05/18/1998 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 18, 1998 The regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order on May 18, 1998 with the following Commission Members present: Terry Davis, Barbara Johnson, Bonnie Karson, George Kubik, Lee Markell, Daryle Petersen, and John Rudolph. Members not present included Jerry Farlee, N. Mazk Filipi and Michael Vincent. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Pazks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; CJ Lilly, Pazks Planner/Landscape Architect; Rich Brasch, Water Resources Coordinator; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. AGENDA George Kubik moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. NIINUT~S OF REGULAR 1'1~IE~`ll~lC OF APRIL 21, i George Kubik moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of Apri121, 1998 as presented. DEPARTMENT HAPPI~NING Items highlighted by Director Vraa included the May 4 public meeting to discuss trail clearing in the winter, near completion of weed spraying the major park areas, play structure installation at River Hills Park, completion of the 4-year prairie restoration management plan at Thomas Lake Pazk, distribution of the Summer/Fall brochure, 200 youth participants at the annual baseball clinic, 300 youth participants at the annual softball clinic, the beginning of EAA summer sports, the slight decline in sand volleyball team registrations and the first yeaz of Cricket being played at Walnut Hill Park. Member Mazkell asked how many hours of work aze provided by the Sentence to Serve work crews. Hundreds, Superintendent Olson responded. Member Kubik commented on the successful Arbor Day celebration. Member Petersen asked if responses had been compiled relative to the trail clearing survey. Director Vraa responded that the Public Works Department is compiling that information. CONSENT AGENDA There were no consent items for the Commission to review. 'DEVLEJ-PMENT P. _.~ ~A LEXINGTON 2ND ADDITION -HOME DEPOT Coordinator Brasch provided a brief background of this item noting that Home Depot, U.S.A. is proposing to build a 132,000 square foot retail store on a site located west of Lexington Avenue at Northwood Parkway, south of the USPS bulk mail facility in the SE 1/4 of Section 10, Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 18, 1998 Page 2 Relative to water quality, Brash noted that this development is located in the LeMay Lake watershed just north of Eagan Promenade and east of 35E. Runoff from this site will travel through a number of already constructed nutrient traps before reaching LeMay Lake, which is one of the City's seven Class I water bodies. The wetland inventory for the site shows two wetland complexes; a .62 acre Type 2/6 in the northcentral portion of the site and a 3.25 acre which occupies much of the southeast portion of the pazcel. The developer is proposing to fill all of the .62 acre wetland (16% of the wetland area on the site).Given the location of the wetland near the central portion of the site, the guided land use and the fact that less than 20% of the jurisdictional wetland area on-site will be filled, and Brasch noted that an unavoidable impact funding would seem reasonable. Per the Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act, Brasch explained that a minimum of 1.14 acres of additional wetland credit must be generated to meet the mitigation requirements. The developer proposes to use a rough graded azea just south of, and contiguous with the lazge wetland in the southeastern corner of the site. After further discussion, Lee Mazkell moved, Barbara Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations the City Council relative to Lexington 2"d Addition - Home Depot: 1. This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. 2. The Tree Preservation Plan shall be approved as proposed with the following conditions: • The applicant shall install sixteen (16) Category B mitigation trees, (or an equivalent combination of Category A or Category C trees). These 16 mitigation trees are in addition to any City of Eagan landscape requirements. • Tree Protective measures (i.e. orange fabric silt fence or 4-foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) shall be installed at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. No grade change, construction activity, or storage of materials shall occur within this fenced area. • The applicant shall contact the City Forestry Division at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan. • Grading plans for the utility easement azeas shall be reviewed by the Forestry Division for tree preservation mitigation. 3. The developer shall meet water quality mitigation requirements entirely through on-site pondmg. The pond should have a minimum wet volume of 2.3 acre-feet and shall meet the City's Detention Basin Design Standards. 4. The wetland mitigation plan dated May, 1998 should be approved, assuming the allowable development intensity allowed on the site will be decreased by the City. 5. The upland buffer azound the remaining jurisdictional wetland (Pond DP-6.2) should be extended a minimum distance of 30 feet back from the delineated edge of the wetland. 6. It is recommended that the pazking be reduced by 5-10% with the removal proposed on the eastern portion of the site to allow for the 30 foot wetland buffer. BLACKHAWK ACRES 5TH ADDITION - MENDOTA HOMES, INC. Director Vraa introduced this item noting that Mendota Homes is requesting a Preliminary Subdivision to create four lots for the construction of two two-unit townhomes on property currently platted as Outlot A, Blackhawk Acres 2nd Addition east of Robin Lane. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regulaz Meeting of May 18, 1998 Page 3 Coordinator Brasch explained that this development is adjacent to Pond AP-27 and in drainage basin A downstream from Blackhawk Lake. Because the wetland associated with Pond AP-27 is lazge and a designated recreational water body, an ungraded, un-maintained buffer extending 30 feet back from the edge of the wetland is being recommended. The revised grading plan, however, shows filling of about 800 square feet of the jurisdictional wetland. This issue for Commission consideration is whether to recommend to the City Council that the 30 foot wide buffer be required, which would cause significant alteration of the development plan, or omit the buffer condition. Forestry Supervisor Hove stated that there are 17 significant trees identified in the tree inventory. The application as submitted will result in the removal of three significant trees (40%) which is less than allowable limits, therefore there is no required tree mitigation The representative from Mendota Homes stated that they are proposing to build two, two unit townhomes. They are hoping to provide a transition between the two buildings and by doing so it places one of the buildings within the 30 foot upland buffer area. The only way to prevent that would be to connect the two buildings. Member Markell asked what the land use was between the two buildings. The developer responded that it was open space and that by separating the 4 units into two buildings it provided a logical transition to the adjacent single family properties. Several options were discussed relative to moving buildings to the west to maintain the buffer zone as well as leaving the buildings where they are. Coordinator Brasch interjected that a combination of landscaping for wildlife habitat and native grasses could be incorporated into the plan if the Commission allowed the buildings to stay where they're currently located. Member Kubik thought it would be appropriate to look at tis type of landscaping as long as the developer worked closely with staff to make sure the area was protected as much as possible. Member Davis added that by keeping the area in natural grasses it would catch the run-off from the home before getting into the wetland. After further discussion, Daryle Petersen moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council relative to Blackhawk Acres 5~' Addition -Mendota Homes, Inc.: 1. This proposal shall be subject to a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. 2. The Tree Preservation Plan shall be approved as proposed with the following conditions: • Tree Protective measures (i.e. orange fabric silt fence or 4-foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) shall be installed at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. No grade change, construction activity, or storage of materials shall occur within this fenced area. • The applicant shall contact the City Forestry Division at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan. 3. The development shall be subject to a cash dedication in lieu of on-site ponding. 4. The developer shall work with staff to preserve an upland buffer extending 30 feet back from the edge of the jurisdictional wetland. 5. The developer shall bear the cost of vegetating the upland buffer as approved by staff and will advise potential owners that the area is to be maintained as such. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 18, 1998 Page 4 OLD BUSINESS TEENS Director Vraa noted that at the Apri120 Commission meeting the issue of a teen center was brought forwazd with a proposal from the YMCA and another proposal presented by Michael Vincent. Vraa reviewed the highlights of each proposal, the memo from Chief Gaegan outlining existing centers in other communities, the memo from Building Inspections relative to a teen center at the Civic Arena, a memo from Jerry Fazlee regarding the Recreation Sub-committees review of this issue and the concerns identified by the sub-committee. Director Vraa stated that staff is looking for input and direction from the Commission. Member Kubik identified several questions he had relative to the Civic Arena proposal. He asked to see more detailed layout drawings, asked for clarification on how security would be handled, how staffmg would be funded, further clarification of conflicts between azena events and the center's use and also suggested that alternate locations be considered. Member Johnson expressed her concerns for the location as well and concurred that other options should be explored. She noted there were no provisions for cleaning/trash removal and wondered what the budget impact(s) would be relative to code issues. Another concern was a clear understanding of who would be coordinating the Civic Arena teen proposal and who would be responsible for paying the bills and making sure that everything was funded appropriately. Johnson also noted that the cost to put in activities would need to be addressed as well. Member Petersen commented that the Recreation Sub-committee met on May 3rd and had invited the YMCA to participate. The Y did not attend and Petersen asked if they'd met with any of the youth groups to solicit their input. Superintendent Peterson responded that the Y had not met with any youth groups to her knowledge. Member Davis felt there needed to be a clarification of the $55,000 cost associated with the Civic Arena proposal. The YMCA is looking fora $75,000 contribution from the City, however, it doesn't appeaz that the teens that have been meeting are interested in their location. Davis suggested that the Y be encouraged to talk with youth groups. He felt that the Municipal Campus was a great central location and the Civic Arena allows for alternate uses by other organizations. Davis suggested that a workshop setting may be a better way to discuss this issue further. Member Johnson asked if more teens could be brought into this workshop session for their feedback Member Karson concurred suggested that it would be important to hear from a more varied group of teens. Member Rudolph suggested more dialogue with the outside partnership to clazify the funding of the Civic Arena proposal. It was the consensus of the Commission that a workshop be scheduled which would include an expanded audience of teens to better review this issue. Superintendent Peterson suggested that Commission Members attend the next teen meeting scheduled for May 30th. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 18, 1998 Page 5 SKYLINE DISPLAYS Director Vraa recapped the Commission's visit to the site with Skyline Displays. The developer was very receptive to the ideas presented to them including removing the garden plots, moving the proposed amphitheater and re-working the roadway and ponding needed on the site. They are proposing to return to the Commission with revised site plans and elevations at a future meeting. Member Johnson asked if the responsibility for maintenance had been identified. Director Vraa stated that had not been addressed as yet. Member Davis asked if there was consensus that this is an acceptable spot for a park. Vraa responded that the developer has been getting feedback from the Commission solely to determine if the concept would be possible. Member Davis reiterated his concern that the City not create unrealistic expectations for the developer should the determination be made that this is not a preferred location for a park and a cash dedication is required. Member Mazkell stated that the developer is aware that this is a preliminary concept being explored. lvw ~us~ There were no new items for the Commission to review. PARKS DVEL,OPM.~N`I" tTPDATE WALDEN HEIGHTS UPDATE Parks Planner Lilly noted that the development plans for Walden Heights Pazk are proceeding as planned. He shared pictures of the site's existing condition and then reviewed the location of the trail. Director Vraa added that staff is planning to grade and seed the site this year with the balance of the pazk construction scheduled for 1999. ATER TtESOURC.S UPDA' ICE POLICY Coordinator Brasch provided a brief background and introduced Brian Jensen, a Burnsville High School senior working on this project as part of a school project. Mr. Jensen explained that he had conducted the background reseazch and drafted several policy alternatives as a project for an advanced placement class in government policy. The Natural Resources Subcommittee met to provide direction and feedback. Brian provided a very extensive and thorough review of his research and proposal for ice safety warning including bodies of water without public access points, bodies of water with public access points and unnatural conditions caused by the City. He then reviewed the purpose and need for a policy, a proposed policy, procedure and responsibility for such a policy. One of the suggestions brought forward was a warning policy for those bodies of water that contain formal public access points. It was felt that by placing general signs warning of the potential danger at public access points the public would be alerted to the potential of injury or death which would allow them to decide whether to proceed at their own risk. Bodies of water that do not provide public access points would have no signage posted. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of May 18, 1998 Page 6 Member Petersen commended Brian for the extensive background work he had done on this project noting that the Natural Resources Sub-committee had met twice with him. Petersen noted that the policies proposed are an accumulation of good work and reflect the discussions that occurred. He continued that the Commission will need to decide which policy to take forward to the City Council. Petersen opined that recommending no signage seems to be in the best interest of the City. Members Johnson and Rudolph agreed with the recommendation for a no sign policy. Member Davis asked if this issue was discussed with the City attorney. Brian responded that the City attorney was provided with a copy of the policy but had not responded to date. Member Davis opined that a legal opinion should be included prior to sending a recommendation to the City Council for consideration. Member Karson added that by posting signs it could open the City up to "detrimental liability" and also supported a no sign policy. After further brief discussion, Daryle Petersen moved and Barbara Johnson seconded a motion to recommend to the City Council that a "no sign policy" for ice safety be approved pending review by the City Attorney. Member Kubik again suggested waiting until after the City attorney had reviewed this issue before proceeding to the City Council. The motion was called. Those voting Aye included Bonnie Karson, Daryle Petersen, John Rudolph and Barbara Johnson. Those voting Nay included Lee Markell, George Kubik and Terry Davis. The motion carried. Commission Members concluded with their thanks to Brian for an excellent report. +Q~R BC,TSINF~S r~NDE ~~'Q~tT There were no Other Business and Report items for the Commission to review. OUND`TABL Member Markell suggested prioritizing open space funds for future consideration. Member Davis asked for an update of the playground that was encroaching upon City property. Director Vraa reported that it had been removed within the time frame set by the City. AD URNNI~NT With no further business to conduct, George Kubik moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. ~ l Secretary D