11/15/1999 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MINUTES OF REULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER 15,1999 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order-at 7:00 pm. on November 1S, 1999 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Terry Davis; N. Mark Filipi, Kevin Gutknec~t, Barbara Johnson, Robert Kane, Jr., Bonnie Karson, Lee Marken, Daryle Petersem and John Rudolph. Commission Member George Kubik was not present. Staffpresent included Km Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; Eric MacBeth, Water Resources Coordinator; aad Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. ~-PPROVAL OF AGENDA John Rudolph moved, Barbara Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the agenda as Presented.. _ .: ~I'P$OVAL OF IYIDYiJTES OF OCTOBER 1$,1999 Member Johnson commented that on Page 7, after the second sentence, the following should be added, "Time should be spent resolving the situation with the developer." Daryle Petersen moved, Bonnie Karsaa seconded with all members voting in favor to accept the minutes of October 18,1999 as amended. VISITORS TO BE HEARD FRIENDS OF LEBANON HILLS PARK -BOB GOLD Bob Gold, repres~ting Friends of Lebanon Hills Park was presort to review the concerns this group has with the current campground development in Lebanon Hills Fark. The group is ofthe opinion that citize:- input needs to dvect what work will be: done in this park He stated that the campground serves only 3% of the County's resid®ts, that there were no specific public hearings on this project and that the development is not onnsisteat with the master development plan. Member Rudolph shared the group's concerns stating that residents may want to take a look at the overall plan and, get involved. Mr. Gold added that at the County level there appears to be a development vs preservatim philosophy and in this ~ the developmcet philosophy won. Following fiather comments, Chair Markell thanked Mr. Gold for his presentation and commems. DEPARTMENT HAPPENINGS Items highlighted by Dirxta Vraa included the fall prairie burn in Thomas Lake Park, the ability of maintenance staff to continue with maiat~ance and repairs, need for additional park maintenance staff to assist with snow removal, registration for adult winter sports, the success of the Halloween Treat and Terror Trails, and the visit by the Eagan Fire Department to preschool classes. . .~ pONSENT AGENDA ~~ y Terry Davis moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding Town Centre 100 Eighteenth Addition: ~: r 1. This development shall be responsible for a cash trails dedication ~" 2. Suggest that proof of parking be reviewed in an attempt to roduce impervious stsface. i .. ~. b ~. . y~ :~ Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 15,1999 Page 2 DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS There were no development proposals for the Commission to review. LLD BIISII~IF.SS ,~, . , ; TREE MITIGATION FUNDS, Director Vrsa introduced this item noting that one of the revisions integrated into the Tree Pre.4ervatian Ordinance was the establishment of a gash mitigation" option. The funds collected have been set aside into a Trce Preservation Mitigation acooimt and there has not been a policy set up to utilize the fiends. City Forester Hove noted that a complete background was included in the packet. He added that in early 1998 d~ere was discussion about potential options for the use of the collected funds, however no decision was reached. Two areas defined for passible use ofthe funds were the acquisition of conservation easements and reforestation programs. Another area previously discussed was collaborative efforts involving the City of Eagan and private property owners, however, the City attorney has advised that this is not an option that should be roenmmended Staff is looking fix Commissim comment and direction on how to proceed to a written policy. Member Johnson noted that the option of using grants outlined in 1998 was never used and suggested that this may be a viable option. She asked if fiords might be used for an oak wilt project in Lebanon Hills Regional Park. Supervisor Hove commented that the County has their own oak wih management program. Member Petersen suggested subsidizing a Forever Green type of project that would potentially benefit the entire city. Hove stated that that could be an area to earmark fiords. Member Johnson commented that a great deal of the work was previously done on this project and suggested that the doa~meat that was completed could be the basis for a policy. Director Vraa stated that although some of the work has been done, this has not been fixmally adopted by the City Council for implementation. Member Petersen ~suggestod ffiat the Natural Resources sub-committee review what has been developed, prioritize and being the issue back to ~e Commission fix further comment before proceeding to the City Council fix their review and consideration. Member Davis suggested that the sub~committce look at other ideas