12/16/1999 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission,~ :r .Subiect to annroval ADVISORY PARKS COMMISSION - EAGAN, MINNESOTA MIIVUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF DECEMBER 16,1999 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. on December 16, ~: 1999 with the following Commission Members present: Joseph Bari, Terry Davis, N. Mark Filipi, Barbara Johnson, Robert Kane, Jr., Bonnie Karson, George Kubik, Lee Markell and Daryle Petersed. +Commission Members Kevin Gutknecht and John Rudolph were not present. Staff present include Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Jeff Asfahl, Superintendent of Recreation; Paul Olson, Parks Superintendent; Gregg Hove, Forestry Supervisor; CJ Lilly, Parks Planner; Eric Macbeth, Water Resources Coordinator; Paula Nowariak, Recreation Supervisor and Cherryl Mesko, Recording Secretary. ,x_ t?~?lt•bF A`I~ENifi Director Vraa added an award presentation after Approval of the November 1 S Minutes and (2) Thomas Lake ClP under Water Resources Update. George. Kubik moved, Barbara Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to accepf the agenda as amended. ~PR.OV1lI.OP'.~~iiIYUT'ES OF IV~VEIER 1S, if George Kubik moved, N. Mark Filipi seconded with all members voting in favor to approve the minutes of the November 15, 1999 meeting as presented. SWARD PRESENTATION Superintendent Olson presented Forestry Supervisor Hove with a Distinguished Service Award from the Minnesota Society of Arboriculture. The award was for service to MSA and/or the field of arboriculture of urban forestry and was specific. to the creation of a music video for elementary school children that illustrates the important relationship between trees and animals in the urban environment. Supervisor Hove stated that it was a great honor to be recognized for doing a job you love to do. TOI~iS TO BE IIE There was no one present who wished to address the Commission under this agenda item. DEPARTMENT IiAPPIEhIIhIGS Items highlighted by Director Vraa included the unseasonably warm weather delaying outdoor ice rinks, staff has begun refurbishing the garage at the Art House, installation of the 2"d phase playground for Red Pine Elementary, manager's meetings for winter adults sports, the Majestic Oaks 2'~ Addition erosion problem, and the aeration of 8 of Eagan's lakes this winter. N5E3V'3' A~~- ~. Daryle Petersen moved, Barbara Johnson seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendations to the City Council regarding Oakwood Heights 3'~ Addition: j . ~ 1. This development shall be responsible for a water quality cash dedication in lieu of on-site ponding. Y ~~,,>~ ~:,.~ .,,~ ,. ..~.~> ~.. ,, ;.... ~.,~. - ..::.....,.a - ...;.:~nr~.. ~..;>,..Har:ar.5r~;°._.....~ mob; ~::.. ,.._.. ;..__._ ~y:;~:. ,,.,. _, `~.:.-:...~'l.°s s~::.Sr~, ... ..__.s._ «.+F::~~:....~_._____. Advisory Pazks Commission '` Minutes of December 16, 1999 meeting Page 2 ~ Barbara Johnson moved, George Kubik seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following `~ recommendations to the City Council regazding Hawthorne Suite Hotel: L This development shall be responsible for a cash parks dedication and a cash trails dedication. 2. According to the City of Eagan Tree Preservation Ordinance, the~iequired tree mitigation calculates to the installation of twenty-one (21) category A trees, or forty-two (42) category B ~_ trees, or eighty-foot (84) category C trees, or an equivalent combination of these trees as j mitigation for tree removal in excess of allowable limits. Mitigation shall be in addition to any city required landscaping. _ 3. A revised tree mitigation plan shall be submitted before final plat approval that separates tree mitigation trees from landscape required trees. - 4. Tree Protective measures (i.e. orange colored silt fence or 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) shall be required to be installed at the Drip Line or at the peruneter of the Critical Root :Zone, whichever is greater, of significant treeslwoodlands to be preserved. S. The applicant shall contact the City Forestry Division and set up apre-construction site inspection at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan and placement of the Tree Protection Fencing. 