11/16/1998 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 16, 1998 A regular meeting of the Advisory Pazks Commission was called to order at 7:OOp.m. on November 16, 1998with the following Commission Members present: Terry Davis, N. Mazk Filipi, Bazbaza Johnson, Bonnie Kazson, George Kubik, Lee Marken, Daryle Petersen, John Rudolph and Michael Vincent. Member Jerry Farlee was not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Pazks Superintendent; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; CJ Lilly, Pazks Planner; Adam Kent, Intern and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. APPROVAL OFAGENDA Bazbaza Johnson moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. iNTR01~-CTCTJOAI Old' NSW STAN' Superintendent Peterson introduced Donna Tilsner to the Commission noting that she was hired to fill the new Programs and Special Events Supervisor position. This position is responsible for staffmg and supervising the winter warming house shelters which aze scheduled to open in min-late December, Peterson noted. Director Vraa then introduced Kristi Organ, Aquatic Facility Manager who has already begun the task of soliciting personnel and establishing policies and procedures for the new facility. Vraa noted that Kristi Organ was with the City of Minnetonka in the past, as was Donna Tilsner, and both have extensive experience in their specific areas. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF`RFG)L,,4R MEETING Ol} O~CTOI3ER 19, ~. Member Johnson asked for the following clarification and addition regarding the Highview Pazk request on Page 4, Paragraph 1: "Paul Olson indicated that this park would be included as a priority in the park boundary identification program." Michael Vincent moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes as amended. VISITORS TO B~ HEARD There were no residents who wished to address the Commission under this agenda item. DEPAIt'I'~NT NAPI'~NING Items highlighted by Director Vraa included the installation of the new field lighting system on Goat Hill minor league field, the near completed construction of the pavilion at Lexington Diffley, plans are nearly completed for the removal of snow from designated pathways, the Halloween Treat and Terror Trail were successful and everyone enjoyed the beautiful weather, the winter issue of Discover Us! is in residents' homes and staff is still recruiting for winter seasonal positions. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 16, 1998 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA There were no Consent Agenda items for the Commission to review. DEVEI~flPMENT 1~RQPU LS TRANSPORT CORPORATION OF AMERICA Following a brief introduction by Director Vraa, Forestry Supervisor Hove stated that Transport Corporation of America is requesting approval of a Preliminary Planned Development to allow the construction of a three story, 123,000 square foot office building on an 8.3 acre site located north of Yankee Doodle Road and east of Highway 13. He added that the property has historically been utilized as a fill site for the deposit of "fly ash" by Northern States Power Company. The filling activities have confined the "buildable area" of the site to the northeast corner of the property. The applicant has noted that the depth of the fly ash upon the property varies but ranges from 5-35 feet deep. Hove continued with the tree preservation issues noting that there are 72 significant trees on site and reviewed the mitigation options. Hove also reviewed the proposed landscape plan which proposed to plant a variety of coniferous and deciduous shrubs in the pazking lot islands as groundcover, which satisfies the city requirement to install and plant at least 5% of the parking lot area in green islands. Staff is requesting that the applicant provide a revised Landscape Plan/'Tree Mitigation Plan that includes the replacement of amur maple mitigation (within pazking lot islands only) with medium height deciduous trees. Some of this mitigation will need to be located outside the pazking lot azea and should be installed along Yankee Doodle Road, Highway 13 and adjacent to the proposed ponding azea, Hove added. Hove concluded that the developer has been good to work with and has met mitigation as recommended by staff. Superintendent Olson reviewed the water quality/wetland issues noting that due to the external presence of fly ash on the site, the construction of an on-site detention basin to treat run-off is not a viable option. The development would therefore be responsible for a cash water quality dedication. Member Petersen asked if other undeveloped building sites would be draining to the existing Pond CP-8 and would that pose a problem for the pond. Superintendent Olson responded that the entire drainage area was considered in making the recommendation. Member Johnson asked why the water dedication fee had been identified as approximately $27,000. Director Vraa responded that the amount that will be due would be based on actual areas calculated at a later date. Member Davis asked for more information regazding the fly ash azea. John Donnelly, representing the developer stated that there are approximately 100,000 cubic