12/14/1998 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 14,1998 A regulaz meeting of the Advisory Pazks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on December 14, 1998 with the following Commission Members present: Terry Davis, N. Mazk Filipi, Bazbara Johnson, Bonnie 'Kazson, George Kubik, Lee Mazkell, Daryle Petersen, Michael Vincent and Jerry Farlee. Member John Rudolph was not present. Staff present included Ken Vraa, Director of Pazks and Recreation; Dorothy Peterson, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Pazks Superintendent; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; CJ Lilly, Parks Planner; Bob Kirmis, Planner and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. ~PROVAL {Jl~' AGENDA George Kubik moved, Michael Vincent seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as presented. AP'PR+D'VAI.~F MIl~CI~`~S OF#~~TI.AR MEETG-~i~ ~It)V 1~;' Bazbaza Johnson moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of the regular meeting of November 16, 1999 as presented. ~ISIT4RS 'TO BE HEARD There were no residents who wished to address the Commission under this agenda item. ~l!EPARTIINT HAI'7'ENINGS Items highlighted by Director Vraa included the delay in flooding outdoor ice rinks because of warm weather, acquisition of the Don Grant property is being finalized, recreation has relinquished gymnasium space to EAA travel basketball through Community Education, employment brochures for Cascade Bay, Recreation, Pazks Maintenance, Forestry and the Civic Arena have recently been completed, the Arts and Humanities Council is moving forward with a proposed merger with the Dakota Center for the Arts, the search continues for winter warming house staff and Cascade Bay season passes are being sold for holiday gifts. Member Kubik asked what the impact on resources would be with EAA offering volleyball to youth in 1999. Superintendent Peterson stated that the program would run from mid-March to early May, which is off- season for other sports and will not create a conflict. Member Markell asked what the lease length is for the properties that the City rents. Director Vraa stated they were one yeaz renewable leases. Member Johnson asked if the plantings proposed at Cascade Bay were completed this fall. Director Vraa responded that the plantings adjacent to the library and neaz the civic arena were completed, however the residential area to the east will be planted in the spring along with the balance of the site landscaping. ''3NSElti"I' AGENDA There were no Consent Agenda items for the Commission to review. ~~'t'1'11~iE~11' UPON ~~.,5 EASTER LUTHERAN CHURCH PD AMENDMENT AND VARIANCE; COMP. GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT Planner Kirmis provided a brief background of the porposal noting that the applicants wish to change the parcel's present D-1, Single Family designation to a PF, Public Facility designation They aze also requesting a Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 14, 1998 Page 2 Preliminary Planned Development Amendment and Conditional Use Permit to incorporate a 3.0 acre parcel within the previously approved PD that applies to the 12.3 acre church property. The Preliminary PD was approved in 1995 but the church has subsequently acquired the 3.0 acre pazcel to the west. It was noted that the development plan called for the phased construction of a 104,000 squaze foot church facility. Planner Kirmis concluded that the size of the church has grown from its original size of 79,000 sq. ft. to 104,000 sq. ft. at it ultimate phased buildout in 2009. Supervisor Hove reviewed the significant vegetation on site and the tree removal that is proposed. Mitigation for tree removal was reviewed noting that this proposal exceeds the allowable limits for removal. The proposal suggested by staff was to transplant 27 trees to a "safe" area on site, however, if that option was not feasible, mitigation would be fulfilled by installation of purchased trees. Supervisor Hove also noted that 1,000 seedlings have been planted on this site with 600 of them surviving. Many of these trees will be distributed throughout the site to maintain a compatible wooded site adjacent to Thomas Lake. Member Johnson asked if there had been damage to these trees during the storms earlier in the year. Hove responded that there was very little stonm damage at this site. Rev. Jim Borgschatz addressed the Commission noting that Easter Lutheran Church has experienced significant growth in the last several years and has been planning for some time to expand their facilities to accommodate that growth. The architect for the project then provided an overview of the development noting that it would be a phased development with parking decks on 3 levels to accommodate the need. Member Mazkell asked when the leveled parking area would be constructed. The acchitect responded that when the worship center was completed there would be 200, 9' x 18' pazking spaces. Member Markell asked how close the structure(s) were to the shoreline. The architect responded it was 75 feet from the high water line of 908. Member Mazkell asked if the developer would consider a conservation easement to prohibit removal of vegetation along the shoreline. Rev. Borgschatz asked if the easement would restrict their use of the area. Member Mazkell responded that the intention is that the azea can be used but that the vegetation would not be removed. Rev. Borgschatz stated that they would consider that option. Member Petersen asked the size of the congregation. Rev. Borgschatz responded that they have approximately 1,050 families, approximately the same size as St. John Neumann. Members Kubik and Davis expressed concern for the change from the 1995 recommendation regarding preservation of an ungraded, unmentioned buffer strip extending 50 feet back from the normal water elevation of Thomas Lake and that the boundary of the buffer strip will be cleazly mazked in the field prior to grading. They opined that the current recommendation does not take as strong a position as the eazlier recommendation. Rev. Borgschatz responded that they will work with staffregazding the placement of ponds and the entrance road to create the least impact to Thomas Lake. Their intent is to maintain the beauty and serenity of the site as much as possible. The architect reiterated that they will work to minimize the buffer impact and to maintain the shoreline in tact as much as possible. Member Kubik stated he was comfortable with staff working with the developer to achieve that end result. Member Mazkell asked if there would be trails through the site. Rev. Borgschatz stated that they would like to have the azea available to citizens but expressed concern for installing any more hard surfaces on the site. After further brief discussion, Michael Vincent moved, Baibaza Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regazding Easter Lutheran Church: 1. Under its current designation for development as a church, this proposal would not be subject to a parks dedication requirement. Should the designation change in the future, pazks dedication would be required. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regulaz Meeting of December 14, 1998 Page 3 2. This development shall be responsible for a cash trails dedication 3. The Tree Preservation Plan shall be approved as proposed with the following conditions: • In an effort to reduce tree removal, staff and representatives of the applicant shall select at least twenty-seven (27) trees, from the tree removal inventory, for transplanting from construction areas to safe areas on site. This tree transplanting would occw prior to grading and/or construction activities. • If tree removal cannot be reduced to allowable limits (99 trees), via transplanting, the applicant shall be required to install Category A, B, or C trees, in an amount determined by staff to fulfill tree removal in excess of allowable limits. • Tree Protective measwes (i.e. 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) shall be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. • The applicant shall contact the City Forestry Division at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to enswe compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan. 4. The developer will work with staff to increase the interval of undistwbed buffer to at least 20 feet in the azea of the south entrance road off Cliff Road. 5. All disturbed azeas associated with both this and the other encroachments as well as azound the pond featwes should be re-established with .native perennial grasses that are left in an unmaintained condition. 6. The runoff treatment obligations for the developer will not change from the August 14, 1995 recommendations made by the Advisory Parks Commission. 7. Should a dock be placed within this development site, its design will be consistent with other docks. 8. The developer shall work with staff to establish a conservation easement at the shoreline to prohibit removal of vegetation. This will not prohibit access by the developer. `BUSINESS CAPONI PARKING LOT REQUEST Director Vraa provided a brief background noting that Mr. Caponi had requested that the City provide an 8' . trail from the western pazking lot of Lexington Diffley Athletic Fields to the Caponi Art Pazk property. A sign would indicate that the gated entrance is where access can be gained to the Art Pazk. Mr. Caponi wanted to maintain control of pedestrian traffic onto private property at this time. Director Vraa concluded that this issue was reviewed by the Acquisition/Development sub-committee. Member Markell stated that the sub-committee concluded that a bituminous surface would be appropriate from the parking lot to the Caponi property line. They would like to seethe option of a loop trail explored so that it doesn't appear that the trail comes to a dead end. At a cost of $25,000, the sub-committee opined that this would be a good investment given the ability to use the Art Pazk for futwe opportunities. Member Davis asked if there would be a way to connect the neighborhood to the south of the Art park to the Lexington Diffley Athletic Fields. He opined that this would be a nice option for those residents although it appeared that Mr. Caponi was not considering that option at this time. After further brief discussion, Michael Vincent moved, Bonnie Karson seconded with all members voting in favor to approve the sub-committee's recommendation to construct a bituminous trail from the Lexington Diffley Athletic Fields to the Caponi Art Park. Member Kubik clarified that the cost of $25,000 would be for approximately 850 feet of trail at this location. Member Markell added a request that the bituminous be placed to coincide with Mr. Caponi's similar work on the Art Park, In response to a question, Director Vraa stated that the performance area is scheduled to open in 2000. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 14, 1998 Page 4 ~+TEW BUSINESS HOLZ FARM ANNUAL REPORT Director Vraa provided a brief background noting that the annual report from the Friends of the Farm has been completed and a copy was recently presented to the City Council. The report was included in the packet for Commission review. Member Vincent recapped some of the highlights over the past yeaz noting that the Friends of the Farm are still looking for volunteers for many of the projects and activities that are planned. Member Johnson noted that the many events at Holz Farm have drawn large crowds and asked if it was possible to re-locate or re-design the playground to accommodate more parking. It was noted that this is an item that will be further discussed during the CIP review and Holz Farm review. SET JANUARY MEETING DATE The January, 1999 meeting date was set for Thursday, January 14 because of the conflict with Martin Luther King, Jr. day. ~AR~{S I~EVI/LO~I~ENT DATE There were no parks development items to be updated for the Commission. !WATER RESOURCES UPDATE' There were no updates for the Commission under this agenda item. ~ER:Il~IESS.A~°b REPORTS SUBCOMNIITTEE UPDATES There were no subcommittee reports presented. AQUATIC FACILITY UPDATE Director Vraa noted that season ticket sales are going very well for Cascade Bay. The warm weather has allowed construction to proceed longer than would normally be the case and has the. project in a fairly good position going into the winter season. Applications will be taken for seasonal positions shortly and policies and procedures aze beginning to take shape. ~~JND TABLE Member Johnson asked if the Commission could look at reviewing opportunities to purchase land adjacent to pazkland. It was suggested that the Acquisition/Development Subcommittee meet on Tuesday, January 5 at 5:00 p.m. After further discussion it was decided to table this issue until the January 14 Advisory Parks Commission when some background information could be identified to help the Commission with their review of this subject. Member Kubik complimented Chairman Mazkell for a job well done chairing the Commission. He also complimented Director Vraa and staff for maintaining a consistent workflow during all of the recent staff shortages and changes in workload. Member Kubik also asked if the azena had any problems with the much publicized Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 14, 1998 Page 5 Zamboni discharges. Director Vraa explained that both ice resurfacers at the arena are electric, therefore there are no emissions. Director Vraa reminded the Commission that the terms of three members were expiring at the end of 1999 with interviews being held in January for residents interested in applying. `..1!T.NT With no further business to conduct, Michael Vincent moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. /~- /6 -9g Secretary Date