06/15/1998 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JUNE 15, 1998 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on June 15, 1998 with the following Commission Members present: Terry Davis, Jerry Farlee, N. Mark Filipi, Barbara Johnson, Bonnie Karson, George Kubik, Daryle Petersen, John Rudolph and Michael Vincent. Member Lee Marken was not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Rich Brasch, Water Resources Coordinator; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; CJ Lilly, Parks Planner/Landscape Architect; and Cherryl Mesko, Secretary. ~, Michael Vincent moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. A C?~AL.Q~ M11~117~'ES Q'' -GULA,R ~ ~ O X .$,' The May 18 minutes will be reviewed and acted upon at the July 20, 1998 meeting. Vl ~~'F .~ .. There were no visitors who wished to be heard under this agenda item. D~PARTiNENT ~:,, 11~G Items highlighted by Director Vraa included the planned Yankee Doodle Arts and Crafts Festival, Fun on the Farm Camp with 63 participants, update on parks maintenance staff assistance with the recent storm damage clean-up, update on the Council's approval of a winter trail maintenance plan, installation of new play structure at River Hills Park, and the completion of the Sentence to Service two week work block. CfitySENT AGENDA Michael Vincent moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. Kwik Trin Eagan Addition - Kwik Tria, Inc. • This Development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. • The Tree Preservation Plan shall be approved as proposed with the following conditions: • The applicant shall install 14 Category B trees as mitigation for significant tree removal in excess of allowable limits. • Tree Protective measures (i.e. 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) shall be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. • The applicant shall contact the City Forestry Division at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan. • Water quality mitigation requirements shall be met entirely through on-site ponding. The pond design shall comply with the City's Standards for Detention Basin Design and a skimmer of acceptable design to the City shall be installed on the pond outlet. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 15, 1998 Page 2 2. Dart Transit Conditional Use Permit • This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. • The Tree Preservation Plan shall be approved as proposed with the following conditions: • The applicant shall insta1124 Category B trees as mitigation for significant tree removal in excess of allowable limits. • Tree Protective measures (i.e. 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) shall be installed at the Drip Line or at the p4erimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. • The applicant shall contact the City Forestry Division at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan. • Water quality mitigation requirements shall be met through enlargement of Pond EP-4. The enlargement must generate at least .45 acre-feet of additional wet volume in this pond, .15 acre-feet more than is shown on the grading plan dated 5-20-98. There were no development items for the Commission to review. L~ BU~E TEENS Member Rudolph explained that a workshop was held with Commission Members, staff and teen representatives prior to this meeting. The meeting was a brainstorming session in which the teens were looking for direction and/or support for a teen center proposal. Director Vraa added that questions asked previously by the Commission were again raised. It was noted that the proposed layout for the mezzanine at the Civic Arena resulted in a preliminary estimate of $95,000. Although the teens did not feel they needed exclusive use of the mezzanine space, Commission Members expressed concern for conflict with other activities, additional staffing that may be needed, maintenance and whether alternate sites should be considered. The group also reviewed what other communities are doing as well as the budget implications of the Civic Arena proposal. It was again noted that the teens prefer this more central location and felt that the inclusion of middle school age students was important. The teens expressed their willingness to move forward to solicit financial support for a teen center but in order to approach potential donors felt that they needed the verbal support of the- City first. It was noted that Rosemount provides teen events rather than a teen center and the youth expressed their interest in finding a location in Eagan for socialization and/or a collecting spot to move onto other events. Member Rudolph opined that the Civic Arena is a good proposal and perhaps the best location but expressed concerns for the capital expenditures. Other Commission Members expressed similar concerns however, felt that in order for the teens to proceed forward to solicit financing they needed to identify what they were soliciting funds for. Member Davis opined that it was pre-mature to move forward to the City Council with a recommendation. He suggested that a more formal proposal be prepared including the goals, mission statement, etc. for this request. Davis added that he wanted more information before proceeding forward with a recommendation to the Council Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 15, 1998 Page 3 Member Vincent commented that it isn't a question as to how much money it will cost at this time, rather a recommendation to the City Council as to a preferred site for a teen center. The funding, if the teen center is to move forward at the Civic Arena, would come completely from fund-raising efforts by the teens. Member Davis reiterated his desire to have a formal request, in writing, to proceed with a recommendation. Member Rudolph suggested that that information might not be obtainable until funding is better defined. Member Petersen added that this is merely a conceptual proposal at this time but supported the location at the Civic Arena. After further brief discussion, Barbara Johnson moved and George Kubik seconded a motion to ask the City Council to approve the concept of the use of the Civic Arena mezzanine for a teen center so that the teens who have been involved in this project can move forward to solicit funding. Those voting Aye included Jerry Farlee, N. Mark Filipi, Barbara Johnson, Bonnie Karson, George Kubik, Daryle Petersen and John Rudolph. Member Davis voted Nay because he did not feel prepared to present a recommendation to the City Council and Member Vincent abstained because of his involvement with the initial proposal. SKYLINE DISPLAYS This item was deferred to the July 20, 1998 Commission meeting. NEW' BUSiN)< ADVENT UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Director Vraa provided a brief background explaining that the church is located immediately north of Patrick Eagan Park and is proposing an expansion to their building. The church is proposing to close the current entrance to the church from Lexington Avenue in favor of an access that aligns with Northview Park Road and Lexington Avenue. This concept was discussed between the City and church several years ago after the McCarthy property was acquired, Vraa added. It was noted that the church was looking for a cooperative effort to meet their expansion needs by proposing a shared parking lot that could accommodate the church's needs as well as the City's future needs for Patrick Eagan Park. Director Vraa noted that there currently