10/19/1998 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 19,1998 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m on October 19, 1998 with the following Commission Members present: Terry Davis, N. Mark Filipi, Barbara Johnson, Bonnie Karson, George Kubik, Lee Mazkell, Daryle Petersen, John Rudolph, and Michael Vincent. Member Jerry Fazlee was not present. Staff present included Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superinendent; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor, CJ Lilly, Parks Planner, and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. Forestry Supervisor Hove provided a brief background of the work done by Pack 344 regarding the Johnrry Elm Seed Program to establish an American Ehn nursery in the City of Eagan. Photos were shared of the scouts participating in the program. Hove stated that this is one of a very few nurseries that have been established in Minnesota as part of this program. He concluded by presenting a plaque to Larry Koricek who in turn recognized and thanked the scouts for their efforts. Those recognized included Peter Koricek, Justin Fennert, Mike Goff, Andrew Grabow, Adam Cepek and Josh Cepek Michael Vincent moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 10,1998 Barbara Johnson moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of September 10, 1998 as presented There were no residents who wished to address the Commission under this agenda item Forestry Supervisor Hove recapped the successful distribution of 1,000 trees as part of the Forever Green project. Superintendent Peterson commented on the plans that are beginning for the winter offerings that will be part of the winter brochure, final preparations for the Halloween Treat and Terror Trails and School's Out activities planned for youth on October 15 and 16. Superintendent Olson added that maintenance staff is shutting of water at various park locations for the season. There were no Consent Agenda items for the Commission to review. There were no development proposals for the Commission to review. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 19, 1998 Page 2 Q~~.?.~tT3INE~S SKYLINE DISPLAYS UPDATE There was no update on the Skyline Displays project for the Commission to review. FLOYD FORSBERG REQUEST Superintendent Olson provided background for this issue noting that in June, 1978 Outlot B was dedicated as pert of the Oak Pond Hills 2°d Addition by Lexington South, Inc. At that time it was proposed that a trail would be placed within this outlot as a link to Lebanon Hills Regional Park, however one has not been built to date. As a past principal of Lexington South, Inc., Mr. Forsberg approached the City to see if Outlot B could be turned back to him for potential development of single family residential. The request has been reviewed by the Planning Department and City Attorney, both of whom have opined they see no reason to turn the property back. Floyd Forsberg, 4555 Lenore Lane stated he is a 25 year resident of Eagan and has been a builder/~veloper. He noted that at the time Oak Pond Hills 2~ Addition was proposed, Barb Schmidt, Parks Director requested the parks dedication to connect to Lebanon Hills. Mr. Forsberg opined that it was the intention of the City Council to return this property to the developer should the trail not be installed. He further stated that he has reviewed potential development of this site with both the planning and engineering divisions to ensure that it could accommodate single family development. Forsberg added that it would cost approximately X35-40,000 to develop this site but that it could then provide added tax base to the City. He asked that the Commission consider his request and agree to return the outlot to him for development. Member Petersen asked if Lexington South, Inc. has transferred their ownership rights to anyone. Mr. Forsberg responded that he has not been able to reach Ed Dunn who was a principal of Lexington South, Inc. Mr. Forsberg suggested that since he was a signatory on the plat that the outlot be returned to him. Member Petersen reiterated that the Ciiy needs to ensure that the rightful owner be contacts regarding this property. Member Vincent asked what the community would gain from returning this property since it's the Commission's charge is to look after the best interests of the City as a whole. Mr. Forsberg responded that it would gain additional tax base; He also added that City Attorney Sheldon is ready to research this further if directed to cb so. Member Rudolph expressed several concerns. The first question was relative to the statute of limitation for this issue, concern for setting a precedent, the value of the land now versus 20 years ago and if the land is sold by the City do the dollars go back to the Park Site Fund Superintendent Olson suggested that the Commission consider first whether or not they were interested in entertaining the idea of returning this property. This land is shown as a trail connection in the most current Park System Plan and Olson stated that there should be a consensus of the Commission before arty legal review is recommended Member Kubik opined that the Commission should keep options available adding that it has been the general policy of the City not to sell or give back parkland Considering the changes that will occur in the city in future years, Kubik suggested that the parcel remain as park property. After further brief discussion, Terry Davis moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to deny the request to return Outlot B, Oak Pond Hills 2nd Addition to Floyd Forsberg. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 19, 1998 Page 3 v pus s CIP Superintendent Peterson stated that the Commission is asked to recommend park improvement projects for 1999 to be fiu-ded from the Park Site Fund and to forecast the possible projects for improvements beyond 1999 to the year 2003. Since the Commission reviewed this at a previous workshop, Peterson asked if they wished to have further discussion or simply reaffirm their previous recommendations. Barbara Johnson moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor recommend to the City council the 1999 proposed projects and projected projects through 2003 as outlined in the staff memo dated October 8, 1988. Member Markell clarified that the recommendations made for 2000 through 2003 will be reviewed again on an annual basis during the CIl' review process. ffiGHVIEW PARK REQUEST Superinendent Peterson stated that a petition had been received requesting a portable toilet and park property markers at llighview Park Peterson continued that the department's current policy is to place portable toilets in neighborhood parks during the time fi times of Department programs and EAA scheduled activities. They are then removed after the conclusion of the programmed activities. ff the City would provide this service to all neighborhood parks that have playgrounds, it would add 151ocations, which would conceivably double the expenditure for portable toilets. Although staff understands the immediate needs of small children in parks, adding these additional facilities would need to be reviewed by the Commission primarily because of the financial implications. Kay Duffy, 1582 Stephanie Circle, stated that Highview Park gets used all year long with as many as 20 people there at one time. Ms. Duffy continued that they live 3 blocks from the park and find it difficult to get back home in time if one of her children needs to use a rest room. Responding to a question of cost, Superintendent Olson stated that there is more to consider than just the montlily charge. For example, if they get tipped over or vandalized there are additional fees. Additional charges apply also to added features for each component. Staff has come up with an enclosure that makes it difficult for it to be tipped over, however each enclosure costs approximately $300. When the units are vandalized (burned) the City typically is billed between $500-1,000 each year. These are costs that are above and beyond the monthty rental fee. Superintendent Olson stated there is also an issue as to where the unit should be placed. Many people do not want it visible from their home. Since neighborhood parks are typically surrounded by residential homes, it has been difficult at times to come up with a location for placement. Ms. Duffy stated that the park is recessed and suggested that the portable toilet be located near the tennis court so that it could be chained to the fence. That way it would be more difficult to tip over. Member Petersen shared the concern of parents of small children needing to use a rest room while playing in the park, however opined that the policy as a whole should be reviewed prior to malting a decision in this particular case. Member Markell suggested placing portable units at some parks for 3-4 months and vary the times at other locations. Member Davis stated the need to establish criteria for expanded placement of portable toilets. After further brief discussion, George Kubik moved and Teny Davis seconded a motion to deny the request for placement of a portable toilet at Highview Park and deferred the item to the Recreation Subcommittee for further evaluation. Those voting Aye included Terry Davis, N Mark Filipi, Barbara Johnsoq Bonnie Karsoq George Kubik, Daryle Petersen and John Rudolph. Those voting Nay included Lee Markell and Michael Vincent. The motion passed. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 19, 1998 Page 4 Ms. Duffy asked for clarification of her second request; marking the boundaries of the park. She asked for clarification since it appears that the ballfield is located on private property. Superintendent Olson reviewed the layout of the park noting that because of its disjointed appearance, one may get the feeling that the ballfield is very close to private property. He did clarify that the ballfield was part of the park, however. Superintendent Olson added that there is an on-going program to identify park boundaries throughout the City. Member Johnson asked if Highview Park could be identified as a priority for that program. Paul Olson indicated that this park would be included as a priority in the park boundary identification program. There were no parks development update items for the Commission. There were no water resources update items for the Commission. GPS PARK INVENTORY Due to technical difficulties, this item was deferred until November. SUBCONIIVIITTEE UPDATES There were no subcommittee updates. AQUATIC FACILITY UPDATE Superintendent Peterson explained that the first lift of blacktop has been placed on the pool parking lots. Superintendent Olson added that the foundation for the buildings have been poured, 40-50,000 square yards of concrete are yet to be poured and the interior landscaping bid has been completed. Forestry Supervisor Hove stated that the library plantings on the north side of the aquatic facility will be pines/spruce for screening and staff will be planting around and near the parking lots with half of the work being done this fall and the balance next spring. The date for the Recreation Subcommittee meeting was set for November 9, 1998 at 5:00 p.m. Member Davis asked that the Commission be involved when the City Council meets with Skyline Displays. He also asked for a-mail addresses for Department gaff. With no further business to conduct, John Rudolpd~ moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Secretary Date