied the adopted criteria for each. The recommendations for each request were reviewed. It was noted that EAA travel baseball projects that $18,000 could be provided over the next three years toward the lighting of "Little Goat". Regarding the dugout improvements, it was noted that this improvement could be handled by maintenance staff. Regarding the additional batting cage, staff was of the opinion that Goat Hill Park did not provide suitable space for this requested use. Construction of a batting cage could be postponed and incorporated into the design of a future youth athletic complex, Vraa added. Member Johnson asked if EAA had approved the allocation of $18,000 from travel baseball over a 3 year period of time. Superintendent Peterson responded that the EAA board would be addressing this request at their next meeting. Member Davis asked why the third request wasn't funded with the rest of the requests. Superintendent Peterson responded that, based on the established criteria, it did not rank high enough in priority. Following further brief discussion, George Kubik moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to approve the recommendations made by staff to proceed with lighting of "Little Goat" baseball field, have staff proceed with dugout improvements as requested and postpone the installation of an additional batting cage subject to approval by EAA. RECLAMATION OF BEAMS FROM FIRE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Paul Olson briefed the Commission on the reclamation of beams to be used for a future shelter building at the Lexington Diffley Athletic Fields. Conceptual plans are being prepared and will be shared with the Commission at a later date, Olson added. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of Apri120,1998 Page 4 NEW BUSINESS TEEN CENTER Director Vraa explained that the City Council had heard presentations for a teen center by the Southwest Area YMCA and Michael Vincent. The Council has asked that both proposals be reviewed by the Advisory Parks Commission with a recommendation forwarded onto the Council. Tim Staley, representing the YMCA explained that they have been open for 3 yeazs and now have approximately 7,000 members; l3% of which are kids. They recognize the need for an area for teens to meet and are proposing that a teen center be added onto the existing YMCA building. The Y is requesting a partnership with the City of Eagan whereby the City contribute $75,000 to the cost with the staffing, equipment, training and program expenses becoming the responsibility of the Y. It was noted that the teen center would be part of a $300,000 renovation and expansion project that will add 2,500 sq. ft. to the existing facility. Commission Member Markell asked how big the teen center room would be. Mr. Staley responded that it would be approximately 1100 square feet. Member Petersen asked what fees would be applicable to teens participating in the teen center. Mr. Staley responded there would be a $25.00/year fee to offset staff fees and if they wanted to use other Y facilities there would be a $20/month additional fee. Member Davis noted that 80% of the Y's membership is Eagan residents but questioned what percentage of the teens were from Eagan. Mr. Staley clarified that the majority is from Eagan with approximately 25% participation from Rosemount residents. Member Kubik asked if this facility would meet the needs for the teens in the community. Superintendent Peterson noted that in 1979-80 a teen center was operated in the community, however the use seemed to decrease once youth obtained a driver's license. The interest in a center has resurfaced again over the past year. Peterson added that staff recognizes the need for teens to "hang out" but aren't clear where the best location may be. Member Kubik asked what would happen with the space should the City opt to invest $75,000 in this addition only to find out that it is not used by the teens as projected. Mr. Staley responded that the space would then be used for other Y programming. Member Karson asked if teens would have access to the whole Y if they were part of this teen center. Mr. Staley responded that they would have access to the computer room during specific times and could access other parts of the Y if they are members, which would require monthly fees. Michael Vincent reviewed a brief proposal being made by a group of teen that have been meeting with Councilmember Masin over the past year. The teens have requested space that is more centrally located and would be no cost to the community. It was felt that a facility currently owned by the community could provide a good partnership for a teen center. One of the options being considered is soliciting donations to build out the mezzanine of the Civic Arena so that 1/3 could be used as a teen center with the balance being used for meetings. It is projected that this Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of Apri120,1998 Page 5 type of facility, "teen lounge", would be staffed by college students. The feedback received from teens participating in this project