5. A water quality cash dedication in lieu of on-site ponding shall be required. V~~+O~'tVIE1tiTT PRO~DSAL' MURPHY FARM 3aD ADDITION -RAY MILLER Director Vraa provided the background of this proposal noting that the applicant is requesting preliminary subdivision approval to allow the creation of a 25-lot single family residential subdivision north of Murphy Pazkway and east of Donegal Way, bordering Blackhawk Park. Vraa continued that this development previously fulfilled its pazkland dedication when the access to Blackhawk Pazk was negotiated. He did note that the developer would be ~` responsible for a trail from the entrance of Blackhawk Pazk to Donegal Way through a cash dedication. Forestry Supervisor Hove reviewed the significant vegetation on the site. The tree inventory, which has been modified by staff indicated there aze 565 individual significant trees on site. The deciduous species include red oak, bur oak, black cherry, birch, ash, aspen, and cottonwood, 6-40" in diameter. Some of the older oak trees are estimated to be at least 150 .years old. The consfer species include red pine, spruce and cedaz, averaging about 40 feet in height. Supervisor Hove shared an aerial photo of the site showing the existing woodlands. He also explained that there was considerable grade change on the site, especially on the northeast side. The developer is proposing the removal of 190 of the significant trees (34%) to allow preparation of the site at once. Since the allowable tree removal is 40%, no tree mitigation will be required for this site, however, staff is recommending that individual lot tree preservation plans be required for Lots 1, 2, 3, 5, 7-16, 18, 21-24. Member Davis asked if there will be individual lot tree removai given the developer wants to grade the entire site at one time. Supervisor Hove suggested that that question would need to be answered by the applicant. ;~ ' ~' Member Johnson questioned an area parallel to the Blackhawk Park entrance road that appeared to be a ~' large area marked for tree removal. Supervisor Hove explained that the area was the entrance to Lot 18, which, as d, proposed, would result in significant vegetative removal adjacent to the Blackhawk Park entrance road. ~; ,_ _ _ _ .:,. _, n ., t Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of December 16, 1999 meeting __ ~,- Page 3 .. Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth explained that he has been working with homeowners to the east of the Blackhawk Park entrance road who wanted to work on expanding the acity of the sediment d behind their ceP l~ lots. Macbeth continued that 60% of the runoff from this development can be used,to expand the sediment pond and ;' the 40% remaining would leave the site without any further treatment. He expressed concern that additional silt fence would need to be installed to prevent erosion on Lot 21. Member Markell asked if there were erosion concerns for other lots. Macbeth responded that there are some concerns on all lots. Member Johnson asked if there would be ponding on Lot i 8. Coordinator Macbeth said there should not be ponding on that lot; it should run to the east and under the road to the pond. Member Kubik pointed out a hydrant location. near the trail adjacent to the park entrance and expressed concern that the vegetation that had been plamed in that area will have to be removed. Director Vraa responded by pointing out the area Member Kubik had referenced and stated that staff has asked if this hydrant could be moved to another location. If the hydrant stayed in this location, Vraa added, a 16' wide area would be needed, resuhing in the removal of significant vegetation currently in place. - " .. Another concern expressed by Director Vraa was the steep grade of the driveway for Lot 18. Because it is a north facing driveway, it may pose some difficuhy in the winter as it enters onto Murphy Parkway. Ray Miller addressed the Commission stating that he is an Eagan homeowner living in the area and will move into this development when it's completed. He added that Paul Danielson from BRW, the consulting engineer for this project, was present to answer any questions the Commission may have. Member Petersen asked why the fire hydrant was placed where it was and wondered if it was to service Lot 18. Mr. Danielson responded that the hydrant was required by the Fire Department. They originally placed the hydrant closer to the location of the home on Lot 18 but there were some concerns raised by staff about that location. Mr. Danielson stated they would work with staff and look at other location options so as not to disturb the vegetation. Member Petersen asked if the Fire Department had concerns about getting fire trucks up the driveway. Mr. Danielson responded that they have included a flat area near Murphy Parkway and near the home to meet those concerns. Member Markell expressed concern for the safety and impervious surface of the 320' driveway. for Lot 18, the serious visual impact