03/09/2021 - City Council SpecialMINUTES
MARCH 9, 2021
5:30 P.M.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a virtual meeting of the Special City Council was held on Tuesday,
March 9, 2021 at 5:30 p.m.
City Councilmembers present: Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Bakken, Fields, Hansen and Supina.
City staff present: City Administrator Osberg, Assistant City Administrator Miller, Finance Director
Pepper, Assistant Finance Director Feldman, Communications and Engagement Director Ellickson, Public
Works Director Matthys, Parks and Recreation Director Pimental, Police Chief New, City Clerk Scipioni,
and Animal Control Officer Opstad.
Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Hansen seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as
presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 (Roll Call)
There were no visitors to be heard.
City Administrator Osberg welcomed Luther Wynder, MVTA Chief Executive Officer, and Richard
Crawford, MVTA Public Information Manager.
Chief Executive Officer Luther Wynder of the MVTA provided an update on the organization and was
available for questions.
Mayor Maguire thanked Mr. Wynder for the update.
City Administrator Osberg noted at its January 12, 2021 Special Council workshop, the Council received a
utilities infrastructure needs analysis presentation from AE2S, the City's engineering consultant. The City
contracted with Northland Securities to perform a rate study, utilizing the AE2S report for capital needs,
and accessing data from our billing system to help create a long-term utilities operating and capital
financing plan.
Tammy Omdal from Northland Securities gave a presentation and was available for questions.
The Council discussed and provided feedback on the study.
Regarding the revenue sufficiency objectives, it was the consensus of the Council to maintain ending
cash balances to cover three -months of operating expense; following year debt service; and reserve for
capital. To maintain cash (unrestricted net position) of the Utilities Funds as percent of expense to not
Special City Council Minutes
March 9, 2021
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be less than 50%. And to transition over the next two decades to pay -go funding versus debt for annual
Regarding the rate calculations, it was the consensus of the Council to adopt annual rate increases;
implement an infrastructure fee and make it the same for all customers, not different based on
customer classification; do show the fee on the bill as a separate line item; and maintain a quarterly
billing cycle.
City Administrator Osberg walked through the next steps. Osberg noted this item will be brought back
to the April 6, 2021 City Council meeting on consent agenda for formal consideration.
City Administrator Osberg noted every two years, the City of Eagan engages an independent research
firm to conduct a scientific survey of residents. For the 2020 survey, the City partnered with National
Research Center (NRC).
Communication and Engagement Director Joe Ellickson gave a presentation about the key findings of
the survey and was available for questions.
The Council and Communication and Engagement Director Ellickson discussed the survey results.
City Administrator Osberg noted at the January 12, 2021 City Council work session, the Council directed
preparation of an ordinance amendment to require a leash for dogs off their owner's property. The City
Attorney's Office has drafted an ordinance amendment for Council review.
Police Chief New and Animal Control Officer Opstad were available for questions.
City Clerk Scipioni noted as background for Council, there are two existing enforcement mechanisms for
leash law/animal regulations:
1. Civil —City Code establishes a $250 per occurrence civil fee for the third and each subsequent
violation of an animal control regulation within a year.
2. Criminal —Violation of the leash law is a misdemeanor, which is often adjudicated to a petty
City Clerk Scipioni walked through the Policy Issues:
At the January work session, Council directed staff to review whether electronic collars
would be an appropriate alternative to leashes. The draft ordinance amendment does
not allow electronic collars in lieu of leashes. Animal Control has found that electronic
collars are often used incorrectly and can increase a dog's level of anxiety.
• The City Attorney opined that the ordinance should not speak directly to the issue of
animals at -large while on apartment or townhome properties, as they are private
properties for enforcement by the property owner. The attorney noted the ordinance
would be enforceable if and when the at -large animal went onto public right-of-way or a
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March 9, 2021
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City sidewalk or trail.
The Council discussed the draft ordinance and provided feedback. The Council directed the definition of
"at large" for horses clarify that horses being ridden are not considered at large.
It was the consensus of the City Council the Leash Law Ordinance be placed on a future Council agenda
for formal consideration. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 (Roll Call)
There was no other business to be heard.
Councilmember Bakken moved, Councilmember Supina seconded a motion to adjourn at 8:22 p.m.
Aye: 5 Nay: 0 (Roll Call)
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City Clerk