01/14/1999 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA ~TINUTFS OF REGULAR MFETiNCOF JANUARY 14, 1999 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on January 14, 1999 with the following Commission Members present: -Terry Davis, Jerry Farlee, Barbara Johnson, George Kubik, Lee Mazkell, Daryle Petersen, John Rudolph and Michael Vincent. Members N. Mazk Filipi and Bonnie Karson were not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Pazks Superintendent; Randy Ragner, Student Intern and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. AYPRnVAL;~` AGENDA Bazbaza Johnson moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. AI~'ROVAL flF INUTLS OF REGULAR 1l~E'~XNG C1F ~-ECE~I~~~.1~4, ~9~9' As a point of clarification, Member Vincent noted that some of the Commission Member's terms ended in 1998, rather than in 1999. Michael Vincent moved, Bazbaza Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of December 14, 1999 as amended. ~rISITORS TU Bl~ HEAD There were no visitors that wished to be heard under this agenda item. DEPAI'tTMENT'.1~AJs~I• N.ING~` Items highlighted by Director Vraa included the Mite Hockey Jamboree at Rahn Park, a review of the participant numbers for the adult winter leagues, the opening of the Class A skating sites, the successfizl clearing of specific trails throughout the City, the acquisition of the Don Grant property and the beginning of recruitment and hiring for Cascade Bay. Superintendent Peterson introduced Intern Ragner, noting that he would be making a presentation to the Advisory Commission in March. Member Rudolph noted that Paula Nowariak was recently elected to serve on the MRPA Board of Directors. He commented on the presence of Eagan staff on this board over the past 6-7 yeazs and complimented staff for their involvement. Member Petersen complimented the City for their trail clearing efforts noting that he has heard many positive comments regazding this program. CQLV~SENT AGEl`7A Michael Vincent moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: Amoco Second Addition -Amoco Oil Company • This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. • Any future development of this site shall be subject to the requirements of the City of Eagan's Tree Preservation Ordinance and a tree inventory and tree preservation plan shall be submitted at the time of building permit application. • This development shall meet its water quality mitigation requirement entirely through on-site ponding. Ponds shall be constructed to meet the City of Eagan's Detention Basin Design Standards with a surface azea and wet volume of at least .37 acres and 1.0 acre feet respectively. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 14, 1999 Page 2 Skimmers of suitable design to the City shall be installed on the outlet of all detention basins and the discharge pipes from the detention basins should be extended to the NWL of Pond EP-7. An undisturbed and unmaintained buffer extending at least 30 feet back from the delineated boundary of any wetlands shall be preserved. Depressional area in the southwestern portion of the parcel needs to be evaluated for possible wetland and no filling or draining of any wetlands shall be done. 2. Hittner Addition -Keith Hittner • 'This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedicaiton and a cash trails dedication. • Individual Lot Tree Preservation Plans will be required at the time of building permit application for Lots 1, 3, 4 and 5. • This development shall be responsible for a cash dedication of approximately $1,300-1,450 based on the area and impervious characteristics of developed lots in lieu of on-site ponding. • An undisturbed and unmaintained buffer extending at least 30 feet back from the delineated boundary of both wetlands shall be preserved. Grading on Lot 5 should be done so as not to encroach on this buffer. Windsor Estates -Hartford Financial Services • This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. • The Tree Preservation Plan shall be approved as submitted with the following conditions: • To require that Tree Protective measures (i.e. orange colored silt fence or 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone3, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. • To require that the applicant contact the City Forestry Division at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan and placement of the Tree Protection Fencing. • To require that the applicant insta1179 Category B trees and 15 Category C trees as mitigation for significant tree/woodland removal in excess of allowable limits. • To require that the applicant contact the City Forestry Division upon the installation of the required mitigation for inspection to ensure compliance with the approve Tree Preservation Plan and Mitigation Schedule. 4. An on-site pond shall be constructed in the northwest corner of the site to provide on-site treatment for runoff from this parcel. The pond excavation should incorporate a 10-foot wide aquatic bench extending from NWL to foot below NWL and side slopes below the aquatic bench should be 4:1 to a maximum depth of 4 feet. The pond should have a minimum wet volume of 0.55 acre-feet. 5. An undisturbed and unmaintained buffer extending at least 30 feet back from the delineated. boundary of the wetland shall be preserved. DEVELOP]'~11rNT PROPOSALS There were no development proposals for the Commission to review. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 14, 1999 Page 3 OLD BUSINESS FAITHFUL SHEPHERD SCHOOL DRAFT AGREEMENT Director Vraa noted that the Commission has previously reviewed this issue as part of the Faithful Shepherd development proposal The school has asked that an agreement similar to the one between the City and Dakota Hills Middle School be considered for the field use at Faithful Shepherd School. He also noted that although both parties have reviewed this agreement, the City's attorney has not yet reviewed the document. Vraa noted that the agreement presented is for a length of 15 years. Should the school expand it would most likely do so over one of the athletic fields, thereby eliminating the field's availability. The school has agreed that if that should happen they would pay the City a portion of the proposed park dedicated fee amortized over the 15 year period. It was noted that the dedication fee for this development would be approximately $110-115,000. The changes the City has made to the agreement include language regarding specifics of fertilization, aeration and maintenance, Vraa added. Mr. Chuck Hall, representing the school, explained that the trails had not been discussed as part of this agreement since it would need to incorporate several contiguous property owners. He also noted that field lighting has not been discussed as yet but service is being provided to the site, along with a meter, in the event the City wishes to add field lighting at a later date. The use can then be monitored through the meter. He thanked the Commission for their involvement and input with this development. Member Markell asked what would happen after the 15 year term of the agreement. Director Vraa responded that the agreement would be null and void at that time but that a new agreement may be negotiated at that time. Mr. Hall added that they wanted a sunshine clause in the agreement because they foresee the expansion of this school before the end of the 15-year agreement necessitating the loss of what is now the soccer field. He clarified that if they did expand on the soccer field (1/3 of the current field space) they would pay a portion of the amortizied park dedication fee. Member Petersen stated he did not see a 15 year term identified in the agreement. He also wanted to see an exhibit that would identify what the amortized amount would be if only one field were lost. Member Vincent suggested that a clause should be included that states this is not a partnership with an agreement to hold each other harmless in case of litigation. Member Markell recapped commission comments by stating that this agreement is basically in lieu of parks dedication fees and the agreement allows the City the use of 3 fields for 15 years. Any loss of fields prior to the 15 year term will be responsible for apro-rated parks dedication fee. Michael Vincent moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with all members voting in favor to direct staff to proceed with the agreement negotiations based on the discussion of this meeting. NF,W I3USiNESS SET FEBRUARY MEETING DATE The Commission selected the date of Thursday, February 11, 1999 for their regular February meeting. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 14, 1999 Page 4 PA,.RKS DEVELOPMENT UPDAfi~ There were no parks development items for the Commission to review. WATER RESOURCES UP_DATL Director Vraa noted that staff will be advertising the Water Resources Coordinator position in February with a closure date of March 8. OTHER BusllSlJss Arrv , ORT SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES Member Mazkell updated the Commission on the Forever Green project. He noted that 3,000 trees will be available at the spring tree sale on May 6 and 8. Interest in the program continues to grow, Markell added. CASCADE BAY UPDATE Director Vraa noted that construction has slowed somewhat because of the cold and snow and reviewed the building construction to date. He added that staff is working on policies and procedures as well as a marketing brochure that will be distributed to Eagan residents in the Spring/Summer brochure. Much work is left to be done, however staff is continuing to fmish the details of each project in a timely manner. Member Johnson asked what the fees would be for Cascade Bay. Director Vraa responded that Eagan residents only can purchase season passes and that daily admissions would be $7.00 for adults and $4.50 for children under 42". After 5 p.m. the rates would be $5.00 for adults and $3.50 for children under 42". SET RECREATION SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING The Recreation Sub-committee set a meeting date of January 14, 1999 at 5:00 p.m. SET ACQUISITION/DEVELOPMENT SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING The Acquisition/Development Sub-committee set a meeting date of January 26 at 5:00 p.m. to review the grading plans for Faithful Shepherd School and to begin previewing sites for potential acquisition. The Commission asked for the list of sites previously reviewed for acquisition along with any photos that might be available of the sites. SOUND TA13l~ Member Kubik suggested that the Commission schedule a work session where they can look at the history of the department and set some short term and long term goals. Member Davis suggested that this planning session is consistent with what the City Council has asked the Commission to complete. Member Johnson asked if the Commission could compile information relative to requests they'd received over the past yeaz to make sure they were responding to those requests. Member Kubik suggested that this would be a good experience for the new Commission to participate in. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of January 14, 1999 Page 5 Director Vraa thanked Member Farlee for his participation on the Advisory Commission noting that Farlee had chosen not to reapply due to work conflicts. Member Farlee thanked the Commission for a positive learning experience during his two year tenure with the Commission. '~JO'1JR]M~<Y~` With no further business to conduct, Michael Vincent moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Secretary Date