08/17/1998 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 17,1998 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on August 17, 1998 with the following Commission Members present: Terry Davis, Jerry Farlee, N. Mark Filipi, Barbara Johnson, Bonnie Karson, Lee Marken, Daryle Petersen, John Rudolph and Michael Vmcent. Commission Member George Kubik was not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Rich Brasch, Water Resources Coordinator; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; CJ Lilly, Park Planner/I,andscape Architect; Paula Nowariak, Recreation Supervisor and Cheryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. Recreation Supervisor Nowariak introduced Julie Kugler who has been a part of recreation programs for the past 10 years. Julie has served in almost every capacity in providing excellent recreational opportunities to Eagan's youth. Nowariak continued that Julie is currently an elementary school teacher in Savage. Nowariak thanked Julie for her 10 years of service and presented her with a plaque recognizing her aceomplishment. John Rudolph moved, Michael Vincent seconded with all members voting in favor to approve the agenda as presented. John Rudolph moved, Jerry Farlee seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of July 20, 1998 as presented There were no visitors that wished to be heard under this agenda item. Items highlighted by Director Vraa included the Eagan Arts and Humanities Council receiving S 1,000 from the proceeds of Express Fest, the hiring of Sonya Rippe as Sports Program Supervisor, the hiring of Becky Schmid as the new skating school director, the hiring of Brad Eller to take over for Loudi Rivamonte during her maternity leave, plans that are underway for the Lone Oak Days festival September 18 and 19, post season grading and leveling of infields is nearing completion, and the completion of mulching and landscape beds by the County STS crew. Michael Vincent moved, Barbara Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council relative to CSM Properties Final Planned Development: This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication. This development shall be responsible for a cash trails dedication. There were no development proposals for the Commission to review. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of August 17, 1998 Page 2 OLD BII31NES5 ADVENT UNITED METHODIST CHURCH SHARED PARKING Director Vraa provided background of this issue noting that the church is seeking permission to develop a joint access and shared parking lot at Patrick Eagan Park. He added that the Commission had indicated its willingness to work cooperatively with the church pending further review, resolution of cost sharing and clarification of engineering issues. The Commission then referred this item to the Acquisition/Development Subcommittee which met on Monday, August 10. The church in the meantime notified adjacent property owners of their intention to expand and held a neighborhood meeting on August 6s'. Three neighbors attended that meeting and voiced no objections, however, staff received a call asking when this item would appear on the Commission agenda since there were several neighbors opposed to the parking lot expansion in the park. The petition received asked that Patrick Eagan Park remain natural and that the perking lot not intrude into the existing nursery. Vraa continued that the church proposed sharing the cost if the project were to proceed. Their Ixoposal suggested the church be responsible for 75% of the Civil Engineering Design, 100% of closing existing access off Lexington Avenue, 25% of adding 84 new pazking spaces on Eagan property, 100% of any work on church property, 100% of snow removal for snowfalls 3 inches or greater and 100% of sealing and repair to church property. They propose that the City be responsible for 25% of the Civil Engineering Desigq 100% of the new access off Lexington Avenue at Northview Park Road, 75% of adding 84 new parking spaces on Eagan property, 100% of landscaping on City property, 100% of sealing and repairs on City property and the City attorney would draft all legal documents for church review. The sub-committee discussed the possibility of a phased approach to development. It was noted that because the park does not have a master plan, it is uncertain as to how much parking will be needed They could opt to build none, or only a portion of the parking lot at this time until a plan is developed for the perk, Vraa added. Sara Kelsenberg, azchitect for Advent United Methodist Church stated that any proposed expansion to the church would require additional parking per City Code. Based on the expansion plan by the church they would be required to provide 143 parking spaces. It has been the church's opinion that shared parking would provide reduced parking needs for both the church and the City. in an attempt to soften the impact of the site to adjacent properties, Ms. Kelsenberg continued that although the northwestern parking lot would require a minimum setback of 5 feet from the residents to the west, they are providing a 31 foot buffer, a berm, and landscaping to mitigate the