09/20/1999 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 20, 1999 A regular meeting of the Advisory Pazks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m, on Monday, September 20, 1999 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, N. Mazk Filipi, Kevin Gutknecht, Robert Kane, Jr., Bonnie Kazson, George Kubik, Lee Mazkell, and John Rudolph. Commission Members Terry Davis, Bazbaza Johnson and Daryle Petersen were not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Superintendent of Parks; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; Eric MacBeth, Water Resources Coordinator; Paula Nowariak, Recreation Supervisor; Loudi Rivamonte, Recreation Supervisor; Sonja Rippe, Recreation Supervisor; Donna Tilsner, Recreation Supervisor; and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretazy. APP~tOVAL QF AGEISDA Director Vraa added Item 3, Duke Weeks Realty, under Other Business and Reports. George Kubik moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. RPA AW ~ Fernando Fuentes from West St. Paul Pazks and Recreation was present representing the MRPA Awazds Committee. He presented an Award of Excellence, Honorable Mention, for the Lexington Diffley shelter building that was constructed using recycled beams from the old Fire Administration Building. Chairman Mazkell accepted the awazd on behalf of the Advisory Parks Commission. .: 1~4VA~ OF=AII ~a George Kubik moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of August 16, 1999 as presented. V~1SITflRS TCJ BE H1NAR1 There were no visitors that wished to address the Commission under this agenda item. 1~~PA17.T1V~1~T ~AP~'>~Nl~1GS Items highlighted by Director Vraa included the beginning of touch football, volleyball, basketball and preschool programs, phase 2 of Heine Pond improvements will be completed by Dakota County Tree Trust this year, the new look for the Eagan Seniors newsletter, colorcoating of the new and existing courts at Rahn Pazk, reconstruction of the bituminous pad at O'Leary Pazk tennis courts, and the closure of restrooms throughout the pazk system. CONS~IT AGENAA George Kubik moved, Bonnie Karson seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council: 1. Oak Cliff 9s' Addition -This development shall be responsible for a cash pazks dedication and a cash trails dedication. 2. Diffley Plaza -This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. This development shall be responsible for on-site ponding to be located just west of the proposed Diffley Road entrance. Storm water should enter the southwest corner of the pond and exit the northeast corner of the pond. T'he pond shall have a minimum wet-storage volume of 2.15 acre-feet, surface azea of 0.56 acres, and averaage depth of 3.87 feet. The pond shall incorporate a 10-foot wide aquatic bench extending from the NWL to one foot below the NWL. The side slopes of the pond below the aquatic bench shall be a 3:1 slope to a maximum depth of 10 feet. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 20, 1999 Page 2 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no development proposals for the Commission to review. OI.,ll ~~SN1gS SOUTHERN LAKES PARK UPDATE As background, Director Vraa stated that Inver Grove Heights residents had requested that this neighborhood park be eliminated for scheduled use by EAA. Subsequently, a subcommittee of Inver Grove Heights Commission Members and Eagan Commission Member met to see if they might be able to fmd a middle ground. Chair Markell stated that neither Commission wanted to rush into a decision since the residential area is not fully developed. It is expected that Inver Grove Heights will meet with their residents again after which the two Commissions will get back together to discuss the issue further. Member Mazkell added that this field would not be expected to be used by older/hazder hitting players nor were there plans to schedule games at this site in 2000. Director Vraa stated that Inver Grove Heights will be investigating the potential of other available fields in their community that could meet the needs of this neighborhood. It was also noted that during this past summer there were not enough children in this neighborhood participating in EAA to warrant scheduled use of an additional field. LEXINGTON POINT 14'$ -TRAIL CHANGE REQUEST Director Vraa provided a brief background of this issue noting that the Commission first discussed development of this trail at their August meeting. There being several unresolved issues and insufficient information at that meeting, the item was deferred to an onsite meeting. Commission Members were able to see the potential alignment of the proposed trail and the developer was able to show Members where the street and house pads were to be located. Commission Members observed and noted that the vegetation on the shoreline to the east was at the water's edge and also noted that the distance from the curb to the high water level would be approximately 120 feet at several lots adjacent to the Pond JP-50. It became obvious