03/15/1999 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 15,1999 A regulaz meeting of the Advisory Pazks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on Mazch 15, 1999 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Terry Davis, N. Mazk Filipi, Kevin Gutknecht, Bazbara Johnson, Robert Kane, Jr., Bonnie Karson, George Kubik, Lee Mazkell, Daryle Petersen,and John Rudolph. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Pazks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; CJ Lilly, Pazks Planner and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary I~.OVALflRA., .,. A. John Rudolph moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. i+rP~'ROVAL°OFMINU'i`ES OFR~GtJALRMEETING OF'FESI~UARX 1i, 1999 Member Davis noted that he would abstain from the vote since he was not present at the February meeting. Barbara Johnson moved John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the regulaz meeting of February 11, 1999 as presented. '~3~tT(.fi TO `$E MEABD There were no visitors that wished to address the Commission under this agenda item. DEPARTMENT HAPININGS Items highlighted by Director Vraa included continued work on the bicycle trail kiosks, selection of 3 scoreboazds for the Lexington Diffley Athletic Fields, anticipated increase in EAA registrations for summer; registration continues for spring and summer recreation programs, softball registrations have begun, transition from winter to spring/summer has begun for maintenance, review continues concerning the City's risk for bleachers, and the combined Arbor Day/Earth Day event will occur on Saturday, May 1. LLD BUSI~TES5 EXTENSION OF NORTHVIEW PARK ROAD INTO PATRICK EAGAN PARK Director Vraa introduced this item noting that the Commission had originally reviewed a request in June, 1998 from Advent United Methodist Church to provide a shazed pazking lot with Patrick Eagan Pazk. The church was present and noted that they have reduced the size of the sanctuary thus reducing the parking spaced required by code. They wanted to provide for more pazking than required by code, however. Director Vraa then reviewed several options for the Commission to consider: a) to construct only an access with full fuming movements and connection to the church property; b) all of the previous and extend an entrance further to the west, provide a second access to the church parking lot and a circulaz drive pattern; c) all of the previous and construction of additional pazking to be used now and in the future (shazed pazking); d) a sepazate pazking tot layout that pazallels Lexington Avenue; e) do nothing. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 15, 1999 Page 2 Vraa stated that Option A has a cost of approximately $30,000, provides turn lanes into the chwch property and eliminates the existing entrance into the chwch property. Option B offers the same alignment but extends the chwch pazking lot to the west to allow traffic to flow better into and out of the site. The additional cost would be $100,000. Option C expands on Option B by providing 55 pazking stalls on pazk property. Presuming that Patrick Eagan Pazk will be a "nature center" 55 parking stalls would be on the low end of parking needs, Vraa added. This would, however provide the option. of shazed pazking with the chwch. Option D places parking parallel to Lexington Avenue in a closed pazking lot for 55 stalls. Option E would be to do nothing, Vraa concluded. It was noted that a neighborhood meeting had been held to review some parking lot options and Director Vraa clazified to the group that a pazking lot could be placed on the west side of the site. More trees would be lost, however and the traffic flow would not work as well as in other scenarios, but it is possible. Another question raised at the meeting was the potential for a traffic light at this newly aligned intersection. Vraa explained that it is not in the County's 5-year CIP, however the wiring is currently placed underground when, and if, they choose to install one. Dakota County also wants the existing entrance to Patrick Eagan Park closed at some time but won't require that it be done at this time. Member Petersen asked if staff had looked at using the existing parking lot at Patrick Eagan Pazk. Member Mazkell asked if concept plans had been done for potential pazking and visitor's center at this pazk. Vraa responded that since the master plan had not been done for this pazk as yet, those details would not be available. He did note however that if a pazking lot were to be placed in the same location, extensive roadway would need to be provided. There would also not be room to accommodate 55 parking stalls in that location and the pazking wouldn't be as visible. Member Markell asked if parking could be provided on both sides of the entrance road in Option B. Director Vraa stated that that would be contrary to early discussions to limit the amount of asphalt on the site. Member Gutknecht asked how the cost was going to be shared. Vraa responded that much of it would be the City's responsibility since this is on city property. Gutknecht suggested that Option C appears to be more advantageous to the church. Vraa responded that shazed pazking would be advantageous to both the City and the chwch. In response to another question about pazking, Director Vraa reminded the Commission that the chwch currently can meet all of their pazking requirement on their site but have approached the City for the shazed pazking option to provide for more green space. Should the City decide not to participate in shazed pazking the chwch can proceed with their plan to provide pazking on the site as necessary. Member Petersen stated the Commission would like to work with the chwch, however he is hesitant about Option C. He stated his preference for Option D or the shift of pazking to the west. At this point he was reluctant to proceed beyond Option A or B but preferred pazking closer to the building in Patrick Eagan Pazk. John Childers of Advent United Methodist Chwch stated that the chwch feels there is a benefit to everyone by shazing pazking and providing less overall impervious surface. He stated that the neighbors to the west of the chwch prefer that no pazking be placed on that side of their building. Member Johnson stated her preference for Option C. She continued that it gives good planning options and provides more green space. She also preferred having the pazking lot more visible. Two residents to the west of the church responded that they prefer Option C. They indicated that they support any plan that re-aligns Northview Pazk Road for safety. They also preferred no parking on the west side of the chwch. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 15, 1999 Page 3 Director Vraa addressed the issue of Patrick Eagan Pazk's master plan. This issue was originally on the 1999 work plan, however the City Council postponed the project because of the construction of Cascade Bay. The City has applied for a Metro Greenway grant for the master plan and it is expected that late this fall that project can begin. Input will be solicited from the community, however the master planning does not coincide with the church's expansion plans. Member Petersen reiterated his concern for Plan C without having a master plan but understood the concerns of the residents to the west. He suggested adding 21 parking spaces to the north of the entrance to help with shazed pazking and then add parking when the master plan is done. Member Filipi noted that perpendiculaz pazking suggested eazlier would pose a problem and a liability issue for the City. Member Markell asked about the proposed size of the pazking stalls. Sarah Kelsenberg, representing the church, responded that they were meeting the Ciry Code requirement of 10' x 20' stalls. Member Markell responded that the. Commission prefers to see 9' stalls to reduce the impervious surface. Member Davis asked the church how close they were to fmalizing their plans. Sarah responded that they aze anticipating a June 1 construction start. She added that the City will allow the construction to start as long as they show proof of pazking. She reiterated that they can provide pazking completely on their site but it may mean placing parking to the west of their building. Member Davis suggested a work session with the church to better identify open issues like a clearer understanding of the cost sharing issue. He stated it is hard to make a judgement without more information. After further brief discussion, Terry Davis moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to schedule a workshop session with the church to further review this issue. A meeting date was set for April 6 at 5:30 p.m. BUS BENCHES Director Vraa provided a background and history of this issue. He then reviewed potential locations for benches in pazks that could support other facilities. He asked the Commission to consider whether any of the five locations warrant a bench for pazk users or for bus users or if there were other locations that had not been considered. Member Johnson asked if bus riders would use these benches if they were located in the identified azeas. She also asked how bus stops were determined. Member Filipi responded that the most bus use in the suburbs is at the Pazk and Ride facilities. At those locations, advertisers typically fmance the benches. Member Kubik suggested talking with the bus companies to get their input on where passengers are requesting pick-ups. Following further brief discussion, George Kubik moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to solicit further ridership information from the bus companies. Member Filipi offered to help with the project. As a follow-up question Member Davis asked if the Commission had not been asked to review this issue, would any of the identified bus bench locations be considered for typical park use. Director Vraa responded no. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of March I5, 1999 Page 4 DISCOVERY PARK Director Vraa stated that staff met with the owners and their attorney and some good progress was made relative to the establishment of public park on private property. The owner's attorney and the City's attorney will be working together on open issues that need to be handled. ~VV I3USINES There were no New Business items for the Commission to review. 1d._.~Y ~~ ~~~bA't'E There were not parks development projects to be updated. WATI~R RESUlt7RCES UPI3-ATE Director Vraa noted that there were 42 applicants for the Water Resources Coordinator position and interviews wilt be conducted some time in April. `l~l~Cl`~T~IE~S ANI~'PORT~; REPORT FROM INTERN RANDY RAGNER Following a brief introduction by Superintendent Peterson, Intern Randy Ragner discussed his intern research project which was quite different from typical research projects. Because of the multitude of tasks necessary to get Cascade Bay up and running, Ranger explained that his charge was to research several products and pricing for the aquatic facility. He reviewed the many areas he sought infonmation on including changing room locker locks, safes, nautical flags, security door locks, money counting machines, ticket dispensers, turnstiles, and TensaBarriers. He also programmed and wrote a training manual for the admissions cash registers. He will be doing the same for the concessions cash registers as well. Following his review of each of those items, Randy demonstrated the recently acquired change counting machine for the Commission. Commission Members thanked Intern Ragner for his thorough report and research in fmding the necessary information for Cascade Bay. It was also noted that the extensive use of the Internet helped to find the appropriate information in a timely fashion saving a great deal of time for staff. SUBCONIlVIITTEE UPDATES There were no subcommittee meetings to report on. CASCADE BAY UPDATE Director Vraa stated that more of the concrete decking has been poured and work is slowly moving outdoors. It is expected that work on the waterslides will begin shortly. Staff is encouraging residents to have their photo IDs done soon so that they won't have to stand in lines closer to the facility opening. The targeted opening date is June 10. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of March 15, 1999 Page 5 RESCHEDULE PLANNING SESSION WORKSHOP Director Vraa explained that the Commission has requested a work session where they could identify some issues and do some long range planning. It was felt that two meetings would be appropriate; one for issues facing the department over the next 12 months and a second long range planning session. It was determined that meetings would be held on March 23 at 5:30 p.m. and then again prior to the regular Commission meeting on April 19. . M1L~IIJNICATICiN3 Director Vraa noted that in anticipation of the Commission's review of the CIP letters have been sent to EAA, EHA, schools, and other groups the City works with in an attempt to determine their short-term and long-term facility needs. It was thought that this information would benefit the Commission as they continue their CIP review. Director Vraa also noted that a letter from Dorothy Peterson was included in the packet reflecting her intention to retire in July. Commission Members commented on the void that will be left with Dorothy's retirement and the difficult task staff faces in replacing her position. tt'~UND TABLE Member Rudolph asked if area codes could be added to the Commission Member phone list. Member Petersen commented on the recent EAA registration process noting that they had established a data base of participants which significantly helped with the registration for the summer session. He suggested that a representative of EAA attend a future meeting to update the Commission on their registration procedure. ADJOURI~IMENT With no further business to conduct, John Rudolph moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. / - 'yo , S 7 Secretary ~ Date