fence that will be installed. They will also exceed the 5% planting island requirement (15%) along with maintaining 59% green space on the site should they be able to provide for shared parking. Member Davis asked how many parking spaces were in the west parking lot. Ms. Kelsenberg responded there are 32 spaces shown. Member Petersen asked what Engineering's response was to the access realignment. Ms. Kelsenberg responded that since this is a county road, they are very pleased about the realignment. She added that there would be a shared turn lane in the center as well. David Carey, 3920 Westbury Way indicated he lives to the west of the proposed western parking lot. He stated they currently have a problem with water drainage from the church's site and eacpressed cencern about adding more impervious surface. Ms. Kelsenberg stated that staff is recommending a storm water retention pond on site to help with the drainage. The church will also be installing catch basins in the west parking lot along with providing a berm to limit water ran-off to the west. Member Petersen asked if there were options for the location of the storm water pond and, once the water drained into Patrick Eagan Park, would there be problems with the bounce in the pond it was draining to. Water Resources Coordinator Branch explained that there is substantial drainage into McCarthy Lake currently and that the drainage from this site will not significantly affect the bounce. He did note that the drainage would connect to an existing storm sewer, drain into the on-site pond before discharging into McCarthy Lake. Ms. Kelsenberg added that there is an existing storm sewer that nms north/south on Lexington Avenue or east/west just south of the existing Art House. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of August 17, 1998 Page 3 Mary Elsenheimer, 3912 Westbury Way asked if the parking lot on the west was considered shared parking. Ms. Kelsenberg said that theoretically it could be included as shared parking if both parties agree. Chris Neksoq 1099 Northview Park Road addressed the Commission stating she lives on the northeast corner of Lexington Avenue and Northview Park Road She noted that she had solicited signatures for the petition asking that the church's expanded parking not continue onto park property. She shared photos of the existing park and nursery site as viewed from the northeast corner and southeast corner of Lexington Avenue and Northview Park Road Additional photos showed the existing road entrance and current parting area at Patrick Eagan Park noting that there is little parking visible. She opined that there is no need for extra parking now at the park and questioned if the church's parking lot is ever so full that cars need to park on the grassy area. Ms. Nelson shared some photos where a parking lot was digitally placed to show what it would look like to surrounding residences, specifically her home. She opined that by removing the trees and nursery area in Patrick Eagan Park her property would be depreciated and she wanted to guarantee the resale value of her home. She further demanded that if a parking lot does go in on park property that it have curb appeal so as not to negatively affect her property. Ms. Nelson continued that parting lots in other community parks are internal to the park, not along a main road She also used Dodge Nature Center as an example of internal perking. A parking lot location to the west of the Art House was shown as an alternative for consideration. Ms. Nelson stated that Advent United is asking for convenient parking for their self-serving purposes with no regard for the surrounding residents. She opined that they haven't addressed the safety issue of parking so close to Lexington Road, that this shared parting will be an extra liability to the taxpayers and that there should be a clear separation of church and state. She stated that Advent United does not pay tax dollars to tbe City, therefore, should not have input into any parting on public property. She suggested that the church consider adding more services and hold classes at different times so that their current parking can fit their needs. Suggestions offered by Ms. Nelson inchuied addressing the speeding issue on Lexington Avemie by reducing the speed to 35 MPH from Cliff Road to Yankee boodle Road, provide a right turn only exit from the church onto Lexington Avenue and provide a stop sign on Lexington Avenue at Northview Park Road and again at Westbury Drive. She reiterated that if she must took at a parking lot, she wanted to tmow how the City will guarantee that the property value will be maintained In conclusioq Ms. Nelson reiterated the priorities of the petition; safety for residents, maintain or increase property values, mandatory curb appeal and the residents should have first priority over cluuch guest requests. Also, if a parking lot is a giveq she asked that the nursery/green space not be given up but that the parking be placed to the west of the Art House. Don Elsenheimer, 3912 Westbury Way noted that although there was sparse attendance at the church/neighborhood meeting it should not be misconstrued to mean the