10/18/1999 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 18, 19999 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on October 18, 1999 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Tent' Davis, Kevin Gutknecht, Barbara Johnson, Robert Kane, Jr., Bonnie Karson, George Kubik, Lee Mazkell, Daryle Petersen, and John Rudolph. Commission Member N. Mazk Filipi was not present. Staffpresent included Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recrearion; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; CJ Lilly, Parks Planner; Eric MacBeth, Water Resources Coordinator; and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. ~1P~~b`vAI.OF AGENDA Under New Business, Director Vraa added (2) Pazk/Tree Preservation. George Kubdc moved, Bonnie Karson seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as amended. George Kubik moved, John Rudolph seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of September 20, 1999. Member Petersen abstained from voting since he was not in attendance at the meeting. !ISTTC?1ZS Tt~ BE HEARD There were no visitors present who wished to be addressed under this agenda item. ~'$J''T~1V'!'. ~~S Items highlighted by Director Vraa included the fall Learn to Skate program, distribution of the Winter Discover Us! brochure, NYSCA coaches clinics, new tenant for the Don Grant house, fall fertilization program, STS work on the phase II entrance ramp at Heine Pond and completion of landscaping at Walden Heights Park. ~I95ENT.A:GL1~tDA There were no Consent Agenda items for the Commission to review. .: ~ .,fP~~FOSA7S EAGAN POINTE -DUKE WEEKS REALTY Director Vraa explained that Duke Weeks Realty had opted to by-pass the Advisory Parks Commission review of their development in September in lieu of presenting their development plans directly to the City Council. The Council gave the developer preliminary plat approval but directed them to provide their proposal to the Advisory Parks Commission for their review and recommendations. Director Vraa continued that it appears that all outstanding issues with the developer have been resolved at this time. Forestry Supervisor Hove reviewed the site, which included an existing house. A tree inventory has been submitted and been modified by staff to more accurately describe significant vegetation on the site. The allowable removal for this type of development is set at 47.5%, however,100% of the 54 significant trees are planned for removal. Mitigation calculates to the installation of 58 Category A trees or 116 category B trees, or 232 Category C trees, or an equivalent combination. The tree mitigation plan by the developer proposes to plant 29 category A and 59 category B trees on the site to meet the requirements. Director Vraa added the water quality, parks and trails dedication requirements for the development as well. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 18, 1999 Page 2 Member Petersen asked the developer when the building would be completed. The developer responded that they currently had a tenant for one lot and would possibly build to suit or construct spec buildings on the balance of the site. Member Petersen asked if the developer would be receptive to a tenant requesting a multiple story building. Member Davis also asked if the development proposed any underground parking. The developer responded that the development provides for all surface parking and that they would be receptive to requests made to meet specific tenant's needs. Member Kubik asked if staff was satisfied that the ponding requirement would meet the water quality requirements given the high degree of impervious surface on this site. Coordinator MacBeth responded that staff is satisfied with the size. Member Petersen asked the developer how they felt about the parking lot size and whether they needed as many parking spaces as are shown. The developer stated that they did not feel they needed this many spaces, however the number shown meet the City's code requirements. Member Markell asked if the developer would be willing to show proof of parking and build additional parking lot areas only when and if they are needed in the future. The developer responded that they certainly would consider that option. Member Petersen concluded that several Commission Members would like to see less parking lot space within development sites and/or more creativity in limiting the amount of impervious surface. Following further brief discussion, Daryle Petersen moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding the Eagan Pointe development: 1. This development would be responsible for a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication for Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5. 2. According to the City of Eagan Tree Preservation Ordinance the required tree mitigation calculates to the installation of fifty-eight (58) category A trees, or one-hundred sixteen (116) category B trees, or two-hundred thirty-two (232) Category C trees, or an equivalent combination of these trees as mitigation for tree removal in excess of allowable limits. Mitigation shall be in addition to any city required landscaping. meat entirely through 3. This development should meet its water quality mitigation require on-site ponding. The pond excavation should incorporate a 5-foot wide aquatic bench extending from NWL to 1 foot below NWL and side slopes below the aquatic bench should be 3:1 to a maximum depth of 10.5 feet. The proposed ponding area should be constructed to meet the City of Eagan's Detention Basin Design Standards with a surface area and wet volume of at least .6 acres and 2.6 acre- feet, respectively. Skimmers of suitable design to the City should be installed on the outlet of all detention basins. 