yards of fly ash on the site. They have been working closely with MPCA and Dakota County to make sure everyone is protected. MPCA is of the opinion that this type of development is the best option for this site because the building will be placed away from the fly ash area and the fly ash will be capped by the asphalt parking lot. Member Davis asked if there would be any excavation into the fly ash. Mr. Donnelly stated that a very small azea, approximately 3-4,000 cubic yards, will be excavated for a City required dry pond. The excavated fly ash will be spread over the other fly ash and then covered by asphalt. Member Petersen expressed his concern that fly ash may be blowing around in this azea. The developer responded that Braun Intertec will be working closely with the MPCA and Dakota County to address that issue and make sure they are proceeding cautiously and correctly. Advisory Pazks Commission Minutes of Regulaz Meeting of November 16, 1998 Page 3 Member Vincent asked if there might be future digging into the fly ash azea for any kind of underground utilities, for example. The developer responded that if that were the case, the same procedures would need to be followed according to the MPCA. Member Davis asked if there may be a time in the future where an easement would need to be granted for utilities which would require digging into the fly ash azea. Director Vraa responded that it is not known at this time if that may be required in the future. The developer added that over time fly ash takes on the feel of concrete, which would be difficult to dig or drill through. Member Davis then asked if this site was considered a hazardous site to which the developer responded, no. Following further brief discussion, Bazbara Johnson moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regazding this development: 1. This development shall be responsible for a cash pazks dedication. 2. This development shall be responsible for a cash trails dedication. 3. This development shall be responsible for a cash water quality dedication. 4. The Tree Preservation Plan shall be approved as submitted with the following conditions: a. The applicant shall insta1144 Category A trees or 88 Category B trees or 176 Category C trees, or an equivalent combination of these trees as mitigation for tree removal in excess of allowable limits. b. A revised landscape/tree mitigation plan shall be submitted indicating the replacement of deciduous tree species, with a maximum of two trees per island. The balance of any mitigation revision shall be installed adjacent to Yankee Doodle Road and/or Highway 13. c. Tree Protective measures (i.e. 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) shall be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. d. The applicant shall contact the City Forestry Division at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan. ot,u suslr~»a SKYLINE DISPLAYS UPDATE There was no update on the Skyline Displays Discovery Pazk issue. HIGHVIEW PARK REQUEST UPDATE Superintendent Peterson stated that at the October 16 commission meeting this issue had been addressed and the request for a portable toilet at Highveiw Pazk was denied and referred to the Recreation sub-committee for further review of the Department policy concerning portable toilets. The sub-committee met on November 9 and recommends that the 1999 playwagon sites have a portable toilet placed in them for a maximum length of two months. Although the sites have not been yet selected, the pazks they felt would benefit would be Highview, Lakeside and Wescott Station. The impact to the budget is expected to be approximately $275, Peterson added. Member Rudolph added that a policy recommendation was not initiated since the sub-committee felt that there is little data regazding the use vs. cost for placing portable toilets in additional pazks. They aze suggesting that further reseazch be done, perhaps by an intern, to further evaluate the level of use vs. cost of units placed in pazks under the Department's current policy. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 16, 1998 Page 4 In discussing how this information could be gathered, Member Peterson asked why the playwagon sites were focused on for placement of portable toilets. Superintendent Peterson responded that these aze programmed sites that don't currently have a restroom and it was felt that this would be logical azea to expand and perhaps study further during the summer of 1999. Following further brief discussion, Terry Davis moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the sub-committee's recommendations as follows: 1. The addition of portable toilets at playwagon sites. The units would be in place for the duration of the activity with the maximum length of time being two months. 2. The 1999 playwagon sites have not yet been selected, however, the pazks likely to benefit aze Highview, Lakeside and Wescott Station. Holz Farm Pazk is a playwagon site, which will not receive a unit as one is situated at Holz Farm near to the pazk. 3. The impact on the budget would be approximately $275. 