residents were not interested. He welcomed the opportunity to work with the church and the City on this proposal and appreciated the church's desire to place a berm between the western parking lot and the residences. He opined that the western parking location cannot be used for shared parking because of the City Code that specifies that a proposed joint parking space shall be within 400 feet of the main entrance of the use it will serve. He also opined that although the church has moved the western setback to 31 feet and there will be a berm with a fence, the vegetation will only be placed on the east side of the fence which means the residents to the west will only see a fence and not vegetation. He suggested that should the City proceed with a joint parking lot that all city codes be enforced for the development and that the City ensure that the same rules apply to both parking lots. Hawn Simpsoq 3980 Lexington Avenue stated that she lives directly across Lexington Avenue from the Art House. As background she noted that the five acres that currently encompass the Art House and nursery were previously privately owned. The City purchased the property from Lillian McCarthy and provided her with a life estate so she could remain in the home as long as she chose. The lxoperty only became park property within the last few years following Mrs. McCarthy's death. The nursery was planted only after the City purchased the property. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of August 17, 1998 Page 4 Having been a resident of the area since 1984, Ms. Simpson noted that a significant amount of traffic that uses the current internal parking for Patrick Eagan Park is usually using the park after hours and not for nature walks or fishing Relative to the traffic on Lexington, Ms. Simpson stated that residents have addressed the speed issue with the County in the past but the County feels this is an appropriate speed for this road She agreed that re- aligning the access with Northview Park Road would create a safer situation. The issue of stop signs and/or stop lights at Northview has always been an issue. Ms. Simpson thought that when Lexington was upgraded the wiring for lights was placed under the road in anticipation of a lighted intersection The only other question Ms. Simpson brought up was who would be responsible for the maintenance and snow plowing if this was a joint parking lot. A resident on Westbury Way stated that the church has been a good neighbor. His concern was for the potential drainage problem onto the properties west of the western parking lot. He would also like to see hours of parting posted in both lots. Sara Kelsenberg stated that they did not want to put in a berm if it would create a drainage issue. They will go back to the engineers and make sure that what they are proposing will not create a problem for adjacent resides. Ms. Kelsenberg clarified that the church warrts to build a new sanctuary but in order to build the size they need, City Code requires that they provide 143 parking spaces. Although the church can provide all 143 parking spaces on their property, they thought it would be more aesthetically pleasing to provide more green space and consider shared parking so that neither the City nor the church had to provide excessive parking. The plan, as shown, provides for a total of 200 parking spaces. Member Mazkell, noting that 143 parkng spaces are needed for the church's expansion, asked how much parking would be needed at build out. Ms. Kelsenberg responded that the need wouldn't excced the 200 parking spaces shown. Mary Elsenheimer asked if the retention pond was an issue. Ms. Kelsenberg stated that the City may or may not require a storm water detention pond. In either case, catch basins would be installed to direct run-off into the existing storm sewer. Ms. Elsenheimer asked how large the parting spaces were. Ms. Kelsenberg responded that the City prefers a k0' x 20' size, however 9' x 18' is the minimum size. Jerry Ward, representing the Building Committee of Advent United Methodist Church reiterated that this is a proposal only. The church is attempting to see whether this is a doable plan or not. They would, however, like to take their expansion plans through the process next yeaz. To answer some of the questions raised, Mr. Ward explained that there are 4-6 times a year when the parking lot may be full. Currently, in some cases, people have to leave the church because the perking lot is full. He also explained that there would not be another night to move activities to. It was also noted that the County has expressed interest in closing the existing entrance to Patrick Eagan Park Mr. Ward concluded that the church will certainly have further meetings with residents and that their biggest concern is noaintauting safety by re-aligning the entrance to the church with Northview Park Road. Member Petersen noted that it was very helpful to get feedback from everyone. Understanding that this proposal is very preliminary, Peterson opined that the safety issue of Lexington Avenue seems to be the highest priority and it provides an opportunity to partner with the community. He liked