4. Explore proof of parking whenever possible to reduce overall parking on the site. ~:.." DISPOSITION OF DON GRANT PROPERTY Following a brief introduction and background information on acquisition of the Don Grant property, Director Vraa introduced Parks Planner Lilly. Lilly continued that he has completed the measurements of the buildmg so that there will be a CAD drawing on file should the City choose to m ~e modifies ons to the epx~is~igty building(s). He suggested that now would be a good time to begin the review of tential o ons for this Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regulaz Meeting of October 18, 1999 Page 3 Member Rudolph stated that when Commission Members visited the site they were given the charge to envision what types of events/activities could be facilitated at this site. He suggested that the subcommittee involved with looking at the long term plans for Moonshine Pazk should represent many different viewpoints and should also include individuals outside the Commission and staff. Member Mazkell suggested that the make-up of the subcommittee be discussed at the Round Table to give members an opportunity to decide if they want to participate. SEW BUSINES~a MALLARD TRAIL REQUEST Director Vraa introduced this item stating that a call and subsequent petition have been received From the neighborhood located north of Cliff Road, west of Pilot Knob Road, east of Johnny Cake Ridge Road and south of the Highline Trail. Their petition asks for a trail connection to the Highline Trail to the north of their subdivision. It was noted that x1117 families on North Mallazd Trail and Mallazd Place signed the petition and that a trail in this location was consistent with the Master Trails Plan. Two concepts were presented by Planner Lilly for the Commission to consider. Concept A provided a trail length of approximately 1,000 feet and Concept B provided one just under 600 feet. The approximate cost of Concept A is approximately $24,000 and $32,000 for Concept B due to the measures associated with the steep slopes. Following a brief discussion, Barbara Johnson moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend the Concept A proposal for trail development. This alternative would have the trail go east for a distance of about 660 feet before tying in with the Highline Trail. In this concept, grades maybe kept at approximately 10% and the trail makes a smooth transition across the hilly terrain. Total trail length is approximately 1,000 feet. This concept was chosen because of bike access. Discussion occurred regarding how this trail link would be funded. Terry Davis moved, Kevin Gutknecht seconded with all members voting in favor to fund the trail from the Small Projects/set-aside fund. PARK/TREE PRESERVATION Member Davis initiated the request that the Commission review the issue of tree preservation versus pazking lots. He suggested that further study be done into both ordinances to see if there is a way to better balance tree preservation while maintaining only the level of pazking actually necessary for developments as a way to mitigate/reduce the amount of impervious surface. Member Petersen concurred stating that reviewing this issue is over due. Perhaps this review can result in a change in future developments to limit the pazking area required by the City or at least look at more creative ways in which to minimize what is currently required. Member Kubik suggested that review of the tree ordinance is timely given the inability the City has in some cases to prevent tree loss. Member Markell added that thought might be given to looking at street widths as well as 2 story/3 story buildings versus single story. Member Davis concluded that the subcommittee should be looking at options other than surface parking for developments. ARKS A"~I'} 1~ ~y1`i<ON"1;7PDATE Superintendent Olson explained that the 2 tennis courts at O'Leary Park were scheduled to be repaired this fall, however, when staff began the project, they discovered more serious subsurface issues. Because of the extensive level of work that would need to be done at this site to re-establish tennis courts, it was determined that nothing would be done at this time to the site. Staff will entertain other recreation opportunities for consideration at this site. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 18, 1999 Page 4 Member Kubik opined that this is a good opportunity to explore other recreational opportunities. Member Gutknecht asked how much the courts aze used. Superintendent Olson stated that because they were not in very good shape, they did not get a lot of use. Member Kubik suggested that the Recreation Subcommittee review this issue. Member Johnson suggested visiting with the surrounding neighbors to solicit their input as well. Superintendent Asfahl stated that the success of the Art House programs at Patrick Eagan Park have spilled over into the garage space. The Arts and Humanities Council would like to see the use continued through the winter and have asked if heat and other improvements can be added to allow the use. Staff estimates that it will cost approximately $5,000 to bring the garage space to a usable state. The Arts and Humanities Council is in the process of raising funds so they can proceed with this