and options and how they can'be beneficial to the program as well. Member Rudolph asked if dollars could be used fix diseased tree assistance/ranoval. Supervisor Hove responded that that may be a oonsideratian in the establishment of the policy. Following further brief disca~.ssion, Kevin Gutlmecht moved, Barbara Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to defer this item to the Natural Resources sub-committce fix father review before bringing it bacc to the fiill Commission for diskaission. SELECTION OF PLANNING GROUP FOR MOONSHII~TE PARK REVIEW Director Vraa introduced this item noting that the Commission had requested that a task force be put together and input solicited from the community on the potential development options for Moonshine Park Staff ti suggests that some optionsrdeas be developed by a task force and then invite public input. :r ;~ Member Marlkell suggested that the Land AcquisitiaolDevelopment sub-committee review this rte. Member Petersen added that the Recreation sub-committce should be involved with this review as well. Member ~ Gutlmek~t noted that all Commission Members are welcome to participate. Director Vraa stated that CJ Lilly and Paul Olson will be staffrepregartatives for this project. ..: . Joseph Bsri moved, Bonnie Karson seconded whh all members voting m favor to defer this item to the Land Aequisition/Development and Recreation sub-committees for review. l .. . ~: 4,.. ., u ... .. .... .......: A .. ..._.. ... ,:.: '.u.. .-_~-.. .'L.i.AL~£.~:. '.; .p'~:'L': a::' ...~ i....3e.~ ~,.... ..... ~.~ ........first+%'~ctZe'A'-"sYTi~..,.~~..>.. .. .._..-.w «« .. _.. ~ M _ 4. Advisory Parks Commission '~ Minutes of Regulaz Meeting of November 15,1999 page 3 ~TEW BIISINESS Q *° 2000 PARKS AND TRAQS DEDICATION FEES Director Vraa explained that the Advisory Commission annually reviews and rxommendsnew rates for park and trail dedication to the City Council fa adoption and implementation after the first of the year. It was noted that historically fees. have been based on the value of raw land, however in recent years, land sale transactions have not been a reliable source because there is no raw land left in Eagan. in comparing Eagan's fees with other cxanmunities, Vraa added that they are higher than many but are not the highest The foes were increased by approximately 2.3% in 1999 and staff is suggesting a 3% increase for 2000. Member Markell opined that the cost of housing has increased approximately 10% and suggested that the increase be closer to S%. After further brief discussion, Barbara Johnson moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding parks and trails dedication fees for 2000: PARKS DEDICATION TRAILS DEDICATION Single Family 51,272/unit Residential 5168/unit Duplex 1,264/unit Commercial 948/acre Townhouses/Quads 867hmit Apts/Multiple 862/unit Commereial/Ind. 3,476/acne 2000 FEES AND CHARGES Director Vraa stated that the Department fees and charges are also reviewed on an annual basis whh recommendations forwarded to the City Council for their review. After reviewing the two changes proposed for 2000; requiring a $50.00 damage deposit for picnic kits and increasing the cxst for moving picnic tables to 510.00/table there were several questions asked far clarification. It was noted that the fee schedule will reed that the 1999 fee for moving tables is 525, err 55.00/table. It was also noted that the fee should reflect that non-resident groups using Eagan parks will be able to have tables moved for this fee as well. Daryle Petersen moved, Tent' Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to recommend that the City Council accept the 2000 fee schedule as amended. ~~ AND RECREATION 1QPDATE Superintendent Olson stated that bleachers throughout Eagan's parks will be brought into compliance in- house. Staff will make the necessary modifications to meet the Legislative mandate. Relative to Y2K compliance issues, Superintendent Olson stated that there are no .expected problems with any of the parks. Director Vraa explained that Donna T~Isner accepted a position with Edina Parks and Recreation and will . be starting that new position in a week. She is cxnrmtly recruiting and interviewing warming welter stain an . attempt to fill as many positions as possible before she leaves. x ~VATEB BESOIIBCIFS DPDATE `~ Water Resources Coordinator Eric MacBeth talked about the potential to use a solar powered aerator at a i Fish Lake. He explained the benefits of this type of aerator over what is being used and asked the Commission to consider making a recommendation to the City Council for this application. if ~. ., ~ .. ~ r_..,. ~.. ,_, ,~,._ a- ' Advisory Parks Commission . ~~ Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 15,1999 ~;: page 4 It was suggested that the Natural Resources sub-ca~mmittee review this issue more closely before making a recommendation, however it was noted that it may be difficuh to get the group together at this time of year prig to the December 16 meeting. ~' Following feather brief discussion, Teary