the plan to move parting to the west of the Art House and suggested that that option be considered. He also noted that the storm water issue needs further engineering review and suggested that landscaping be considered on the west side of the fence adjacent to the western parking kot. Member Vincent reiterated that this review is early in the process but agn~d that the parking lot should have curb appeal. He too lil~ed the parking lot placed to the west of the Art House but stated that the church, City and neighbors need to work together to create a shared parting opportunity. Member Markell asked if the existing access to the Art House would be closed.. Director Vraa explained that the McCarthy property was acquired in 1989 and Mrs. McCarthy allowed the nursery to be planted on the northern portion of the property. The plan has always been to remove the nursery when Patrick Fagan Park was developed Vraa also noted that when Advent United Methodist Church fast built their church it was the County's desire that their access be aligned with Northview Park Road, however that laitid was owned by Lillian McCarthy so the Northview Road alignment could not occur. The County has always preferred one access to the site so it was assumed that the existing entrance into Patrick Eagan Park would be closed at some time. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of August 17. 1998 Page 5 Director Vraa continued that the Commission has been consistent in trying to reduce impervious surface whenever possible and shared parking was seen as a compromise. He also noted that for water quality it is preferred that ponding occur on-site before discharging into McCarthy Lake. This could happen with a shared parking concept. Regarding the issue of a joint parking lot, Vraa noted that the City does not have to give permission to anyone to use a City parking lot since it is public; the advantage to shared parking would be primarily to the City. Since there is no master plan for Patrick Eagan Park, it is difficult to determine parking needs. Vraa continued that the Art House is a temporary situation that currently provides program opportunities. Although the Council asked the Commission to initiate a master plan for Patrick Eagan Park in 1998, other projects slated for 1998 have postponed the master planning, Vraa added Member Markell asked how the City could police the shared parking Vraa responded that the City can police City property but cannot dictate policy for the church's property. Vraa paraphrased that the church was asking the Commission how they would ldce to see this project proceed; phase in the parking lot(s), realign the entrance, provide ponding on-site when devekopment occurs, etc. Member Vincent suggested another meeting between the church and residents to incorporate some of the comments and suggestions from this meeting. Member Markell opined that it is premature to build parkng for Patrick Eagan Pads now. Member Petersen suggested phasing in the entrance realignment and perhaps provide the 21 parking directly north of the access. Member Davis concurred with providing the realignment but suggested that the next plan not show any parking on City property. Ms. Ketsenberg clarified that the group is looking for other schemes that show the entrance realignment and no parting. Member Petersen clarified that he would like to see the 21 parking stalls shown. After further discussion, Michael Vincent moved, Daryle Petersen seconded a motion to change the entrance to align with Northview Park Road, recommend phased in parking and allow consideration of parking on Park)?r~m'• Member Travis reiterated the need to address safety issues to allow the realignment. He suggested that other proposals be drawn up showing proof of parking and the stormwater detention basin as well as providing green space along Lexington Avenue to buffer the parting lot. Director Vraa responded to a question by stating that the actual plan review will go through the Planning Department. The only item that will Ixoceed to the City Council will be the realignment of the access to the site. The motion was called Those voting Aye included Barbara Johnson, Lee Marken, John Rudolph, Daryle Petersen, Michael Vincent and Bonnie Karson. Those voting Nay included Terry Davis, Jerry Farkee and N. Mark Filipi. The motion passed. DON GIltANT REQUEST TO PURCHASE PROPERTY Director Vraa provided a brief background of this issue noting that the Acxluisition/Development Sub- committee met on site on August 11'~ to review the property before their discussion. He noted that the sub- committee met again prior to this meeting for further review and that staff was recently made aware that this item will appear on the August 18 City Council agenda. The Council will be looking for a recommendation from the Commission, Vraa concluded Don Grant a~ressed the Commission and reiterated many of his comments from the July meeting. He opined that since he is planning to sell his property, this would be an excellent acquisition for the City to allow the expansion and development of Moonshine Park. He continued that since there is no park in this area, one is needed and he felt it would be relatively inexpensive for the City to acquire his property. He proposed parting off Jurdy to provide access along the south side of the lake. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of August l7, 1998 Page 6 Member Petersen asked what the thoughts were of the sub-committee. Member Markell stated they favored acquisition. Michael Vincent moved, Bonnie Karson seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend to the City Council that the City acquire Don Grant's property. SKYLINE DLSPLAYS UPDATE Director Vraa stated there was no new information to share regarding this development. A meeting has been scheduled for August 26`x. FAITHFUL SHEPHERD FIELD USE AGREEMENT Director Vraa stated that the Commission had reviewed and tentatively approved the concept of developing a shared field use agreement as appropriate park dedication for the Faithful Shepherd School. The draft was enclosed in the packet for Commission review. Member Vincent asked if the issue of capital improvements had been addressed. Director Vraa stated that would be the responsibility of the school. Member Davis confirmed that the church owns the property. Member Vincent asked what would happen to the facilities should the property be sold. Member Petersen opined that the agreement should have a clause stipulating that should the school be sold to another school that the field use agreement could be maintained with the City. Following further brief discussion, Terry Davis moved, Michael Vmcevt seconded with all members voting in favor to approve the draft field use agreement based on the stipulation that the attorney review the option of including a successor clause. Mr. Chuck Hall, representing the school, stated that their board has had some discussions regarding this agreement and with a few minor questions remaining, the attorneys for both sides should be able to resolve any outstanding issues. He added that the trail in the original agreement will be a part of this development and they are working with adjacent neighbors regarding the internal trails. There were no items under New Business for the Commission to discuss. Landscape Architect/Parks Planner Lilly stated that conce~ landscape plans have been done to reduce the site lines of the pool from adjacent property owners. Staff is also working with the landscape architect for the library to work on the buffer area on their site as well. The sigoage and landscape plan for Walden Heights is being worked on for implementation in 1999. Water Resources Coordinator Brasch stated that the dosing station at Fish Lake if luogressing very well. He noted that the water clarity has increased from 3%z feet to 5 feet in 2 weeks. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of August 17, 1998 Page 7 Relative to Pond JP 26.3, Brasch stated that discussion to increase the water level of this pond will occur with maintenance to see if this could be a viable option He suggested that a Natural Resources Sub-committee meeting be set to discuss this issue further. Member Markell asked about the change in water clarity at this time of year, particularly as it impacts Fish Lake. Branch responded that typically the water clarity begins at up to 8 feet in the spring and is usually down to 2%Z - 3 feet in August. The increased clarity in Fish Lake shows that the dosing station may have been a good experiment. REFORESTATION CONIlVIITTEE UPDATE Forestry Supervisor Hove stated that the reforestation committee has met twice and four sub-committee have been established from those meetings. He continued that the committee has selected "Eagan Forever Green" as the theme for this project. The plan of action is to plant 5,000 trees by the end of 1999; 1,000 in the fall of 1998, 3,000 in the spring of 1999 and 1,000 in the fall of 1999. They have determined that the species will most likely be oak, maple, ash and linden, all native to Minnesota. The trees will be potted and approximately 1" in diameter. This fall's distribution is scheduled for October 17, 1998 at Rahn Park, Trapp Farm Park and Pilot Knob Elementary. In additioq 5,000 seedlings will be available for residents to purchase. Member Davis commented on the letter received from a resident regarding Loreq Kelly and Stan from the Forestry Division. He thanked Hove for the good job he and his staff have done, specifically following the storm. SUBCONIIVIITTEE UPDATES 'There were no sub-committee updates to be presented. Member Davis suggested that the AcquisitionJDevelopment Subcommittee set a meeting date to work on the CIP for next year. Director Vraa stated that this fall would be a good time to begin that work POOL UPDATE Having visited the site prior to the meeting, Director Vraa added that the first major concrete pour will begin on August 18. He also noted that the Grand Opening for the Civic Arena East and Ground Breaking for the Aquatic Facility is scheduled for September 13. Several events are planned and the public is invited to attend There were not items under Round Table for discussion. With no further business to conduct, Michael Vmcent moved, Barbara Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Secretary Date