project. Pazks Planner Lilly stated that the trail from Lexington Diffley Athletic Fields west to the Caponi Art Park is completed. He suggested that Commission Members visit the trail when they get an opportunity. ~NAT~It RES[SU~C~S ~~A~' MAJESTIC OAKS WETLAND UPDATE Following a brief introduction by Director Vraa, Water Resowces Coordinator MacBeth shared aerial views of the site along with reviewing the chronology of information he was able to retrieve regazding this site. He noted that a 2+ acre wetland in the northwest comer of the site is adjacent to Highway 3 which makes the grading construction activities highly visible from the road. Concerns about the construction's proximity to the waterbody were shazed in September, prompting this reseazch. Coordinator MacBeth explained that although he has done significant reseazch, he still is uncleaz what actually happened at this site. He added that he is not convinced that what is in the plans is actually what has happened in the field. Member Markel! asked if the project is being built according to the approved plans. Coordinator MacBeth responded that the grading plan dated 7/6!99 is the one the City has signed off on. The developer, Brad Swenson stated that pre-1992 the City moved Pond LP-47. When the northerly site was constructed, water came into the original LP-47 which inundated his site. Swenson added that he will be connecting to the ponding to the north but opined that the ponding is a storm pond rather than a wetland. He added that the drainage should've been designed differently so that his site would not have flooded. Member Petersen clarified that it appeared that the NWL was 908 in 1990. Mr. Swenson stated that the NWL was proposed at 909/910 and that because the pond to the north wasn't sized properly, all the vegetation around his ponding azea was drowned out resulting in the need to remove the dead trees. Member Markel! asked if everything else was constructed according to approved plans. Mr. Swenson responded that they had. Member Markel! asked if the pre-existing vegetative coverage could be simulated and provide a conservation easement to prohibit future removal to the ponding area. Mr. Swenson stated he would be working with Forestry Supervisor Hove and Coordinator MacBeth to re-plant area. He added that he would re- landscape to discourage future homeowners from changing the plantings. Member Markel! suggested placing a conservation easement around the ponding area before any of the lots were occupied. Mr. Swenson stated he was spending a lot of money re-vegetating and did not want to dictate to homeowners what they could do with their own property. Member Mazkell asked if City staff knew there would be this much tree removal. Mr. Swenson responded that all the trees were dead. Member Petersen asked if the developer had worked with the City's engineering staff regarding the removal. Mr. Swenson stated he did not take anyone from the City out to the site before the removal. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of October 18, 1999 Page 5 Member Kubik suggesting that Coordinator MacBeth continue his reseazch. Coordinator MacBeth noted that the wetland delineation report is the only concrete piece of information he has been able to fmd. He noted that multiple pond elevations were found on varying dates but there is no conclusive information at this time. Member Kubik reiterated that Coordinator MacBeth should continue his reseazch and report back to the Commission in November. Coordinator MacBeth suggested that the Commission may want to pursue discussion of erosion control/wetland buffer issues and may need to look at a potential ordinance to help police this issue. ~'1'AER i~[JSINESS ANU REPORTS SUMMER MAINTENANCE REPORT Superintendent Olson introduced this item stating that the presentation is a result of the Commission's request for input on the maintenance aspect of the department. Park Maintenance Supervisor Steve Taylor and Park Operations Supervisor Paul Graham were present to provide input to the Commission. Supervisor Taylor shared the summer's maintenance operation noting that there are 8.5 full time and 20 seasonal staff that handle the fertilization, aeration, field striping, mowing, playground inspection, irrigation and winter maintenance operation. Taylor elaborated on the various azeas and shared photos of many of the operations that aze on-going. Supervisor Graham talked about other areas of maintenance that he supervises including evening mowing crews, park attendants for facility reservations, pazk laborers for various events/activities and building maintenance, ballfield attendants for daily ballfield use and weekend tournaments. Graham added that handling vandalism and providing maintenance for 20 buildings demands an increasing amount of time for his crews. Member Davis asked if staff maintains the lawns of the City's cumnt rental properties. Supervisor Graham responded that they do not; it is the responsibility of the tenant. The Commission thanked Supervisors Taylor and Graham for their thorough review of the maintenance operation noting that this aspect of the department is not well known by pazk users. DAKOTA COUNTY PARKS CIP Following a brief introduction by Director Vraa, Dakota County Parks Director Sullivan provided information relative to the Dakota County Parks CIP. He reviewed in detail projects proposed during 2000, 2001 and 2002. Members Johnson stated that the majority of Dakota County park users are from Dakota County. She asked if