4168 Pilot Knob Rd - Certificate of Occupancy,?--?r- .t? &r#tfira#r jaf (Orrupanry Cifp of Cagan ? ? d waktig 3wertion Tltls Catifiaate F?d ptusuaraovdrenqar6siarms ojSection 306of the Uniforni Bia7diag Code cemIYinS daw at rAre rimeof iu=awcc du&s*ucture ms In comp!'raioQe with tJu mrious ordinanars of die GVj' regubft bm7?rig Qoaswadion or use For the following: tbeCw.T.d.l:(1MMF.RCTAi. TNT _ TMPR _ p* ?a NiL 19650 OowPaacT iYPe B2 ZaftDWdt:t Type - OwsQ d Bmlft T F .TMW OD /Idm. 6640 izi OW FO. EM PUME P05T N A COF4SPIalOlIS PL.ACE (ttrftf t.Cafe of COrxuptturg +TEMPORARY+ : Citp of (Eagan EP}iFitftPYl# Df l1Li1b[rig JilS.pPtfTm Tbir Cntificatt itateud pterstuint to tbe nrjnircmcnis of Sation 306 of tbe Uniform Building Codr eatifyiag tfiat at t!x timu of issuanu ebis strrrctsin waJ in compliaxu wub thr varioru ordinancta of tbe Crtr nguIating baildirig coxstfaction or rue. Fw tbc following: SHOPPING CENTER ??Nm"No 8045 u.e cr?e? O-Pa-r m• B- 2 n,P c..wUCow. I I I NFin za,,. NA zoming a.tna NB 0...ee*Am, James RefriQeratioxk,..P.O. Box 24137. Mpls. riaLa ,?ip- F` ?'.(v.lidJa?? November 3, 1983 ,h(? e orno,, wu: TEMPORARY - NORTH END ONLY 49 ' ? .. - &r#i#trafr of (Orxu?aury Citp of (gagan ioppa#ttilm of Wltiom jIiwpl'ttDtt M cerny'uate isuert pw=a„r ro rhe requ&vwnrs ofsoaion j06 ofrhe U?rforra asdOng Code certilyin8 dsat at !he time ojissuance this srrucuve wns iR anmpliance with the mriaus ordinances of the CYty re8'uAsd8 buAdinS anawiudioa or use Fvr Qre joUowing. POST W A CONSPICUOUS PUCE ux m,mmi, TFNANP IMPR-'r'.,FiaOFRA= eW& ra rb. 18290 Oa-p-y lype B2 Zomg DemiU Type Cnml 0,,=,( wadi, JAMs RDcERArtaa ao.A„,= P.O. BCD: 24137. rRs.