06/09/2020 - Energy and Environment Advisory CommissionEAGAN C6T40U{MQ01060 WORSHOP MEETING MINUTES OF THE ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION Tuesday, June 9, 2020 VIIORKSHOP'�MINUTES OF ;lune 9, �02?D A workshop meeting of the Energy and Environment Advisory Commission (EEAC) began at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 and concluded at 6:32 p.m. Commission Members present included Dave Timmons, Joshua Baker, Stacy Fleenor, Stefnee Trzpuc, Peter Dugan, Ian Ziese, Stacy Miller and Mike Supina. Staff member present was Director of Parks & Recreation Andrew Pimental and Assistant Director Jared Flewellen. Sub -committee reports Water Quality— Met in the winter at the Eagan Arms and had a follow conversation with Russ Mathys on the application of road salt. Next for review is to summarize and possibly recommend additional information to the city. Also reviewed surrounding cities and state policies on road salt but more specifically run off. More review is needed from communities. Community Engagement — Impacted by Covid for outreach events and would like to focus on web based information. Climate Action Plan — Provided drafts at last meeting and editing the final document. Will send off to Director of Parks and Recreation for Council review. Future Goals • Residential landscaping policies • Remote composting • EV Green Fleet Policy • Next Step Climate Action Plan • Drinking Water Quality Awareness • Compostable takeout containers • Exploration of new construction minimal requirements • GreenStep goals Energy and Environment Advisory Commission June 9, 2020 Page 2 Director's Report • Facilities will begin to open starting tomorrow with the Eagan Community Center. GreenSteps Cities — 3 r year in a row we have achieved both level 4 and level 5. Level 4 is achieved if you fill out your metrics but do not show improvement in at least three areas. The main areas we showed improvement on was fleet miles per gallon, purchase of the public car charging station at ECC, solar installation at Bridle Park and solar garden subscription to make the Eagan Community Center 100% alternative energy supplied. LED conversions in several indoor and outdoor spaces, and investments in the campus buildings and parking lot work in Cascade Bay. Council will hold interviews for commission members on the 14th of July — if all can stay on until probably August, that would be good. Lj Secretary Date