that this particular lot will have on the entrance to Blackhawk Park and opined that this lot is a real stretch for this development. Member Davis added that if Lot 18 didn't exist there would not be a need for a fire hydrant. Member Johnson asked if Lot 18 was planned first with the balance of the lots designed around it or vice versa. Mr. Miller responded that they were careful in their planning to preserve the Look and integrity of the site and this is just how the lots could be laid out while maintaining the 251ots they needed for the site. Member Markell reiterated that the entrance to Blackhawk Park will be significantly ahered with this flag lot. Member Petersen opined that Lot 18 was out of character with the other parts of this development. He . suggested combining Lots 12 and 18 rather than separating them.. He added that be was opposed to flag lots and that it doesn't fit with this development. Mr. Miller responded that 251ots are required for this development to occur. During the planning process they have gone from 26 to 25 lots and pointed out the difficulty of the site because of the significant grade changes. -~.. -._ v ..,~_ . ..~,.. ,,,~. _~ _ ~e__.r...- ~`. ~: s:, ~; Adviso Pazks Comm' 'o \ a ry ~ssi n ~ Minutes of December 16, 1999 meeting . Page 4 a: ~~- Member Markell asked the applicant if he could say that the visual and aesthetic value of Blackhawk Park won't be impacted by this development. Mr. Miller responded that he would work to minimize the number of trees ~~ removed on the site by removing only those trees necessary to develop the land, i.e. wads and utilities. Director Vraa and Parks Planner CJ Lilly shared cross sections and photos of the area adjacent to the Blackhawk Park entrance mad that will be impacted by the installation of a driveway to Lot 18. Member Markell asked Mr. Miller what options he had looked at for this development. Mr. Miller stated that several options had been considered including the possibility of creating a flag lot behind Lot 21, however the ~# slopes created some significant issues. Mr. Miller reiterated that they had looked at multiple scenarios in trying to ~'° find the balance of maintaining 251ots on the site to make the development viable. N. Mark Filipi noted that there has been significant discussion about Lot 18 that borders Blackhawk Park. Member Filipi moved, and Member Davis seconded, with all members voting in favor to defer this item to the x Natural Resouroes/Land Acquisition sub-committee for further review. ~~ __ ~` Member Markell suggested an option that could be considered would be the City's acquisition of Lot 18 or ~- discuss what o tions can be considered for re-desi Member Kubik su ested that the P gn• gg applicant be included in the subcommittee meeting. Mr. Miller commented that there was some urgency with this project since it was to appear before the City Council on January 4, 2000. He added that the property owners had been assured that this would be handled by the City in a timely fashion and they are expecting that this process will not be delayed. He then asked how soon the ~'~ sub-committee would meet and if it could be before the Advisory Planning Commission meeting on December 21. Member Davis responded that the Commission is bending over backwards to make this work but if the applicant is forcing a decision immediately, the consensus of the Commission appears to be to deny the development because of the impact to Blackhawk Park specifically by Lot 18. Mr. Miller reiterated the property owners want to see a decision made soon and do not want the process delayed. Member Davis stated that asub-committee meeting will not occur before December 21 and asked if the City Council required a recommendation from the APrC to proceed. Director Vraa explained that this would not slow down the process for the applicant. They can continue through the process and meet with the Advisory Planning Commission without a recommendation fi-om the Advisory Parks Commission. They also have the option to go directly to the City Council from that point if they so choose. N : Mr. Miller asked if they could meet with the sub-committee and then get back to the whole Commission prior to the City Council meeting. It was noted that the next Commission meeting would be after the Jaauary 4 City Council meeting. Mr. Danielson stated that the rezoning needs to occur at the January 4 City Council meeting and Mr. Miller again reiterated that they had been assured that this would be done by January 4. ~, Member Davis pointed out that even if the APrC made a recommendation to acquire Lot 18, City Council approval would be necessary before this could occur. Member Petersen asked if the sub-committee would be able to meet before the next Commission meeting. Director Vraa interjected that they would need to meet sooner if this item is, in fact; going to the Council on January 4. 