07/20/1998 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF JULY 20,1998 The regulaz meeting of the Advisory Pazks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on July 20, 1998 with the following Commission Members present: Terry Davis, Jerry Farlee, Bazbaza Johnson, Lee Markell, Daryle Petersen, John Rudolph and Michael Vincent. Members not present included N. Mark Filipi, Bonnie Karson and George Kubik. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Rich Brasch, Water Resources Coordinator; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor, CJ Lilly, Pazks Planner/Landscape Architect and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. BL " , A~ILION AWARa PRESENT - Mazcie Padgett, representing the MRPA Awards Committee, was present to make a presentation to the City of Eagan from the Minnesota Recreation and Pazk Association. The Award of Excellence plaque was presented for Blackhawk Park Pavilion which received an honorable mention awazd in the field of Recreation, Parks and Leisure Services. Ms. Padgett reviewed how the nominations are made and the criteria used by the awards committee in reviewing determining the winners. The plaque was presented to the Advisory Pazks Commission and the Parks and Recreation Department by Ms. Padgett. Commission Member Chair thanked Mazcie for the presentation. AGENDA Barbara Johnson moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. 1VIINUTES OF REGULAR 1V`~'1~'ETINGS' Off' MAY 18,1.498 •AA~D JUi~E ,'~, 199 Member Petersen noted that the minutes of June 15, Page 3, last paragraph, sentence 2 should read, He suggested that the parking lot be made smaller and that more green space be provided between the Art House and the parking lot. Michael Vincent moved, Barbara Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of May 18, 1998 as presented and the minutes of June 15, 1998 as amended. ll'~A'~`ML _ pi`1VG Items highlighted by Director Vraa included 1208 children participating in the first three days of summer programs, in-line hockey camps and ice shooting/stick handling camps are in full swing, summer adult softball is neazing completion with the fall season following quickly, a craft specialist has been visiting Summer in the Pazk and Wagonful O'Fun sites, a $10,000 grant has been awarded through the Conservation Partners Grant Program, free wood chips are available to Eagan residents, plans for the installation of lighting at Little Goat ballfield is nearing completion, Dakota County STS crew will assist with mulching of trees and planting beds and construction continues at the Lexington/Diflley service buildings. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of July 20, 1998 meeting Page 2 COKSENT AGENDA Michael Vincent moved, Barbara Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendation to the City Council: 1. NOREEN ADDITION -JAMES S. NOREEN • This development shall be responsible for a cash pazks dedication for the newly created lots. • This development shall be responsible for a cash trails dedication for the newly created lots. • Individual lot tree preservation plans shall be required at the time of building permit application for Lot 1 and Lot 3. • The development shall meet its water quality mitigation requirements through payment of a cash dedication in lieu of on-site ponding. The amount of the cash dedication should be based on the area and development intensity of the two new lots that will be created. • Filling or draining of wetlands on the site shall be prohibited. • A variance to the minimum lot area requirements within the shoreland impact zone for Holland Lake shall be granted for Lot 3. 2. LEXINGTON POINTE THIRTEENTH ADDITION - SEMPER DEVELOPMENT, LTD. • This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication: • This development shall be responsible for a cash trails dedication. • This development shall be responsible for a cash water quality dedication. ___ D~VELOPMFNT PROPOSALS DART TRANSIT - RJ. RYAN Director Vraa introduced this item noting that Dart Transit is proposing to construct a 215,000 squaze foot warehouse in Eagandale Corporate Center south of Aldrin Drive. Vraa then addressed both the parks and trails dedication recommendations adding that the developer might consider a soft surface trail along the pond extending from the school property to the south. It was noted that this trail may be difficult to construct because of steep slopes and the possibility of encroachment into the 30 foot wetland setback. Water Resources Coordinator Brasch continued by reviewing the water quality/wetland issues outlined in the staff report along with recommendations by staff. Forestry Supervisor Hove then reviewed tree preservation issues also outlined in the staff report. One correction made by Hove was that mitigation would be 12 Category B trees, or the equivalent Category A or C trees, rather