4. Prior to any recommendation for a lazge-scale change in Department policy, an evaluation of usage vs. cost should be made. NI~W 33CaSIi~IES~ 1999 PARKS AND TRAILS DEDICATION FEES Director Vraa introduced this item noting that each yeaz the Commission reviews the parks and trails dedication fees for the upcoming year and makes a recommendation to the City Council. Following a review of other communities, Director Vraa noted that in the past recommendations have been made based on the average mazket value of land, however with less and less land available in Eagan the average mazket value can be very skewed. It was suggested that consideration be given to tying the increases to the Consumer Price Index for the 1999 rates. The last published index available to staff indicated an increase of 2.3%, Vraa added, as he reviewed the impact to each fee. Member Markell asked if developers turn away from Eagan because of the fees. Director Vraa responded that developers typically question any and all fees associated with a development but it is unknown if any have not developed because of the fees. Member Kubik added that the City has heazd for approximately 20 yeazs that fees aze high yet Eagan has developed rapidly. The previous calculation formula used to determine pazks and trails dedication fees have been well thought out and implemented successfully for many years, Kubik added. Member Mazkell suggested that the increase be tied to the estimated tax increase on property in Eagan. Member Vincent agreed stating that an increase should be higher than what is being proposed with the CPI. Member Davis asked when the Commission needs to look at other ways of generating revenue. He stated that with development slowing, some thought and planning needs to occur as to how the pazk system will be fmancially maintained long term. Director Vraa suggested that the Commission begin looking at that issue now adding that the Council has asked staff to look at entrepreneurial opportunities to generate more revenue. Chairman Markell suggested that the Commission add this to issues to look at later this winter. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 16, 1998 Page 5 Terry Davis moved, Bazbaza Johnson seconded a motion to make the following recommendations to the City Council regazding 1999 park and trail dedication fees: Pazk Dedication: Single Family $1,235/unit Duplex 1,227/unit Townhouse/Quads 842/unit Apts/Multi 837/unit CommercialMd. $3,376/acre Trails Dedication: Residential $ 163/unit Commercial/Inc. 920/acre Those voting Aye included Terry Davis, N. Mazk Filipi, Bazbaza Johnson, Bonnie Karson, George Kubik, Daryle Petersen and John Rudolph. Lee Mazkell and Michael Vincent voted Nay. The motion passed. 1999 FEES AND CHARGES Superintendent Peterson provided a brief background of this issue noting that a Commission recommendation will be forwarded to the City Council for approval regazding the 1999 fees. Questions regarding pavilion reservations and staffmg requirements needed for all reservations were addressed noting that the fees aze designed to offset staff and materials used for those reservations. Peterson noted that the fees were increased in 1998 but that staff is recommending no change for 1999. Following a brief discussion, John Rudolph moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend to the City Council that the fees and chazges for 1999 remain at the same level as they were in 1998. CAPONI PARKING LOT REQUEST Director Vraa noted that Mr. Caponi has requested a trail connection between the Art Park and the northwest parking lot at Lexington Diffley Athletic Fields to provide parking and access to the Art Park. An overview of the site and the location of the amphitheater to the athletic fields was pointed out. Staff has worked with Mr. Caponi and walked the site to assess the viability of placing a trail conection to the pazking lot. The greatest concern is accessability since the grade drops sharply from the pazk site to the Art Park site. Director Vraa noted that future plans for Lexington Diffley Athletic Fields shows inclusion of a playground and potential shelter building neaz the area where the trail connection is proposed. An estimated cost of $25,000 has been identified which would cover paving the entire 850 feet from the northwest pazking lot to the Caponi Art Park gate, however, there has been no discussion as to who will be responsible for the cost. Mr. Caponi has also indicated that although the trail leads to his property the gate will remain locked unless an event is scheduled. Vraa concluded that the shared pazking should be workable since the Art Park events are typically during a time frame when activities aze not occuring at the athletic fields. Member Mazkell asked if the the grade from the smaller parking lot on the Caponi property to the amphitheater is handicapped accessible. Director Vraa thought it was not. Member Mazkell questioned why there would be a public trail to the Art Pazk only to fmd that the gate was locked most of the time. He asked if there was Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 16, 1998 Page 6 any way for the public to have access through the Diffley tunnel or any other access to the site. It was noted that the Caponis still wish to maintain control of