that was the case with the RV campsite. Director Sullivan responded that only 3% are Dakota County users. Member Rudolph commented that there has been a neighborhood outcry regarding the development of the campsite on Johnny Cake Ridge Road because it was done without input from the public, there is concern that it will become a commercialized site and that it opposes the current master plan. Director Sullivan responded that the County has met with many of the neighboring resident regarding the campground. He added that sixteen meetings have been conducted and this expansion has been in the C1P for several years. Director Sullivan encouraged people to become involved in the master plan process since the park serves a lot of people with diversified interests. He concluded that the County welcomes all input. Member Petersen added that Lebanon Hills is a gem in the County's system. He asked if the County solicited input from local and national groups who may wish to get involved in this exciting planning process. Sullivan reiterated that all input is welcome. Member Kubik thanked Director Sullivan for his presentation and information update for Dakota County Pazks. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regulaz Meeting of October 18, 1999 Page 6 COMMUNITY FACILITIES LAND ACQUISITION TASK FORCE REPORT Director Vraa explained that this task force has been looking at possible acquisition of land for a potential central pazk. The land being focused on is known as the scenic enterprise site west of Pilot Knob Road and north of Yankee Doodle Road. Following their review of the site, the task force is recommending that 34 gross acres be acquired at this location. Amenities considered for this site include an amphitheater, community center/senior center, festival site and July 4's celebration site. The task force will present their recommendations to the City Council for consideration. Relative to an amphitheater/stage area, Director Vraa brought the Commission's attention to another option. He presented information and a brief tape on a portable stage, which may be an alternative to constructing a permanent stage. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES There were no subcommittee items for the Commission to be made aware of. RESCHEDULE DECEMBER MEETING DATE The December Commission date was changed to Thursday, December 16, 1999. The change was necessary since the City Council moved their meeting date from December 21 to December 20, which was the original Commission meeting date. PARK SITE FUND PRINT-OUT Director Vraa provided a brief overview of the print-out included in the packet. He noted that the revenue is above what was projected, primarily due to the cash dedication from Skyline Displays. ]n response to a question, Vraa stated that there is approximately 52.7 million cumntly in the fund. CASCADE BAY UPDATE Director Vraa stated that an update had been submitted to the City Council regazding Cascade Bay's first summer. A copy of that report was included in the packet for the Commission to review as well. Director Vraa discussed several high points of the report including the attendance of over 160,000 people, 48% of which were season pass holders. Member Markell asked about participation in the Grant Property/Moonshine Park task force. Member Rudolph suggested contacting people who might be interested in working on this project. He suggested that anyone in the viewing audience interested in participating should call. Member Bari suggested using press releases and Channel 16 to solicit interest. Member Markell asked which Commission Members were interested in participating and whether there was. a specific time flame involved. Director Vraa stated that this project may involve the next 9- 12 months overall. Member Rudolph expressed an interest in participating. Member Karson suggested waiting until the November meeting to see if there has been more interest expressed in participating. Relative to the tree mitigation preservation, impervious surface and ordinance review, Member Davis asked about a potential time frame for this discussion. Director Vraa explained that before staff can expend time working on an ordinance change, the work needs to be directed by the City Council. Advisory Pazks Commission Minutes of Regulaz Meeting of October 18, 1999 Page 7 Member Johnson expressed concern about the request to review the Majestic Oaks Wetland issue since the information didn't appear to be complete. Since this issue appears to have gone backl0 years, it is difficult for the Commission to make a recommendation or review completely without more information. Director Vraa clarified that this has been an on-going issue. The information provided was an attempt to re-create what had occurred and define more clearly what was done. Further review will obviously need to be done. Member Davis asked if the pond location changed. Director Vraa stated that that is not cleaz at this point. Member Johnson asked why it was necessary to recreate history; time should be spent having the developer resolve the problem. Director Vraa commented that the developer is currently attempting to mitigate and provide restoration. Member Kubdc reiterated that this is a perfect example of the cumulative effects of increased impervious surfaces in developments and opined that the timing of the ordinance review is now. ~.7<OURIVIVI~)`tT With no further business to conduct George Kubik moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:03 p.m. S retary Date