that insufficient room existed for a trail in this location. It was noted that the enlazgement of Pond JP-50, after the original trail plans were made, significantly impaired the ability to construct a trail between the pond and homes. During their on-site visit, Commission Members inquired about the potential of providing a trail easement between homes. Vraa continued that the new proposed trail alignment would provide a trail segment of about 700 feet and that a shorter 150 foot trail segment would be constructed at the same location that had been historically planned for. Member Kubik opined that this is a situation where Engineering and the developer won but Pazks and Recreation lost a trail that should have been installed between the homes and pond. He added that he was not happy with the manner in which the developer handled this situation. Member Mazkell stated that originally the developer was responsible for a much longer trail. He asked if the same dollaz amount would be applied to this trail improvement even though it is not as long. Director Vraa responded that the dollars were deposited into an escrow account which will be used for the trail construction. Reiterating his concern with how this issue had changed from its original plan, Member Kubik suggesting watching future situations where this particulaz developer is involved so that it won't be repeated. Member Mazkell asked if there were other trail opportunities within this development. Director Vraa responded that this is the last phase of the original subdivision plat. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 20, 1999 Page 3 Following further brief discussion, N. Mazk Filipi moved, Bonnie Kazson seconded a motion to accept the proposed trail alignment change as proposed by staff and outlined in the packet. Those voting Aye included Joseph Bari, N. Mazk Filipi, Kevin Gutknecht, Robert Kane, Jr, Bonnie Karson, Lee Marken and John Rudolph. Commission Member Kubik voted Nay. The motion passed. COMMUNITY PARK TASK FORCE UPDATE Director Vraa stated that the City Council had directed a task force to be organized to discuss the potential acquisition of the scenic enterprise property to be used for community events/festivals, etc. The second meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 23 and member(s) of the Advisory Commission, although they have already attended one meeting, should officially be appointed to this task force. Director Vraa continued that each participant was to visit the property and visualize what types of events could occur on this site to begin to define an azchitectural program and space needs analysis. This issue is expected to go back to the City Council in October to help determine how much property would be needed for festival events. Following further discussion, Bonnie Karson, Terry Davis, Lee Marken and Joseph Bari were recommended to continue their involvement with this task force. PA RKS UE"VELO ~ ' UPDATE'. There were no pazks development items for the Commission to review. Water Resources Coordinator MacBeth updated the Commission on the pipe issue at Schwanz Lake noting that Bonestroo will be working on a solution to the problem at no cost to the City. MacBeth also noted that a group from Texas would be using some of Eagan's lakes for an experimental herbicide program to control curly leaf. OTHER SU~II~~SS A ~ . OR'1 SUMMER PROGRAM REPORTS Following a brief introduction by Superintendent Asfahl, Recreation Supervisor Nowariak provided an in- depth report of summer activities for which she is responsible. Her responsibilities encompassed youth and family programs and she highlighted the continued successful Summer in the Pazk/Wagonful O'Fun programs that saw 800 participants over the summer. Nowariak also provided background on the preschool and instructional programs along with the many varied camps offered to Eagan youth and concluded with outlining multiple issues that staff faces trying to facilitate the community's needs. Recreation Supervisor Rivamonte, responsible for youth development provided a recap of the multiple activities and programs offered at Wescott and Quarry for the families she services. Teen mentorship programs, preschool, summer lunch and junior summer fun were only a few of the many opportunities offered, which resulted in total program attendance of 8,042 for the summer. Similar to Nowariak's report, Rivamonte commented on the excellent staff helping to facilitate these programs. Recreation Supervisor Rippe, responsible for adult athletics reviewed another busy summer of activities. Summer softball saw 224 teams playing 1,650 games, sand volleyball had 13 teams, men's and women's tennis had 36 participants, co-rec team tennis had 18 teams registered and golf offerings were filled with residents asking for more. Rippe concluded with a successful concession operation at Northview helped by 6 weekend tournaments. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 20, 1999 Page 4 Recreation Supervisor Tilsner, responsible for special events reviewed some of the events she was responsible for this past summer. Some of those included Evening in the Park series, Eagan Fun Run with 354 participants, baseball and softball clinics, softball camp, and fishing clinic. In addition, Tilsner was responsible for in-line skating, tennis lessons and involved in several community wide special events like Forever Green and Earth Day. Special events at Cascade Bay rounded out the hectic summer. Superintendent Asfahl concluded by adding some of the projects he was involved in including facilitating EAA requests for 1,900 soccer, 1,800 baseball and 1,000 softball players. Working with the Eagan Arts and Humanities Council to continue the growth of the Art House programs and the Friends of the Farm at Holz Farm rounded out a busy first summer. Several Commission Members thanked staff for their informative reports and their hazd work to provide quality recreational opportunities to the community. THIItD QUARTER UPDATE OF 1999 GOALS Director Vraa introduced this item noting that the Commission had compiled a 1999 work program earlier in the year and he suggested that Members look at the list to see if there aze'any other issues they need to focus their attention on. Vraa added that at the August meeting, the question of pazking lot standards was discussed and wanted to know how the Commission Members wished to proceed with that item. Member Markell suggested that since this item was introduced by Member Davis, and he was not present, that he be contacted to see how he envisioned this review to proceed. It was noted that the long term plans for Moonshine Park may need to be considered now that Commission Members have had the opportunity to visit the site. Vraa also added that Discovery Park was deleted from the list given Skyline Displays' decision to not proceed with that park. DUKE WEEKS REALTY Director Vraa stated that this development was scheduled for the August agenda, however the developer had not submitted all the information for this development to be reviewed. Subsequently, the developer chose to not be placed on the Advisory Parks agenda and wants to go directly to the City Council for approval. Last week a letter was received from the developer asking for a waiver of tree mitigation. Since this item was going to the City Council on September 21, Director Vraa wanted to keep the Commission updated. Member Kubik stated that this would be a dangerous precedent for the Council to set if a recommendation is made without Pazks Commission review. Director Vraa stated that the City Council has the ability to make recommendations on a development without prior review by the Advisory Parks Commission, however they aze aware that this item has jumped over the normal review process by the developer. Staff will keep the Commission updated on the Council's review of this development. ZOUND TABU Member Rudolph stated that a group has been put together to oversee the expansion of the camping facility at Lebanon Hills. He noted that there aze some hotly contested issues with this proposal and would keep the Commission updated on any relevant issues that may arise. Member Rudolph provided an update of the Cedarvale Task Force noting that there will be a public open house scheduled to share the visions compiled by the task force for this area. Following public input, a recommendation will then proceed to the City Council for their consideration. Member Markell asked for an update of the Majestic Oaks development on Highway 3. He specifically wanted to know how closely the construction aligns to the development plan. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 20, 1999 Page 5 Water Resources Coordinator MacBeth stated he met with the developer and the Engineering Division. He stated that in 1993 the wetland was delineated because of development. It has since been inundated, but it isn't known how much more horizontal inundation has occurred. MacBeth also stated that the edge of the boundary has been cleared of vegetation. It appears that research back to 1993 will need to be done regarding the delineation and then re- claim the site with erosion control and stabilization measures. Member Markell asked if the wetland has been filled, what are the consequences to the developer. Shouldn't the developer be completely responsible for re-establishing the site? Coordinator MacBeth stated that, technically speaking, the wetland hasn't been filled. Member Markell reiterated that the tree removal is an issue and that clearly the shoreline has been ripped out. Coordinator MacBeth stated that there will need to be further investigation into the situation and he will bring that updated information back to the Commission. Director Vraa added that staff may go back to the development agreement to see if there was a requirement to stay back 30 feet from the delineated wetland. AD~Q~,'`~ .....~ , With no further business to conduct, John Rudolph moved, N. Mark Filipi seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. Secretary Date