traffic onto their property. Member Petersen expressed concern that once the public was leaving the amphitheater site, it may be difficult for them to see where they are going on this trail without some type of lighting. Member Rudolph asked if the cost of the gate was included in the estimate. Director Vraa stated the gate was a cost to be assumed by Mr. Caponi. Member Kazson expressed the opinion that the City was not getting much of a return for this expenditure and that paying $25,000 for overflow pazking for occasional occurrances may be excessive. Member Johnson opined that it would be nice to try to incorporate some time of loop trail for walkers. She asked if the $25,000 estimate brought the trail to the amphitheater area. Director Vraa stated the trail link is only to the Caponi property line. Member Davis suggested an alternate location for the gate to allow for a loop trail but still maintain the flexibility of controlling traffic on the Caponi site. After expressing several other concerns, Bazbaza Johnson moved, Michael Vincent seconded with all members voting in favor to defer this issue to the Acquisiton/Development Sub-committee for further review. The committee will walk the site and then meet to discuss what options may be considered. PARKS bEVELOPI~'IENT UPDATE COUNTRY HOME PARK Director Vraa provided background for this issue noting that every time there is a heavy rain, County Home Pazk tends to become flooded. The Engineering Division has installed a new storm line and outlet neaz the park and will be working with staff to construct a dry detention pond similaz to the dry pond at Ohmann Pazk where the horseshoe pit is located. It is hoped that this will resolve the flooding problem that currently occurs at Country Home Park. Member Rudolph asked how this project would be funded. Director Vraa stated this would be the responsibility of the Engineering Department and not the Park Site Fund. Vraa added that this was an informational item for the Commission so they are aware of the problem that existed and how staff will be resolving it. WATER RESOURCFS'UPDATE There were no issues to update the Commission on. QTIIER BUSCNESS AND REPORT POTENTIAL AQUATIC USE SURVEY -ADAM KENT, INTERN Superintendent Peterson introduced Adam Kent explaining that he began his internship with the City on September 8 and as a fmal project was assigned a reseazch project which, after completion is presented to the Advisory Commission. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 16, 1998 Page 7 Mr. Kent addressed the Commission noting that this survey was conducted to fmd out how potential users of the new Aquatic Facility may react to it. The survey was conducted over atwo-week period from October 31 to November 9 with the data collected used to examine potential users and establish some guidelines for the future facility. The groups interviewed came from open skating, learn to skate, Eagan High School and youth hockey programs with 75% of those interviewed coming from the City of Eagan. Adam reviewed several of the questions asked on the survey and reviewed with the Commission the respondents comments. In response to a question as to how he would build on the survey were he to follow up with this research, Adam stated that he would go to more than one site to gather information, add more people to each group and then return to the Civic Arean to re-survey in a yeaz; after the aquatic facility has been open for a season. The Commission thanked Adam for his report and information and wished him well with his future endeavors. GP5 PARK INVENTORY This item was deferred to the February 1999 meeting SUBCOMNIITTEE UPDATES There were no new sub-committee meeting reports. AQUATIC FACILITY UPDATE Director Vraa provided a brief update of the aquatic facility construction. He noted that construction is progressing well but that they would like to see more concrete decking completed before the nice fall weather is done. The buildings are well underway and it is expected that the interior work will continue through winter. The slides are scheduled to be delivered in eazly Mazch. Member Davis asked if there aze any penalties for contractors not completing the work by the scheduled opening date. Vraa responded that there were none in the contracts. Member Mazkell suggested that updated pictures should be added on the web page for residents to watch the progress. COMNIISSION APPOINTMENTS Director Vraa reminded the Commission that Members Kubik, Farlee and Vincent's terms will expire at the end of 1998 and that anyone wishing to serve on the Commission will need to submit a letter of interest to the City Council by December 11. ROUND TABLE The Land Acquisition/Development Subcommittee set a meeting date of Wednesday, December 2, 5:00 p.m. to discuss the Caponi Art Park request. It was suggested that members visit the site prior to meeting at City Hall at 5:00 p.m. All members will be notified of the meeting and aze welcome to attend, Mazkell stated. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 16, 1998 Page 8 ADJOURN With no further business to conduct, John Rudolph moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Secretary Date