1, Following further discussion, asub-committee meeting was set for December 28 at 5:00 p.m. Member Kubik asked ifthis was a workable time frame. Director Vraa stated that it would be very fight. but would provide an opportunity to discuss what options are possible. Member Kubik stated that a very good information bank would be necessary for this to be a successful meeting, therefore, everyone attending would need to be prepared to assess all options presented. Following fiuther discussion, Daryle Petersen moved, Terry Davis seconded with all members voting in favor to make the following recommendationsregarding Murphy Farm 3'~ Addition: 1. This proposal shall be responsible for a cash trails dedication fora trail to be constructed along Murphy Parkway from the entrance to Bhickhawk Park to Donegal Way. 2. According to the City of Eagan Tree Preservation Ordinance there is no tree mitigation applied to this application, however, individual lot tree preservation plans will be required for lots 1, 2, 3, 3, 7-16, 18, 21-24. 3. Tree Protective measures (i.e. orange colored sih fence or 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting) shall be required to be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved. 4. The applicant shall be required to contact the City Forestry Division and set up apre-construction site inspection at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan and placement of the Tree Protection Fencing. 5. A cash dedication in lieu of on-site ponding should be required for 40 percent of the area (5.1 acres) of this development. 6. This development shall be referred to a December 28, 1999 Land Acquisition sub-committee meeting to discuss the potential options of Lot 18. LLD BUSIIV~SS There were no items under Old Business for the Commission to review. ~~ $USI BASKETBALL PROPOSAL Chris Moarn, a local developer, addressed the Commission requesting consideration for apublic-private initiative to develop a basketball/volleyball facility. The City Council had asked the Commission to review the request and report its findings and recommendations. Mr. Moarn presented a video of the type of facility he would propose in Eagan and shared some of elements that a Hoops facility could offer residents of Eagan and the surrounding area. Because of the tremendous growth of youth basketball in the community, Mr. Moam thought that this would be an ideal location for a facility of this type. The City is being asked to consider this type of facility on the Central Park property the City is trying to acquire. Mr. Moarn commented that although he does not have all the answers, he would like to see what kind of facility can work in Eagan. He suggested consideration of a center court design that can provide seating for up to 900 but allows flexibility for dances, proms, and other special events. The multiple courts surrounding the center would continue to be used for ongoing court activities. He opined that this would be a great opportunity to provide an interesting element to the site in a private/public partnership. g Member Bari asked how many facilities there are in the country now. Mr. Moan responded there were 4 privately owned and 2 private/public facilities. Member Petersen asked if this was the only property they have looked at for the facility.. Mr. Moan responded that the center court scenario would work well at this site. Member Davis asked how the review. of this proposal could integrate into the Community Center Task - .;~ Force rather than just a small getup from the Advisory Parks Commission. Director Vraa commented that the Task Force is more global in scope and a smaller group may be able to look at this issue in more detail . ~ _... ...........-__..,...___..... ;,-x _., ... ~-std..-..~«...~.::,s_::.~s...k ....k ... ..~N:...:..r-str,,.......,~ ,r ~.x.~ __ ,< M:,~..... _ ,., ,. ,_........ Advisory Pazks Commission - _ Minutes of December 16, 1999 meeting Page 6 Mr. Moans was thanked for his presentation and no further direction was given by the Commission. TEEN ISSUE Director Vraa introduced this item stating that the report is intended to provide background information on youth and teens and identify possible responses the community might undertake to meet the needs of Eagan Teens. This issue is becoming more and more important in communities and the Commission may want to start to figure out where Parks and Recreation fits into the overall picture. Recreation Supervisor. Paula Nowariak presented some of the highlights of the report citing many facts and statistics from the Search Institute, which has studied youth development for more than 10 years. She reviewed the external and internal assets and pointed out 60 ideas for building assets. Member Mazkell asked how the City can partner with some of the existing church youth programs and asked what other cities have top-notch programs. Supervisor Nowariak commented that Burnsville has a teen facility that took S years of planning before it opened. A Weed and Seed Grant was the beginning for their planned facility and services but took a great deal of work by the community to accomplish. This type of progamming entails significant commitment from the Commission, City Council and community to be successful Member Kubik recalled trying to get youth to participate on the Recreation sub-committee. He noted that this required extensive staff support to accomplish. Member Bari suggested that this report should be a part of the consideration in looking at a potential community center. He also suggested that the report be used as a guide to help the City in making decisions.- regarding the needs of teens. Member Petersen asked if the meetings between teens and aduhs, which had been held in the past several years, were still on-going. Director Vraa responded that the focus of those meetings was for a youth facility but the City Council chose to put dollars toward a teen facility at the YMCA. Member Petersen recalled that the group had verbalized some of their concerns at that time. Member Johnson suggested following up with the YMCA to see what has been accomplished with teens at their facility. If it has not been successful, there is a need to see what else can be done. Member Davis noted that there are no'teen members on the Community Center Task Force and asked if we could encourage them to attend since they have a vested interest. Member 7ohnson also noted that a Teen Center. was discussed at Cedarvale. She suggested that this issue needs to be more focused rather than scattering in lots of directions. Member Markell asked what other cities with similar demographics have done. Member Petersen reiterated Member Bart's comment about using the report to help identify issues and how they can be resolved. They thanked Supervisor Nowariak for an excellent report. Supervisor Nowariak concluded by stating that the City as a whole needs to determine the direction they are going with addressing teen issues in the community and need to work collectively to try to reach those goals. SET JANUARY MEETING DATE The January Commission meeting was set for January 10, 2000 with January 19 as the back-up date if the Council chambers are not available on the 10'". ` Y ,. _. ~.~RKS A~tD ~tECREATiUN i~'DA1`E Superintendent Olson stated that staff is planning to begin the flooding of ricks on December 19 with the earliest opening scheduled for the week of December 27. It is anticipated that the Goat Hill Park rink with the bituminous surface will be open by Christmas. Olson added that the City has hired approximately 30+ rink attendants to date. ~ ., Superintendent Asfahl noted that the women's chorus has started off very well and the interest continues to grow. There were 65 applicants for the Special Events Supervisor position with 6 candidates reaching the final interview phase. Asfahl added that the Friends of the Farm programming committee met and that Recreation Supervisors Nowariak, Rippe and Rivamonte are aggressively working on new programming opportunities. ~~~ x~uva~c~s ~T FISH LAKE CIP Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth noted that Fish Lake is the City's highest priority water body and has been inhabited by curlyleaf pondweed since approximately 1988.. The Diagnostic/Feasibility Study and Implementation Plan (Plan) for Fish Lake recommends decreasing the abundance of curlyleaf pondweed in the lake to improve both its water quality and recreational suitability. The Plan for Fish Lake identifies control of curlyleaf ponweed as a management priority. Control strategies recommended included both winter water-level downdraw to freeze in-shore lake sediments and cutting/harvesting of the macrophyte in intermediate depths of the lake, prior to winter bud release in late spring or early summer. Staff believes that a minimal drawdown capability of 4-6 feet is necessary to provide an acceptable level of control for curlyleaf pondweed, however the lake has a maximum gravity drawdown of only