than the 36 Category B trees identified in the staff report. He also noted that the tree mitigation would be in addition to landscaping. Chuck Hall, representing Faithful Shepherd Church, the property directly south of this proposal, stated that when their property was purchased from Dart one of the requirements was that a trail be provided to connect these properties. During their development review they showed a trail to connect azound the wetland on the western portion of this site. Since there is not a trail shown in the Dart Transit plan, there was concern about where the Faithful Shepherd trail would connect. Members Markell and Vincent asked if there would be a way to ensure the internal trail connection for these developments. Director Vraa stated that the Commission could make a recommendation to the City Council, however since internal trails aze not shown in this location in the Master Trails Plan a trail was not recommended as part of the dedication requirement. Both Skyline Displays and Faithful Shepherd have provided trail connections as pazt of their developments, however, grading azound the wetland on the western portion of the site may be difficult, Vraa added. Member Petersen opined that a trail could fit on the east side of the Dart building but that it may not be possible to the west. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of July 20, 1998 Meeting Page 3 Member Johnson asked if the school was required to provide trails as part of their purchase from Dart Properties. Mr. Hall stated they were required, as part of the purchase agreement, to provide trails connecting to properties surrounding their property. The representative from R.J. Ryan stated this was the first time he had heard anything about a potential trail for this development. Member Vincent suggested that a recommendation be made to see if there could be some consistency in providing trails throughout this entire area of developed and developing properties. In response to a question, Director Vraa noted that there aze no trails planned along Aldrin Drive. Following further discussion, Michael Vincent moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding the Dart Transit- R.J. Ryan proposal: 1. This proposal shall be responsible for a cash pazks dedication. 2. This proposal shall be responsible for a cash trails dedication. Staff is recommending denial of the submitted Tree Preservation Plan ntil the following conditions are met: • Indicate on a revised Landscape Plan/Tree Preservation Plan size, species and location of 12 Category B mitigation trees, (or an equivalent combination of category A or Category C trees). These 12 mitigation trees are in addition to any City of Eagan landscape requirements. If all 12 trees cannot fit on this site, they may be installed on other applicant property within the City of Eagan, or a cash mitigation option may be applied. • Indicate on a revised Grading Plan and a revised Tree Preservation Plan proposed grading limits and the location and type of Tree Protection fence. Tree Protection Fence is to be placed at the edge of the Critical Root Zone (a distance of one foot per inch of tree trunk diameter). • Indicate on a revised Tree Preservation Plan site/soil restoration efforts in azeas where trees aze to be preserved (areas east and southeast of the building, where trees are indicated to be preserved, have had fill brought in over the Critical Root Zone, this fill must be removed to original grade). 4. All runoff from impervious areas shall be directed to existing detention basins for treatment as per the master drainage plan for the development. 5. An ungraded, un-maintained buffer extending at least 30 feet back from the delineated edge of all wetlands on the site shall be preserved. 6. The erosion and sediment control provisions identified on the grading plan dated June 30, 1998 shall be followed. 7. All graded azeas with a slope greater than 4:1 shall be permanently established in a native perennial grass cover using MnDOT seed mix 20A or equivalent and that this vegetation be left in an un- maintained condition. 8. The Advisory Commission suggests that all the owners of property purchased from Dart (including Faithful Shepherd and Skyline Displays) look at providing continuity to an internal trail system. Apparently Dart made that a requirement of some of their purchase agreements and the Commission felt it would be beneficial if all property owners were subject to the same requirements. The Master Trails Plan does not show trails through this area which is why a trails recommendation was not made. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of July 20, 1998 Meeting Page 4 BIETER PROPERTY PROPOSAL Following a brief discussion, Terry Davis moved, Michael Vincent seconded with all members voting in favor to reaffirm the Commission's previous recommendations relative to the general conditions for site development for this property as a framework upon which specific conditions and detailed plans can be developed. Lll ~U UNITED METHODIST CHURCH SHARED PARKING PROPOSAL Director Vraa reminded the Commission that they had heazd a request from Advent United Methodist Church in June to consider developing a joint pazking lot. The church proposed to create a new entrance that would align with Northview Park Road to enhance the safety of access to both the church and Patrick Eagan Pazk. Director Vraa noted that the park area proposed for parking is currently being used as a tree nursery. Although this location has worked well for that purpose, the trees can be relocated into other pazks. It was noted that a preliminary estimate for development of the pazking lot was projected in the range of $175,000-200,000. Advent United Methodist Church was planning to provide a proposal for cost sharing however, one has not been provided to date, Vraa stated. He added that the church is planning a neighborhood meeting for July 30 to advise them of their proposal. Member Johnson asked if there were other sites for the nursery to be relocated. Director Vraa responded that some of the larger trees would need to be moved to various pazks for landscape enhancements but that the smaller ones would be lost. It has been anticipated that the nursery would be removed to accommodate future development of Patrick Eagan Pazk. Needed tree stock will be purchased from nurseries in the future. SKYLINE DISPLAYS PARK UPDATE Director Vraa noted that Skyline Displays has been working on their site following the recent storm damage. Staff has not received further information to date relative to Discovery Pazk. DON GRANT OFFER TO SELL Director Vraa reviewed the background of this request noting that the pazcel referenced is located on the northern border of Moonshine Park. The four key azeas that comprise Mr. Grant's 3.76 acre pazcel were also reviewed along with the competitive market analysis prepared by three realtors. Vraa concluded that Mr. Grant is proposing to sell this property for $240,000. Mr. Grant has also unsuccessfully attempted to sell the landlocked property to the west of the pond to his neighbor that abuts it. Don Grant, 1275 Towerview Road stated he purchased this property in 1961 and built his home in 1962. The pond to the west of his property was dry at that time but with time and run-off from future development azound his property the pond held water on a regulaz basis. When Donneywood developed, Mr. Grant continued, the developer indicated his willingness to fill in a portion of the pond to allow access to the western land locked area. Requests from surrounding residents to have city water and sewer brought to their properties have prompted Mr. Grant's decision to sell his property. Issues regarding the level of water in the pond that continue to landlock the western portion of his property aze addressed in his letter to City Administrator Hedges. Mr. Grant opined that since Moonshine Park is not developed and may not be for some time yet, this may be a perfect opportunity for the City to acquire his property to allow for development of Moonshine Park along with a public access point to LeMay Lake. He also noted that the proposed ring road could provide another potential connection to this pazk in the future. Mr. Grant expressed his willingness to remove the swimming pool on his property should the City decide to acquire it. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of July 20, 1998 Meeting Page 5 He also noted that should the City not buy the property at this time and he should have water and sewer put in, the lot could be split and sold for much more. He reiterated the significance of providing a potential public access to LeMay Lake should the City acquire his property. Member Vincent asked if there would be time to defer this item to the Acquisition/Development Sub- committee for future review and recommendation citing the need to view this property as it fits into the overall pazk plan. Mr. Grant reiterated the value of this lake access to the public and that he is ready to sell his property and would like to proceed as quickly as possible. Vincent stated that the Commission may make a recommendation that Moonshine Park stay undeveloped. Mr. Grant stated that the City would still have to deal with the landlocked parcel since it was his opinion that the drainage from surrounding development created the problem. If the land to the west of the pond were not landlocked, Grant opined that it would be worth $50,000. He suggested that if the entire property was not purchased by the City that the City should purchase the landlocked parcel for $25,000 and then fix the drainage issue. After further brief discussion, Michael Vincent moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to