Davis moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with allmembeas voting r„ in favor to refer this item to the Natural Resources s<rb-committee for review, Eric was asked to provide written ~_ background to Commission MesY-bers prior to the Deoemba 16 meeting. ~: MAJESTIC OAKS WETLAND UPDATE ~~ Coordinator Mac)3eth stated that the developer has bees working ooopaatively with staff to tesolve this issue. A wall and plantings will retain the area of canarn. ~ Member Markell stated that he would still lr7ce to see a conservation esiseaneat approximately20-30 few wide at the high water mark. Member Davis rexsilled that the develops didn't want to consider that option nor did be want to restrict the property owner's use of their property. Ca~mmissian Member Johnson expressed ooncexn that without some type ofprotection, lot owners coiild remove the vegetation that is being placed on the site. Since some of the lots have already been sold, Member Davis opined that the City could not impose a conservation ta~ent m the existing property owners. Coordinator Macl3eth suggested that this protection might ocarr as a covenant through the homeowners association. After furd~er discussion, Lee Markell moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with all members voting in favor. to have staffnegotiate with the developer a no foe 30 foot conservation easement an the tats that have beer- graded to date extending upslcrpe from the City's drainage easesent. If as easement is not possible, staff should pwsue with the developer the inclusion of a covenant in the homeowners association doprmearts to protect the property. pTHER BQSI[NE55 AND REPORTS TREE INSPECTOR REPORT Following a brief background of the shade tree disease program by Supervisor Hove, Mr7ce Sowers was introduced. Mr. Sowers had prepared an in-depth report an Oak Wilt and Dutch Ehn along with the remedial action that has been taken to help diminish the spread of these diseases throughout the City. Mr. Sowers noted that during his employment this past year he has responded to approximately 400 wstamer requests far forestry related questions and issues. In an attempt to get mere information to the public, a forestry web page was created and became a part of the City's web site which allows residents to access a myriad of information through links to other agencies. The web site was demonstrated to allow the Commission and public the opportunity to see how diverse the information is. Mesnbexs Rudolph sad Petersen complitaented Mr. Sowers on the very b~eficial report as well as fire introduction to the web page. 8 was noted that information would be provided to the public via newslettez so they are aware this site exists. Y . SUBCONi1VIITTEE UPDATES ;~. Member Rudolph stated that the Cedarvale Task Farce is wrapping up their draft proposal which will be sent an to the City Council .for their review and feedback.. ~; ~, '. r 0 ~~>:~...,__.:..._. ._. ~_:.;_.._.;.--~:;~...:,:,_r:. :r::aRaaa,.-~~a<.~~.e.~:.~M. _,~.--- c.::,:...~.u....,....,.~..ri.-..a~...a.,a~.~n~.~rvs.. ...__.~ Minutes of Regular Meeting of November 15, 1999 Page 5 Member Davis noted that the Tree Preservation/Parking LotlDevelopment sub-committee met with rorestry and Community Development staff. Supervisor Hove provided background of the tree preservation policy and Senior Planner Ridley talked about parking lots and developments and how to decrease impervious surfaces. The group is looking for dvedion from the City Council to allow the Advisory Parks Commission and Advisory Planning Commission to meet to discuss the issues and see if there are ways to mitigate some of the concerns. Chair Markell will be discussing this with the Ciry Council on November 23. COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS - 2000 Director Vraa reminded Commission Members Davis, Kane, Karson and Markell that they terms will expire in January. Members Davis, Kane and Karsan are eligible for re-appointment, however Member Markell has met the three consecutive 3-year term limit established by the Ciry Council and will not be eligible far re- appointment. Commission Members wishing to be re-appointed should submit their applications to the City Council by December 15. ROIIND TABLE Relative to the Land Acquisition/Recreation sub-committee meeting regarding Moonshine Park, it wss the consensus of the Commission that this item be deferred to a January meeting. Relative to the Natural Resources sub-committee meting regarding tree mitigation funds, it was the consensus of the Commission that this item be deferred to a January meeting. Member Markell reported to the Commission that the Eagan Central Park review will be at the Ciry Council meeting on November 16. These will also be a City Council workshop with Commission representatives on November 23 to discuss the 1999 work effort and the plans for 2000. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct, John Rudolph moved, Bazbaza Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. ~w ~ ~a-~. ~ ~ ~~o ~ secretary Date --