04/19/1999 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF APRIL 19, 1999 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on April 19, 1999 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Terry Davis, N. Mark Filipi, Kevin Gutknecht, Barbara Johnson, George Kubik, Lee Markell Daryle Petersen and John Rudolph. Members Kane and Karson were not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; CJ Lilly, Parks Planner; Pam Dudziak, Planner; Jim Storland, Water Resources Technician and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. Chairman Markell presented past Commission Members Farlee and Vincent with a plaque of appreciation for their many years of service to the Advisory Commission. Both Farlee and Vincent commented that they have enjoyed their participation on the Commission. Barbara Johnson moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented George Kubik moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of March 15, 1999 as presented There were no visitors that wished to address the Commission under this agenda item. Items highlighted by Director Vraa included preparation for the Summer/Fall Discover Us! Brochure, Holz Farm spring clean-up on May 1, beginning of rugby at Lexington Diffiey on April 18, beginning of cricket at Walnut Hill in May, registration of 224 adult softball teams, installation of new trail kiosk signs, Dakota County STS crews have begun 1999 projects, spring trail sweeping has been completed and the tree inspector will be on staff beginning Apri119. Barbara Johnson moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: Replat - Kwik Trip, Inc. • This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. • This development shall meet its water quality mitigation through on-site ponding, through the expansion of EP-4. The pond shall be constructed to meet the City of Eagan's Detention Basin Design Standards with a surface area and wet volume of at least 26 acres and .8 acre feet, respectively. Skimmers of suitable design to the City shall be installed on the outlet of all detention basins. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 19, 1999 Page 2 APOLLO BUSINESS PARK -DUKE REALTY INVESTMENTS Following a brief introductioq Planner Dudziak provided the background for this development. A review of parks and trails dedication and water qualitylwetlands issues followed Forestry Supervisor then reviewed the tree preservation issues noting that this development results in the removal of 100% of the vegetation on site. The allowable removal for this site is 47.5% and will result in significant tree mitigation. Member Kubik asked what was proposed for the outlot on the south side of this proposal. Planner Dudziak stated that it will be developed similarly but there is no specific plan at this time. Kevin Mahn of Duke Construction stated that this is an industrial zoned project. Because of the grading needed on the site it is necessary to clear the site completely. The developer is completely aware of the level of mitigation required for this project and will abide by the City's recommendation. They would prefer to plant on currently owned property Member Kubik asked what the percentage of impervious surface was with this development. Mr. Maps responded that there is approximately 80% impervious surface. Member Johnson asked if planting could be accommodated on other sites at a later date. Member Kubik stated that the preference would be to plant on existing properties but that the City should look at all options. Following further discussion, George Kubik moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to refer this issue to the Natural Resources Subcommittee for further review before returning to the Advisory Commission at their May meeting. A meeting date was set for 5:15 p.m., Tuesday, May 4. NORTHVIEW PARK ROAD EXTENSION Director Vraa presented a brief background of the issue noting that the Commission has reviewed this issue at two previous meetings as well as a recent sub-committee workshop. He noted that at the workshop sessioq it was the consensus of the group that the church should prepare a cost sharing proposal for the conshuction of the parking lot and that it should be for a specific dollar amount rather than a percentage of construction costs. Discussion also occurred about the number of parking stalls that might be built for shared parking. Since the church needs only 24 more parking spaces, the group discussed the idea of building only 24 spaces versus 55 spaces shown on previous plans. The church also agreed to pay $25,000 towards the construction of Option Plan C and would share the expense of stormwater management. They would also negotiate how maintenance would be provided. Member Petersen stated that the sub-committee discussion focused on the need for 24 spaces. He opined that the park may not be ready for 55 parking spaces as shown. Member Davis stated that in addressing the question of typical parking for a community park it was noted that 55 spaces was a low number for that use. Member Johnson added that she did not think the discussion restricted parking to 24 spaces. Member Petersen clarified that the discussion was that the church needed 24 spaces and that could be facilitated easily on park property. Member Bari stated that the sub-committee discussed 55 marking spaces and added that the parking lot should be built now at today's costs rather than adding to it several years from now when the costs will be considerably higher. Member Davis opined that this was also the best location for the parking lot. Members Petersen and Markell disagreed. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 19, 1999 Page 3 In response to a question, Director Vraa clarified that typically parking occurs adjacent to a park's entrance. Although it would be ideal to have a master plan for Patrick Eagan Park before parking was developed, Vraa added that this appears to be the most logical location for parking. Member Petersen stated he doesn't disagree with 55 spaces at this site, however, the only action necessary is to mspond to the church's need for 24 spaces. He added that this may in fact be a good solution but did not want to be premature in adding an additiona131 spaces at this time. Member Markell added that the church is contributing $25,000 toward the construction of the 24 parking spaces. Member Davis opined that to build 24 spaces now would be a poor use of City funds. It is known that the current entrance to Patrick Eagan Park will be closed, there is a clear need for parking for this park and 55 spaces is a fairly small amount for a community park. Member Markell clarified that the church's parking lot would also be accessible for park users. A representative of Advent United Methodist Church confirmed that tbe church had always intended to share their parking lot with Patrick Eagan Park Member Markell added that it is hard to believe that the park would need more parking beyond what