have indicated the need for a place to hang out that's safe, and where parents are comfortable allowing their teens to go. Mr. Vincent added that a presentation hasn't been completed, however, the teens that have been meeting will be bringing the idea forward for further review. It was noted that the teen request would not solicit dollars from the city. An apparent funding base has been established, however, Mr. Vincent noted that they did not want to compete with the Y's plans for a teen center. Member Petersen asked where the revenue would come from to fund this facility. Mr. Vincent stated that it could be modeled like a "Lion's Den" where the Lions Club funds a portion of the on-going costs, for example. Following further brief discussion, it was recommended that the Recreation Subcommittee review both proposals further. It was suggested that all interested parties meet on May 3,1998 at 7:00 p.m. when the teen group is scheduled to meet again. Mr. Staley was invited to participate in this discussion with the teens as well. THOMAS LAKE OUTLET MODIFICATION Sherri Buss from Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik & Associates provided background to the Commission regarding the alternatives to stabilize water levels in Thomas Lake for smaller more frequent storm events. The alternative with the greatest impact is to construct an outlet structure including a weir approximately 12' in length to reduce the water levels and to reduce the time for lake levels to recede to their normal water level. Buss then showed 3 options that could be considered in meeting the objective noting that the DNR will need to approve whatever plan is recommended. Russ Matthys, City Engineer then reviewed the existing structure and how this new system would be beneficial. Member Vincent asked if the increased volume was going to be sufficient. Matthys explained that it would allow the water to get out of the lake more effectively. Vincent then added that he would prefer the most non-obtrusive structure proposed. The Commission agreed with Member Vincent's comment. Member Karson asked if the increased motion of the water would create a hazard to children. Matthys responded that there would be a grate on the front to protect from that. Following further brief discussion, John Rudolph moved, Michael Vincent seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend the most non-obtrusive outlet structure to meet the need to stabilize water levels in Thomas Lake for smaller more frequent storm events. PARKS I)EVELtJP'MIM.NT UPDAT There were not items under this agenda item for the Commission to review. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of Apri120,1998 Page b WATER RESOURCES UPDATF~ HEINE POND EXPERIMENTAL IRON APPLICATION Following a brief background by Coordinator Branch, George Kubik moved, Michael Vincent seconded with all members voting in favor to pursue proceeding with the treatment of Heine Pond with iron to provide long-term water quality benefits to the lake pending the outcome of the meeting with the Lakeshore owners. Coordinator Branch commented on the letter from Sharon Holbeck based on the results of work done to restore the pond in her neighborhood. Because of the significant volunteer efforts of the neighborhood, there has been an increase in the water clarity. Branch also commented on the successful fertilizer sale through Eagan High School and the continued review by the Natural Resources Sub-committee of issues as they arise. bTHER BCISINESS ANb RE SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS There were no subcommittee reports to be presented. SCHEDULE SUMMER PARK TOURS Superintendent Peterson reminded the Commission that May begins the return of park tours prior to Commission meetings. She asked if the Commission had specific parks they would like to visitor if they wished to change the times for the tour. The consensus of the Commission was that the tours continue at 6:00 p.m. RESIGNATION OF STEVE KNUTSON It was noted that Commission Member Steve Knutson resigned from the Commission due to work conflicts. Chair Markell thanked Knutson for his participation and contribution to the Commission. ARBOR DAY VIDEO An Arbor Day video created by staff and shown in the elementary schools was made available for the Commission to view following the meeting. SET DATE TO MEET WITH SKYLINE DISPLAYS The date of May 12,1998 at 5:OOp.m. was set to visit the Skyline Displays property. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of Apri120,1998 Page 7 Roulvn TABS Member Petersen commented that the aquatic facility appears to be moving forward. He stated his belief that the "silent majority" wants this facility and encouraged the public to voice their opinions to the City Council. Member Johnson asked if there was a resolution to the EAA travel baseball issue brought before the Commission previously. Superintendent Peterson stated that there are now two 16- year-old teams. AUJC1t,~.tNM1wN' With no further business to conduct, Michael Vincent moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. ZD 9~ Secretary e