about 2 feet. In 1997 the Natural Resources Subcommittee met with Rich Branch and recommended that consideration be given only to two options to drawdown the lake; 1) construction of a new gravity outlet and 2) permanent installation of a submersible pump (lift station). Since that meeting, research by engineering consultants point to the construction of a lift station as the most effective way of lowering Fish Lake 46 feet. The improvement will be paid for with a 0% interest loan thathas been extended according to Macbeth. Member Bari asked how long this will last and expressed concern for fish kill. Coordinator Macbeth responded that they don't expect much fish kill. Member Kubik expressed interest in getting feedback on the results of this project. Following further brief discussion, Tenry Davis moved, George Kub~7c seconded with all members voting in favor to submit a request to the City Council to direct the preparation by engineering consultants of necessary plans, specifications, and bid documents for this project and to authorize the advertisement of Requests for Proposals to construct the projecK. THOMAS LAKE CIP Water Resources Coordinator Macbeth explained thatBP-12 is a sediment basin located south of Thomas Lake and just north of Well Station #13 along C1iffRoad. According to the City's Stormwater Management Plan, BP-12 is designed to have a normal water level of 908.0 and a high water level of 914.0. Ideally, runoffthat enters BP-12 needs to stay as long as possible for sediment in it to settle out to reduce phosphorus loading to Thomas Lake. Macbeth continued that evidence over the past several years suggests that stonmwater entering Thomas Lake near BP-12 is not being adequately treated by BP-12. -d._ ~ -; ~_ Advisory Parks Commission _ Minutes of December 16, 1999 meeting Page 8 Coordinator Macbeth explained that the project entails the excavation of BP-12 to create as much treatment capacity as possible for water quality purposes. The project is expected to be carried out in Winter 2000 by the Engineering Department. :, ;. ,: Following further brief discussion, George Kubik moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with all members voting in favor to request the City Council to proceed with this project by directing the preparation of necessary plans and specification. _ ,BU~~ ,~'POItTS ' HOLZ FARM ANNUAL REPORT Chair Markell reviewed the Holz Farm Annual report noting that the Friends of the Farm had a very successful year culminating with an extremely well attended Lone Oak Days. The programming sub-committee has begun brainstorming for 2000 and would welcome input from Commission Members. SUBCOMMITTEE UPDATES There were no subcommittee updates. PARKING/IMPERVIOUS SURFACE TASK FORCE UPDATE Member Davis stated that be and Member Markell approached the City Council to foam a joint task force ~ consisting of members from the Advisory Planning Commission and the Advisory Parks Commission to review parking and impervious surface issues that relate to development. It was noted that the Advisory Planning Commission was eager to participate and appointed Carla Heyl and Meg Tilley to represent their group. Members Davis and Petersen were appointed to represent the APrC. Lee Markell and Larry Frank will participate as residents since neither will be serving as a Commission Member. SET MEETING -TREE MITIGATION FUND TASK FORCE The Tree Mitigation Fund Task Force set their meeting for December 28,1999 following review of the Murphy Farm 3`~ Addition. The Land Acquisition/Natural Resources sub-committees will participate in this. meeting. SET JANUARY MEETING -MOONSHINE PARK PLANNING The Moonshine Park Planning meeting was set for 6:00 p.m., preceding the January Commission meeting. Members Johnson and Filipe volunteered to participate in the meeting. Bonnie Karson volunteered to serve a resident representative since she will not be serving as a Commission Member following the January meeting. COMUNICATIONS Director Vraa brought the Commission's attention to a petition signed by 112 senior residents of Eagan requesting that the City establish a senior citizen's center similar to those of other communities. The petition was sent to the City Administrator for Council direction. 'There was no action required by the Commission Advisory Parks Commission Minutes of December 16, 1999 meeting Page 9 MOUND TABLE There were no Round Table items discussed. ~-DJOURNMENT With no further business to conduct George Kubik moved, Daryle Petersen seconded with all members voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. ~~,~~~ ~~ ~1~/0~ Secretary Dates-~'