defer this issue to the Acquisition/Development Sub-committee to further review the pros and cons of potential acquisition of Don Grant's property. It was determined that the sub-committee would meet on August 10, 1998 at 5:00 p.m. at the site for a tour followed by a meeting with Mr. Grant to discuss options. PARKS DEVELOPMENT UPDATE Parks Planner/Landscape Architect Lilly noted that the grading and retaining wall was completed at Walden Heights Pazk. The turf is expected to be established in August and landscape boulders donated by Lundgren Brothers have been put into place. ~WAT1~12'RESC}UI~CIS ~l'PI~AT EDUCATION SURVEY RESULTS Coordinator Brasch reviewed the memo provided in the packet regazding the results of the water resources education survey. Following the 1994 cooperative water resources education program with Dakota County a follow-up phone survey was conducted. In October, 1997 a second survey was done to compare the level of knowledge and behavior profiles in individual cities with those for the County as a whole. The analysis was completed and Brasch reviewed the fmdings outlined in his staff report with the Commission ~T1~;R1~U5INE~S AI~D'1FEP STORM DAMAGE/OAK WILT UPDATE Forestry Supervisor Hove provided an in-depth staff report regazding the significant storm damage and the impact on the spread of oak wilt disease. He noted that the storms damaged or destroyed as much as 4,000 trees in the city. Potential reforestation ideas were presented for future consideration. Member Johnson asked what the first signs of oak wilt were. Hove responded that the disease results in the tree shutting off the vessels that carry food throughout the tree which chokes off the whole system. This results in the leaves wilting from the outside in, which is the first sign of the disease. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of July 20, 1998 Meeting Page 6 1999 BUDGET Director Vraa stated that staff is currently working on the 1999 budget for Council review. Currently the Government Buildings and Forestry portions of the budget are completed. Vraa added that if Commission Members have specific questions or if there is a specific request that should be incorporated for consideration they should let him know as soon as possible. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES Member Petersen stated that the Natural Resources Sub-committee met on July 8 with a group of residents wanting to enhance the pond in their neighborhood. After further information is received, the sub-committee will continue to review this request before bringing it to the Advisory Commission: POOL UPDATE Director Vraa provided a brief update of the aquatic facility that Commission Members visited prior to the meeting. He shared the elevations of the buildings and where the outdoor shower area would be. It was noted that much of the work would be completed this year but that the landscaping, fencing, slides and decking would be completed in the spring. As a fmal note, Vraa stated that the wading pool would close on August 2 and be removed the following week. SET MEETING FOR ACQUISITION/DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE The Acquisition/Development Sub-committee set a meeting for August 10, 1998 at 5:00 p.m. to discuss the request from Don Grant to purchase his property as well as to continue discussion of the Advent United Methodist Church shared parking request. STORM REFORESTATION COMMITTEE Director Vraa stated that the City Council had requested that a Storm Reforestation Committee be convened to discuss how to proceed with a plan to re-forest the City after the significant tree loss over the last few years. The Council is looking for two representatives from the Advisory Parks Commission, Vraa added. Chapman Markell stated he had received a letter from City Administrator Hedges requesting that someone representing the Advisory Commission attend a meeting on July 27`~ at 4:30 p.m. Members volunteering to participate on the committee included Lee Markell, Daryle Petersen and Michael Vincent. Member Davis referenced the City Council's recent decision to provide $75,000 toward the YMCA's teen center. Stating that the Commission wrestled with the issue at great length before recommending that the Council look at the option of providing a teen center location at the Civic Arena, Davis wondered what happened. Director Vraa clarified that the Y had approached the Council for a decision since they needed to proceed with their plans. The Council had expressed the opinion that the $75,000 investment was a good one to allow for this teen use but it did not preclude the Council from moving forward with a recommendation to provide another/other locations for teens to meet. With no further business to conduct, Michael Vincent moved, Barbara Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. f ~ ~~ Secretary Date