was already being provided. Member Davis opined that no matter how many parking spaces may be available for shared parking the City will still need to insure they can provide parking for their own needs for Patrick Eagan Park Member Filipi stated that if the original goal was to preserve open space on the site, no additional parking should be planned before determining exactly how much parking is needed. Member Petersen reiterated his concern for placing more than 24 parking spaces on the site before a Master Plan is prepared. Member Davis responded that in reviewing the 24 space layout there were some safety issues regarding traffic flow into and out of the site. Member Vraa stated that when Patrick Eagan Park is developed the City will need to provide parking to meet City Code and will need to make sure the church's peak times don't conflict with the .park's peak times for parking. He also noted that other nature centers have approximately 550 parking spaces and staff hasn't pursued a specific design for 24 spaces. Member Kubik added that in reviewing this proposal the Commission has generally looked at a roadway going through the parking lot which would not provide a good safe scenario for the 24 parking spaces being discussed. Following further brief discussion, Joseph Bari moved and Terry Davis seconded a motion to guarantee 24 parking spaces on park property for Advent United Methodist Church to utilize and to build an additional 31 parking spaces at the same time. Those voting in favor included Kevin Gutknecht, George Kubik, Terry Davis, Barbara Johnson and Joseph Bari. Those voting against the motion included Lee Markell, John Rudolph, Daryle Petersen and N. Mark Filipi. The motion passed. PARK/BUS BENCH Following a brief introduction and background by Director Vraa, Member Filipi referenced the memo included in the packet reflecting his research and comments. Barbara Johnson moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with all members voting in favor to approach MVTA for their recommendations for site locations. Member Davis added that he didn't know that there should be a great deal more time or expense spent on pursuing this issue. Member Petersen opined that the comments from the MVTA shoukd bring this issue to closure so that the information can be forwarded to the City Council as they've requested Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 19, 1999 Page 4 DISCOVERY PARK UPDATE Director Vraa stated that the Discovery Park proposal was discussed at a City Council workshop where the owners of Skyline Displays have expressed an interest in having this park be a joint community project. They envision that Skyline will develop the park with donations from companies and individuals and that within 10 years the park would be donated to the City of Eagan. Member Johnson asked if there was a time frame to complete the park Director Vraa stated-that it appears that the park will be phased and again, it is hoped that the community will have an active part in constructing this park. Member Markell asked if there would be a workshop or subcommittee meeting for the Advisory Commission to review the proposal. Director Vraa responded that as soon as one is prepared it will provide for a master plan of the site and will certainly come through the Advisory Commission for their review. Vraa noted that the owners have already incorporated some changes suggested by the Commission previously. ARBOR DAY RESOLUTION Director Vraa provided a brief background and reviewed the proposed Arbor Day events. Daryle Petersen moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend that the City Council adopt the Arbor Day Resolution as presented ADOPT 1999 WORK PLAN Director Vraa provided a brief background and referenced minutes from a March 22 workshop session where the Commission identified their priorities for the 1999 work program. He noted that the City Council is working on the overall work plan and will want to incorporate the Commission's recommendations. Terry Davis moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to adopt the 1999 work program identified on page 32 of the packet. Director Vraa stated that all parks development updates were included in a memo included in the packet. DAKOTA COUNTY WETLAND HEALTH SURVEY REPORT Following a brief introduction by Water Resources Technician Jim Storland, two members of the Citizens Wetland Monitoring Project provided a detailed report of the data collected by citizens. The project was designed to get citizens involed with local wetlands and is being fiunded by a grant. Approximately 40-50 hours of volunteer time is spent per year to study several wetlands throughout the county. Four wetlands in Eagan were studied including one in Thomas Lake Park, Rahn Park, near Town Center and at the intersection of Diffiey and 35E. Jim Storland concluded by presenting Jane Tunseth and Tom Goodrnan with a certificate of appreciation for their continued effort with this project. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of April 19, 1999 Page 5 FROG CALL SURVEY REPORT Water Resources Technician Storland provided a brief report on a frog call survey recently completed within 12 wetlands. The variety of frogs discovered provides information on the health and diversity of specific wetlands and it was noted that 6 different species of frogs were found during this survey. Member Kubik asked if this would be an ongoing study and Technician Storland stated that he would like to see it continue. PARK SITE FUND PRINT-OUT Director Vraa noted that a Dopy of the Park Site Fund monthly statement was included in the packet as the Commission has previously requested. He noted that the report did not reflect interest earnings of the fund. BUDGET Director Vraa noted that staff has just begun work on the 2000 budget and would welcome input and questions from the Commission. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES There were no subcommittee meetings to report on. CASCADE BAY UPDATE Director Vraa stated that work is continuing on Cascade Bay with concrete decking, landscaping and the slide towers remaining as the most critical elements. COMMUNICATIONS There were no communications items for the Commission to review. ARBOR DAY POSTER JUDGING The Arbor Day poster judging was scheduled to occur immediately following the Commission meeting. Member Rudolph stated that the Cedarvale Task Force will be meeting monthly and will report back in May how the group is progressing. He noted that they are moving quickly but there is a lot of work remaining. Member Davis commented on a flyer he received recently from Easlview Athletic Association regarding their web site. He suggested that the City take a look at how they can link to some other agencies as-well as provide an interactive site for each park similar to the way Dakota County does. George Kubik moved, Kevin Gutknecht seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. /~ Sec ~~