is no master plan for Patrick Eagan Park nor an assessment as to how this shared parking would work. Sara Kelsenberg, architect representing Advent United Methodist Church explained that the church saw the opportunity to link their expansion needs with the needs for Patrick Eagan Park and would like to create alinkage/transition to the park. The also saw the benefit of conceptually moving the shared access onto park property. Member Petersen asked if the 32 parking. spaces shown on the northwest portion of the site would be developed at the same time as the other parking stalls. Noting that the parking was close to residential, Bruce Maus, Building Committee Chairman noted that the church wanted to be a good neighbor and will share plans with all surrounding properties. Mr. Maus reiterated that the plans being presented were conceptual only. They are intended to solicit feedback from the City as to the viability of shared parking and access. He added that the access issue would need to be addressed with the County as well. Daryle Petersen said he saw moving the access and sharing parking to be beneficial. He suggested that the parking lot be made smaller and that more green space be provided between the Art House and parking lot. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 15, 1998 Page 4 Member Rudolph asked several questions including how conflicts of use would be handled, what is the impact to storm water, who is responsible for parking lot maintenance/plowing, and what would happen to the existing nursery. Since there is not a park plan in place, Rudolph was concerned about proceeding with this plan. Member Kubik explained that pursuing options would not necessarily be an endorsement but an opportunity to jointly explore opportunities. Following brief discussion, George Kubik moved, Michael Vincent seconded with all members voting in favor to ask staff to work with Advent United Methodist Church to explore shared access and pazking options. POTENTIAL USE OF QUARRY PARK BUILDING Superintendent Peterson explained that an inquiry had been received concerning the availability of week-end meeting space for Somali families. It was noted that since many Somali children were born in refugee camps, they have no knowledge of traditional Somali ways. The group making the request wishes to provide positive male role models to youth who would otherwise not be exposed to their culture through an older male family member. Peterson then reviewed the issues relative to the potential use of Quarry Park. She noted that the Quarry shelter was seasonably available on week-ends, however would not be during the winter skating season. There were also questions as to whether the 6 month time frame would be sufficient for the Somali community and whether or not it was within the Department's mission to play a role in assisting the Somali community at this time. Member Karson empathized with the plight of the Somalis and felt that this would be an appropriate request to grant. She added that she would like to see the City reach out to this community for six months. After further brief discussion, Bazbaza Johnson moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to direct staff to negotiate an appropriate fee to allow the use of Quarry Park shelter building for use by the Somali community for six months. It was noted that this approval to use Quarry shelter is not a precedent for future requested use by other groups. PARKS pIEVELOPI~N'I' LIPDA;'xE Pazks Planner Lilly brought the Commission up to date on the development of Walden Heights Park. He noted that the City's engineering department is completing some of the staking in preparation for Enebec to do the grading on the site. Lilly added that the grading work should be done by the end of July. Member Rudolph commented that there are several. clusters of trees and thought it appeared that grading was occurring in the drip line. Forestry Supervisor Hove reassured Member Rudolph that the tree preservation lines are being preserved. Superintendent Olson reviewed the construction status of the Lexington Diffley buildings. He noted that the foundations have been poured and the expectation is that both buildings will be done by the end of August. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 15, 1998 Page 5 W AT~R RESfSURG`E& ;UPIIAT,E~ REQUEST FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE -POND EXCAVATION Water Resources Coordinator Brasch brought the Commission's attention to a neighborhood request to improve the quality of Pond JP-26.3. The residents are interested in pursuing City fmancial assistance to excavate the ponding azea in their backyard. Since they have requested that the Commission take action on their request in July, Coordinator Brasch suggested that this issue be reviewed further by the Natural Resources sub-committee and then be brought back to the July 20 meeting. Brasch then provided an update of the Fish Lake dosing station noting that it should be ready for a start-up in mid-late July. He added that both Fish Lake and Blackhawk Lake had been harvested during the past month. It was noted that the education survey results would be completed and presented to the Commission at their July meeting. C?T1~ER BUSINESS AND R~ STORM DAMAGE UPDATE Director Vraa noted that the maintenance staff has been working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week to try to keep up with clean-up after the storm. Superintendent Olson added that there have been 1700 calls taken from residents, 12-14 people have been working every day for the first 2 weeks following the storm but crews aze getting back to their regulaz schedules. There are several trees leaning in and around pazks and although they are unsightly, some of the trees won't be removed until later in the year, as time permits. The immediate need was to paint over oak wounds as soon as possible to mitigate the spread of oak wilt. At the present time, residents can bring their tree debris to the Yankee Doodle compost site and they will not be chazged for the disposal. Otherwise they can place their tree debris on their curb for city staff to pick up. Superintendent Olson then shared pictures of the damage at Country Home Park and Highview Pazk. Member Kubik stated that he had heard many comments on the good job that city crews had done in removing tree debris and helping residents recover. Member Rudolph added his thanks to the crews as well. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES There were no subcommittee reports presented. POOL UPDATE Director Vraa reported that the clearing and grubbing on the site was done and the grading bids had been opened. The bids came in under projections and are currently being reviewed and the bid is scheduled to be awarded on June 16 with work beginning shortly thereafter. Advertisement for bids for the pool vessels will be completed next with the project progressing quickly thereafter. Director Vraa added that the Civic Arena expansion is about 3 weeks ahead of schedule. It appears the grand opening will be September 13. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of June 15, 1998 Page 6 SET NEW MEETING DATE FOR SEPTEMBER September 10, 1998 was set as the new meeting date for the September Commission meeting. '~'Al3L The date set for the Natural Resources Sub-committee meeting was July 8, 1998 at 6:00 p.m. ATJJDI3ItNM~~'1" With no further business to conduct, Michael Vincent moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Secretary Dat